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Three new species of calanoid copepod in the family Aetideidae are described, two in Aetideopsis Sars, 1903 and the third in Bradyidius Giesbrecht, 1897. One Aetideopsis species is from off South West Africa (south‐east Atlantic), the remaining species are from the east coast of New Zealand (south‐west Pacific). The genus Pseudaetideus Wolfenden, 1904 is merged with Aetideopsis.  相似文献   

In this paper we summarise the photo-physiological responses of phytoplankton to upwelling of macronutrients in mesoscale eddies in the subtropical North Atlantic (EDDIES project, Sargasso Sea) and subtropical North Pacific (E-FLUX project, Hawaii). The observations, obtained on two sets of cruises over 2 years, occupied six cyclonic eddies and two mode-water eddies. The photosynthetic physiological parameters were measured using a bench-top fluorescence induction and relaxation (FIRe) system and a submersible in situ fast repetition rate fluorometer (FRRF) deployed on an undulating towed vehicle. Both of these instruments were used to provide highly sensitive and well-resolved data on community responses. The responses are dependent on both the type of eddy and its stage of development. Our results indicate that, while cyclonic eddies in the Atlantic and Pacific can increase primary photosynthetic production early in their development, mode-water eddies in the subtropical North Atlantic can support patchy blooms of large diatoms for long periods of time (more than 3 months).  相似文献   

Oceanology - Ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) crusts in the ocean accumulate significant amounts of strategically important elements necessary for the development of high technologies. The recent study of...  相似文献   

PCBs, DDT compounds and HCH isomers were detected in the air and surface waters of the North Pacific and Indian Oceans, including the Bering Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea, Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. The general concentrations of each chlorinated hydrocarbon were as follows: water PCBs 0.1 to 1.0, DDT 0.01 to 1.0, HCH 1.0 to 10 ngl –1; air DDT 0.01 to 1.0, HCH 0.1 to 10 ng m–3. PCB concentrations in surface waters were slightly lower than those of the North Atlantic and North Sea previously reported, while DDT concentrations in the air and water were higher. Remarkably high concentrations of DDT and HCH were found in the air off the western coast of India. Also in the Pacific site off Central America, a fairly high concentration of DDT was observed in an air sample. These data suggest that large amounts of DDT and HCH are being used in the tropical zone, especially in southern Asia. Furthermore, high concentrations were observed both in the air and water of the Northwest Pacific between 30°N and 40°N latitude. There is a possibility that both pesticides are not only still being used in lower latitude countries but also in the mid-latitude ones of the Asian continent excluding Japan. In addition to this atmospheric circulation may also contribute to the concentration of these pesticides in the mid-latitudinal zone.  相似文献   

Using objectively analyzed seasonal fields of dissolved oxygen content, percent oxygen saturation, and apparent oxygen utilization (AOU), we describe the large-scale seasonal variability of oxygen for the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in the upper 400 m. The winter minus summer basin zonal averages of AOU reveal a two-layer feature in both the Atlantic and the Pacific, for both hemispheres. Biological activity and seasonal stratification in the summer give the upper 50–75 m of the water column in each basin a lower AOU in summer than winter. Greater mixing of upper ocean waters in winter gives the 75–400 m layer lower AOU values in that season. The basin integral seasonal volumes of oxygen for both the North Atlantic and the North Pacific mirror what is occurring in the atmosphere, indicating that there is a seasonal flux of oxygen across the air–sea interface. Winter total O2 volume in the ocean is above the annual mean; the summer volume is below. Larger seasonal differences in the total O2 content are observed in the North Atlantic Ocean than the North Pacific Ocean. A seasonal net outgassing (SNO) of 8.3×1014 moles O2 is calculated from basin means, which is 25% higher than previous results.  相似文献   

Chromium(VI) concentrations ranging between 3.0 and 6.1 nmol l−1 and 3.1 and 7.3 nmol l−1 were found in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans, respectively. The vertical profiles show modest depletion of chromium(VI) in surface waters, but poor overall correlations between Cr(VI) and nutrient profiles. Given that Cr(VI) is the dominant oxidation state of chromium in open-ocean waters, these data are combined with literature data to reassess the distribution of Cr in oceanic waters. It is concluded that while Cr shows some characteristics of both “recycled” and “accumulated” vertical profiles, it does not fall clearly within either group.  相似文献   

