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During 1966 and 1967, paraquat was applied on three occasions at 2 ppm for 30 min to control aquatic weeds in the South Branch experimental stream, a tributary of the lower Waimakariri River, Canterbury, South Island, New Zealand. Effects on the invertebrate fauna of the stream were studied before, during, and after the applications, by Surber and drift‐net samples.

After a heavy initial kill, the paraquat treatment reduced the number of amphipods caught in the drift fauna to 5% of the pre‐treatment level, and there was a slight reduction in the numbers of hemipterans. The total numbers in Surber samples increased markedly a year after treatments ended, mainly due to increased numbers of trichopterans.  相似文献   

Inanga (Galaxias maculatus Jenyns) are the basis of an important recreational and commercial freshwater fishery that has declined over the past 100 years, probably because of habitat degradation in developed areas. Maintenance of suitable stream flows for inanga is one means of protecting the fishery. Observations of habitat use by drift‐feeding inanga were made in three streams. Most feeding inanga were stationary in the current taking food items from the drift and sometimes from the surface. Drift‐feeding locations were related to current patterns and water velocity, with inanga feeding at locations where the current concentrated food, and where water velocities were sufficiently low to allow the fish to hold position. The mean feeding velocity did not vary significantly between streams, although the range of velocities used did. Optimum feeding velocities were 0.03–0.07 m s‐1, and were comparable with brown trout (Salmo trutta) feeding velocities, when adjusted for the differences in fish size. Depth use was very different between streams and this was attributed to the variation in available habitat. Depths greater than 0.3 m were optimum, with some use of depths between 0.1 and 0.3 m. It is suggested that inanga suitability criteria are dictated by biological factors, such as swimming ability and bio‐energetic requirements, rather than the river the fish is living in and that it is necessary to collect habitat use and availability data in a wide range of stream types to define optimal habitat and suitability criteria for generalised application.  相似文献   


Surface sediment samples (60 μm‐2 mm, and < 60 μm fractions) from the Waiwhetu Stream, Lower Hutt City, New Zealand, were leached with dilute HCl to remove the mobile heavy‐metal fraction. Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, Al, Fe, and Mn analyses of the leachates show that sediments of the upper reaches area of the stream are generally uncontaminated. In contrast, sediments in the lower reaches area are highly contaminated, despite clean‐up measures in the late 1970s. Lead and Zn are the most significantly enriched metals with concentrations over 1000 mg kg?1 adjacent to some drains. In the polluted zone, metals originate from either upward remobilisation from underlying sediment (contaminated in the early 1960s and 70s) or more recent industrial spillages. Similar trends exhibited by Cd, Cu, Cr, Zn, Pb, and Al indicate that a proportion of the metal enrichment downstream probably results from a naturally higher clay content of sediments near the mouth of the stream. Fe and Mn show reverse trends to the other metals, indicating that a high proportion of these two metals occurs in substrate different to that of the other metals. The orange brick‐coloured sediments of the upper reaches of the stream indicate oxides upstream; the black sediments in the lower reaches indicate sulphides downstream.  相似文献   

The effects of riparian manipulation in New Zealand are described for two case studies, one a short‐term study of the effects of the removal of riparian vegetation on fish, and the second, a long‐term study of the effect of re‐establishment of riparian vegetation on fish and benthic macro invertebrates. The first case study was an experiment carried out between November 2001 and May 2002. Overhanging bank vegetation and in‐stream wood were removed from short reaches of a small pastoral stream that had intact riparian margins, resulting in a change in stream structure with the formation of shallow uniform runs rather than pool and riffle structures as in unmodified reaches. The removal of bank cover and consequential instream habitat changes reduced inanga (Galaxias maculatus) densities by a factor of four within months of vegetation removal, showing the importance of instream cover and habitat to inanga. Adult longfin eel (Anguilla dieffenbachii) also became less abundant in the cleared reaches, but elvers (Anguilla spp.) became more abundant. In the second case study, pastoral sections in two small streams draining from native forest catchments were restored in 1995/96 by planting riparian vegetation and preventing stock access. After 10 years, the restoration efforts had more than doubled the numbers of giant kokopu (G. argenteus) and redfin bullies (Gobiomorphus huttoni), slightly increased numbers of banded kokopu (G. fasciatus), and decreased shortfin eel (A. australis) numbers by about 40%. The macroinvertebrate communities changed so that they became more similar to those at upstream native forest reference sites. These two case studies show that riparian margins can influence the composition of the fish and macroinvertebrate communities in small streams through the effects on cover, instream habitat and probably water temperature. Riparian restoration was most effective for the fish species that use cover and pool habitat.  相似文献   

