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采用地图软件MapInfo 7.0对1842~2004年10多幅海图资料数字化,并结合相关海岛调查资料,分析了长兴岛、横沙岛的形成演变过程及其对南港、北港分流的影响。研究结果表明:长兴岛由鸭窝沙经过160多年演变,与上、下游小沙岛合并或人工堵汊而形成,岛屿东南低而宽,西北高而窄;其东是横沙岛,由横沙通道相隔;沙洲群大致呈NW-SE走向,与长江口南支主流方向基本一致。长兴沙岛南坍北涨,横沙岛是东南蚀退、西北淤涨,两岛面积不断增大,并逐渐向西北方向移动,横沙岛更为显著。长兴沙岛群把长江口南支分为南港、北港,西北端的小沙洲成为南港、北港的分流点,沙岛的迁移演变对南港、北港分流及分流点的稳定产生很大影响,两者相互制约。  相似文献   

The chemical quality of the Waiohewa stream, Rotorua, was assessed from the results of 2 longitudinal surveys in summer 1978–79. In particular, changes in nitrogen concentration were examined. The quantity of ammonia increased downstream from unmonitored geothermal inputs, but, after dilution and neutralisation by a larger inflow of freshwater, considerable proportions of ammonia were converted to nitrate. In the first survey ammonia concentrations decreased from 4.48 to 2.47 g m‐3 and nitrate concentrations increased from 0.59 to 1.13 g ‐3 in a 3‐km stretch of the stream. Mass flow calculations show that nitrification could account for at least 55% of the ammonia decrease, the rest probably being lost through assimilation or denitrification. Laboratory incubation experiments showed that nitrification occurred in the stream bed. The geothermal waters contained low concentrations of boron (1.1–4.0 g m‐3), filterable mercury (0.1–0.8 mg m‐3) and arsenic (10–14 mg m‐3).  相似文献   

浙江舟山金塘岛北部围填海工程使其周边海域的地形产生了较大的变化。本文利用数值模拟方法研究了该围填海工程引起的地形变化对金塘岛周边海域的潮流、余流以及泥沙冲淤的影响。研究结果表明:地形变化对沥港水道影响较大,水道北部入口位置向北移,入口处流速明显增大,涨急流速由0.50 m/s增强为0.92 m/s,增强了84%,落急流速由0.30 m/s增强为0.53 m/s,增强了77%,余流流速由0.05 m/s增强为0.12 m/s,增强了140%;沥港水道中部转角处落急流速减弱;围填海工程新生成的岬角处流速变化也较大,2个岬角凹处形成旋转流场,涨急流速由0.46 m/s减弱至0.14 m/s,减弱了70%,落急流速由0.61 m/s减弱至0.17 m/s,减弱了72%,余流流速由0.55 m/s减弱至0.04 m/s,减弱了93%。金塘岛北部海域泥沙淤积分布与余流变化大小分布一致,表明两者密切相关且均受地形变化影响显著。  相似文献   

Coral atolls are areas of high biological productivity even though they are usually located in regions of the tropical ocean characterized by low primary production and extremely low levels of vital dissolved nutrient materials. Recent studies have indicated the possible importance of in situ dinitrogen fixation on shallow reef flats in supplementing low oceanic nitrate levels and thus contributing to the maintenance of high reef productivity. Variations in the structure of atolls may have a direct bearing on the accumulation of fixed nitrogen and other nutrient materials, and consequently on lagoonal and reefal primary productivity. This paper investigates the effect of differing atoll configurations by comparing neighbouring, but structurally dissimilar, mid-ocean atolls. The findings are discussed in terms of ecosystem function and possible influences on the structural evolution of atolls.  相似文献   

珠江口淇澳岛红树林区海水中营养盐和叶绿素a研究初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王虎  高航  周怀阳  郭卫东 《台湾海峡》2005,24(4):502-507
2004年4月对珠江口淇澳岛红树林区进行现场调查,分析该区域营养盐和叶绿 素a浓度分布特征,并对两者之间的相关性进行探讨,研究结果表明该区域营养盐及 叶绿素a浓度均较高;而且靠近岛屿、红树植物分布较多的区域,溶解无机氮(DIN) 含量要低于距离岛屿较远、红树植物较少的区域;相关性分析表明叶绿素a与无机氮 化合物之间相关性较好,与磷(PO4-P)、硅(SiO3-Si)之间却无明显相关,说明无机氮 化合物与浮游植物和初级生产力之间关系密切,氮元素及其循环对红树林生态系统 可能起着重要的作用.  相似文献   

