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The biomass, elemental composition, and rates of ingestion and excretion by macrozoo‐plankon associated with the upwelling plume off the north‐west coast of the South Island, New Zealand, were investigated in March‐April 1983. Ingestion and excretion rates of the major zoo‐plankton species were combined with abundance data to determine the spatial and temporal variability which may influence phytoplankton dynamics in the plume system. Zooplankton biomass near Cape Kahurangi was dominated by small copepods like Acartia ensifera (up to 60%). In the South Tar‐anaki Bight, larval and adult forms of the euphau‐siid Nyctiphanes australis commonly contributed up to 60% of biomass. However, the carbon ingestion and ammonia excretion patterns of N. australis were spatially displaced from those of the total zooplankton community in the South Taranaki Bight because of higher weight‐specific metabolic rates for the smaller copepods. Close to the focus of the upwelling near the Kahurangi Shoals, grazing pressure on the phytoplankton was high, but as the upwelled water was advected into the Taranaki Bight, carbon production exceeded utilisation by zooplankton. Relatively high rates of ammonia excretion were also associated with peak zooplankton biomass near the Kahurangi Shoals and in the eastern Taranaki Bight.  相似文献   

The dynamics of benthic primary production and community respiration in a shallow oligotrophic, marine lagoon (Fællestrand, Denmark) was followed for 1·5 years. The shape of the annual primary production cycle was explained primarily by seasonal changes in temperature (r2 = 0·67-0·72) and daylength (r2 = 0·63), whereas temperature almost explained all variation in benthic community respiration (r2 = 0·83-0·87). On a daily basis the benthic system was autotrophic during spring and summer supplied by 'new' and 'regenerated' nitrogen and predominantly heterotrophic during fall and winter caused by light and nutrient limitation. The linear depth-relationship between porewater alkalinity and ammonium indicated that the C:N ratio of mineralized organic matter is low in spring and summer (3-6) and high in fall and winter (9-16). This is inversely related to net primary production and thus the input of labile, nitrogen-rich algal cells. Accordingly, mineralization occurred predominantly in the upper 2-5 cm of the sediment. The pool of reactive material (microalgal cells) was estimated to account for 12% of total organic carbon in the upper 3 cm, and had an average turnover time of less than 1 month in summer. Assimilation of organic carbon by benthic animals was equivalent to about 30% of the annual gross primary production. Grazing reduced chlorophyll a concentration in the sediment during summer and spring to values 30-40% lower than in winter, but maintained a 3-4 times higher specific microalgal productivity. The rapid turnover of organic carbon and nitrogen, and important role of benthic microalgae showed that the benthic community in this oligotrophic lagoon is of a very dynamic nature.  相似文献   

The second and third recorded births of southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina on the mainland of New Zealand occurred at Kaikoura in mid‐October 1976. One female pup died within 14 d of birth and the other (sex unknown) disappeared from the region with its mother on 19 November 1976.  相似文献   

Rates of respiration and ammonia excretion of Euphausia hanseni and Nematoscelis megalops were determined experimentally at four temperatures representative of conditions encountered by these euphausiid species in the northern Benguela upwelling environment. The respiration rate increased from 7.7 µmol O2 h?1 gww ?1 at 5 °C to 18.1 µmol O2 h?1 gww ?1 at 20 °C in E. hanseni and from 7.0 µmol O2 h?1 gww ?1 (5 °C) to 23.4 µmol O2 h?1 gww ?1 (20 °C) in N. megalops. The impact of temperature on oxygen uptake of the two species differed significantly. Nematoscelis megalops showed thermal adaptations to temperatures between 5 °C and 10 °C (Q10 = 1.9) and metabolic constraint was evident at higher temperatures (Q10 = 2.6). In contrast, E. hanseni showed adaptations to temperatures of 10–20 °C (Q10 = 1.5) and experienced metabolic depression below 10 °C (Q10 = 2.6). Proteins were predominantly metabolised by E. hanseni in contrast to lipids by N. megalops. Carbon demand of N. megalops between 5 and 15 °C was lower than in E. hanseni versus equal food requirements at 20 °C. It is concluded that the two species display different physiological adaptations, based on their respective temperature adaptations, which are mirrored in their differential vertical positioning in the water column.  相似文献   

