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Plaxiphora boydeni n.sp. from wave‐exposed rocky shores of southern New Zealand is described and illustrated. This is the first published record of the genus from the New Zealand mainland. P. boydeni is readily distinguished from the 2 other New Zealand species of the genus, which occur in the subantarctic region, by the absence of bristle‐tufts on the girdle.  相似文献   

A new echiuran Thalassema malakhovi, collected at 20 m depth off the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, is described. The possibility of using the structure of the nephrostome for subgrouping Thalassema species is discussed. The generic diagnosis of Thalassema Pallas is given.  相似文献   

Two new species of Sipuncula arc described from New Zealand; Phascolion temporariae from, the empty tubes of the polychaete Temporaria inexpectata (Mestayeri), and Phascolion tortum from the shells of four species of molluscs. Specimens of Golfingia improvisa (Theel) are also reported from the empty frustules of the foraminiferan Ammodiscoides mestayeri (Cushman) and the sandy tubes of the foraminifera Rhizammina sp. All the species were dredged at depths of 370–660 m from Taiaroa and Papanui Canyons, off the Otago Peninsula, New Zealand. The body cavity of several specimens of G. improvisa contained the larval stage of a nematode.  相似文献   

Boeckella tanea, n.sp. is described. It shows similarities to B. propinqua and B. delicata, and appears to be confined to lakes and ponds in Northland, New Zealand.  相似文献   

In the Cape Rodney to Okari Point Marine Reserve, Goat Island Bay, Auckland, New Zealand, several halacarids were collected on an intertidal flat. The mites were found associated with encrusting bryozoans, sponges, and lithothamnia. Five mites—Rhombognathus lacunosus n.sp., Rhombognathus fractus n.sp., Halacarus nitidus n.sp., Agauopsis similis n.sp., and Agaue insignata n.sp.—are described, illustrated, and compared with related species.  相似文献   

Seven species of littoral harpacticoid copepods are recorded from the Wellington coast of central New Zealand. Amongst these are five new species, one in each of the genera Scutellidium, Eupelte, Amphiascus and two in Porcellidium. Amphiascopsis cinctus (Claus, 1866) and A. south‐georgiensis (Lang, 1936) are recorded and figured.  相似文献   

We characterised seasonal and ontogenetic changes in diet and prey energy density of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Lake Rotoiti, New Zealand, to better understand the prey requirements of trout in central North Island lakes. Common smelt (Retropinna retropinna) was the dominant prey item of rainbow trout larger than 200 mm (77.8% of diet by weight), followed by kōura (freshwater crayfish Paranephrops planifrons; 6.3%), common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus; 5.5%), and kōaro (Galaxias brevipinnis; 3.4%). Juvenile rainbow trout (<200 mm) consumed amphipods, aquatic and terrestrial insects, oligochaetes, tanaid shrimps, and smelt. Trout consumed kōaro only in autumn and winter; consumption of other species did not vary seasonally. The maximum size of smelt consumed increased with increasing trout size, but trout continued to consume small smelt even as large adults. Consumption of larger prey items (kōaro and kōura) also increased with increasing trout size. This study indicates the importance of smelt for sustaining rainbow trout populations, as predation on other species was relatively low. These findings provide a basis for bioenergetic modelling of rainbow trout populations in lakes of the central North Island of New Zealand.  相似文献   

A new stone crab, Neolithodes brodiei sp.nov., known from an ovigerous female taken in 455 fm (832 m) on the Campbell Plateau, is characterised and distinguished from the five species previously recognised. It is morphologically close to the North Atlantic N. agassizii and the South African N. asperrimus.  相似文献   

Two new species of Hatschekia Poche, 1901 are described from New Zealand specimens of Allomycterus jaculiferus (Cuvier, 1818) and Lepidopus caudatus (Euthrasen, 1878) respectively. Comment is made on the need for revision within the genus Hatschekia.  相似文献   

A preliminary diagnosis is given for Parawaldeckia stephenseni from New Zealand, and the genus is briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

