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Temporary removal of aquatic plants in Lake Parkinson, a small, eutrophic dune lake, resulted in a number of changes to the population of stocked rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii). During each summer the lake stratified and low oxygen levels limited the distribution of trout to shallow (0–4 m) surface waters. In the first summer following weed removal the numbers of black shags (Phallacrocorax carbo) counted at the lake increased, and their predation resulted in a decline in trout density. However, the growth rate and condition of the trout population then exceeded that of trout present before weed removal. During the second summer after weed removal a cladoceran bloom was followed by low phytoplankton levels and high ammonia concentrations. A prolonged calm compounded this situation with the result that oxygen levels in bottom and surface waters dropped below 2 ppm. These low oxygen levels eliminated the trout population, but other fish species present survived. Elimination of aquatic plants affected the population dynamics of other fish species in the lake with potential implications for the trout. The experiment demonstrated the importance of weed beds in maintaining a stable fish community in lakes such as Lake Parkinson.  相似文献   

The presence of suitable gravel size alone can stimulate female rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) to excavate nests for spawning on the shores of Lake Rotoma. Emergent fry result from lake‐shore spawning, and could contribute significantly to the trout fishery in Lake Rotoma. Lake‐shore spawning could be enhanced by the use of stable artificial spawning beds that have adequate depth and appropriate sizes of gravel.  相似文献   

From 12 rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Richardson) taken from each of three lakes (Rerewhakaaitu, Opouri and Okataina) in the Rotorua district, N.Z., samples of liver, skeletal muscle and, from mature fish, the gonads were examined for organochlorine insecticides.

Lindane, heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide were not detected in any of the samples. Traces of dieldrin were detected only in trout taken from Rerewhakaaitu Lake. In all fish examined, pp'‐DDT, pp’DDD and pp’‐DDE were detected in all three tissues. The highest concentrations were found in some of the ovaries of fish from Rerewhakaaitu Lake, the catchment area of which had been extensively topdressed with DDT. Although most of the catchment area of Lake Okataina had never been topdressed with DDT, fish from this lake contained small amounts of DDT and its metabolites.  相似文献   

Spawning grounds and spawning times of the sand flounder, Rhombosolea plebeia (Richardson), and the yellow‐belly flounder, Rhombosolea leporina Gunther, in the Hauraki Gulf are described. The occurrence of female fish at different stages of ovarian development at different stations during the year, the distribution of eggs in the plankton, and changes in ovary weight during the year were used as indicators of spawning grounds and spawning times.

The sand flounder was found to spawn in the waters to the east of Waiheke and Ponui Islands, at the northern end of the Firth of Thames, from June to November.

Yellow‐belly flounders spawned during September, October, and November, slightly to the south of the sand flounder spawning grounds in a belt extending from Tapu, on the eastern side of the Firth of Thames, north‐westwards towards Ponui Island.

Fecundity of both species was approximately proportional to the weight of the fish, or to the length cubed, and less than proportional to the ovary weight. The mean fecundity of sand flounders in the Hauraki Gulf varied from approximately 100,000 eggs in a fish of 18 cm to 500,000 in a 30 cm fish. That of yellow‐belly flounders varied from approximately 250,000 eggs in a fish of 30 cm to 1.25 million in a 45 cm fish.  相似文献   

Lake Waikaremoana, the North Island's deepest lake (248 m), lies in a natural forested catchment, but the lake itself has been modified for hydro‐electric power generation and by the introduction of trout, smelt, and adventive aquatic plants. The lake is a warm monomictic water body of low conductivity (82 μS cm‐1) and a high seasonal water column stability. The waters are oligotrophic, with epilimnetic dissolved reactive phosphorus concentrations typically < 1 mg m‐3. The concentration of NO3‐N is seasonally variable but generally high in winter and spring with maximum epilimnetic values approaching 70 mg m 3. This contrasts with other central North Island lakes. Horizontal variability in surface chlorophyll a is low as are the absolute values (< 1–2 mg m‐3). A notable feature is the formation of a deep chlorophyll maximum within the metalim‐nion comprised largely of Sphaewcystis schweteri as opposed to diatoms and flagellates which normally dominate the epilimnion. Vascular macro‐phytes (maximum biomass 659 g m2 dry weight) extended to 9 m and characeans (maximum biomass 447 g m2dry weight) to 16 m. Total phyto‐plankton primary production was calculated as 4524 tCy‐1 and macrophyte production as 578 t C y‐1. The proportion of macrophyte to phy‐toplankton production (0.14) is higher than in the other deep lakes of the central North Island.  相似文献   