Christian  Schiller 《Marine Ecology》1993,14(3):221-238
Abstract. The temperate, symbiotic coral Cladocora caespitosa occurs naturally with variable numbers of zooxanthellae. This allows us to study differences in the physiology of symbiotic and "non-symbiotic" polyps and to correlate them with zooxanthellae activities.
Zooxanthellae density in "dark" (normal-colored) polyps was 50 times higher than in "white" (bleached) polyps.
The chlorophyll a content per zooxanthella was 3 times, and Chi c was 13 times higher in white polyps than in dark ones. O2-flux experiments were conducted with colonies in situ and with single polyps - dark and white - under laboratory conditions. Two approaches were used to evaluate the contribution of zooxanthellae translocation products to animal respiration. Both revealed that the animal tissues derive a higher benefit from the zooxanthellae during periods of low water temperature than during warm periods.  相似文献   

为探究多环芳烃(PAHs)对海洋生物的生态毒理效应,作者将仿刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)分别暴露于质量浓度为10、20、50、100、150μg/L的菲、三甲基菲、蒽和二甲基蒽中,检测4种代表性多环芳烃胁迫下仿刺参的耗氧率和排氨率.结果显示:在不同质量浓度多环芳烃的胁迫下,仿刺参的耗氧率均显著高...  相似文献   

为对生态系统的健康评估及底栖生物资源的开发利用提供技术支撑,在胶州湾筏式养殖水域,建立了底栖生物生产力现场测试系统(BCSPM),并在光照和黑暗条件下测定了沉积物海水界面溶解氧随时间的变化、计算了氧通量、估算了底栖总初级生产力和群落呼吸。在光照较强的中午时刻测定的群落总生产力为20.76mgCm^-2h^-1;养殖水域沉积物中的群落呼吸要高于邻近水域。BCSPM整体运转良好,初步结果为系统的改进和进一步实验提供了依据。  相似文献   

Teredicola typicus, previously recorded from Bankia australis Caiman, 1920 at two sites in the Auckland area, has been found at Bay of Islands, Whangarei, Mahurangi, and Coromandel Harbours in the North Island of New Zealand. Two specimens have also been found in another shipworm, Lyrodus pedicellatus (Quatrefages, 1849) at Coromandel, a first record from this host in New Zealand.  相似文献   

对厦门湾塔角附近海域某站位叶绿素 a、POC、初级生产力、234Th/238U不平衡进行的周日变化研究表明,POC含量介于14.4~34.6 mmol/m3之间,其中碎屑有机碳与活体有机碳所占份额分别为74%~92%和8%~26%.POC垂直分布呈现由表及底降低的趋势,且白昼期间POC含量高于晚间,说明研究海域POC含量与生物过程具有密切联系.初级生产力水平在1d之中变化达5倍,垂直分布亦随深度增加而降低,与叶绿素a的变化相对应.短时间(2h)培养获得的初级生产力水平明显高于长时间培养(24 h)的结果,证实部分新固定的碳被优先呼吸排出.结合234Th/238U不平衡法获得的颗粒态234Th输出通量及输出界面颗粒物中的POC/PTh比值,可计算出真光层 POC的垂向输出通量为16.0mmol/(m2·d),其中碎屑有机碳与活体有机碳贡献的数量分别为13.3和2.7mmol/(m2·d).POC输出通量与初级生产力的比值(ThE比值)平均为0.31,真光层POC停留时间平均为11d.上述结果与Aksnes和Wassmann[1]的模型计算结果相吻合,但与其他大多数模型的结果仍存在一定的差异.  相似文献   

