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Seventeen infaunal benthic communities are recognised from sampling on the New Zealand continental shelf and upper continental slope. These are characterised in terms of geographic distribution, substrate and bathymetric range, and commoner infaunal bivalves and echinoderms.  相似文献   

The movements of 92 adult rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from Lake Taupo into the Tongariro River, New Zealand, were monitored using radio‐telemetry every 3 days during the main spawning period between May and November 2003. This study repeated one previously conducted in 1995. Differences in spawning site preference and resting locations between 1995 and 2003 probably reflect differences in the nature of the river as a result of major natural floods that occurred in 1998. Average migration times were slower than in 1995 and the correlation between flow and mean daily movement was less distinct owing to the dry and settled weather during July and August, although fish did respond to freshets when they occurred. Peak movement occurred between 1600 and 2000 h NZ Standard Time with no movement occurring between midnight and 0400. Fish adjusted their movement in response to changing photoperiod. Nineteen fish were observed above the mouths of natal tributary streams for several weeks in the main river stem before entering these tributaries.  相似文献   

A small‐scale experiment was done to test the feasibility of thermally marking hatchery‐reared rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) fry that are released into rivers and impoundments in New South Wales (NSW), Australia. Fry of rainbow trout were exposed to two different 48‐h thermal cycles each of a cold and warm water period. One thermal regime consisted of a cold water period during which the temperature was reduced from 14 to 8°C for 18 h followed by a return to 14°C for 30 h. For the second thermal treatment, water temperature was reduced to 4°C for 10 h followed by a period of 38 h at 14°C. Thermal cycles were repeated 4 and 8 times for each thermal regime, respectively. Following a growth period after treatment, obvious marks were visible on all treated otoliths as distinct from control otoliths. The 10°C differential treatment created the most visible patterns and growth of these fish was not significantly different from control fish. This marking method could be applied to normal hatchery practices to evaluate the effectiveness of large‐scale rainbow trout stockings in NSW.  相似文献   

Landlocked sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), ranging in fork length (FL) from 105 to 313 mm, were captured in fine‐mesh gill nets set in the limnetic zone of the Waitaki hydro lakes (44° 30′ S, 170° 10’ E) in the South Island, New Zealand. A total of 443 stomachs was examined and the frequency of occurrence, volume and weight of prey items calculated. In the Ahuriri Arm of Lake Benmore the principal food (54% by weight) was zooplankton (Boeckella dilatata) whereas in the Haldon Arm of Lake Benmore it was larval and juvenile common bullies (Gobiomorphus cotidi‐anus) (73% by volume). In Lake Waitaki in winter, salmon had eaten insects (43% by volume) with smaller amounts of snails (Potamopyrgus antipo‐darum, 23%) and bullies (24%). In Lake Ohau adult insects may be an important food. There were also variations in diet with season and fish size. The stomachs of 147 brown trout (Salmo trutta) and 181 rainbow trout (S. gairdnerii) caught in the same gill nets were also examined. In contrast to sockeye salmon stomachs they contained negligible amounts of zooplankton (< 1% by weight) and large amounts of aquatic insects (50–58% by weight in the Ahuriri Arm of Lake Benmore). Comparisons with juvenile sockeye salmon and kokanee in North American lakes are made. The impact of introductions of sockeye salmon into other New Zealand lakes is discussed.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, have been stocked in southwestern Australia since the 1930s. Trials at a research station maintained 868 tagged yearling O. mykiss (age: 14 months; standard length: 208 mm) for up to 375 days. The mean tag loss rate was 0.12% ± 0.040% per day for both single- and double-tagged fish. The tag loss rate was used to interpret tag return data from 7030 single-tagged yearlings stocked into three river systems in southwestern Australia. Recaptures indicated that O. mykiss survived into their second season in all rivers, with the maximum time at liberty of 21 months (longevity of at least 35 months). Upstream and downstream movements of O. mykiss increased with time, although 29% of recaptures were reported from the stocking site. Significantly more O. mykiss were recaptured from the Warren River, and differences remained even when corrected for stocking levels; angler effort had a marginal effect on return rates. Higher return rates from the Warren River may be due to availability of suitable habitat (stream cover, cooler water) for O. mykiss. Results allow the stocking regime to be reviewed to improve fishery performance.  相似文献   

