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Seven species of littoral harpacticoid copepods are recorded from the Wellington coast of central New Zealand. Amongst these are five new species, one in each of the genera Scutellidium, Eupelte, Amphiascus and two in Porcellidium. Amphiascopsis cinctus (Claus, 1866) and A. south‐georgiensis (Lang, 1936) are recorded and figured.  相似文献   

Records of pelagic copepods off Kaikoura,New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Additions to the pelagic copepod fauna of Kaikoura, New Zealand, include 20 species previously unrecorded and the males of 8 species for which females only had been recorded; further information concerning 2 other species is added.  相似文献   

In coastal waters, individuals of many benthic species make temporary excursions into the water column, a behavior called emergence. The reasons for this behavior are not well established, but some that have been suggested apply equally well to the deep sea, and some sediment-trap data suggest that emergence occurs in the deep sea. To investigate this possibility, we collected sediment cores and placed inverted-funnel traps at 3087 m depth on the continental slope off central California (36°41.91′N 123°0.14′W) for 36 days and investigated a representative taxon, the harpacticoid copepods. Although our methods probably produced underestimates, at least 4 of 55 species emerged, so conceptualizations about the ecology of deep-sea-sediment communities should include the idea that some benthic species use the near-bottom flow to change locations.  相似文献   

Five bryozoan species were encountered in a 15‐day survey of freshwater habitats in New Zealand. Listed in order of decreasing frequency these were: Fredericella sultana, Plumatella repens, P. emarginata, Paludicella articulata, and one plumatellid species not previously described. Micro‐structural features of the floatoblast annulus separate the P. repens specimens into two distinct varieties, named here P. repens typica and P. repens rugosa. Paludicella, reported almost 100 years ago from the City of Dunedin waterworks, was still found only in a single reservoir of that city. Species distribution did not correlate significantly with water temperature, current velocity, pH, or total dissolved solids. Two additional species believed to occur in New Zealand, Fredericella australiensis and Plumatella fungosa, were not seen in this brief survey. An identification key is provided for New Zealand bryozoans.  相似文献   

Thirteen new species of benthic calanoid copepods are described from depths of 1,184–1,697 m off New Zealand. Seven species belong to previously described aetideid genera (Bradyidius—four spp., Comantenna—one sp., Pseudeuchaeta—two spp.) and the remainder represent new genera in three families: Aetideidae—three genera, four spp.; Arietellidae—one genus and sp.; Bathypontiidae—one genus and sp.  相似文献   

A nutrient enrichment experiment was conducted on an estuarine intertidal beach. A nutrient suitable for marine heterotrophic bacteria, derived from acid-hydrolysed casein, was applied to areas of sediment at low tide, at two frequencies. At the greater frequency of application the numbers of species of harpacticoid copepod comprising the community increased, as did the logarithmic series index of diversity. Displacement, presumably competitive, of the numerically dominant species by two confamilial species, formerly of less abundance, occurred and resulted in a decrease in the Berger-Parker dominance diversity. As the community converged to an equilibrium, due to the rapid growth rates of two species, it was predicted that the species richness and ecological diversity of the community would decrease, as some species underwent competitive exclusion, and in so doing would raise the dominance diversity. Before harpacticoid copepod communities can be used satisfactorily in biological monitoring programmes more basic research is needed to assess the response of a variety of meiobenthic communities to various loads of organic pollution.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of 55 species of copepods at levels 0–100 m, 100–250 m, 250–500 m, over 21 hours on 20–21 September 1967 at a station 39 km east of Kaikoura (central east coast), New Zealand, is reported, and changes in the night : day biomass ratio at the three depth levels are discussed.

Most copepod species counted showed diurnal vertical migratory movements generally similar to those recorded by other workers, but differences between sexes were noted. Modifications to the usual diurnal migratory pattern were observed and are thought to be caused by the animal's physiological state or by changes in the environment.

In the surface 250 m, the night : day biomass ratio was >2 but at 250–500 m it was <1.  相似文献   

