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William M. Kaula 《Icarus》1976,28(4):429-433
Mercury is not only highly refractory, but remarkably small. Both properties may have been affected by planetesimal scattering and collisions, as well as by solar activity.  相似文献   

David Gubbins 《Icarus》1977,30(1):186-191
The intrinsic magnetic field of Mercury may be generated by a dynamo process in a liquid core, despite the planet's slow rotation rate. It is argued that, provided the core of Mercury is partially liquid, it will be dynamically very similar to that of the Earth.  相似文献   

Abstract— Fine‐grained, optically opaque rims coat individual olivine and pyroxene grains in CM matrices and chondrules. Bulk chemical analyses and observations of these rims indicate the presence of phyllosilicates and disseminated opaques. Because phyllosilicates could not have survived the chondrule formation process, chondrule silicate rims must have formed entirely by late‐state aqueous reactions. As such, these textures provide a useful benchmark for isolating alteration features from more complex CM matrix materials. Both chondrule silicate and matrix silicate rims exhibit morphological features commonly associated with advancing stages of replacement reactions in terrestrial serpentinites. Contacts between many matrix silicate rims and the adjacent matrix materials suggest that these rims formed entirely by aqueous reactions in a parent‐body setting. This contrasts with previous assertions that rim textures can only form by the accretion of nebular dust but does not imply an origin for the rims surrounding other types of CM core components, such as chondrules.  相似文献   

Christian Klimczak 《Icarus》2010,209(1):262-270
The origin of Pantheon Fossae, a complex structure consisting of radial graben in the center of the Caloris basin, Mercury, has been debated since the structure was first imaged by the MESSENGER spacecraft. Three different formation hypotheses have been suggested, i.e. an origin associated with the Apollodorus impact into a previously domed Caloris basin floor, graben formation as surface expressions of dike intrusions and basin-interior uplift alone. In order to test the scenarios, detailed observations from the currently available imagery were compared to the proposed formation mechanisms. We evaluate these origin hypotheses by means of detailed interpretations of the graben characteristics and patterns, by comparing to radial structures from Earth and Venus, and by mechanical analyses for each formation hypothesis. Results indicate that the formation of Pantheon Fossae as the result of doming in the central part of the Caloris basin is more likely than it having formed in association with a radially symmetric stress field centered at or near the Apollodorus crater, that would have been created by a magma chamber or been superimposed on a pre-existing dome due to impact mechanics.  相似文献   

We carried out Fe isotopic analyses on 21 O‐rich presolar grains from the Acfer 094 ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite. Presolar grains were identified on the basis of oxygen isotopic ratios, and elemental compositions were measured by Auger spectroscopy. The Fe isotopic measurements were carried out by analyzing the Fe isotopes as negative secondary oxides with the NanoSIMS to take advantage of the higher spatial resolution of the Cs+ primary ion beam. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach for measuring both 54Fe/56Fe and 57Fe/56Fe. The ion yield for FeO is significantly lower than for Fe+, but this is not a serious limitation for presolar silicate grains with Fe as a major element. Most of the grains analyzed are ferromagnesian silicates, but we also measured four oxide grains. Iron contents are high in all of the grains, ranging from 10 to 40 atom%. Three of the grains belong to oxygen isotope Group 4. All of them have 54Fe/56Fe and 57Fe/56Fe ratios that are solar within errors, consistent with an origin in the outer zones of a Type II supernova, as indicated by their oxygen isotopic compositions. The remaining grains belong to oxygen isotope Group 1, with origins in low‐mass AGB stars. The majority of these also have solar 54Fe/56Fe and 57Fe/56Fe ratios. However, four grains are depleted in 57Fe; one is also slightly depleted in 54Fe. Current AGB models predict excesses in 57Fe with 54Fe/56Fe ratios that largely reflect the metallicity of the parent star. While the solar 57Fe/56Fe ratios are consistent with formation of the grains in early third dredge‐up episodes, these models cannot account for the grains with 57Fe depletions. Comparison with galactic evolution models suggests formation of these grains from stars with significantly subsolar metallicity; however, these models also predict large depletions in 54Fe, which are not observed in the grains. Thus, the isotopic compositions of these grains remain unexplained.  相似文献   