Landlocked sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), ranging in fork length (FL) from 105 to 313 mm, were captured in fine‐mesh gill nets set in the limnetic zone of the Waitaki hydro lakes (44° 30′ S, 170° 10’ E) in the South Island, New Zealand. A total of 443 stomachs was examined and the frequency of occurrence, volume and weight of prey items calculated. In the Ahuriri Arm of Lake Benmore the principal food (54% by weight) was zooplankton (Boeckella dilatata) whereas in the Haldon Arm of Lake Benmore it was larval and juvenile common bullies (Gobiomorphus cotidi‐anus) (73% by volume). In Lake Waitaki in winter, salmon had eaten insects (43% by volume) with smaller amounts of snails (Potamopyrgus antipo‐darum, 23%) and bullies (24%). In Lake Ohau adult insects may be an important food. There were also variations in diet with season and fish size. The stomachs of 147 brown trout (Salmo trutta) and 181 rainbow trout (S. gairdnerii) caught in the same gill nets were also examined. In contrast to sockeye salmon stomachs they contained negligible amounts of zooplankton (< 1% by weight) and large amounts of aquatic insects (50–58% by weight in the Ahuriri Arm of Lake Benmore). Comparisons with juvenile sockeye salmon and kokanee in North American lakes are made. The impact of introductions of sockeye salmon into other New Zealand lakes is discussed.  相似文献   


Chemical parameters (pH, Eh, carbon, Kjeldahl nitrogen, total phosphorus, 0.5M H2SO4‐extractable phosphorus, organic phosphorus, and water‐soluble phosphorus) were measured in the surface layers of sediments collected from various depths in Lakes Rotowhero, Okaro, Ngapouri, Rotokakahi, Okareka, Tikitapu, Okataina, and. Rotoma during October 1972. The sediments of the productive geothermal lake, Rotowhero, were markedly different from those of the cold‐water lakes: they had relatively low pH values, high carbon (mean 8.5%) and organic phosphorus (mean 4160 μg.g?1) concentrations, and very high total phosphorus concentrations (mean 4770 μg.g?1), probably as a result of enrichment by hot springs.

The mean concentrations in the sediments of the cold‐water lakes were carbon 3.2–7.9%, Kjeldahl nitrogen 3380–8310 μg.g?1 and phosphorus 690–1780 μg.g?1. These concentrations are within the ranges for New Zealand terrestrial topsoils, but the lake sediments appear enriched in phosphorus relative to local topsoils. Total carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentrations of sediments tended to be highest in the eutrophic lakes (Okaro, Ngapouri) although the deep oligotrophic lakes (Okataina, Rotoma) had relatively high total phosphorus concentrations (means 1400, 1510 μg.g?1). Overall, the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentrations of the sediments showed little relationship to the trophic state of the lake.

Organic phosphorus concentrations of the surface layers of sediments were similar in all the cold‐water lakes (mean 319 μg.g?1). The proportion of the total phosphorus apparently ‘fixed’ in mineral material was minimal (0–1%) in sediments from the eutrophic and mesotrophic lakes, but in the oligotrophic lakes was similar to that in New Zealand topsoils (9–14%). Reducing conditions may cause solution of a high proportion of the ‘fixed’ phosphorus in the eutrophic lakes.

The water‐soluble phosphorus concentrations in the sediments of the five shallow cold‐water lakes (Okaro, Ngapouri, Rotokakahi, Okareka, Tikitapu) correlated positively with trophic state and with concentrations of dissolved phosphorus in the lake waters.

Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentrations in the sediments tended to vary with overlying water depth. This should be considered when comparisons are made between lakes.  相似文献   

A sample of 244 barracouta, Thyrsites atun (Euphrasen), caught in eastern Cook Strait, New Zealand, between March 1966 and April 1967, was examined to determine the spawning season and length‐weight relationship.

Female barracouta ripened from April onwards, a month earlier than males. Females tended to attain maturity more rapidly than most males. October and November were the peak spawning months, although some barracouta (mainly females) were mature until January. The smallest spawning barracouta was 55 cm L.C.F. Disappearance of barracouta preceding the spawning months suggested a spawning migration.