Recolonisation of previously dry channels by stream invertebrates was studied in the Rakaia River during winter 1981 and summer 1982. The winter experiment continued for 42 days, with stable low flows, whereas the summer experiment was characterised by fluctuating large flows which caused it to be abandoned after 27 days. The fauna was dominated numerically by Chironomidae, a leptophlebiid mayfly (Deleatidium), and oligochaetes during the winter, and by Deleatidium alone during the summer. Recolonisation was considered complete after 33 days in winter and 15 days in summer. Flow fluctuations were the main factor affecting colonisation rates, and it was assumed that drift was the main source of colonising animals. Small freshes during low‐flow periods in winter resulted in a rapid increase in total density of invertebrates and number of taxa present and also affected the population structure of Deleatidium larvae in colonisation baskets. Before these freshes numbers had increased steadily over a 27 day period. In summer large floods during high flow periods initially decreased benthic invertebrate numbers in samples but numbers increased rapidly once the flood had passed. This appears to be the first study of its kind on a large unstable river system.  相似文献   

Water samples taken at 19 locations in the Mawheraiti River catchment at weekly intervals during 1979–80 were analysed for sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphate, nitrate, and ammonium ion concentrations and for electrical conductivity. Seasonal discharge effects were apparent, and lithology and land management practice also influenced solute concentrations. Solute concentrations were generally very low; nitrate and soluble phosphate were rarely greater than 0.05 mg.L‐1 and ammonium was rarely greater than 0.01 mg.L‐1. The 4 major cations (Na, Mg, K, and Ca) usually summed to less than 6 mg.L‐1 much of which was supplied by precipitation. Forest management (clearfelling and slash‐burning) caused significant increases in solute concentrations, but concentrations declined rapidly during succeeding months and approached pretreatment levels after 2–3 years. The higher concentrations associated with forest management in small experimental catchments were rapidly diluted downstream; together with the low natural solute concentrations this suggests that harmful downstream effects of management practices are unlikely under low flow conditions.  相似文献   

The presence and degree of pollution in the Heathcote River was estimated from bacterial and chemical analyses of water sampled at low tide from five stations in summer 1967–68. The river is very badly polluted in the industrial area and downstream of it, but is fairly clean upstream of the industrial area. Results of analyses of micro‐organisms and macrofauna at 20 stations are presented and distributions of these organisms are related to salinity and pollution in the river. Pollution is restricting the macrofauna of the river but is encouraging micro‐organism populations. Three groups of macrofauna are present:
  • Those present in clean freshwater only,

  • Those tolerating pollution but restricted to freshwater, and

  • Those tolerating pollution but restricted to saline water.

The use of these groups of species as biological indicators of pollution in the Heathcote River has been evaluated; pollution appears to be indicated by absence of a group of species rather than by presence of one species.  相似文献   

Hydrological data, including current observations, from a line of five stations across seasonal ice in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, are presented. The observations, which were made during the 1972–73 summer, gave evidence for a net flux of approximately 0.4 × 106m3.s‐1 flowing towards the south to pass under the Ross Ice Shelf. There was a small northward flux (0.04 × 106m3.s‐1) on the western side of the sound, but over most of the width the flow was to the south.

Diurnal tidal currents, which were analysed in terms of K1, P1, and O1 components, were superposed on the drift currents.

Temperature and salinity measurements revealed signs of surface water dilution and warming down to 200 m in the region of southerly drift. Temperatures associated with the northerly drift on the western side of the section were close to freezing at all depths. This water can be identified as coming from under the Ross Ice Shelf.  相似文献   