We establish the relationships between concentrations of inorganic suspended sediments (ISS) on light, nutrients, phytoplankton, and bacteria in three oligotrophic lakes (four sites) and we use these relationships to predict the impacts of increasing concentrations of ISS on the biomass and productivity of phytoplankton and bacteria in the lakes. Increased concentrations of ISS contributed little available nutrient to the lakes. The relationships between ISS and underwater light attenuation differed among lakes because of variation in sediment size‐structure, and composition. Only at the site with the highest ISS concentrations and a relatively deep mixing depth, were phytoplankton apparently light‐limited and, thus, predicted to decline with increased ISS concentrations. In contrast to previously published studies, bacterial abundance and production were not highly correlated to suspended sediment concentrations in these lakes. However, bacterial biomass, productivity, and specific productivity were more strongly correlated to phytoplankton production. As a result of light limitation and stimulation of bacterial production, increases in ISS concentrations are not predicted to significantly shift the metabolic balance in the planktonic ecosystem of three of the sites towards greater heterotrophy. Where light limits phytoplankton production, increases in ISS are predicted to reduce the productivity of both phytoplankton and bacteria by direct inhibition of phytoplankton production, again without a large shift towards greater importance of the microbial loop. By reducing phytoplankton production and inhibiting larger cladoceran grazers, we predict that high concentrations of ISS will reduce available energy and its flow up the food chain.  相似文献   

以体长(1.932±0.204)cm、体质量(1.386±0.055)g的棘胸蛙蝌蚪为实验动物,在水温(24±0.2)℃、DO(7.30±0.01)mg/L、pH 7.30±0.01条件下,采用静水停食法开展了氨氮对蝌蚪的急性攻毒实验,并以此为基础,测定了不同氨氮质量浓度胁迫下棘胸蛙蝌蚪的排氨率、耗氧率、氧氮比及窒息点。结果表明:(1)蝌蚪对氨氮急性攻毒具明显的运动避毒行为,濒死个体的背部皮肤和肝脏均具明显的色变症状;(2)氨氮对蝌蚪的急性致死率具明显的剂量—时间效应,24h、48h、72h、96h LC50依次为177.5、151.7、148.6和146.8mg/L,毒性时段蓄积程度系数呈持续下降趋势,24—48h、48—72h、72—96h的时段MAC值分别为84.04%、10.1%和5.86%;(3)蝌蚪夜均、昼均、日均及时段排氨率随氨氮质量浓度增加均呈阶梯式下降趋势,其中时段排氨率与对照组均无显著差异的为9.80mg/L实验组,夜均、昼均、日均及时段排氨率与对照组均无显著差异的仅为2.45mg/L实验组(P0.05);(4)氨氮对蝌蚪呼吸耗氧具低毒兴奋效应,其夜均、昼均和日均耗氧率随氨氮质量浓度增加均呈先升后降趋势,峰值氨氮质量浓度范围均为4.90—7.35mg/L(P0.05),与对照组均无显著差异的仅为14.70mg/L实验组(P0.05),窒息点含氧量随氨氮质量浓度增加呈先降后升趋势,谷底出现于4.90mg/L实验组(P0.05),与对照组无显著差异的仅为9.80mg/L实验组(P0.05);(5)实验期间,蝌蚪氧氮比(O:N)波动于18.87—25.34之间,昼均和日均氧氮比(O:N)随氨氮质量浓度增加均依次呈"上升—稳定—下降—再稳定"之趋势,两者的峰值氨氮质量浓度范围分别为4.90—14.70mg/L和4.90—9.80mg/L,夜均氧氮比(O:N)呈先升后降趋势,峰值出现于7.35mg/L实验组(P0.05)。  相似文献   

The partial ingestion of the placenta by a newly parturient Hooker's sea lion, Phocarctos hookeri (Gray, 1844) (Pinnipedia: Otariidae), was seen on Enderby Island, Auckland Islands, in December 1972. This atypical behaviour may have resulted from the misdirection towards the placenta of pup protection activity.  相似文献   

The freshwater calanoid copepods Boeckella triarticulata and B. hamata were found in ponds near Napier. These are the first records of B. triarticulata in the North Island, New Zealand and of B. hamata in the east coast, North Island.  相似文献   