The effects of the last supernova explosion before the formation of the Solar System are considered using noble gases as examples. Acceleration of generated supernova matter in the explosive shock wave led to its initial fractionation and to the formation of small-scale isotopic heterogeneity of primordial matter. This is fixed as some isotopic anomalies in high-temperature phases of the earliest condensates of carbonaceous chondrites, as well as in the isotopic systems of noble gases, and is the basis of the supernova phenomenon. Two main manifestations of shock-wave acceleration in noble gases are investigated: the change in the isotopic ratios of their cosmogenic components due to the increasing hardness of the spectrum of nuclear-active particles and the fractionation of gases, namely, the enrichment of their isotopic systems with heavier isotopes. The reality of the processes under consideration is demonstrated through the example of noble gases of solar corpuscular radiation in lunar ilmenites. The absence of r-process products among extinct radionuclides in Ca-and Al-rich inclusions (CAI) of carbonaceous chondrites with a formation interval of less than or equal to 1 Ma supports the idea that the last supernova was an Ia-type supernova, which possibly played an important role in the origin of the Solar System.  相似文献   

The high average density and low surface FeO content of the planet Mercury are shown to be consistent with very low oxygen fugacity during core segregation, in the range 3-6 log units below the iron-wüstite buffer. These low oxygen fugacities, and associated high metal content, are characteristic of high-iron enstatite (EH) and Bencubbinite (CB) chondrites, raising the possibility that such materials may have been important building blocks for this planet. With this idea in mind we have explored the internal structure of a Mercury sized planet of EH or CB bulk composition. Phase equilibria in the silicate mantle have been modeled using the thermodynamic calculator p-MELTS, and these simulations suggest that orthopyroxene will be the dominant mantle phase for both EH and CB compositions, with crystalline SiO2 being an important minor phase at all pressures. Simulations for both compositions predict a plagioclase-bearing “crust” at low pressure, significant clinopyroxene also being calculated for the CB bulk composition. Concerning the core, comparison with recent high pressure and high temperature experiments relevant to the formation of enstatite meteorites, suggest that the core of Mercury may contain several wt.% silicon, in addition to sulfur. In light of the pressure of the core-mantle boundary on Mercury (∼7 GPa) and the pressure at which the immiscibility gap in the system Fe-S-Si closes (∼15 GPa) we suggest that Mercury’s core may have a complex shell structure comprising: (i) an outer layer of Fe-S liquid, poor in Si; (ii) a middle layer of Fe-Si liquid, poor in S; and (iii) an inner core of solid metal. The distribution of heat-producing elements between mantle and core, and within a layered core have been quantified. Available data for Th and K suggest that these elements will not enter the core in significant amounts. On the other hand, for the case of U both recently published metal/silicate partitioning data, as well as observations of U distribution in enstatite chondrites, suggest that this element behaves as a chalcophile element at low oxygen fugacity. Using these new data we predict that U will be concentrated in the outer layer of the mercurian core. Heat from the decay of U could thus act to maintain this part of Mercury’s core molten, potentially contributing to the origin of Mercury’s magnetic field. This result contrasts with the Earth where the radioactive decay of U represents a negligible contribution to core heating.  相似文献   

P. Vernazza  F. DeMeo  M. Birlan  S. Erard 《Icarus》2010,209(1):125-114
We present resolved near-infrared spectra of Mercury scanning 70% of the surface in latitude and longitude from three separate observations, allowing us to perform a compositional investigation of its surface. By scanning the surface we find that all spectra in our sample are remarkably similar suggesting overall compositional homogeneity. We do, however, observe a slope difference between the spectra. These slope changes are most likely due to differences in the emission angle over different parts of the surface. We confirm the presence of a 1.1 μm feature that had been previously detected (Warell, J. et al. [2006]. Icarus 180, 281-291) and attributed to Ca-rich clinopyroxene. Finally, we investigated Mercury’s surface composition by comparing its spectrum with ground-based lunar spectra, lunar soil spectra collected in the laboratory, and analysis with a simple linear mixing model using various minerals as end-members. The result of this compositional investigation reveals that Mercury’s surface composition is likely to be quite different from the Moon’s. While low-Ca iron-rich pyroxenes are main surface components on the Moon (abundance varying from ∼5% to ∼35%), their abundance on Mercury may not exceed 5%. We also find that a Ca-rich clinopyroxene (in the hedenbergite-diopside series) is likely to be a main component of Mercury’s surface whereas this mineral is almost absent on the Moon. Our analysis also suggests the possible presence of olivine. We find that Mercury’s slope is less red than that of the Moon, in agreement with results from MESSENGER (McClintock, W.E., and 12 colleagues [2008]. Science 321, 62-65), and composition rather than variation of space weathering is likely the cause of this difference.  相似文献   