From 1973 to 1976, 2430 blue cod (Parapercis colias) were tagged in the Marlborough Sounds. Tags from 84 fish (3.5%) were returned, after a mean 138 days at liberty. Of these, 71.6% had not moved significant distances. The remainder had travelled up to 41.7 km. Tag shedding rates, as indicated by multiple‐tagging experiments, were high. Results suggest that blue cod of the Marlborough Sounds and the adjacent islands belong to the same stock, and that, while some move significant distances, the majority stay in 1 place for extended periods.  相似文献   

Broad classification of New Zealand inlets with emphasis on residence times   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
Thirty‐two New Zealand coastal inlets are tentatively classified into seven groups with probable similar circulation patterns, based on ratios of their physical parameters: volume, tidal compartment, entrance width, surface area, length, and average width. Eighteen of these have a predominant tidal flow, shown from their small ratio (ß < 4) of tidal compartment to total volume, and the cross‐sectional areas of their entrances are controlled by the tidal flow: Moutere, Waimea, Aotea, Whanganui, Avon‐Heathcote, Tauranga, Parengarenga, Porirua‐Pauatahanui, Kawhia, Nelson, Rangaunu, Raglan, Whangarei, Bluff, Otago, Hokianga, Manukau, and Whangaruru. The other fourteen range from long narrow sounds with probable strong vertical circulation (e.g., Pelorus Sound) to large bays with strong mean horizontal circulations (e.g., Tasman and Hawke Bays).

Examples of residence time calculated in inlets with ß > 4 are given for Tasman Bay, a bay with a mean horizontal circulation, which has a residence time of 1–3 months, and Pelorus Sound, an inlet with a vertically complex circulation, which has a residence time of about 20 d.  相似文献   

The total lipid content of fry (25–30 mm) and parr (55–110 mm) of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Richardson 1836) was measured in spring 1996 and 1997 and in autumn 1997 in six trout‐rearing tributaries of Lake Taupo, New Zealand. The fat content of fry was variable between streams and some streams had a higher inter‐annual variation than others. The fat content of parr was also variable among streams but no difference could be found between seasons. The streams that produced fry with high fat content did not always produce parr with high fat content.  相似文献   

Evechinus chloroticus (Val.) is known to be an important grazer of subtidal barren habitats in northern New Zealand but its role in structuring rocky reef communities at colder southern localities is poorly understood. The present study was prompted by a proposal for the establishment of an E. chloroticus fishery in Dusky Sound, Fiordland, New Zealand. To determine the ecological importance of E. chloroticus in Dusky Sound, sea urchins were experimentally removed from shallow fucoid fringe (upper zone), mid‐depth barrens (middle zone), and deeper algal meadow (lower zone), at eight sites and compared with a paired set of eight control sites. Two years of continuous removal of E. chloroticus resulted in conspicuous changes to the algal community at all depth zones examined. The density of fucoid algae (Carpophyllum spp., Sargassum spp., Cystophora spp., and Landsburgia quercifolia) increased mostly in the upper and middle zones, although smaller increases were also observed in the lower zone. Changes in cover of herbaceous, turfing and crustose algae observed in the middle and lower zones were larger than in the upper zone. Density increases of the kelp Ecklonia radiata were observed mainly in the lower zone, although still important in the middle zone. These results show that E. chloroticus can have a strong influence on the structure of algal assemblages in Dusky Sound hence the development of an E. chloroticus fishery in this area should be treated with caution.  相似文献   