Density, biomass and community structure of macrofauna were estimated together with several sediment characteristics at seven stations ranging from 208 m to 4460 m water depth along the OMEX transect in the Goban Spur area (NE Atlantic) during three seasons (October 1993, May 1994, and August 1995). Median grain size decreased with increasing water depth and showed no differences between the seasons. The percentages of organic carbon and total nitrogen were highest at mid-slope depths (1000 to 1500 m), and were significantly higher in August at the upper part of the slope to a depth of 1500 m. The C:N ratio in the surface layer amounted to 7 to 8 in May, 10 to 12 in August and 14 to 17 in October at all stations (except the deepest at 4460 m, where it was 11 in May and August), indicating arrival of fresh phytodetritus in May, and therefore seasonality in food input to the benthos. Densities of macrofauna decreased exponentially with increasing water depth. Significantly higher densities of macrofauna were found in May at the upper part of the slope to a depth of 1500 m. These differences were mainly due to high numbers of postlarvae of echinoids at the shallowest station and ophiuroids at the deeper stations. Biomass values also decreased with increasing water depth, but biomass was relatively high at the 1000 m station and low at 1500 m, due to relatively high and low mean weights of the individual macrofaunal specimens. No significant differences in biomass were found between the seasons. Respiration was high (15 to 20 mgC·m−2·d−1) in May at the upper part of the slope to a depth of 1000 m and low (1–3 mg C·m−2·d−1) at the deeper part. At the shallowest stations to a depth of 1000 m respiration was highest in May, at the mid-slope stations (1400–2200 m) it was highest in August, whereas the deepest stations (3600 to 4500 m) did not show any differences in respiration rates. In conclusion; seasonal variation in organic input is reflected in denstiy, community structure and activity of the macrofauna along the continental slope in the NE Atlantic.  相似文献   

南黄海浮游植物初级生产力粒级结构与碳流途径分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据2006年夏季与冬季南黄海真光层内浮游植物初级生产速率的实测数据,对比研究了两种差异显著的水动力条件下,不同粒级浮游植物初级生产力水平、时空分布特征及其环境调控机制,并探讨了真光层生源碳可能的碳流途径。研究结果表明,南黄海夏季总初级生产力(碳)平均为30.69 mg/(m2·h),高值区位于调查海域南部长江冲淡水影响区,冬季总初级生产力低于夏季,平均水平为21.73 mg/(m2·h),高值区北迁至海州湾附近;夏季不同粒径浮游植物对总初级生产的贡献率由高到低的顺序为小型(42.8%)、微型(29.6%)、微微型(27.6%),冬季的为微微型(41.2%)、微型(36.5%)、小型(22.3%);真光层初级生产力与环境因子的相关分析表明,水动力条件(混合与层化)引起的营养盐来源和光照的变化是初级生产力分布的主要控制因素;用生态比值法对南黄海碳流途径的分析表明,微食物环在冬夏两季碳流途径中均占有重要地位,从总体上看,南黄海浮游生态系统的碳输出潜力较弱。  相似文献   

Abstract. This study examines the variation in microphytobenthos structure and functioning in an intertidal lagoon during a macroalgal covering event. Multivariate techniques, applied on the recorded data, highlighted a clear seasonal pattern except for the July sample. The sudden macroalgae ( Cladophora sp.) development, which occurred in that month, enabled us to identify the massive covering as a disturbance factor on the benthic ecosystem. This biotic anomaly affected benthic microalgal production and community respiration, shifting the ecosystem from a highly photoautotrophic to an heterotrophic condition as shown by the BTS Index. This trophic index is therefore a useful tool for identifying episodic stress events mainly in intertidal habitats.  相似文献   

Seasonal and spatial variations of phytoplankton primary production were studied using a high frequency sampling strategy in the external (ENW) and internal (INW) part of Arcachon Bay, during 2002 and 2003. In order to better assess the availability of nutrients and their relationship with phytoplankton primary production, nutrient variability was studied in relation to environmental conditions and phytoplankton production. During winter, when primary production rates were the lowest, nutrient concentrations were maximal but did not show excessive levels compared to highly urbanised areas. Seasonal and spatial variations of nutrient concentrations (especially DIN-nitrate + nitrite + ammonium- and Si) were largely influenced by Leyre River loads coupled with high tidal exchange with the Atlantic Ocean creating a nutrient gradient between the INW and ENW. By February, diatom growth leads to an early severe nutrient depletion in the entire bay. Examination of nutrient ratios showed that the potential limiting nutrient during spring was P in 2003, and Si in 2002. During summer 2003, N and Si concentrations reached their lowest values, and nutrient ratios revealed a N-deficient environment, more pronounced in the INW. The high Si:N ratios during this period might be explained by (1) important N-uptake by all autotroph communities and (2) benthic-pelagic coupling with high Si regeneration. This study shows that nutrient levels in Arcachon Bay seem to play an important role in the control of phytoplankton primary production rates during the productive period and explain their spatial, seasonal and inter-annual variability. Our estimates of annual integrated phytoplankton primary production (103 g C m−2 y−1) place this bay within the low to moderate phytoplankton primary production systems.  相似文献   