Zelandobius edensis n. sp. is described from a spring‐fed creek in the headwaters of the Rangitata River catchment, South Canterbury, New Zealand. Adult males exhibit varying degrees of brachyptery and the only female collected also had short wings. Larvae are easily identified by their covering of long translucent hairs not found in other members of the Zelandobius confusus‐group. The link between adult and nymph was confirmed by comparing 600‐base‐pair sequences of the mitochondrial gene, cytochrome c oxidase 1. Observations suggest the life cycle may be strongly synchronised by temperature constraints on nymphal growth and development, and/or a short season suitable for feeding and reproduction by the terrestrial adults.  相似文献   

A second species of Neophrynichthys is described from 20 specimens collected from the Campbell Plateau, south of South Island, New Zealand. It differs from its sole congener, N. latus, in having 25–26 pectoral rays (versus 22–24), cirri on head more than twice as large, half as few (c. 50 versus >100), and generally absent from the mid‐region behind the eyes (versus being relatively dense), and in spotted colour pattern covering much less than 50% of the dorsal surface of the head (versus >50%). This new species is the sixth psychrolutid known from New Zealand. The genus Neophrynichthys is formally diagnosed by two synapomorphic characters unique among psychrolutids: having light spots on a dark ground colour and having an open fourth and fifth infraorbital, fifth and sixth cranial arch, medial extrascapular, and posterior tabular of the pterotic.  相似文献   

A new echiuran (Sluiterina kaikourae), dredged at 2000 m off Kaikoura, New Zealand, is described. Other records of New Zealand echiurans are also given.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of axiid shrimp, Carolinaxius kexuae gen. et sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on a single specimen collected from an unnamed ...  相似文献   

This paper is the fifth in a series revising the taxonomy of New Zealand dictyoceratid sponges (phylum Porifera, subclass Ceractinomorpha, order Dictyoceratida). Six new species of the genus Spongia are added to New Zealand's known fauna. The use of subgenera within the genus Spongia is discussed, and two new subgenera are proposed. The genus Hippospongia is revised, and an emended generic diagnosis is proposed.  相似文献   

A new genus and a new species have been established on the basis of three specimens collected from Fujian's coastal zone in China. This new genus is named Laevispinereis. Its brief characters are as follows: oral ring of proboscis has papillae, maxillary ring has conical paragnaths; the peristomium greatly expands into a collar; notosetaes are homogomph spinigers, neurosetaes are homogomph spinigers and homogomph falcigers; tip of spinigers setae with minute serratures and smooth on side. The type of genus is Laevispinereis fujianensis sp. nov., it has conical paragnaths on maxillary ring of proboscis: I has Ⅰ; Ⅱ has 6-7: Ⅲ has 12;Ⅳ has 6-7.  相似文献   

本研究记述了采集自海南陵水海域的梭螺科(Ovulidae)一新记录属:舟梭螺属(Naviculavolva)及一新记录种:折唇舟梭螺(N.deflexa),对标本进行了形态描述并附标本照,且通过比对样品的COⅠ基因序列证实了形态鉴定的准确性。本研究为梭螺科分类与研究提供参考资料,丰富了我国海域梭螺科物种的多样性,并使得折唇舟梭螺的分布范围延伸至海南省海域。  相似文献   

An addition to the genus Boeckella (Copepoda) in New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Boeckella minuta is recorded from the Wellington water supply. Salient characteristics are described, and female and male fifth legs are figured.  相似文献   

Two species of Nassarius Duméril, 1805 from the South China Sea are described and illustrated. The specimens are in the Nassariidae collection of the Marine Biological Museum of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao.Nassarius concavus sp. nov., from the sandy bottom at a depth of 180 m, resembles Nassarius glabrus Zhang and Zhang, 2014 in general shell morphology, but differs from the latter in having a smaller, more slender adult shell without axial ribs on the upper teleoconch whorls. Nassarius nanshaensis sp. nov., from the Nansha Islands at a depth of 56–147 m, is similar to Nassarius maxiutongi Zhang, Zhang and Li, 2019 in the shell sculpture, but differs in having a more slender shell with a higher spire, and fewer cusps on the rachidian tooth(9–11 vs. 13–17).  相似文献   

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