Temporary removal of aquatic plants in Lake Parkinson, a small, eutrophic dune lake, resulted in a number of changes to the population of stocked rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii). During each summer the lake stratified and low oxygen levels limited the distribution of trout to shallow (0–4 m) surface waters. In the first summer following weed removal the numbers of black shags (Phallacrocorax carbo) counted at the lake increased, and their predation resulted in a decline in trout density. However, the growth rate and condition of the trout population then exceeded that of trout present before weed removal. During the second summer after weed removal a cladoceran bloom was followed by low phytoplankton levels and high ammonia concentrations. A prolonged calm compounded this situation with the result that oxygen levels in bottom and surface waters dropped below 2 ppm. These low oxygen levels eliminated the trout population, but other fish species present survived. Elimination of aquatic plants affected the population dynamics of other fish species in the lake with potential implications for the trout. The experiment demonstrated the importance of weed beds in maintaining a stable fish community in lakes such as Lake Parkinson.  相似文献   

The diet of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (S. gairdnerii) was studied in specimens from Lake Benmore, a deep, oligo‐trophic lake in South Island, New Zealand. Between November and July, both species fed mainly on small molluscs (Potamopyrgus antipodarum, Physa sp., and Gyraulus corinna) gleaned from the littoral weed beds. Energy values for the three species of mollusc were determined: P. antipodarum, 6000 J g‐1; G. corinna, 5500 J g‐1; Physa sp., 9800 J g‐1. Potamopyrgus antipodarum yielded little energy to the fish, unless its shell broke during passage through the gut. Physa sp. was the most profitable mollusc, irrespective of shell breakage and Potamopyrgus antipodanim the least profitable. The mean energy value per snail for G. corinna and Physa sp. eaten by rainbow trout was 25–30% less than for snails eaten by brown trout, possibly because rainbow trout ingested empty shells from the sediment surface. Rainbow trout extracted about 20% more energy than brown trout from unbroken shells. In July, 84% of the brown trout switched to predation of common bullies, Gobio‐morphus cotidianus, probably as a result of bully reproductive behaviour. Rainbow trout did not show the same change, apparently because they were feeding in deeper water where few bullies were available. The low‐energy diet and its possible connection with growth rate are discussed.  相似文献   

Nursery grounds of the tarakihi Cheilodactylus macropterus (Bloch & Schneider) were discovered in 1963–72 mainly off the south‐western coast of the North Island, in Tasman Bay, along the entire eastern coast of the South Island, and around the Chatham Islands. They occurred at depths of 20–100 m, and mostly between 10 km and 30 km from shore. The tarakihi nurseries had a dense and varied invertebrate bemthic epifauna dominated by sponges and small corals. Few signs of nurseries were found in. other New Zealand waters, in spite of the existence of major spawning grounds there. It is not known with which spawning grounds the various nursery grounds are linked.

The Tasman Bay nursery ground is 18–33 km wide and about 75 km long, with a surface area of about 2000 km2. There is a rich demersal fish fauna (37 species were recorded) dominated by tarakihi, red gurnard Chelidonichthys kumu (Lesson & Garnot), snapper Chrysophrys auratus (Bloch & Schneider), and leathei'iacket Novodon convexirostris (Guenther). The young tarakihi occur at depths of 20–45 m and concentrate during winter in the warmer deeper water. They first appear in trawl catches in summer, towards the end of their first year (assumed birthdate is 1 March), and stay on the nursery until the age of 3 y. They occur in the deeper water off the nursery during their fourth and fifth year and depart during their sixth year, possibly for the spawning grounds off the west coast of the South Island. The mean lengths at the ages of 15, 27, and 39 months were 12.6, 18.0, and 24.0 cm respectively in 1970. There was some variation in growth rate within the nursery ground, but the age groups could nevertheless be recognised easily from, length frequency modes. Monthly modal lengths showed that growth slows down in winter. Evidence for fluctuations in year class strength was found; year classes 1966 and 1969 were weak and year class 1968 was strong.