In situ measurements of ammonium and carbon dioxide fluxes were performed using benthic chambers at the end of spring and the end of summer in two soft-bottom Abra alba communities of the western English Channel (North Brittany): the muddy sand community (5 m, about 10% of surface irradiance) and the fine-sand community (19 m, about 1% of surface irradiance). High rates of ammonium regeneration were measured in the two communities at the end of summer (296.03±40.07 and 201.7±62.74 μmolN m−2 h−1, respectively) as well as high respiration rates (2.60±0.94 and 2.23±0.59 mmolC m−2 h−1, respectively). Significant benthic gross primary production (up to 6.11 mmolC m−2 h−1) was measured in the muddy sand community but no benthic primary production was measured in the fine-sand community. It suggests that microphytobenthic production values used in simulations previously published for these two communities were overestimated while values of community respiration were underestimated. The study confirms that this benthic system is heterotrophic and strengthens the idea that an important pelagic-benthic coupling is required for the functioning in such coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

To clarify the beneficial roles of naturally occurring organic ligands on the growth of phytoplankton in newly upwelled water, phytoplankton culture experiments using disphotic zone water were conducted to discriminate between the effects of EDTA in the detoxification of certain toxic metal ions and increasing the availability of essential metals. Culture media were prepared by adding EDTA and Chelex-100, separately or in combination, to disphotic zone water samples. Our proposed working hypothesis is that phytoplankton growth can be enhanced by removing toxic metal ions from culture media by Chelex-100 and by detoxification of toxic metal ions or increasing the availability of essential metals by EDTA. A shortening of the lag period and an increase of the specific population growth rate were clearly observed after the addition of Chelex-100; nd EDTA. The effects of EDTA were more considerable than those of Chelex-100; a 17 to 44% in shortening the lag period and a 35 to 56% increase in the growth rate, when comparing the effects of Chelex-100 with those of EDTA. The similar effects of removing toxic metal ion by Chelex-100 as those of detoxification by EDTA suggested that EDTA has a role not only of detoxification but also of increasing the availability of essential metals. The present study suggests that the low productivity in newly upwelled water observed by Barber and Ryther (1969) can be ascribed to both toxic metal ions and a lack of available forms of essential metals because of their low contents of free natural organic ligands.  相似文献   

As part of the Western Arctic Shelf–Basin Interactions (SBI) project, the production and fate of organic carbon and nitrogen from the Chukchi and Beaufort Sea shelves were investigated during spring (5 May–15 June) and summer (15 July–25 August) cruises in 2002. Seasonal observations of suspended particulate organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PON) and large-particle (>53 μm) size class suggest that there was a large accumulation of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) between spring and summer in the surface mixed layer due to high phytoplankton productivity. Considerable organic matter appeared to be transported from the shelf into the Arctic Ocean basin in an elevated POC and PON layer at the top of the upper halocline. Seasonal changes in the molar carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratio of the suspended particulate organic matter (POM) pool reflect a change in the quality of the organic material that was present and presumably being exported to the sediment and to Arctic Ocean waters adjacent to the Chukchi and Beaufort Sea shelves. In spring, low particulate C:N ratios (<6; i.e., N rich) were observed in nitrate-replete surface waters. By the summer, localized high particulate C:N ratios (>9; i.e., N-poor) were observed in nitrate-depleted surface waters. Low POC and inorganic nutrient concentrations observed in the surface layer suggest that rates of primary, new and export production are low in the Canada Basin region of the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

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