Deep-circulation flow at mid-latitude in the western North Pacific   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Direct current measurements with five moorings at 27–35°N, 165°E from 1991 to 1993 and with one mooring at 27°N, 167°E from 1989 to 1991 revealed temporal variations of deep flow at mid-latitude in the western North Pacific. The deep-circulation flow carrying the Lower Circumpolar Deep Water from the Southern Ocean passed 33°N, 165°E northwestward with a high mean velocity of 7.8 cm s−1 near the bottom and was stable enough to continue for 4–6 months between interruptions of 1- or 2-months duration. The deep-circulation flow expanded or shifted intermittently to the mooring at 31°N, 165°E but did not reach 35°N, 165°E although it shifted northward. The deep-circulation flow was not detected at the other four moorings, whereas meso-scale eddy variations were prominent at all the moorings, particularly at 35°N and 29°N, 165°E. The characteristics of current velocity and dissolved oxygen distributions led us to conclude that the deep-circulation flow takes a cyclonic pathway after passing through Wake Island Passage, passing 24°N, 169.5–173°E and 30°N, 168–169°E northward, proceeds northwestward around 33°N, 165°E, and goes westward through the south of the Shatsky Rise. We did not find that the deep-circulation flow proceeded westward along the northern side of the Mid-Pacific Seamounts and eastward between the Hess Rise and the Hawaiian Ridge toward the Northeast Pacific Basin.  相似文献   

2015年12月在马里亚纳海沟"挑战者深渊"进行了定点样品采集,对温度、盐度、溶解氧、pH等环境参数进行了分析,讨论了营养盐的垂直分布特征、各形态营养盐结构特征及影响因素。研究发现,溶解氧在表层具有最大值,在1000 m左右出现极小值,而在8700 m深度具有较高溶解氧值(5.79 mg·L^-1),这可能与富氧水团的存在有关。硝酸盐表层含量较低,在1000和5367 m处出现双峰值。在表层水体中,溶解有机氮、磷是溶解总氮、溶解总磷的主要存在形式,表层以深,溶解无机氮、磷逐渐占据主导地位。磷酸盐表层含量最低,在1000 m处达到最大值,之后随着深度的增加浓度逐渐降低;硅酸盐在表层含量较低,在约4000 m处有最大值161.65μmol·L^-1,在4000 m以深,硅酸盐仍维持较高浓度。结果表明马里亚纳海沟"挑战者深渊"的溶解氧、pH及营养盐的垂直分布特征与大洋环流、海沟形态以及生物活动密切相关。  相似文献   

A large amount of nutrient and chlorophyll data from the North Sea were compiled and organised in a research data base to produce annual cycles on a relatively fine spatial resolution of 1° in each horizontal direction. The data originate from many different sources and were partly provided by the ECOMOD data base of the Institut fur Meereskunde in Hamburg and partly by ICES in Copenhagen to cover the time range from 1950 to 1994. While the annual cycles of nutrients and chlorophyll derived for the continental coastal zone are representative for the decade 1984–1993 only, those for the remaining parts of the North Sea may be considered climatological annual cycles based on data from more than four decades. The composite data set of climatological annual cycles of medians and their climatological ranges is well suited to serve for validational and forcing purposes for ecosystem models of the North Sea, which have a resolution larger than or equal to 1° in both longitude and latitude. The annual cycles of the macronutrients and chlorophyll presented here for 1° × 1° squares in the North Sea show especially that sufficient observational data exist to provide initial, forcing and validational data for the simulations with the 130-box setup (ND130) of the ecosystem model ERSEM. The annual cycles presented give a clear picture for the whole of the North Sea. The highest concentrations occur at the continental coasts as a result of continued river input, which is added to the ongoing atmospheric input over the North Sea. Also, from the Atlantic Ocean water with relatively high nutrient concentrations enters the North Sea via the northern boundary. In the productive areas on and around the Dogger Bank nutrient concentrations are lower than in the other parts of the North Sea, even in winter. The areas with seasonal stratification have very different annual cycles in the upper (0–30 m) and lower layers (30 m-bottom). The shallow boxes are fully mixed and exhibit a relatively fast increase of nutrient concentrations caused by summer regeneration of nutrients.  相似文献   

