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The grazing turbinid gastropod Lunella smaragda was sampled regularly over 3.5 y from precise sites of different microtopography and height on the platform shore at Goat Island Beach near Leigh, Northland, New Zealand. Growth is linear for over 3 y, and the year‐classes distinct. The position of the different size‐classes is related to both the shelter afforded by the microtopography, and to the height on the shore. The populations in the mid‐eulittoral turf flats, low eulittoral bare rock areas, and the sublittoral fringe are distinct, and there is a general movement down the shore with age and size. Wave action apparently dislodges the animals from higher areas when they grow to a critical size and transports them to sites lower on the shore, where wave disturbance is less. Field experiments with marked animals and laboratory studies with a wave tank confirm that the wave‐effected distribution is size related. However measurements showed that the ratio of foot attachment area to the shell area presented to the wave does not vary with animal size. The possible benefits of wave dislodgment and wave‐effected distribution are considered.  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal changes in macrozoobenthic assemblage structure were monitored at 8 stations in a river-affected temperate lagoon (Idoura Lagoon, Japan) from May 1997 to May 1998 to assess animal–environment relationships in estuarine soft-bottom habitats. A total of 29 taxa occurred with a predominance of a few polychaete species including Heteromastus cf. similis, Hediste spp., Pseudopolydora cf. kempi and Prionospio japonica. The community structure differed significantly among four habitat types that were characterized by different salinity, sediment characteristics, and/or bottom elevation. For each habitat, macrozoobenthic community structure changed significantly with time, which was discriminated mostly by the lower density of polyhaline opportunistic species such as P. cf. kempi in warmer period. The salinity in the study area was much lower from May to September, mainly due to irrigation discharge from paddy fields, which seemed to be a lethal factor for the polyhaline species. C/N ratio and δ13C value of the sediment implied the accumulation of river-derived organic matters during the high river flow period. Present results showed the significant effects of fluctuating river discharge on the estuarine soft-bottom habitats, suggesting a linkage among terrestrial, riverine and estuarine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Galaxiids are present in many of the Andean lakes in southern South America. We studied landlocked Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns) and Galaxias platei Steindachner populations in a deep oligotrophic lake (Lake Gutiérrez, Patagonia, Argentina). Their temporal and spatial distribution, intralacustrine movements (horizontal and vertical), and spawning periods were analysed using several sampling techniques (ichthyoplankton net, seine net, gill net, and baited benthic taps). We identified the early life stages of both species based on their morphology and otolith shape. The free embryos of both species migrate to the limnetic zone, where they coexist as larvae, facing the same food availability and probably the same predation risk. Each species then moves on to its own juvenile and adult habitat: the littoral and benthic zone for G. maculatus and only the deeper benthic zone for G. platei. Their adult habitats and part of their spawning periods partly overlap.  相似文献   

In Tauranga Harbour, Lyrodus medilobatus was found in greatest numbers on test‐blocks placed near the bottom, while Bankia australis, B. neztalia, and Nototeredo edax had a more uniform vertical distribution. Shipworms occurred in the intertidal zone up to about mean sea level. In Wellington Harbour, B. neztalia was found in test‐blocks up to mean sea level, but was most abundant in blocks near the bottom. In the Bay of Islands, shipworms settled in the intertidal on test‐blocks as high as 30 cm below mean sea level. B. australis was the most abundant species in mangrove wood in northern New Zealand, and L. medilobatus occurred occasionally. No evidence was found for shipworms settling on living mangrove wood, although they frequently tunnelled from dead wood into living wood.  相似文献   

Abstract. The abundance, distribution, and species richness of the littoral sponges (0–55 m) from the Cabrera Archipelago (Balearic Islands) were studied along light gradients from the surface to the sea bottom and from cave mouths to their inner parts. A total of 98 species (11 Calcarea and 87 Demospongiae ) were recorded, 8 of which are new records for the Spanish coast.
Cluster and correspondence analyses enabled the identification of a sciophilous sponge group including three subgroups: sponges found only in semi-dark cave habitats, a subgroup common to the coralligenous, precoralligenous, and semi-dark cave biocoenoses, and a third subgroup exclusive to the coralligenous biocoenosis. A small number of photophilic species and other species having a wide bathymetric distribution made up another separate group. No species clusters for the different semi-sciophilous (either fleshy or carbonate) or photophilic seaweed communities were discernible. The number of sponge species was negatively correlated with the irradiance level.  相似文献   

Myxidium zealandicum Hine, 1975 was recorded from several tissues in New Zealand freshwater eels. The gills were the most frequent site of infection, but spores also matured on the gill arch, in the skin, and occasionally in the urinary and swim bladders. Thus M. zealandicum is a histozoic species that may have evolved from a coelozoic form.

Variation in spore size (8.0–11.5 jam) was found in relation to site of infection; variation in the number and arrangement of valve striations was also observed. Deposition of fibro‐blasts occurred at all sites of sporogony, except among the goblet cells of the epidermis.

The small size (6.0–10.5μm) of unstriated spores occurring with normal spores in the gills of eels from Lake Otomangakau appeared to be related to the size of the cysts in which they occurred, and to the host Anguilla dieffenbachii.  相似文献   

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