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Temperature and salinity surveys were carried out in the Tasman Sea in winter (August 1973) and summer (February‐March 1974). In both surveys the presence of the Westland Current was indicated by the distribution of surface water properties; in summer it was associated with a subsurface salinity maximum. The current extended further northwards in summer than in winter. In summer, an east‐going geostrophic flow at about latitude 35°S separated on approaching New Zealand; part of the flow passed north around the North Island and part moved slowly eastwards in the deeper off‐shore water to at least latitude 38°S. The West Auckland Current was apparent in the winter, but not in the summer. To the west of Cape Reinga, relatively low values of surface temperature and salinity are probably associated with upwelling between Cape Reinga and the Three Kings Islands. Upwelling was observed along the coast between Kaipara and Manukau Harbour.  相似文献   

Physical oceanography of Rangaunu Harbour,Northland, New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Current meter, current drogue, salinity, temperature, and tidal elevation observations from Rangaunu Harbour are presented. The flow is dominated by the tides, the ebb tide in general being stronger than the flood. The time of high tide is increasingly delayed with distance from the open ocean. High tide at the head of the harbour lags about an hour behind that at the mouth. The phase of the flow relative to that of the elevation is less than that for a frictionless system. This difference from a quarter of a tidal period results from tidal energy dissipation and probably varies through the spring‐neap tidal cycle. The outer harbour has essentially coastal water which is exchanged each tide. Residence time of the inner harbour waters and the inner harbour shallows (where evaporation is sufficient to raise the salinity) is several days.  相似文献   

This account of studies on the algae and bacteria of North Island thermal areas records temperature, pH and species found in these microbial habitats, with special attention to organisms living at the highest temperatures. Thermal features were studied at Rotorua (Whakarewarewa and Ohinemutu), Waiotapu (Tourist Reserve and Lady Knox Geyser), Orakei Korako, Taupo Spa, Waikite Springs, Wairakei thermal valley, Wairakei geothermal field, Tikitere, Ketetahi, Lake Rotokawa (Taupo region), Waimangu, De Brett Thermal Hotel (Taupo).

The upper temperature limit for blue‐green algae in New Zealand is 60–65°c, and the species living at the thermal limit is generally Mastigocladus laminosus, although in some cases Phormidium sp. or Synechococcus sp. was found. The Synechococcus sp. characteristic of high temperatures (73–74°c) present in North America was not found in New Zealand. In virtually all boiling pools (99–101°c) with pH values in the neutral and alkaline range bacteria were found, but in acidic boiling pools, bacteria were absent. The presence in New Zealand of the eucaryotic algae Cyanidium caldarium and Zygogonium sp. is reported for the first time. Further records for the hot spring brine fly Ephydrella thermarum and other ephydrids are given. The observations are compared with previous data on thermal habitats in Yellowstone Park, in Iceland, and in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

对辽东半岛西部复州湾海域底质沉积物样品进行粒度分析结果表明,其粒度特征有较大差异:样品平均粒径值为1.2~6.5Φ;分选系数为1.4~2.6,分选为较差—差;偏度特征表现为极正偏和极负偏并存。粒度的空间分布存在一定分异规律,由湾内至湾外粒径表现出粗—细—粗的变化特征。粒度变化是对该区域物质输运和地形变化的响应,借助Weibull分布,推断河流携带物质可以被推送至5 m等深线外堆积,5~10 m等深线间沉积物表现为细粒的浅海台地沉积,10 m等深线以外沉积物受河流的影响微弱。矿物学证据也表明,河流输运对湾内沉积物贡献有限,仅限于5 m 等深线以内的水下三角洲,湾内沉积物主要来自于辽东湾沿岸冲刷和湾内基岩的剥蚀。  相似文献   

Cape Rodney is a large headland that protrudes 3–4 km into deep water in the Hauraki Gulf and separates the Mangawhai‐Pakiri and Omaha littoral cells. Detailed swath mapping of seabed sediments around Cape Rodney was carried out using by side‐scan sonar and ground‐truthed by SCUBA, grab sampling, and video. Despite the barrier imposed by the headland two pathways of sand transport around the headland, separated by the topographic high of Leigh Reef, have been identified. One lies close to the headland, where sand from the beach and nearshore of the Mangawhai‐Pakiri embayment is driven by waves and currents along a 500‐m‐wide pathway in c. 20–25 m depth around the headland to the vicinity of Leigh Harbour. The other lies in 50 m water‐depth seawards of Leigh Reef. Here fine sand, sourced from the nearshore of the Mangawhai‐Pakiri embayment and driven offshore from the tip of the headland, is transported back and forth by tidal currents in 50 m water depth on the floor of the Jellicoe Channel. The sand bodies along both these pathways are thin and so sand leakage from the Mangawhai‐Pakiri embayment is thought to be small. Transport at these depths is dependent on both tide and wave generated currents and episodic occurring during storm events. The sediment facies associated with little sand transport about a headland in deep water is one of thin and discontinuous and patchy sand cover between rocky areas and over coarser megarippled substrate. Ocean swell, tidally driven phase eddies that spin up on both sides of the headland, and bathymetry all play a role in shaping those facies.  相似文献   