Abstract— Scanning electron microscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry of the unequilibrated CH chondrite Pecora Escarpment (PCA) 91467 revealed four carriers of isotopically heavy N: (1) aggregates of carbonaceous material and silicates, (2) iron‐nickel metal grains with fine Fe‐Cr sulfide inclusions, (3) Si‐rich Fe‐Ni metal associated with Fe‐sulfide and (4) hydrated areas in the matrix. N in carbon‐silicate aggregates is isotopically heavy (δ15N is as high as 2500%0), whereas the other elements are isotopically normal, suggesting interstellar origin of carbonaceous material in the aggregates. Based on isotopic and textural evidence, we suggest that the carriers (2) and (3) were formed by brief heating in the solar nebula, whereas the carrier (4) was formed in a parent‐body asteroid. The carbon‐silicate aggregates are likely to be related to interstellar graphite found in Murchison and may also be the source of heavy N in bencubbinites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Phase fields in which hibonite and silicate melt coexist with spinel, CaAl4O7, gehlenitic melilite, anorthite or corundum at 1 bar in the system CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-TiO2 were determined. The hibonites contain up to 1.7 wt% SiO2. For TiO2, the experimentally determined partition coefficients between hibonite and coexisting melt, DHib/Li, vary from 0.8 to 2.1 and generally decrease with increasing TiO2 in the liquid. Based on Ti partitioning between hibonite and melt, bulk inclusion compositions and hibonite-saturated liquidus phase diagrams, the hibonite in hibonite-poor fluffy Type A inclusions from Allende and at least some hibonite from hibonite-rich inclusions is relict, although much of the hibonite from hibonite-glass spherules probably crystallized metastably from a melt Bulk compositions for all of these CAIs are consistent with an origin as melilite + hibonite + spinel + perovskite phase assemblages that were partially altered and in some cases partially or completely melted The duration of the melting event was sufficient to remove any Na introduced by the alteration process but frequently insufficient to dissolve all of the original hibonite. Simple thermochemical models developed for meteoritic melilite and hibonite solid solutions were used to obtain equilibration temperatures of hibonite-bearing phase assemblages with vapor. Referenced to 10?3 atm, hibonite + corundum + vapor equilibrated at ~1260 °C and hibonite + spinel ± melilite + vapor at 1215 ± 10 °C. If these temperatures reflect condensation in a cooling gas of solar composition, then hibonite ± corundum condensed first, followed by spinel and then melilite. The position of perovskite within this sequence is uncertain, but it probably began to condense before spinel. This sequence of phase appearances and relative temperatures is generally consistent with observed textures but differs from expectations based on classical condensation calculations in that equilibration temperatures are generally lower than predicted and melilite initially condenses with or even after spinel. Simple thermochemical models for the substitution of trace elements into the Ca site of meteoritic hibonites suggest that virtually all Eu is divalent in early condensate hibonites but that Eu2+/Eu3+ decreases by a factor of 20 or more during the course of condensation primarily because the ratio is proportional to the partial pressure of Al, which decreases dramatically as aluminous phases condense. The relative sizes of Eu and Yb anomalies in meteoritic hibonites and inclusions may be partly due to this effect  相似文献   

Faith Vilas 《Icarus》1985,64(1):133-138
Reflectance spectra of terrain on Mercury containing both smooth plains and intercrater plains were obtained using a charge-coupled device spectrograph on 24 November 1984. The composite spectrum covers the 0.53- to 1.02-μm spectral range with a resolution of 17 Å. Absorption features due to telluric H2O absorption are clearly mapped around 0.73, 0.82, and 0.93 μm. No evidence exists in the new spectrum for the proposed orthopyroxene absorption centered near 0.9 μm seen in older spectra of this terrain. The surface material is probably highly reduced, with any iron present in metallic form. Based upon the new spectrum, a history of heavy micrometeoroid bombardment of the Mercurian surface is suggested, resulting in a surface regolith primarily comprised of agglutinates.  相似文献   

The discovery of potassium in the atmosphere of Mercury is reported. The average column density is approximately 109 atoms cm−2 column, which is about one percent of the average sodium column density.  相似文献   

The figure of Mercury is estimated in terms of an isostatic form of equilibrium which tends to be controlled by the situation near perihelion passage at the 32 resonance spin rate. The ratios of the principal moments of inertia for Mercury are: (1)(C–A)/C7×10–5; (2)(C–B)/C5×10–5 and (3)(B–A)/C2×10–5. The thermal effect on Mercury's figure during solidification forces Mercury's rotation to be trapped in the 32 resonance lock as its spin rate is being slowed by tidal effects. It is shown that the process of trapping of Mercury has been naturally affected by the instantaneous solidification of Mercury into a shape with two thermal bulges, and that the two permanent thermal bulges stabilize the planet's rotation.  相似文献   