Submarine canyons may be particularly important in the transport process of drift seagrasses and seaweeds from highly productive shallow lagoon areas to deeper water. We studied the composition, export, and faunal utilization of shallow, nearshore benthic vegetation as it was transported to offshore areas via the Salt River submarine canyon on the island of St Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. The study was conducted using a saturation diving system (NULS-1: Hydrolab) during two missions in April and August, 1980. Using bottom drifters deployed in Salt River Bay and the submarine canyon, we recorded net benthic current flow up to 2 cm s?1 moving out of the lagoon and down the canyon to deeper water. Using bottom nets set up at the canyon head and at the 29 m isobar, and from transect surveys and drift clump samples, we determined drift plant export rates and drift clump biomass and species composition. The dominant drift plants were Thalassia testudinum and Syringodium filiforme and algae in the genera Dictyota, Dictyopterus, and Diloplus. During the second mission, the seagrass Halophila decipiens became more abundant, both in the drift and in large patches along the canyon floor. In both missions, more drift was collected in the nets during high wind conditions than during calmer days. Calculated turnover times ranged from 0·01 to 4·4 days for algae in the order Dictyotales and 4·4 to 18 days for Thalassia blades. Total exported biomass of drift vegetation varied between 1·4 to 65·1 kg wet wt day?1. Samples of drift vegetation contained mostly juvenile forms of both invertebrates and fishes, but in relatively low numbers. Faunal numbers were most strongly related to rate of drift movement.  相似文献   

Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii is a toxin‐producing species of cyanobacteria that in autumn 2003 was recorded for the first time in three shallow (max. depth ≤5 m) Waikato lakes and a hydro‐electric dam on the Waikato River, New Zealand. It formed water blooms at densities >100 000 cells/ml in Lakes Waahi and Whangape. Net rates of population growth >0.2 day–1 were recorded for C. raciborskii in Lakes Ngaroto, Waahi, and Karapiro, based on comparisons of low numbers (detection of <10 cells/ml) from initial samples and its presence at bloom densities (>15 000 cells/ml) in the subsequent sample “x"‐"y” days later. C. raciborskii may be well adapted to rapid proliferation in the Waikato lakes, which are eutrophic to hypertrophic, with high light attenuation, and where nitrogen (N) fixation may provide it with a competitive advantage over non‐nitrogen fixing algae under N‐limited conditions.  相似文献   

Circulation in Tasman Bay   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Direct current measurements at four locations in Tasman Bay and numerical model results are used to analyse the mean flow in Tasman Bay. The mean circulation conforms to that previously found from drift card experiments: a clockwise circulation in Golden Bay, and an anti‐clockwise flow in Tasman Bay, with a return south‐westerly flow on the coast near Nelson. Typical mean speeds are 0.02–0.05 m.s‐1. The circular flow appears asymmetrical in both bays, with a stronger outflow along Farewell Spit in Golden Bay and near D'Urville Island in Tasman Bay.

An analytical tidal solution is used to exhibit the influence of Cook Strait in producing smaller tidal amplitudes in eastern Tasman Bay. Tidal speeds of 0.15–0.30 nus‐1 are typical, with tidal ellipses having degenerated into north‐east, south‐west lines.  相似文献   

Experimental results are presented in the paper of two elastically supported rigid circular cylinders subjected to steady flows in a flume. The two cylinders were initially placed at various tandem and staggered positions with one in the wake of the other when subject to the steady flows. The in-line centre-to-centre distance varied from 2 to 5 diameters whilst the cross-flow distance from 0 to 2 diameters. The nominal Reynolds numbers were in the sub-critical regime and ranged from 1.12 × 104 to 5.52 × 104, and the nominal reduced velocities from 1.78 to 8.77. The damping ratio of the test set-up is low at 0.003 which gives a combined mass-damping parameter of 0.0046. Both the cylinders were free to respond in both the in-line and the cross-flow directions. The cylinder motion was measured simultaneously with the hydrodynamic loading in the two directions. It was found that the motion trajectories of the downstream cylinder show qualitative difference depending upon whether it is in tandem with the upstream cylinder or in the wake with a transverse offset. The VIV response of the downstream cylinder is dependent upon the reduced velocity of the upstream cylinder and its own reduced velocity based upon the actual mean wake velocity. The drag amplification of the downstream cylinder in the wake appears to be fundamentally different from that of a single VIV cylinder in isolation. Furthermore, unlike the two fixed cylinders in cross flow, the downstream cylinder undergoing VIV no longer experiences a marked non-zero mean lift. The upstream cylinder is largely unaffected by the downstream cylinder when the initial spacing is greater than 3 diameters. On the other hand, the motion response of and the fluid loading on the downstream cylinder are strongly influenced by the upstream cylinder in the spacing range tested.  相似文献   


Thirty sites were sampled in three New Zealand rivers (Waikato, Maitai, and Wakapuaka) during late summer 1977. Samples were collected from just below the surface at mid river or in the tailraces below hydro‐electric dams.