Two new species of Hatschekia Poche, 1901 are described from New Zealand specimens of Allomycterus jaculiferus (Cuvier, 1818) and Lepidopus caudatus (Euthrasen, 1878) respectively. Comment is made on the need for revision within the genus Hatschekia.  相似文献   

Based on the concept of the Wiener&–Granger causality, a seasonal trivariate analysis of directional couplings between sea surface temperature variations in tropical latitudes of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans has been performed. These variations are related to significant modes of regional and global climatic variability. We have analyzed time series of monthly indices of Pacific Ocean processes of the El Ni&ño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), equatorial Atlantic mode (EAM), and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)&—along with its western and eastern poles for the period of 1870&–2015. A scheme of interactions between the processes under study where coupling strength estimates are presented, along with estimates of the season of its maximal value and the coupling coefficient sign, has been developed. We have found the seasonal influences of ENSO on the western and eastern poles of IOD, the eastern pole of IOD on ENSO, EAM on ENSO, and IOD on EAM to be the most significant couplings.  相似文献   

Circulations associated with the Indonesian Throughflow (IT), particularly concerning subsurface currents in the Pacific Ocean, are studied using three types of models: a linear, continuously stratified (LCS) model and a nonlinear, -layer model (LOM), both confined to the Indo-Pacific basin; and a global, ocean general circulation model (COCO). Solutions are wind forced, and obtained with both open and closed Indonesian passages. Layers 1-4 of LOM correspond to near-surface, thermocline, subthermocline (thermostad), and upper-intermediate (AAIW) water, respectively, and analogous layers are defined for COCO.The three models share a common dynamics. When the Indonesian passages are abruptly opened, barotropic and baroclinic waves radiate into the interiors of both oceans. The steady-state, barotropic flow field from the difference (open − closed) solution is an anticlockwise circulation around the perimeter of the southern Indian Ocean, with its meridional branches confined to the western boundaries of both oceans. In contrast, steady-state, baroclinic flows extend into the interiors of both basins, a consequence of damping of baroclinic waves by diapycnal processes (internal diffusion, upwelling and subduction, and convective overturning). Deep IT-associated currents are the subsurface parts of these baroclinic flows. In the Pacific, they tend to be directed eastward and poleward, extend throughout the basin, and are closed by upwelling in the eastern ocean and Subpolar Gyre. Smaller-scale aspects of their structure vary significantly among the models, depending on the nature of their diapycnal mixing.At the exit to the Indonesian Seas, the IT is highly surface trapped in all the models, with a prominent, deep core in the LCS model and in LOM. The separation into two cores is due to near-equatorial, eastward-flowing, subsurface currents in the Pacific Ocean, which drain layer 2 and layer 3 waters from the western ocean to supply water for the upwelling regions in the eastern ocean; indeed, depending on the strength and parameterization of vertical diffusion in the Pacific interior, the draining can be strong enough that layer 3 water flows from the Indian to Pacific Ocean. The IT in COCO lacks a significant deep core, likely because the model’s coarse bottom topography has no throughflow passage below 1000 m. Consistent with observations, water in the near-surface (deep) core comes mostly from the northern (southern) hemisphere, a consequence of the wind-driven circulation in the tropical North Pacific being mostly confined to the upper ocean; as a result, it causes the near-surface current along the New Guinea coast to retroflect eastward, but has little impact on the deeper New Guinea undercurrent.In the South Pacific, the IT-associated flow into the basin is spread roughly uniformly throughout all four layers, a consequence of downwelling processes in the Indian Ocean. The inflow first circulates around the Subtropical Gyre, and then bends northward at the Australian coast to flow to the equator within the western boundary currents. To allow for this additional, northward transport, the bifurcation latitude of the South Equatorial Current shifts southward when the Indonesian passages are open. The shift is greater at depth (layers 3 and 4), changing from about 14°S when the passages are closed to 19°S when they are open and, hence, accounting for the northward-flowing Great Barrier Reef Undercurrent in that latitude range.After flowing along the New Guinea coast, most waters in layers 1-3 bend offshore to join the North Equatorial Countercurrent, Equatorial Undercurrent, and southern Tsuchiya Jet, respectively, thereby ensuring that northern hemisphere waters contribute significantly to the IT. In contrast, much of the layer 4 water directly exits the basin via the IT, but some also flows into the subpolar North Pacific. Except for the direct layer 4 outflow, all other IT-associated waters circulate about the North Pacific before they finally enter the Indonesian Seas via the Mindanao Current.  相似文献   