Near-infrared photometry of all 11 silicate carbon stars north of declination −10° is made. Combined with available data in the visible range and from IRAS, we discuss their distribution on the infrared two-color diagrams and their spectral distribution, and we compare with the results for normal carbons and so ascertain their evolutionary status.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the results of dynamic crystallization experiments that were specifically designed to study the dependence of Ca and Al partitioning between forsterite and melt in rapidly cooling Caand Al‐rich melts. The partitioning of Ca between olivine and silicate melt is found to be independent of the cooling rate within the range of 1.5 to 1000°C/hr and at CaO contents of up to 25 wt%. Within analytical uncertainty, our data plot on the equilibrium partitioning curve obtained by Libourel (1999). The partitioning behavior of Al at high cooling rates is more complex. Aluminum is much more heterogenously distributed in the olivine and the co‐existing melt than Ca. But, no systematic trend of Al partition coefficient with cooling rate is observed. We apply the results of the experiments to the formation of meteoritic forsterites with relatively high contents of Ca and Al. Although these forsterites are found frequently inside chondrules, the Ca contents of their host chondrules are far too low to crystallize these high Ca‐forsterites. This is also true for very rapid cooling of chondrule melts. The parental melt of these forsterites requires CaO contents above 20 wt%.  相似文献   

On the origin of the unusual orbit of Comet 2P/Encke   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The orbit of Comet 2P/Encke is difficult to understand because it is decoupled from Jupiter—its aphelion distance is only 4.1 AU. We present a series of orbital integrations designed to determine whether the orbit of Comet 2P/Encke can simply be the result of gravitational interactions between Jupiter-family comets and the terrestrial planets. To accomplish this, we integrated the orbits of a large number of objects from the trans-neptunian region, through the realm of the giant planets, and into the inner Solar System. We find that at any one time, our model predicts that there should be roughly 12 objects in Encke-like orbits. However, it takes roughly 200 times longer to evolve onto an orbit like this than the typical cometary physical lifetime. Thus, we suggest that (i) 2P/Encke became dormant soon after it was kicked inward by Jupiter, (ii) it spent a significant amount of time inactive while rattling around the inner Solar System, and (iii) it only became active again as the ν6 secular resonance drove down its perihelion distance.  相似文献   

It is shown that the influences of the thermal and tidal effects on Mercury's libration are in equilibrium with the periods of rotation and revolution of Mercury locked in the 32 resonant state. The suggestion by Liu that the solar gravitational couple on the thermal bulges accelerates Mercury's rotation is investigated and the production of mechanical energy to balance the dissipation of the bodily tides is discussed. It is possible for Mercury to rotate with two bulges as a solar thermal engine; the tidal effect causes this engine to function and its maximum power is close to 1016 ergs per sec.  相似文献   

A.E. Potter  R.M. Killen 《Icarus》2008,194(1):1-12
Cross-sections of the sodium emission tail of Mercury were measured at various distances down the tail when Mercury was moving away from the Sun (true anomaly angles <180°), and again when Mercury was moving towards the Sun (true anomaly angles >180°). As predicted in early modeling studies, significant differences were expected between these two cases, as the result of Doppler shifts to higher solar intensity in the former case, and to lower solar intensity for the latter case. For observations with Mercury moving away from the Sun, the sodium tail was observed out to about 40,000 kilometers (16 Mercury radii, RM) downstream, expanding, on average, at a rate of 1.9±0.3 km/s. The source rates for sodium generation from Mercury into the tail were found to be in the range 2-5×1023 atoms/s, corresponding to between 1 and 10% of the estimated total sodium production rate on the planet. The limiting value of radiation acceleration required to produce an observable sodium tail was estimated to be 112±24 cm/s2. For observations where Mercury was moving towards the Sun, the emission intensity in the sodium tail decreased very rapidly with distance downstream, disappearing entirely beyond 12,000 (6 RM) kilometers for radiation accelerations of 128.7 and 135.4 cm/s2. For smaller radiation accelerations, the sodium tail was not detectable at all, yielding a limiting value for tail generation of about 122±2 cm/s2. Interpretation of the limiting radiation acceleration values suggests that the process that generates the sodium tail yields atoms with energies greater than 3 eV. Particle sputtering is the most reasonable source process.  相似文献   

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