Parameters measured included bacterial numbers (direct counts), heterotrophic potential (Vmax ), adenosine triphosphate (ATP), chlorophyll a (Chi a), and concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds.

Bacterial populations per millilitre fluctuated threefold (6.4–19.4 × 105) along the Waikato River and were lower and more consistent in the two South Island rivers (1.46–2.55 × 105). In contrast, Vmax varied 5000‐fold in the Waikato River, from a characteristically oligotrophic value of 0.0035 μg. l?1·h?1 (Lake Taupo outlet) to a eutrophic value of 18.4 μg. l?1·h?1 at the Mihi bridge. Vmax for the two South Island rivers ranged from 0.0091 to 0.189 μg. l?1 · h?1.

ATP, Chi a, Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, and total phosphorus concentrations for the 20 sites on the Waikato River varied in a similar way to the Vmax and bacterial data. There were large peaks at the Mihi bridge, lower values for the dam tailraces and significant increases for the sites below Hamilton. Concentrations for these parameters were lower and more consistent along the lengths of the two South Island rivers.

Most parameters were significantly correlated with each other for the Waikato River samples. The strongest correlations were between Vmax and bacterial numbers and between Vmax and nitrate nitrogen. In the Maitai and Wakapuaka River series these correlations were also significant, but the only other significant correlations recorded there were between ATP and nitrate nitrogen, and between ATP and bacterial numbers.  相似文献   

The adaptive mechanisms on the early life stages of fishes to hypersaline stress are still poorly understood and probably determine the resistance of a population to disruption, compared with other less plastic species. The Casamance River in Senegal is an ideal location to test the adaptation to salinity as a dam was built in 1998 to exclude saline water intrusion. This lowered the salinity from 70 to 5 upstream and 60 downstream. The salinity influence on the growth in the early life of three West African fish species (Ethmalosa fimbriata, Sarotherodon melanotheron, and Tilapia guineensis) was studied using the width of microstructures in the otoliths and the individual migratory behaviour analysed from strontium (Sr) to calcium (Ca) ratios in the otoliths. The Sr:Ca ratio was quantified along individual transects measured from the posterior edge of the otolith to the core. The fishes were sampled on both sides of the dam that separated water with low salinity upstream from metahaline and hyperhaline water downstream.The results showed that salinity has different influence on the growth of each species. Ethmalosa fimbriata has the highest growth during the first 180 days in the freshwaters, indicating growth inhibition in the hyperhaline areas. For the two other species no growth difference were found. The Sr/Ca ratio varied widely, in Tilapia and Sarotherodon from below the dam. Individual life histories were more heterogeneous than upstream and showed a crossing of the dam for some individuals which could reach half of the fishes analysed. On the contrary in E. fimbriata, despite the large range of salinity, identical Sr/Ca profiles were found both upstream and downstream. This indicated that Sr/Ca ratio was not appropriate to evaluate life history patterns linked to salinity for this specie.  相似文献   

Drifting mysids were sampled to determine diel activity, and whether mysid numbers vary with respect to inflowing and outflowing tides. Samples of drifting mysids were collected at the mouth of the Taieri River, New Zealand, over one 24‐h cycle using five replicate conical drift nets in January 1999. One‐night and 1‐day ebb and flood tide were each sampled. Four species of mysid Tenagomysis macropsis, T. novae‐zealandiae, T. robusta, and an apparently undescribed species of Gastrosaccus sp., were collected over the sampling period. One species, T. robusta, has not previously been collected from estuarine or riverine systems. The undescribed Gastrosaccus sp. was the most abundant of the four species. All four species were more abundant at night, with T. robusta and Gastrosaccus sp. being considerably more abundant in the drift on outflowing tides. In contrast, roughly equal numbers of T. macropsis and T. novae‐zealandiae were observed drifting in and out of the estuary at night.  相似文献   