Abstract   Oncaea venusta Philippi, 1843 has been known as having some different size groups, but recent genetic study for cyt b and ITS 1 (Elverset al. 2006) suggests that these size groups can be considered as different species. Of these size groups, the largestO. venusta Philippi and the smallestO. venella Farran, 1929 were first described in Korean waters. The latter is easily distinguishable from the former in the following characteristics in addition to its small size: (1) length to width ratio of genital double somite of two genders smaller, and (2) female second pediger bearing inconspicuous dorso-posterior swelling.Oncaea venusta andO. venella co-occur in Korean waters during spring to fall, but their occurrence patterns seasonally differ: the former shows higher density in fall while the latter does in summer.  相似文献   

Boeckella tanea, n.sp. is described. It shows similarities to B. propinqua and B. delicata, and appears to be confined to lakes and ponds in Northland, New Zealand.  相似文献   

Copepodites of Neocalanus plumchrus dominate the macrozooplankton biomass of the subarctic Pacific during spring. Living specimens have patches of bright red-orange pigment. During May of 1984 it was found sharing dominance with another, related species with differently placed patches of more distinctly red pigment. This is an undescribed species, which is designated here as Neocalanus flemingeri sp. nov. In the Gulf of Alaska it is smaller than N. plumchrus, but in the Bering Sea where food supplies are greater it reaches dimensions as large or larger. The morphologies of the two species are distinct, and previous confusion in the taxonomy of these forms was caused by differences in their life histories.  相似文献   

Geotechnical properties from a series of deep-sea sites in the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans are examined to evaluate overall trends and to compare with similar fine-grained soils found on land. The study areas encompass a range of sedimentary environments dominated by combinations of turbidite and pelagic deposits. Carbonate content in excess of 20% is seen to result in a decrease in liquid limit and compressibility. Vertical profiles of geotechnical properties in the North Pacific show broader changes in down-core geotechnical properties compared to the North Atlantic and reflect the effects of long-term climatic changes and seafloor spreading. Sediments in the North Atlantic indicate significant differences depending on location, which is attributed to variability in turbidite deposition, water depth, distance from sediment sources, and the effects of bottom currents. Compared to equivalent fine-grained soils on land, deep-sea sediments are generally softer, more compressible and have higher friction angles at comparable Atterberg limits. Deeper and older sediments in the North Pacific are characterized by unusually large plastic limits, which are attributed to the presence of volcanic fractions. Empirical relationships for compression index and friction angle are discussed for sediments from both oceans.  相似文献   

Concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbons such as HCH isomers and DDT compounds were determined in air and surface water samples taken from the Western Pacific, Eastern Indian and Antarctic Oceans. The most interesting finding was their presence in measurable concentrations in the Antarctic Ocean. Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides are widely distributed in the open ocean environment over both the northern and southern hemispheres, and some characteristic distribution patterns of pesticide species in different oceanic regions were observed both in air and water samples. HCH residues found in the northern hemisphere were much higher in concentration than those in the southern hemisphere. On the other hand, higher concentrations of DDT residues were found in the tropical regions, but their levels were not so different between both the northern and southern hemispheres. HCH isomers found in the northern hemisphere had the following order of concentrations:-HCH> HCH>-HCH, while in the southern hemisphere-HCH was apparently dominant. DDT compound compositions were rather uniform in all the oceans surveyed, and more than 50% wasp,p-DDT. These facts can be explained by the world wide situation regarding pesticide use and the physicochemical properties of the pesticides such as their vapor pressures and water solubilities. In addition, the meridional circulation of the atmosphere, particularly the mass flows of the Hadley and Ferrel cells in the troposphere, also contributes to the atmospheric transport and global distribution of these pesticides.  相似文献   