A mathematical analysis of the length‐weight data was used to predict one value from the other, and to obtain an index of the relationship (i.e., a condition factor). There was no significant difference between the slope of the regression line n for males and females, the equations being W = 0.03867. L2.5209 and W = 0.07391 .L2.3687 respectively. The equation for the regression line for all barracouta, W = 0.05893 . L2.4222, had an exponent value n lower than expected for a length‐weight relationship of unmutilated fish. The condition factor of barraoouta, measured at monthly intervals, gave a good indication of the spawning cycle.  相似文献   

Availability of soil and sediment phosphorus to a planktonic alga   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Chlorophyll production by Chlorella vulgaris Beij. var. vulgaris was used to estimate alga‐available phosphorus in clays, soils, and lake sediments suspended in water at concentrations appropriate to lake inflows during floods (100–500 g/m3). Chlorella apparently used 24–81% of 0.5M H2SO4 extractable phosphorus in clays from topsoils, about 25% from lake sediments, and 0.3–1.0% from, subsoils low in phosphorus and with high phosphorus retention.

The presence of suspended soil material did not reduce the availability to Chlorella of inorganic phosphorus added to the cultures. Increasing the Chlorella population by adding inorganic phosphorus resulted in an apparent increase in availability of phosphorus from the soil, possibly as a result of enzymic mineralisation of organic soil phosphorus. The amount of available phosphorus in lake sediments was not a reliable guide to the trophic condition, of the lake.

Suspended material from sediments, soils, and especially clay eroded from fertilised topsoils may provide phosphorus for algal growth in lakes. If allophanic clays are applied to lakes to sorb phosphorus and hence control eutrophication, the particles must settle out before planktonic algae in the photic zone can use the adsorbed phosphorus.  相似文献   

The distribution of seven submerged aquatic pest plants is reported. Lake vegetation surveys recorded pest plants in 27.9% of 344 lakes, with two species co‐occurring in 5.8%, and three species in 2.6% of lakes. Egeria densa was most frequent (15.4% of lakes), followed by Ceratophyllum demersum (9.0%), Lagarosiphon major (7.3%), and Utricularia gibba (5.5%). Spread since 2000 has continued for five pest plants, with 34 lakes invaded by U. gibba over 2004–08 alone. Early regional sites in proximity to human population centres were likely plant liberations and numerous potential founder colonies remain in garden ponds. Human activities were important for inter‐lake dispersal, with the exception of bird‐dispersed U. gibba. Significant lake associations between pest plants, and with presence of six exotic fish species, suggest common dispersal pathways and similar introduction risks. Therefore, predictions of future spread should be possible based on sources, dispersal pathways, and identifying key risk factors for lakes.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption was estimated for two eutrophic New Zealand lakes using a simple 2‐layer model, from estimates of net changes in oxygen, phytoplankton photosynthesis, inflow and outflow, diffusion, eddy diffusion, and changes in the depth of the thermocline. Of the total oxygen consumption, 75–85% occurred in the epilimnia. Epilimetic oxygen consumption per m3 and per m2 in Lake Johnson were higher than in Lake Hayes, reflecting known differences in the trophic status of the lakes, but estimates for the hypolimnia of the two lakes were similar. Daily hypolimnetic areal deficits were sensitive to both the depths and time intervals chosen.

In the epilimnia, monthly oxygen production by photosynthesis averaged 1.1 and 1.8 times the initial oxygen content in Lakes Hayes and Johnson respectively. Diffusion appeared to be of similar magnitude to photosynthesis in the isothermal period, but was less important during stratification. Losses to the hypolimnia by eddy diffusion were less than 10% of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis in the hypolimnia contributed 30–40% of the oxygen consumed there and eddy diffusion supplied a further 20%.

In Lake Johnson a 3–5 m stratum of water in the metalimnion became anoxic for 2–3 months each summer while there were still up to 5.2 g.rer3 of oxygen remaining in the hypolimnion. Metalimnetic anoxia is attributed largely to oxygen consumption in situ, resulting from the highly eutrophic state of the lake and intense thermal stratification. Zooplankton respiration accounted for less than 10% of the maximum net decline in metalimnetic oxygen in 1970–71, but was more important in the other 2 years.

