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分析澳大利亚和新西兰两国与南极的利益关系,叙述领土要求的背景和作为国土经营的做法.深入分析国际南极事务领导地位与实现战略构想的内在联系.以及两国在战略规划和实施层面的异同点.  相似文献   

In the region between 30°S and northern New Zealand, vertical salinity profiles through the core of the Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) show a high degree of spatial and temporal variability, and this variability is much larger than that found in nearby ocean areas. Characteristic features are interleaving of salinity layers and large changes in the salinity minimum between adjacent stations. Quantifying the changes through the calculation of an intrusion index highlights the degree of variability and the importance of boundary mixing along the New Zealand slope. However, the main cause of the variability is the meeting and mixing of higher salinity AAIW, arriving from the north‐west (having travelled around the subtropical gyre) with lower salinity AAIW arriving by more direct entry from the north‐east. These waters meet in the region through the action of the meso‐scale eddy field. Present data indicate that where strong salinity interleaving occurs, the length scales are of the order of 10 km and the time scales are of the order of a few days. Resolution of the processes at work will require studies on finer scales than presently available.  相似文献   

Numerical calculations carried out for tidal flow on a small region of the New Zealand coast near Mana Island (41° 5 S, 174° 47 E) solved a finite difference form of the tidal equations, and assumed that the velocity boundary conditions could be approximated by a modified Kelvin wave formula. The results were exponentially smoothed in time at each step in the calculation to remove spurious modes.

The main results are shown as plots of tidal velocity vectors around Mana Island at equally spaced time intervals over a tidal cycle for one run commencing at low tide. The flow becomes very complex, with eddy shedding occurring in the wake of Mana Island, and a tidal rip developing across the shallow connection between Mana Island and the mainland.  相似文献   

The distributions of the trace metals iron (Fe), copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd) along with hydrological parameters (salinity, temperature and reactive phosphate) across the New Zealand continental shelf near Otago Peninsula have been studied. This is a region in which the Subtropical Convergence (STC), a major oceanic front separating subtropical and subantarctic waters, is uniquely located close to land, permitting an examination of the influence of terrestrial sources of Fe and Cu on oceanic waters containing excess micronutrients. Acid-soluble (110 nmol kg−1) and dissolved (6.3 nmol kg−1) Fe concentrations were highest over the central shelf, and decreased rapidly across the mixing zone of the STC to about 5 nmol kg−1 for both forms. The distribution of acid-soluble and dissolved Cu were similar to their counterparts for Fe. Depth-concentration profiles for acid-soluble Fe and Cu suggest resuspension of shelf sediments is the main source. The ratio of oxine-labile to acid-soluble Fe varied from 0.03 to 0.26, with the highest values found in the near surface waters. Oxine-labile Fe and Cu also decreased in concentration in a seawards direction, and with depth, indicating the influence of near surface processes on the reactivity of these elements. Cd concentrations across the continental shelf were very low (<200 pmol kg−1) and exhibited no clear spatial trend and no correlation with phosphate. Comparison of the Cd/P ratio across the shelf indicated that the waters in this region were strongly depleted in Cd relative to P. Phosphate concentrations were lowest in neritic water and increased in the seawards direction because of mixing with nutrient-rich Subantarctic Surface Water.  相似文献   

The distributions of macroinverte‐brates in two thermal streams near Taupo were examined and compared with observations made in 1966. The cooling of the streams associated with abstraction has altered the species composition. Odonata and Trichoptera were recorded for the first time in the lower reaches of the Waipahihi Stream whereas Ephydridae and Hydrophilidae were restricted to the upper reaches at temperatures above 33.5°C. Molluscs dominated the fauna at sites with temperatures below 33.5°C in the Waipahihi and Waipuwerawera Streams. Potamopyrgus anti‐podarum was present at sites with temperatures below 28°C.  相似文献   

Two measures of microbial activity were used to characterise a variety of sediment habitats in three intertidal inlets in the Nelson region, South Island, New Zealand. Rates of microbial mineralisation potential and epibenthic microalgal production were compared with sediment textures, concentrations of photosynthetic pigments, ATP concentrations, and organic and inorganic nutrients. Baseline ranges for these parameters were established for relatively undisturbed estuarine sites for assessing future environmental deterioration and for comparison with sites affected by organic enrichment. Sediment mineralisation rates were increased more than 1000‐fold by enrichment from a fruit processing plant and microalgal production was enhanced by more than 50‐fold at a site exposed to slaughterhouse wastes. The remaining variables, although often strongly correlated with activity measurements, were not as sensitive as measures of enrichment. Sediment microbial activity measurements are proposed as a means of detecting changes in nutrient status of estuarine environments.  相似文献   

