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目前的星系形成理论认为,盘状星系由暗晕中的重子物质冷却并坍缩而成。在这一演化图像中,重子物质的角动量及其分布起着关键作用,它直接决定了盘状星系的结构。然而,在盘状星系形成和演化的各种解析、半解析模型及数值模拟中,出现了一系列与角动量有关的问题。其中包括角动量灾变(angular momentum catastrophe)及角动量分布不匹配(mismatch of angulamomentum profile)等。近年来,为解决此类问题,人们进行了大量的研究,引入并建立了各种机制和模型。详细表述了星系形成与演化中两类主要的角动量问题,并系统地综述了目前针对此类问题所提出的各种可能的解决方法和途径。 相似文献
We report some results on galaxy disk formation in hierarchical hydrodynamical simulations with characteristics compatible
with observed spirals.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Pascale Jablonka Javier Gorgas Paul Goudfrooij 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2002,281(1-2):367-370
We present a few results of a work in progress tackling the radial spectroscopic properties of bulges of spiral galaxies.
This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
The orientations of the accretion disk of active galactic nuclei (AGN) and the stellar disk of its host galaxy are both determined by the angular momentum of their forming gas, but on very different physical environments and spatial scales. Here we show the evidence that the orientation of the stellar disk is correlated with the accretion disk by comparing the inclinations of the stellar disks of a large sample of Type 2 AGNs selected from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS, York et al. 2000) to a control galaxy sample. Given that the Type 2 AGN fraction is in the range of 70–90 percent for low luminosity AGNs as a priori, we find that the mean tilt between the accretion disk and stellar disk is ~ 30 degrees (Shen et al. 2010). 相似文献
Bulges, often identified with the spheroidal component of a galaxy,have a complex pedigree. Massive bulges are generally red
and old,but lower mass bulges have broader dispersions in color that may becorrelated with disk colors. This suggests different
formationscenarios. I will review possible formation sequences for bulges,describe the various signatures that distinguish
these scenarios, anddiscuss implications for the high redshift universe.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
银河系厚盘的发现,对于研究银河系以至星系的结构和演化具有重要意义。在简单回顾银河系结构研究史和厚盘发现过程的基础上,综合介绍了人们对银河系厚盘各方面性质认识的现状,并对迄今为止所提出的几种厚盘形成机制作了比较详细的说明和讨论。就目前来看,与伴星系的并合可能是形成厚盘最为可能的机制。 相似文献
O.K. Sil'chenko 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1999,265(1-4):389-390
The results of magnesium-to-iron ratio estimates are presented for the nuclei and central bulges of disk galaxies. A great
variety of behaviours is found: the nuclei have solar Mg/Fe ratio or are Mg-overabundant, the bulges can be more or less Mg-overabundant
than the nuclei. But the most bulges have nearly solar Mg/Fe ratios, irrespective of their luminosity.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Zhi-Jian Luo Cheng-Gang Shu 《中国天文和天体物理学报》2007,7(4):590-594
According to the new preheating mechanism of galaxy formation suggested by Mo et al., we construct a simple model of formation of disk galaxies within the current paradigm of galaxy formation. It incorporates preheating, gas cooling, bulge formation and star for-mation. The predicted stellar and HI mass functions of galaxies are discussed and compared with the observations. It is found that our model can roughly match both the observed galaxy luminosity function and the observed HI-mass function. 相似文献
星族合成方法及发射线星系核区中的恒星组分 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
论述星族合成方法对研究复合恒星体系的重要意义。综述了星族合成的三种基本方法,着重介绍了以星团光谱为样本的星族合成方法及其应用,最后,作为一个例子,我们利用CSPS方法给出发射线星系Mrk499谱的合成结果。 相似文献
We use a 2-dimensional self consistent N-body simulation code in order to investigate the evolution of spiral structure in
a disk galaxy caused by one small companion galaxy orbiting in elliptical orbit around the main disk galaxy. In all cases
one can see spiral arms forming in the disk of the main galaxy. Our numerical results suggest that there is a connection between
the shape of the spiral arms and the eccentricity of the companion's orbit. We also examine the maximum density distribution
on the spiral arms and the influence of the companion on the velocity RMS of the stars that form the disk of the main galaxy.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
By means of population synthesis models with variable α/Fe ratios we derive average ages, metallicities, and [α/Fe] element
enhancements for a sample of 126 field and cluster early-type galaxies. We find a clear positive relation between [α/Fe] and
velocity dispersion. Zero-point, slope, and scatter of this correlation are the same for cluster and field galaxies. In particular,
the [α/Fe] ratios and mean ages of cluster ellipticals are positively correlated. This strongly reinforces the view that the
[α/Fe] element enhancement in ellipticals is produced by star formation timescales rather than by variations of the initial
mass function. These results indicate that the more massive the galaxy, the shorter is its star formation timescale, and the
higher is the redshift of the bulk of star formation. This finding is not compatible with the predictions from models of hierarchical
galaxy formation. The lenticular and field galaxies of the investigated sample do not follow the correlation between age and
[α/Fe], but contain a non-negligible fraction of galaxies with young average ages and high [α/Fe] ratios.
This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
在本文中介绍有关银河系成分的认识及星族概念的新进展,对近年新发现的一个恒星成分、厚盘”的主要特性以及利用现代恒星计数分析测定厚盘大尺度结构参数的方法作了较详细的论述。 相似文献
银晕外区存在众多星流,它们或源自银河系的矮伴星系,或源自晕族球状星团,常分别称为矮星系星流和球状星团潮汐尾。星流可以利用各类示踪星,并通过不同的途径加以探测,对若干代表性矮星系星流和球状星团潮汐尾的探测进展做了简要的介绍。 相似文献
Astronomy Letters - We present the results of our spectroscopic study of the lenticular galaxy NGC 4143—a peripheral member of the Ursa Major cluster. Using the observations at the 6-m SAO... 相似文献
J. Stahlberg 《Astronomische Nachrichten》1983,304(1):49-53
The influence of acoustic waves on line formation is investigated. The effect of velocity model parameters, e.g. wave number and amplitude, and of the μ-dependence on line formation are discussed by simplified model assumptions. The effect of waves and Gaussian stochastic turbulence is compared. 相似文献
Eduard Salvador-Solé Alberto Manrique Andreu Raig Gullermo González-Casado José María Solanes Gustavo A. Bruzual 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2001,276(2-4):1065-1071
We present an analytical model of galaxy formation and evolution. After giving a rapid overview of the strategy employed and
the main ingredients included in the model, we focus on describing the main differences between this model and other similar
ones available.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献