Changes in the oxygen content of the hypolimnion indicate that Lake Hayes has become more eutrophic since 1954–55. In Lake Johnson low oxygen concentrations at the autumn overturn (<5 g.m‐3) represent a threat to the trout population.  相似文献   

The water chemistry, flora, and fauna of Lake Ngahewa are described. Its waters are coloured by humic material from a flax swamp and the mean carbon: nitrogen ratio of the sediments lies in the range for dystrophic lakes. Thermal stratification is very weak or absent during summer, although deoxygenation occurs at depths below 3 m in late summer. The lake is highly productive and has a diverse phytoplankton and zooplankton population, which is different in species composition from other nearby eutrophic lakes; some algal species common in nearby eutrophic lakes are absent, and there is a high ratio of rotifers to cladocerans and copepods.

The high levels of dissolved phosphorus (42.2 mg.m‐3) and nitrogen (up to 36.1 mg.m‐3 NO3‐N) in the lake waters, and the differences in the flora and fauna compared with neighbouring lakes give only weak support to its tenuous classification as a dystrophic lake on the basis of water colour and sediment carbon values. The concept of dystrophy is discussed.  相似文献   

Size at age, growth rates, seasonality of spawning, and size at maturity were described for the silver sweep Scorpis lineolatus off the coast of New South Wales, Australia. Estimates of age were made by counting annual zones in sections of otoliths. The ageing technique was validated using young‐of‐the‐year fish, staining fish with tetracy‐cline, and by marginal increment analysis. Silver sweep exhibited extreme longevity with an observed maximum age of 54 years and more than 50% of the fishery being greater than 15 years old. Growth was rapid during the first few years before reaching sexual maturity at 2–3 years and at a length of c. 17 cm fork length, after which growth slowed dramatically. Silver sweep displayed a winter spawning period. The fishery is unusual in that despite heavy fishing pressure and rapidly declining catches the age structure of the catch suggests a population that has been subjected to minimal fishing mortality. It is proposed that the large declines in commercial landings may be the result of serial depletion on local reefs and that current landings are being taken from schools of fish that have" receiveddate="little fishing pressure historically.  相似文献   

Eggs of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Richardson) from five different lakes in North Island, New Zealand, were reared to discover whether they showed significant differences in survival which could be linked with DDT levels in the tissue. The muscle and gonads of pre‐breeding season fish and the parent females were assayed for DDT, as were the whole fry at the end of rearing. The highest DDT levels were found in fish from Lake Rerewhakaaitu, and eggs from these fish showed the least viability. Mortality was relatively low among eggs from fish out of the other lakes. Thus, DDT may possibly contribute to the high mortality found in eggs from Lake Rerewhakaaitu fish.  相似文献   

The larvae and larval development of Galaxias maculatus are described from a freshwater lake and a saline river in southwestern Western Australia. The size at hatching (7.0 mm total length) was similar to that recorded elsewhere for G. maculatus and the sequence of fin development (i.e., caudal, dorsal, anal, pectoral, and pelvic fins) was identical to that recorded for galaxiids generally. There were relative increases in the proportions of head length and body depth with larval growth and a decrease in proportion of pre‐anal length. Larvae from river habitats were smaller throughout larval stages of development than those from the lake. Fins of riverine fish began and completed development at a smaller size of fish than the lacustrine population, presumably as a response to the need for great motility at a smaller fish size in lotic environments.  相似文献   

The comparative limnology of some New Zealand lakes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The morphometry, environmental conditions, and some physical and chemical data are given for twenty‐four New Zealand lakes: seven are in the southern part of the South Island, the others, excluding Lakes Waikaremoana and Waikareiti, are in the “thermal region” of the central North Island. These lakes form two separate groups and include the largest and deepest lakes in both islands.

The lakes in which stratification was established were found to belong to the class known as warm monomictic Two lakes, Rotorua and Rotoehu, were found to be homothermous throughout the year. Open water surface temperatures did not exceed 23°c in the North Island lakes or 19°c in the South Island, and minimum temperatures recorded were 7°c in the northern lakes and 5°c in the southern. In deep lakes the range of temperature was much less: Wakutipu had a range of 16–8.85°c.

The disappearance level of a Secchi disc varied from 18 m (Lake Taupo) to 0.8 m (Lake Rotongaio). The transparency of the water in the glacial and volcanic lakes was comparable to that of similar lakes in other parts of the world.