Five lakes, varying from 10 to 100 hectares in area and each containing an existing population of Salmo gairdneri, were gill‐netted and stocked with tagged fish each year from 1960 to 1965 to determine the effect of regular stocking on the size and numbers of fish present. There was little natural spawning of trout in most of the lakes. Growth in length and weight of tagged fish was computed and an annual estimate of population calculated from the netting returns. Appendices give details of the statistical analyses of the data.

Fish production has been correlated with the trophic status of the lakes as indicated by their temperature and oxygen content. There was no clear relationship between lake size and trout production but trout production decreased as the environment became more eutrophic. Results also showed a close inverse relationship between numbers supported and average weight achieved by the trout. It is concluded that the angling potential of local lakes can be maintained despite the eutrophication resulting from intensive agricultural development of the catchments. These lakes will produce large‐sized fish if the trout population is kept relatively small.

Loss in weight in brown and rainbow trout as a result of spawning activities in local lakes and streams was found to be similar. Both male and female fish lost between 22 and 40 percent of their weight over a spawning period. This probably accounted for the observed low‐condition factor among older fish in the lake populations.  相似文献   

Step-like thermohaline structure was observed near icebergs trapped by fast ice in Lützow-Holm Bay, Antarctica. The structure was developed within the draft depth of the icebergs. The typical vertical distance between the succeeding step surfaces is 20–30 m, and the temperature and salinity differences across the step surface are about 0.05–0.06 deg and 0.06–0.10 psu, respectively. The structure appears to be generated by a sea-water/iceberg interaction, and is explainable by a simple model in which an ice wall is placed in the ocean linearly stratified by vertical salinity gradient.  相似文献   

Unusual “spiral” faecal casts from mid‐Tertiary beds of the Castlepoint area of North Island, New Zealand, are described and compared with modern enteropneust casts photographed at abyssal depths in the south‐west Pacific. Evidence suggests that the fossil casts originated in relatively shallow depths, and this discrepancy emphasises the caution required in the use of trace fossils for palaeoecological interpretations.  相似文献   


Reids Rise is a remnant of a marine sand body that accumulated in the inner neritic zone of the continental shelf south‐west of Westport during the Last Interglacial. The sand body is notable for its spectacular sedimentary structures and consists of an upper unit that is characterised by trough cross‐lamination, locally forming mesoscopic ridges, and a lower unit that is characterised by horizontal lamination. The sand body is underlain by gravels of probable alluvial origin.

The trough cross‐laminated sets of the upper unit dip off near‐symmetrical ridges that probably formed as subaqueous bars. The dip azimuths of the cross‐laminae have a polymodal distribution with two bimodal maxima, one almost perpendicular to, and the second roughly parallel to the shoreline formed during the Last Interglacial. Magnitude of dip varies from horizontal to over 40°.

The sediment is clean, fine sand composed predominantly of angular grains. Sample to sample variation in grain size statistical parameters is small. The most notable feature is the extremely good sorting of the sand. Inclusive graphic standard deviation values range over 0.17–0.24? with 0.20? the modal value.

The mineralogy of the sand points to two main source areas, the Alpine metamorphic rocks to the south and south‐east, and the plutonic rocks of the Paparoa Range immediately east and south‐east of the study area.

The stratigraphic sequence is interpreted as being the product of deposition in a high energy, wave‐, tidal‐current‐, and longshore‐current‐dominated shallow neritic zone on an open coast during a transgressive cycle.  相似文献   

Canada's eastern continental shelf has been the focal point of an extensive search for hydrocarbons in recent years. International petroleum companies have spent millions of dollars in explorations during this time. Off the Newfoundland and Labrador coasts, 42 wildcat wells have been drilled. One of the major hostile elements to the oil drilling rig operators in this region is the threat of drifting icebergs.  相似文献   