Meiobenthic data from two microtidal sandy beaches of the eastern Mediterranean (Crete, Greece) were used to investigate patterns of both alpha and beta diversity in space and time. Copepod assemblages and environmental variables related to sediment characteristics, morphodynamics and food were studied over a year at four distinct habitats at each beach; the retention, resurgence and saturation zones of Salvat's intertidal scheme (midlittoral zone), and the surf zone of the sublittoral. Αlpha diversity analysis indicated similar species richness at both beaches when the whole 13-month data set was considered but was higher at the sheltered site when each sampling period was examined separately. Both beaches supported higher diversity in the sublittoral zone. Species richness increased seawards at the midlittoral zone of the sheltered site whereas, no pattern was evident at the exposed site, where the intense hydrodynamic conditions homogenized the sediments. Beta diversity increased markedly towards the sublittoral, indicating greater differences in alpha diversity between the sublittoral and the midlittoral zone. Species turnover was more variable at the exposed beach and at the most landward stations, where environmental conditions change often between extremes. A proportion of the variation in alpha diversity was explained by food availability at both beaches and additionally by grain size at the sheltered site. However, no environmental variable explained beta diversity patterns. Although the results of our study support the hypothesis of Multicausal Environmental Severity proposed for sandy beach macrofauna, we believe the classic Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis is a more appropriate framework for the meiofauna communities of the studied sites.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in community structure and reproductive status of phytal harpacticoid copepods in the shallow sublittoral bottom at two sites (Masan-ri and Guryongpo) in Pohang (Korea) are described monthly over a period of 1 year (October 1996 to September 1997). A total of 36 harpacticoid species was identified and the numerically dominant copepods were made up of the families Porcellidiidae and Tisbidae. Although the number of species did not show a seasonal trend, total harpacticoid density revealed a favorable distribution for the warmer season (spring and summer) at both sites. Multiple linear regression analyses showed that univariate indices such as density, evenness and diversity are closely associated with certain environmental parameters. For example, the dominant species fluctuated seasonally in abundance and their maximum densities were found to be temperature- (+ with Porcellidium ofunatense) and nutrient-dependent (+ with Scutellidium longicauda acheloides, + with Zaus unisetosus, and ? with P. wandoensis). In addition, the dominant species appeared to breed year round and their reproductive indices are significantly correlated with some environmental parameters such as temperature (?), pH (+), and phosphate (+). Three species (S. l. acheloides, P. wandoensis, and P. ofunatense) showed maximum density two or three months after their reproductive activity reached a maximum. Overall, the seasonal changes in a phytal harpacticoid community could be explained by combinations of environmental parameters supporting the complexity and biodiversity for this specific group of species in coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of the New Zealand fur seal, Arctocephalus forsteri (Lesson), on the Snares Islands, New Zealand, were investigated during November and December 1970. Excluding pups, 1,021 seals were counted on the main island in late November, giving an amended total of 1,156 when correction factors for time of day were applied. The greatest number of seals was ashore between 1200 h and 1500 h daily.

Fur seals were widely but discontinuously distributed along the coast of the main island. Rookeries were present only on the boulder beaches of the west and south‐west coasts and the South‐West Promontory. Non‐breeding seals aggregated on rocky headlands, points and spurs mainly on the east coast.

Breeding bulls defended territories containing, on average, three females. The first pup was seen on 30 November 1970, and pupping continued throughout December. On 30 December, when pupping appeared to have finished, 234 pups were counted on the island.  相似文献   

The distribution of amplitude and phase for eight ocean tidal constituents (M2, S2, N2, K2, K1, O1, P1, Q1) is presented as tidal maps for the New Zealand area. The distribution was calculated using a barotropic tidal model driven by TOPEX/ Poseidon data on the outer ocean boundaries. The maps exhibit the known features of the tides in this area such as a complete rotation of the semi‐diurnal tides around New Zealand and the reduced spring‐neap variations on the east coast. They also point out several new features for which there are few or no observations, such as diurnal trapped waves and shelf waves. A comparison of the model results with observations shows that sea level errors are within 0.1 m in amplitude and 10° in phase for the largest constituents at all locations, including sites where the data are of low quality and where the geometry is not adequately resolved. For locations where the geometry is adequately represented and the observations are of high quality, sea level errors are within 0.02 m in amplitude and 7° in phase. These results represent the most accurate and highest resolution calculations of tides and currents yet attained for this area.  相似文献   

Records of icebergs near New Zealand are noted, and their implications on the interpretation of ice‐rafted sediments are discussed.  相似文献   

Neothrix armata is recorded for the first time from Lakes Rotorua and Rotokakahi, and Streblocerus serricaudatus from Lake Tikitapu.  相似文献   

Two species of benthopelagic calanoid Copepoda, Neoscolecithrix cf. magna (Grice, 1972) and N. ornata n. sp., are described from the upper slope off North Cape, New Zealand. Neoscolecithrix ornata is distinguished from other species of Neoscolecithrix Canu, 1896 s.s. that have a female leg 5 terminal segment with 4 spines (2 terminal and 1 on each border) principally by the transverse row of long, fine spines on the female genital double somite; and by the more squat terminal segment of leg 5 (length/width ratio about 3.7). This is the second time Neoscolecithrix has been recorded from New Zealand. A new genus, Cenognatha n. gen., is distinguished from Neoscolecithrix principally because: rostrum short (bearing 2 filaments); mandibu‐lar gnathobase masticatory margin with slender dorsal spinulose seta; maxilla endite 1 with 5 well‐developed setae, endite 3 without brush‐like sensory seta, endopod usually with 3 long worm‐like sensory setae and 5 brush‐like setae; posterodistal border of basis of legs 1–3 without spines; distal segment of female leg 5 and its basis subequal in length; male leg 5 of similar lengths on both sides (styliform on right), endopod present at least on 1 side, 1‐segmented and spine‐like on right.  相似文献   

A table is given for the intervals between the time that a tsunami propagating radially from a distant source first reaches a position 600 nautical miles from Wellington and the times when the tsunami first reaches any of 11 selected places in New Zealand.  相似文献   

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