It was found that total ions, measured by the ion‐exchange resins reached high concentrations in lakes fed by thermal waters: Rotomahana 14.32m.e./l. By contrast Tikitapu, a seepage lake, had the low concentration of. 0.28m.e./l, and Wakatipu, a glacial fed lake, a concentration of O.58m.e./1. The pH range was 8.1–5.8, the lowest value being in Tikitapu, a volcanic lake. Slightly lower pH values were recorded in the bottom waters of lakes when stratified. Lakes were usually supersaturated with oxygen at the surface, and only a few small lakes showed a hypolimnial deficiency. Silica and phosphate were found in high concentrations in some thermal lakes but nitrogen in the forms measured, was found to be low.  相似文献   

We characterised seasonal and ontogenetic changes in diet and prey energy density of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Lake Rotoiti, New Zealand, to better understand the prey requirements of trout in central North Island lakes. Common smelt (Retropinna retropinna) was the dominant prey item of rainbow trout larger than 200 mm (77.8% of diet by weight), followed by kōura (freshwater crayfish Paranephrops planifrons; 6.3%), common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus; 5.5%), and kōaro (Galaxias brevipinnis; 3.4%). Juvenile rainbow trout (<200 mm) consumed amphipods, aquatic and terrestrial insects, oligochaetes, tanaid shrimps, and smelt. Trout consumed kōaro only in autumn and winter; consumption of other species did not vary seasonally. The maximum size of smelt consumed increased with increasing trout size, but trout continued to consume small smelt even as large adults. Consumption of larger prey items (kōaro and kōura) also increased with increasing trout size. This study indicates the importance of smelt for sustaining rainbow trout populations, as predation on other species was relatively low. These findings provide a basis for bioenergetic modelling of rainbow trout populations in lakes of the central North Island of New Zealand.  相似文献   

Linking habitat distributions of prey to the probability of predation is important to understanding consumptive effects of predators on prey populations. This study reports how within-reach spatial variability of two snails, the hydrobiid Potamopyrgus antipodarum and the physid Physella acuta, was linked to habitat-based predation risk by young brown trout (Salmo trutta) of different age classes. Potamopyrgus is endemic to New Zealand streams and lakes, where it commonly co-exists with the invader P. acuta, but both snails are worldwide invaders to many freshwater systems. Examination of egested snails revealed Potamopyrgus and Physella were consumed in similar numbers within age classes. However, 10-month-old trout consumed, on average, fewer snails than 20-month-old trout, and 8-month-old trout ate essentially no snails, suggesting snails were a more important prey item for larger age-1 fish than smaller age-0 fish. No Physella were egested alive by any trout age class. However, 38% and 16% of the Potamopyrgus consumed were egested alive by 10- and 20-month-old trout, respectively, with some passing live after ~70 h in digestive tracts. Physella and the spiny-shell form of Potamopyrgus were significantly denser on macrophytes than on stony sediments in midchannel, and these habitat distributions affected their odds of consumption. Risk of consumption by trout was ~10 times greater for Physella than Potamopyrgus on stones, but their risk was similar in protective macrophytes. Odds of consumption were similar for spiny and smooth shell forms of Potamopyrgus on stones, suggesting spines do not provide protection from large predators like trout. My results suggest that brown trout can potentially exert stronger population regulatory effects on Physella than on Potamopyrgus and that these effects are partly mediated by macrophyte cover.  相似文献   

The movements of 92 adult rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from Lake Taupo into the Tongariro River, New Zealand, were monitored using radio‐telemetry every 3 days during the main spawning period between May and November 2003. This study repeated one previously conducted in 1995. Differences in spawning site preference and resting locations between 1995 and 2003 probably reflect differences in the nature of the river as a result of major natural floods that occurred in 1998. Average migration times were slower than in 1995 and the correlation between flow and mean daily movement was less distinct owing to the dry and settled weather during July and August, although fish did respond to freshets when they occurred. Peak movement occurred between 1600 and 2000 h NZ Standard Time with no movement occurring between midnight and 0400. Fish adjusted their movement in response to changing photoperiod. Nineteen fish were observed above the mouths of natal tributary streams for several weeks in the main river stem before entering these tributaries.  相似文献   

南四湖蓄水兴利取得了巨大效益,改变了多灾低产的历史面貌。这是正确执行“蓄泄兼筹”这一治淮方针的结果。当前,水资源紧缺,供需矛盾突出,但当地水资源还未能充分蓄存利用。在作好渔湖民安置的基础上,抬高下级湖蓄水位,以“下”补“上”,合理分配,是缓解苏鲁两省用水矛盾,团结治水,打开东调南下工程僵局。促进南水北调工程实施的一项重要措施。  相似文献   

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