This study investigates the distribution of macrozoobenthos in relation to meso-scale bedforms in the southern North Sea. Three sites on the Dutch Continental Shelf were sampled that are representative of large areas of the North Sea and show diverse morphological settings. These sites are (i) part of a shoreface-connected ridge, (ii) the lower part of a concave shoreface and (iii) a sandwave area. Within these sites, two or three different morphological units were distinguished. Sampling was undertaken in two seasons for two consecutive years. The species composition was analysed for differences in benthic assemblage within sites, based on the meso-scale morphology, and between sites and seasons. In addition, the benthic assemblage was correlated to water depth, median grain size (D50) and sorting (D60/D10). Results show that significant differences in the benthic assemblage can be found related to meso-scale bedforms, but macro-scale morphological setting and seasonal effects are more important.  相似文献   

渤海夏季环流和渤海海峡水体输运的数值诊断研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
建立了一个基于POM的涵盖渤、黄、东海的海洋环流诊断模式来研究渤海夏季环流。分别进行了风海流、密度流和总环流的模拟。从模拟结果得出:渤海海峡夏季与北黄海的水交换总的来说表现为北进南出特征,但与冬季相比,其流量较小(约5×103m3s 1)且不能深入渤海。辽东湾基本上受气旋式环流控制,黄河口外至渤海湾受反气旋式环流控制。数值实验表明,渤海夏季主要属密度流性质。在渤海海峡的北岸存在一支明显的上升流,而且北部的海水垂向运动比南部要强许多。在渤海中部的纬向断面上,东部的海水垂直交换要比西部活跃得多;渤海海水的垂向运动亦主要是密度流导致的。  相似文献   

文章基于潮流物理模型,研究分析了唐山国际旅游岛内海水动力和水体交换能力特性。研究结果表明,东侧排水河河宽度现有宽度较窄,内海东侧水流动力较弱,水体交换能力相对较差。拓宽排水河宽度,能有效增强内海东侧水动力,提高水体交换能力。适当拓宽排水河宽度,能改善唐山国际旅游岛内海水环境。  相似文献   

东海中部陆架高密水在其形成、演变的过程中向东海北部迁移。冬、春和夏季在东海北部济州岛以南海域存在着一高密(条件密度σt高于25.00)、高溶解氧(高于5.0×10-3)及高盐或次高盐(34.00左右)性质的水体。韩国以南50~100m等深线附近海域也有一高盐、高溶解氧的高密水带。T-S和T-O2点聚图表明这两块高密水基本属同一水体,韩国以南高密水可能是由济州岛以南高密水经济州岛东岸或东、西岸两侧海区迁移过来的  相似文献   

太平洋北赤道流表层流速及分叉点位置   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
确定太平洋北赤道流表层流速及分叉点位置的变化是海洋环境研究中的1个重要问题。使用1987~1998年的WOCE浮标资料,通过估算得到了季节平均和年平均意义下北赤道流表层流速(1989~1998)。计算结果显示:北赤道流表层流的流速冬季最大,夏季最小,春秋两季相仿。在厄尔尼诺发生年的第2年,夏季平均流速往往较大。对浮标轨迹的逐年分析表明表层北赤道流分叉点的位置在11°N~14 .7°N之间,从轨迹较为密集的4年的分析可以看出,表层流分叉点的位置具有年际变化,其中,2个ElNino年分叉点偏北。  相似文献   

Abstract. During the austral summer 1997–98, within the framework of the activities of the Climatic Long-term Interaction for the Massbalance in Antarctica (CLIMA) Project of the Italian National Program for Antarctic Research (PNRA) in the Ross Sea, measurements were conducted to focus on the role of dissolved iron, copper and manganese as micronutrients, and on their distribution in suspended particulate matter in different water masses. Sampling was carried out in two selected shelf areas, both important for formation and mixing processes of the water bodies.
Metal data were evaluated together with physical measurements and classical chemical parameters such as oxygen and nutrients.
In both the studied areas, the distribution of dissolved metals along the waste column confirmed their micronutrient behaviour, showing depletion where phytoplanktonic activities occurred.
The trend of particulate metals underlined the scavenging phenomena along the water column and presented an interesting correlation at intermediate depths with the amount and origin of suspended matter.  相似文献   

The Beibu Gulf circulation plays an imPOrtant role in the long--term water rnass transportinside the gulf. It is also closely related to the Guangxi untal water mass transport and self-purification. Hence, it is of practical imPOrtance to study the circulation in the gUlf. The cir-culation in the gUlf is very comlicated, and is rnainly gOverned by wind, water density gradi-ent, the current outside the gulf and the bathpoetry. In spring, a cold water rnass generatesln the center of the gulf…  相似文献   