The distribution of amplitude and phase for eight ocean tidal constituents (M2, S2, N2, K2, K1, O1, P1, Q1) is presented as tidal maps for the New Zealand area. The distribution was calculated using a barotropic tidal model driven by TOPEX/ Poseidon data on the outer ocean boundaries. The maps exhibit the known features of the tides in this area such as a complete rotation of the semi‐diurnal tides around New Zealand and the reduced spring‐neap variations on the east coast. They also point out several new features for which there are few or no observations, such as diurnal trapped waves and shelf waves. A comparison of the model results with observations shows that sea level errors are within 0.1 m in amplitude and 10° in phase for the largest constituents at all locations, including sites where the data are of low quality and where the geometry is not adequately resolved. For locations where the geometry is adequately represented and the observations are of high quality, sea level errors are within 0.02 m in amplitude and 7° in phase. These results represent the most accurate and highest resolution calculations of tides and currents yet attained for this area.  相似文献   

A software detection model has been developed to predict the returned Doppler spectrum for an iceberg target for ground-wave Doppler radars. This software model is based on proposed new estimates for the backscattered Doppler-dependent iceberg cross section for assumed iceberg models, as well as the backscattered Doppler spectrum from the ocean surface. The model includes estimates for forward and reverse transmission losses, based on classical spherical earth derivations. In addition, the transmission losses account for the effects of surface roughness through a modified surface impedance. Standard estimates for man-made and atmospheric noise have been considered in the detection model. A comparison between the results predicted by the detection model and data acquired during an experiment conducted at Byron Bay, Labrador, Canada has been effected. The hardware used for the experiment was an HF Doppler radar operating at 25.40 MHz. The transmitting antenna was a three-element Yagi array and the receiving antenna a 24-element narrow-beam linear array. By using iceberg ground truthing information the Doppler spectrum for individual icebergs was predicted using the software model. The predicted spectra were compared with the received spectra on a target signal-to-noise power ratio basis. The results of this comparison give a degree of confidence to the detection model and show that ground-wave radars are effective ice hazard remote sensors.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of the New Zealand fur seal, Arctocephalus forsteri (Lesson), on the Snares Islands, New Zealand, were investigated during November and December 1970. Excluding pups, 1,021 seals were counted on the main island in late November, giving an amended total of 1,156 when correction factors for time of day were applied. The greatest number of seals was ashore between 1200 h and 1500 h daily.

Fur seals were widely but discontinuously distributed along the coast of the main island. Rookeries were present only on the boulder beaches of the west and south‐west coasts and the South‐West Promontory. Non‐breeding seals aggregated on rocky headlands, points and spurs mainly on the east coast.

Breeding bulls defended territories containing, on average, three females. The first pup was seen on 30 November 1970, and pupping continued throughout December. On 30 December, when pupping appeared to have finished, 234 pups were counted on the island.  相似文献   

Distribution, abundance, and habitat preferences of native fish were investigated down the length of a relatively pristine, medium‐sized, fourth‐order stream on Stewart Island, New Zealand. A limited fish fauna was recorded (six species), including three threatened large galaxiid species (Galaxias argenteus, Galaxias fasciatus, and Galaxias brevipinnis), which have restricted distributions on mainland New Zealand. Results indicated that these large galaxiids occupy diverse habitats including pools and backwaters within the mainstems of this stream. Their extensive distributions and wide habitat usage were attributed to factors such as the intact catchment vegetation, unmodified stream channel, and the absence of introduced fishes, particularly salmonids. Results suggest that some native species have been excluded from mainstem habitats elsewhere in New Zealand. It was also evident that interactions among the native species influenced habitat use; G. brevipinnis avoided backwaters, runs, and pools in reaches occupied by G. fasciatus and Anguilla dieffenbachii; whereas G. fasciatus appeared to avoid habitats occupied by G. argenteus and A dieffenbachii. Maximum densities and biomass of galaxiids and eels occurred in deepwater habitats (>0.75 m). Furthermore the fish inhabiting these deeper waters were larger and more likely to be female. These findings have significant implications for the design and application of sampling protocols for native New Zealand fishes and for the protection of their habitats. If deeper waters are not sampled then species, sex, and size biased data may result.  相似文献   

A table is given for the intervals between the time that a tsunami propagating radially from a distant source first reaches a position 600 nautical miles from Wellington and the times when the tsunami first reaches any of 11 selected places in New Zealand.  相似文献   

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