The vulnerability of tarakihi less than 4y old to commercial New Zealand trawl gear is low, and the local fishing fleets do no serious damage to the habitat on the nursery grounds. However, a large part of the tarakihi nursery grounds off the east coast of the South Island lies outside the territorial fishing zone. Intensive fishing on these grounds by large foreign vessels using heavy trawl gear could have an adverse effect on the habitat of the young tarakihi in this region.  相似文献   

The preferred depth of settlement and settlement period of two species of mussel spat were monitored at Yncyca Bay (NZMS1 S15 220460) and Wet Inlet (NZMS1 S16 265432) in the Marlborough Sounds on collectors suspended in 0–4 m of water between 20 October 1975 and 4 April 1976. Peak settlement of Mytilus edulis aoteanus was between 20 October 1975 and 4 January 1976, and decreased with increasing depth. Peak settlement of Perna canaliculus was between 16 February 1976 and 12 April 1976, and showed no preferred depth of settlement.

Capture of wild stocks of Mytilus edulis aoteanus and Perna canaliculus spat for use in aquaculture has become more reliable through accurate forecasting of peak settlement periods, and knowledge of preferred depth of settlement of the two species.

Preferred depth of settlement of spat may affect the shore zonation of mussels.  相似文献   

The fecundity of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) was estimated from maturing fish captured by anglers in the lower Waitaki River in 1985 and 1987–89, and from mature fish spawned at the Glenariffe Research Station on the Rakaia River in 1992. Fecundity was positively correlated with fork length (FL); estimated fecundities at 750 mm FL were 5024 eggs for Waitaki and 4829 eggs for Glenariffe salmon. The slopes of the regressions of fecundity on FL differed between the populations but the Glenariffe data did not differ from Rakaia River samples from 1967, 1973, and 1976. Significant inter‐annual variation in the FL‐fecundity relationship was detected in Waitaki River samples. Egg weights, taken from the Glenariffe samples, were positively correlated with length and averaged 0.17 g. However, salmon with high fecundity for their FL tended to have small eggs, and vice versa.  相似文献   

Torrentfish Cheimarrichthys fosteri Haast were collected at 4‐hour intervals over a full day in winter and summer, 1984–85, from the Ashley and Rakaia Rivers in Canterbury, New Zealand, to determine their diel feeding periodicity. Both populations fed, almost exclusively, from dusk to dawn in both seasons, with the quantity of food in their stomachs accumulating to peak levels by early morning. However, Ashley females had significantly less food in their stomachs than did males in summer, the season with a high incidence (91%) of females in spawning condition. Aquatic stages of Deleatidium spp. (Ephemeroptera: Leptophle‐biidae) and Chironomidae constituted from 85 to 98% by number and 63 to 80% by dry weight of all foods eaten. Chironomids (small prey) comprised up to 85% of the total foods eaten by number but only 17% by dry weight, while Deleatidium (large prey) comprised up to 69% of the prey by number and 63% by dry weight. Numerically, chironomids were an important component in the torrentfish diet in both seasons in the Rakaia (71 to 75%), but only so in winter in the Ashley (85%). The reported daily feeding cycle is consistent with observations in a simulated stream, that torrentfish largely remain inactive during the day and come out to feed at night.  相似文献   

Short-time site fidelity and movements of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) in a coastal lagoon were determined using passive acoustic telemetry. Nine fish, ranging from 20.1 to 32.5 cm total length, were surgically implanted with acoustic transmitters and monitored for up to 179 days. Minimum convex polygon areas ranged from 18,698.6 m2 to 352,711.9 m2. Home range sizes were small, with individuals using core areas on a daily basis. However, these core areas shifted within the study site over time towards the opening to the sea. Two different diel behaviors were recorded, with some individuals more active at night and others during day time. Some individuals also demonstrated homing abilities, returning to the capture site after being released more than 4 km away.  相似文献   

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