The ecosystem model ERSEM II has been used to hindcast the development of the ecosystem of the North Sea during the years 1955 to 1993. The simulation was driven by the box-aggregated output from a general circulation model of the North Sea of corresponding duration; radiation, river inputs, atmospheric input and boundary conditions at the borders to the Atlantic Ocean and to the Baltic Sea were applied as realistically as possible. The general features of the eutrophication process are reproduced in the hindcast: the coastal areas show strong changes in nutrient concentrations in the hindcast as well as in the observations. Eutrophication not only shows up in the nutrient concentrations, but also in primary production. The simulated spatial distributions of phosphate, nitrate and primary production compare well with the observed ones. In addition, the hindcast simulates considerable trend-like changes of the nutrients in the southern part of the North Sea, where the nutrients are transported from the continental coastal strip to the southern central North Sea. The line from the river Humber to southern Norway separates the region of noticeable anthropogenic influence of riverine and atmospheric input from the northern area, which is mainly influenced by the Atlantic nutrient inflow. The observed annual cycles in the central and northern North Sea are quite well reproduced by the hindcast. The comparison of the hindcast with the long-term observations at two sites in the continental coastal zone of the North Sea shows that the long-term behaviour of phosphate, nitrate and silicate is simulated well. Primary production is increased in summers during the main period of eutrophication, 1975 to 1989, in the hindcast and in the observations. The flagellates at Helgoland, however, experience much more pronounced annual cycles with much less interannual variability in the hindcast than in the observations.  相似文献   

东海南部与台湾以东海域浮游介形类的群落结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析东海南部与台湾以东海域浮游介形类的物种和生态类群多样性,并阐述其季节差异与区域差异,同时指出本海区存在4种生态类群,但以高温高盐类群起支配作用.此外,夏、冬两季浮游介形类的丰度有显着的差别,7和12月的均值分别为0.63个/m3和1.22个/m3,而就丰度的水平分布而言,表现出东海南部大于台湾以东海域的分布格局,并在海区的东北部形成数量密集区.同时,还着重阐述本海区的群落结构,本区虽存在3种生态群落,但以外海群落占据绝大部分海域,尤其应指出的是,钓鱼岛邻近海域与台湾北部和东部水域同属于外海群落.最后,分析了由于海域环境因子的变化导致群落生境地理位置的季节性迁移.  相似文献   

利用多种先进室内外测量仪器进行河口现场观测和室内电镜扫描获得相关资料,对长江河口北槽河道细颗粒泥沙絮凝的水沙环境、絮团的微观形态结构、絮团的粒径组成及其主要影响因素进行了综合分析和讨论。结果表明,北槽河道具有非常适宜细颗粒泥沙絮凝的潮流、盐度、含沙量和悬沙颗粒粒径等基本环境条件。北槽河道悬沙絮团形态多样,主要包括松散状絮团、蜂窝状絮团和密实状絮团。絮团主要由细粉砂和黏土类细颗粒泥沙组成,表面多粗糙不平,结构或密或疏。絮团粒径变化与潮周期动力过程密切相关,具有周期性变化特征。涨、落憩时絮团粒径较大,涨、落急时絮团粒径较小。絮团粒径涨憩大于落憩,小潮大于大潮。垂向上,絮团粒径由表层至底层逐渐增大。周期性潮流流速对北槽河道悬沙絮团粒径变化起到了控制作用。北槽细颗粒泥沙絮凝作用,是导致疏浚航道发生回淤的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

有孔虫在生长发育过程中能够捕获或黏附周围海水中的钙质或硅质形成自己的壳体,因此有孔虫的地球化学特征能够记录古气候、古海洋和古环境信息。以2017年蛟龙号第136潜次在南海珍贝海山底部约2 500 m水深位置精准采集的柱状样品为研究对象,对其中的G.ruber以及G.sacculifer两类浮游有孔虫壳体的Mg/Ca以及碳氧同位素组成进行了分析测试。结果表明自12.6 ka以来该海域表层海水温度(SST)的变化范围为24.4~29.3℃,平均温度为26.2℃,并能够识别出明显的气候突变事件,在时间范围上与新仙女木事件和全新世东亚夏季风突变事件大致吻合。这些突变事件可能受控于ENSO活动和热带辐合带(ITCZ)平均位置的纬向移动,并与北大西洋冰筏事件具有遥相关。此外,发现全新世期间浮游有孔虫G.sacculifer和G.ruber的碳同位素分馏值Δ13CG.sacculifer-G.ruber与SST变化有关,SST降低时,Δ13CG.sacculifer-G.ruber呈负偏;而在SST升高时,Δ  相似文献   

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