海南新村港潟湖表层沉积物粒度特征及其沉积环境   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
对2013年8月在海南新村港潟湖采集的表层沉积物样品进行粒度分析,揭示了该区表层沉积物的粒度特征和沉积物类型,结合高空间分辨率的水动力和水深数据,采用系统聚类和主成分相结合的方法划分现代沉积环境。结果表明,研究区表层沉积物主要有4种类型,以粉砂和粉砂质砂为主,分别分布在潟湖中部和近岸浅水区域。沉积物平均粒径变化较大(0~8.0 Ф),均值为4.6 Ф,沉积物随水深增大而逐渐变细;沉积物粒度组分以砂(平均含量43%)和粉砂(平均含量为52%)为主,黏土含量较少,平均含量为5%。聚类结果表明,平均粒径可分为两组:第一组平均粒径均大于5.5 Ф,均值为6.8 Ф;而第二组平均粒径均小于3.5 Ф,均值为2.2 Ф。此外,平均粒径与分选、偏态和峰态系数之间呈现出两种不同的相关关系。研究区大潮和小潮期间的均方根流速(RMSV)均值是7.5和6.9 cm/s,标准偏差分别是15.3和14.9 cm/s。当RMSV大于4 cm/s,RMSV与极细砂(63~125 μm)含量呈明显的正相关关系,这表明RMSV决定了潟湖沉积物中极细砂含量。聚类和主成分分析结果表明,平均粒径、峰态和分选系数是对沉积环境最为敏感的粒度参数组合,同时结合高空间分辨率的水动力和水深数据,将研究区沉积环境划分为3类。这样划分充分考虑了水动力、物源、地形及其相互作用,更能有效地揭示沉积环境的差异,尤其体现了适宜的粒度参数组合和高空间分辨率的水动力数据在沉积环境划分中的重要性。  相似文献   

The larval stage of fishes is critical in determining their dispersal, survival and recruitment, but little is known of the larval behaviours and tolerances of amphidromous fishes, particularly in New Zealand. We report the results of a series of observational and experimental studies on bluegill bully (Gobiomorphus hubbsi), including spawning sites and behaviours, larval characteristics at hatch, phototactic responses of larvae, and larval survival at different salinity levels. Spawning primarily occurred in the lower reaches of the river, and larvae from different nests exhibited marked differences in, and trade-offs between, larval characteristics at hatch, potentially affecting larval success. Larvae were positively phototactic to intense light, an unexpected result based on diel drift patterns and international research. Finally, larvae exhibited markedly higher survival rates when reared at intermediate salinities compared to freshwater or seawater, suggesting estuaries may play an important role as nursery grounds for bluegill bully and other amphidromous fish.  相似文献   

Variability within the genus Spaniocerca has been studied, and as a result S minor Kimmins has been synonymised with S. zelandica Tillyard. S zelandica is redescribed, the larva is figured, notes on ecology are given, and the nature of the variation found is discussed. Notonemoura cowleyi Winterbourn is transferred to Spaniocercoides Kimmins.  相似文献   

Distribution, abundance, and habitat preferences of native fish were investigated down the length of a relatively pristine, medium‐sized, fourth‐order stream on Stewart Island, New Zealand. A limited fish fauna was recorded (six species), including three threatened large galaxiid species (Galaxias argenteus, Galaxias fasciatus, and Galaxias brevipinnis), which have restricted distributions on mainland New Zealand. Results indicated that these large galaxiids occupy diverse habitats including pools and backwaters within the mainstems of this stream. Their extensive distributions and wide habitat usage were attributed to factors such as the intact catchment vegetation, unmodified stream channel, and the absence of introduced fishes, particularly salmonids. Results suggest that some native species have been excluded from mainstem habitats elsewhere in New Zealand. It was also evident that interactions among the native species influenced habitat use; G. brevipinnis avoided backwaters, runs, and pools in reaches occupied by G. fasciatus and Anguilla dieffenbachii; whereas G. fasciatus appeared to avoid habitats occupied by G. argenteus and A dieffenbachii. Maximum densities and biomass of galaxiids and eels occurred in deepwater habitats (>0.75 m). Furthermore the fish inhabiting these deeper waters were larger and more likely to be female. These findings have significant implications for the design and application of sampling protocols for native New Zealand fishes and for the protection of their habitats. If deeper waters are not sampled then species, sex, and size biased data may result.  相似文献   

Seasonal samples from Shark Bay on the west coast of Australia were used to determine (1) the habitats occupied by the juveniles and adults of Acanthopagrus latus in this large subtropical marine embayment and (2) the extent to which the dietary composition of this sparid is influenced by habitat type, body length and season. Sampling was undertaken in two habitat types in which A. latus was known to be abundant, namely mangrove (Avicennia marina) creeks and nearby rocky areas, the latter comprising sandstone boulders and/or limestone reefs. The mean total length ±95% CLs of A. latus was far lower in mangrove creeks, 126 ± 6.1 mm, than in rocky areas, 313 ± 4.7 mm. As A. latus attains maturity at ca. 245 mm, the juveniles of this species typically occupy mangrove areas and then, with increasing body size, move to nearshore rocky areas, where they become adults. The species composition of the food ingested by juvenile A. latus in mangrove creeks differed markedly from that of large juveniles and adults in rocky areas. Based on analyses of data for both habitat types combined, this difference was far greater than that between size classes and season, which was negligible. There were indications, however, that, overall within each habitat, the dietary composition did change seasonally, although not with body size. Acanthopagrus latus fed predominantly on mangrove material, sesarmid crabs and small gastropods in mangrove habitats, and mainly on Brachidontes ustulatus in rocky areas, where this mytilid bivalve is very abundant. The mangrove material, which contributed nearly 40% of its overall dietary volume in mangrove creeks, consisted mainly of lateral root primordia. This apparently unique food source for a teleost is presumably ingested through subsurface nipping, which would be facilitated by the mouth and dentitional characteristics of sparids. The almost total lack of correspondence in the dietary compositions of fish in the length class that was well represented in both mangrove and rocky areas illustrates the extent to which this sparid is capable of opportunistic feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

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