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Four adult specimens of the pycnogonid Ammothea magniceps were observed swimming at the sea surface at night at Kaikoura. Even after capture the animals continued to swim at the surface of the water for over an hour. Such swimming behaviour is considered important in explaining the presence of “benthic” animals in plankton samples.  相似文献   

Surveys were carried out over 16 months to assess the distribution of enteroviruses of human origin in sediments and mussels near two sewage outfalls on the North Taranaki Coast, New Zealand. Enteroviruses were present in high numbers in both sediments and shellfish near the New Plymouth sewage outfall with maximum virus levels of 32 000 pfu 100 g‐1 of wet mussel tissue and 59 pfu 100 g‐1 of wet sediment material. Viruses were recovered occasionally from sediments and mussels near the Waitara Borough outfall. Coxsackievirus B4 was the predominant virus type isolated but CB5 and Poliovirus types 1, 2, and 3 were also recovered. Attempts to depurate virus‐contaminated New Plymouth mussels, by keeping them in water for 8 days with daily water replacement, did not achieve a significant reduction in virus numbers.  相似文献   

Recently dead fragments of the spatangoid echinoid Pericosmus sp. are recorded from the northern Bay of Plenty, 288–318 m. This record adds a further genus of Indo‐Pacific echinoderms to the New Zealand fauna.  相似文献   

Prey remains from sooty shearwater (Puffinus griseus Gmelin, 1792) regurgitates, stomachs, and gizzards, were collected from four breeding colonies in southern New Zealand. We found a wide range of prey species (minimum 39 species of 35 genera), the most important of which were crustaceans (particularly euphausiid krill and hyperiid amphipods), cephalopods (notably arrow squid), fishes, and salps. Malacostracans (krill, amphipods, and decapods) were the predominant taxa of prey in both diversity and frequency of occurrence. Regurgitates were easily obtained from harvested chicks and provided the greatest range of prey remains (36 of the 39 species identified). However, these regurgitates comprised only 29% of the total number of samples collected. Fish, malacostracan, and salp prey ranged from 4 to 170 mm in size, whereas total lengths of squid ranged from 50 to 535 mm. Based on size and mass, the largest squid were undoubtedly scavenged, possibly in association with commercial fishers. The geographical distribution of prey species indicate that most sooty shearwaters breeding near Stewart Island forage in waters lying between the Subtropical and Polar Fronts. Our results suggest that the abundance of krill, the impact of fisheries and the influence of climate perturbations on prey species may play important roles in sooty shearwater breeding and survival.  相似文献   

中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)是国家一级重点保护水生哺乳动物,在我国主要分布于东南沿海的近岸及河口水域。厦门湾是中华白海豚重要栖息地之一,同时也是东南沿海经济较为发达的地区。自改革开放以来,厦门进行了高强度的海洋开发活动,对中华白海豚及其栖息地造成了较大影响。为了保护该物种及其栖息地,厦门市制定了一系列的保护措施,如建立自然保护区、跨区域协同管理、鱼类资源管护与增殖放流等,取得了较好成效。本研究总结了厦门湾中华白海豚所面临的主要威胁,以及为保护中华白海豚及其栖息地所采取的保护措施;分析了目前仍然存在的问题并提出改进建议,如保护区优化调整、加强执法监管、开展栖息地生态修复等,可为厦门湾及其他海域中华白海豚的保护与管理提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

Cricotopus van der Wulp and Paratrichocladius Santos Abreu are among the most common genera of Chironomidae found in fresh waters throughout New Zealand. Imago, pupa, and fourth (final) instar larva of Cricotopus hollyfordensis n. sp. are described, and the male imagines, pupae, and larvae of Cricotopus zealandicus Hutton and Para‐trichocladius pluriserialis Freeman are redescribed from new material. C. hollyfordensis n. sp. can be distinguished from other Cricotopus species by antennal ratio and absence of tibial and abdominal markings in the male imago; shape and form of the thoracic horn, distinctive abdominal spinule patterns and lateral setae in the pupa; and mentum and mandible characteristics in the larvae. The combination of tibial and abdominal markings of the male imago; thoracic horn and abdominal spinule patterns of the pupa; and mentum and mandible characteristics of the larva distinguish C. zealandicus from P. pluriserialis and all other New Zealand Cricotopus species. P. pluriserialis is distinguished from Cricotopus species by the presence of normal and erect dorsocentral setae in the adult; smooth thoracic horn and distinctive abdominal spinule patterns of the pupa; mentum and mandible characteristics, supra‐anal setae longer than 2–3 abdominal segment lengths, and abdominal setae simple, never in tufts, in the larva. C. hollyfordensis n. sp. has been recorded from a fast flowing mountain  相似文献   

Two orca (Orcinus orca, Linnaeus, 1758), photo‐identified as part of an ongoing study in New Zealand waters, have a series of deep scars in their dorsal lumbar‐caudal regions which suggests they were caused by propellers. One of the animals, first noted to have the scars in 1982, is considerably smaller than an adult of similar age. The known home range of these orca are presented. A third orca hit by a boat is presumed dead.  相似文献   

Two broadly sympatric species of sprat are shown to inhabit New Zealand waters, the more slender Sprattus antipodum (Hector, 1872) and the more common and deeper‐bodied S. muelleri (Klunzinger, 1872). Overlap in most morphometric and meristic characters had earlier led to their synonymy, but recent protein analysis suggested otherwise. This is now confirmed by distinct differences in shape and dentition of the basihyal plate, vertebral numbers, scale sculpture, and fresh colour. The five known species of Sprattus are keyed and the genus diagnosed and discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The infralittoral benthos was studied on three islands of the Northern Sporades in the Aegean Sea. Thirteen stations were sampled on both hard and soft substrata and 408 taxa were identified, some of zoogeographical interest. Multivariate statistical methods such as classification, ordination and Similarilies Terms Analysis were combined with existing ecological information to delineate the various communities present and to point to the indicator species characterising them. The communities were then defined using the indicator species and their affinities to typical biocoenoses. The main factor responsible for the observed distribution proved to be the type of substratum (algal cover or sediment type), which reflects the light and hydrodynamic conditions. The observed bathynietric zonation was similar lo that of the Balearic Islands in the western Mediterranean.  相似文献   

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