溢油事故发生后,油膜的漂移扩散会对周围水域和环境敏感目标造成污染。研究溢油事故后油膜漂移扩散,可为溢油事故的处理提供理论指导。本文应用河口海岸三维水动力模式ECOM-si(semi-implicit estuarine,costal and ocean model),耦合溢油漂移扩散模块,模拟和分析长江口宝钢码头发生溢油事故后油膜的漂移扩散,以及对环境敏感保护目标的影响。基于长江口崇明东滩气象站实测风速风向资料,给出影响溢油漂移的主导风和不利风向。在冬季多年平均1月径流量11700m3·s–1、主导风、3个不利风和潮汐作用下,数值模拟并详细给出了宝钢码头溢油事故发生后油膜的平面分布、油膜到达和离开4个水库取水口和饮用水水源保护区以及其他环境敏感保护区的时间、持续影响时间和最大油膜厚度。长江口宝钢码头溢油事故发生后,油膜随涨落潮流作上下游来回振荡,径流使油膜向海输运,风使油膜朝风向方向漂移。在主导风北风5.6m3·s–1风速下,油膜沿长江口南岸向下游漂移扩散,小部分进入北槽南侧。在不利风向东南风4.0...  相似文献   

Quenching of fluorescence emission by the Cu2+ ion is measured in five samples from the Gironde Estuary (France). Non-linear regression analysis allows us to calculate from experimental data the values of CL (complexing capacities or total ligand concentrations), K (conditional stability constants) and IML (residual fluorescence at the end of the titration). The results obtained on the Gironde estuarine samples indicate that CL values are very low (<0.1 micromolar) and K values decrease from upstream to downstream. The relatively high values of IML are an indication that much of the organic fluorescing matter does not bind to Cu2+.  相似文献   

Pasiphaea multidentata is a deep‐water caridean shrimp fished in the Mediterranean in association with the commercially exploited red‐shrimp Aristeus antennatus. A previous study describes seasonality in the reproductive pattern of P. multidentata using external morphological parametres. This study assesses the spatio‐temporal variations in the population structure, sex ratio, ovary cycle and gametogenesis of P. multidentata from three different fishing grounds in the Blanes canyon and adjacent margin (North‐western Mediterranean) over an annual cycle. The oogenetic pattern of this species is typical of a caridean shrimp. There is a pool of previtellogenic oocytes at all times that develop from the periphery of the gonad towards the centre during maturation. Previtellogenic oocytes grow to approximately 200 μm before undergoing vitellogenesis. The vitellogenic oocytes are surrounded by a monolayer of accessory cells. The maximum size observed for a mature oocyte was 1420 μm. The oocyte‐size distribution confirmed the seasonal reproductive pattern of this species; in winter, the ovaries contained mainly previtellogenic oocytes, some of which start maturing in spring, resulting in a slightly bimodal distribution. In summer, the vitellogenic oocytes reach approximately 1000 μm and in late autumn the ovaries are fully mature and ready to spawn. There were no significant differences in the reproductive and population structure patterns of P. multidentata among the three sites, suggesting that the population’s distribution is not affected by the geomorphology of the area, in particular the presence of the canyon. The populations are dominated by females at all sites and all seasons, with the arrival of juveniles in spring. The seasonal variations in the reproduction and recruitment of P. multidentata and the lack of spatial segregation within the population are discussed in terms of the species’ known biology, the effects of canyons in energy supply to the deep‐sea floor and the relationships of this species with the red‐shrimp A. antennatus.  相似文献   


Studies of coastal bathymetry are important where littoral drift has implications on the planning of fishing and dredging operations. Also, there is a possibility of finding hitherto unknown bottom features in relatively less explored regions of the shallow seas around the globe. High resolution satellite imagery over oceans provides us with quantitative methods for estimating depth in shallow parts of the seas. One of the methods is the analysis of the refraction of coastal gravity waves observed on satellite imagery. A panchromatic image acquired by SPOT with 10 m resolution on March 22, 1986, over Bay of Bengal near Madras Coast, was used for this analysis. The image was enhanced to clearly bring out the wave structure seen on the sea surface. The image was then superimposed with a 1 km × 1 km grid. For each grid cell, 64 × 64 pixels at the center were considered for getting a Fast Fourier Transform to determine the wave spectrum and the dominant wavelength present there. The classical theory of gravity waves was used to relate the shallow water wavelengths obtained as above with the corresponding wavelengths in the deep water. The deep‐water wavelength was estimated to be 110 m using the known chart depths at a set of control points. The resulting depth estimates, when compared with standard bathymetric charts, were found, in general, to be well in agreement up to a depth of 30 m in the sea, with an r.m.s. error of 2.6 meters. The method seems to be very useful for remotely sensed bathymetric work. However, further research is required to reduce the error margin and operationalize the method.  相似文献   

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