Dust-loadings in the lower atmosphere of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and the China Sea and Sea of Japan are given. Average dust-loadings decrease in the following order: North Atlantic (northeast trades, ~ 7.7 μg/m3 of air) > northern Indian Ocean (~ 1.2 μg/m3 of air) > South Atlantic (southeast trades, ~ 0.78 μg/m3 of air) = southern Indian Ocean (~ 0.68 μg/m3 of air) > China Sea (~ 0.21 μg/m3 of air).There are differences in the clay mineralogies of dusts transported in similar latitudes in the North Atlantic and northern Indian Oceans. Dusts in the Atlantic northeast trades are dominated by kaolinite from the soils of equatorial Africa; dusts in the northeast monsoons of the northern Indian Ocean have a source in the arid regions of the Rajasthan desert where illite is the principal clay mineral.In the regions investigated quartz occurs in larger amounts in the dusts of the Northern Hemisphere (~ 7% quartz) than those of the Southern Hemisphere (~ 3% quartz) over both the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.From the results given in the present paper and those reported in the literature a map is presented illustrating the order of magnitude of lower atmospheric dust-loadings in part of the world ocean.  相似文献   

Dinematura neozealanica Thomson, 1889 is shown to be a synonym of Echthrogaleus denticulatus Smith, 1874. The male recorded as Pandarus armatus Heller by Thomson (1889) is probably E. denticulatus The latter species is redescribed from Thomson's specimens.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2001,73(1):65-81
Radiocarbon (Δ14C) abundance and stable carbon isotope (δ13C) compositions were measured for total lipid, total hydrolyzable amino acids (THAA), total carbohydrates (TCHO), and acid-insoluble organic fractions separated from phytoplankton, zooplankton, and sediment cores collected from two abyssal sites, one in the northeast (NE) Pacific Ocean and one in the Southern Ocean. These results are compared with those obtained for a separate core from the NE Pacific and reported by Wang et al. [Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 62 (1998) 1365.]. An uncharacterized acid-insoluble fraction dominated (43–57%) the sediment TOC pool at both sites. Sediment collected from the NE Pacific exhibited higher TOC, TN. and higher Δ14C values and contained both labile (THAA and TCHO) and refractory (lipid and acid-insoluble) fractions. In contrast, sediment from the Southern Ocean had much lower TOC and Δ14C values, which indicated that organic matter was extremely refractory. Sedimentation rates calculated from 14C ages of TOC for both sites indicate that the differences in the organic composition and Δ14C signatures of organic matter in the sediments likely resulted from the differences in production and deposition of organic matter to the sediment, and the diagenetic stages of sedimentary organic matter in the two oceans.Unlike Δ14C, stable carbon isotopic (δ13C) compositions of TOC in the sediments of the two oceans had similar values, which reflect not only the organic matter input from marine-derived sources but also the nature of degraded, predominately uncharacterized organic fraction in these sediments. The differences in δ13C values among the compound classes in sediments at both sites can be attributed to the carbon isotopic signatures in original sources during photosynthesis and associated environmental factors. Preferential degradation of organic matter and heterotrophic effects may also play important roles for the observed δ13C variations and these effects need to be further investigated.  相似文献   

The neritic planktonic copepodAcartia hudsonica is redescribed from the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of North America and newly from Japanese waters. This species formerly has been identified asA. clausi in the Northwest Pacific. The Atlantic and Pacific populations cannot be morphologically separated even in fine ornamentation; the variations found in the two populations overlap each other. Prosome length/width ratio of the female is negatively correlated with the body size and the ratio is not significantly different between Atlantic and Pacific females of the same size. The length/width ratio of the genital segment of Pacific females is positively correlated with their body size, and the mean value of the ratio for Atlantic females is smaller than that expected for Pacific females of the same size. The size-temperature relationship differs among localities but it is uncertain whether there is a genetic difference in copepod size between the Atlantic and Pacific populations.  相似文献   

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