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Results of processing seven mutual occultation lightcurves are presented. The lightcurves were obtained using the 60-inch telescope (152 cm) at Mt. Wilson to observe six J1 occulting J2 events and one J3 occulting J2 event. Using a uniformly illuminated disk model, local satellite Jovicentric longitude corrections of 675 ± 150 km, 275 ± 240 km, and 1175 ± 350 km for J1, J2, and J3, respectively, were determined. These corrections enabled the event midpoint times to be computed to ±5sec of the observed midpoint times for all seven events. These longitude corrections have been verified by Pioneer 10 and recent (1973 and 1974) conventional Jovian eclipse observations. A relative J1:J2 out-of-plane error of less than a few hundred kilometers has been indicated; however, it appears that the relative J3:J2 out-of-plane error is larger than 600 km. Deficiencies in both the uniformly illuminated disk model and Sampson's theory of the Galilean satellite motions for the reduction of mutual event data are described.  相似文献   

Spectrophotometric light curves of 12 Galilean satellite eclipses are reported. The observations were made in 20 to 30 channels over the wavelength range 3240 to 10,500 Å using the 200-in. telescope. The initial data processing is described. These data measure the Jovian aerosol content in the lower stratosphere and uppermost troposhere and the methane abundance in the lower stratosphere. The data are consistent with a lack of limb darkening on the Galilean satellites. The orbit of Callisto is shown to be inclined 0.08 ± 0.02° to the equatorial plane of Jupiter.  相似文献   

Five well observed recent mutual phenomena (1 occultation, 4 eclipses) of the Galilean satellites have been analysed and four fitting parameters determined for each event.The times of mid-minima are well determined in all cases (generally to within a second or two), but the separation and velocity parameters depend on the penumbral illumination modelling. For this reason, parameters derived from eclipses are somewhat less well determined than from occultations.Taken together with the dependence on the inherent surface reflection properties of the rearward satellite, the results indicate that Asknes et al.'s (1984) suggestion of order 0.01 arcsec accuracies on positional determinations from mutual phenomena data represents rather a lower limit to the real errors in most cases.  相似文献   

The methane abundance in the lower Jovian stratosphere is measured using Galilean satellite eclipse light curves. Spectrally selective observations in and between absorption bands are compared. An average mixing ratio at the locations measured is [CH4]/[H2] ~ 1.3 × 10?3, larger than the value 0.9 × 10?3 expected for a solar abundance of carbon. Some zenographic variation of the mixing ratio may occur. Observationally compatible values are 1.3–2.0 × 10?3 in the STZ, 1.3– 2.6 × 10?3 on the GRS/STrZ edge, and 0.7–1.3 × 10?3 in the GRS.  相似文献   

Dale W. Smith 《Icarus》1980,44(1):116-133
The Galilean satellite eclipse technique for measuring the aerosol distribution in the Jovian lower stratosphere and upper troposphere is described and applied using 30 color observations of 12 natural satellite eclipses obtained with the 200-in Hale telescope. These events probe the North and South Polar Regions, the North Temperate Belt, the South Equatorial Belt, the South Tropical Zone, the South Temperate Zone, and the Great Red Spot. Aerosol is found above the visible cloud tops in all locations. It is very tenuous and varies with altitude, increasing rapidly with downward passage through the tropopause. The aerosol extinction coefficient at 1.05 μm is 1.0 ± 0.05 × 10?8 cm?1 at the tropopause and the mass density is a few times 10?13 g cm?3. The observations require some aerosol above the tropopause but do not clearly determine its structure. The present analysis emphasizes an extended haze distribution, but the alternate possibility that the stratospheric aerosol resides in a thin layer is not excluded. The vertical aerosol optical depth above the tropopause at 1.05 μm exceeds 0.04 in the NPR, SPR, NTB, SEB, and StrZ, is ~0.006 ± 0.003 in the STZ, and is ~ 0.003 ± 0.001 above the GRS. The aerosol extinction increases with decreasing wavelength in the STZ and NTB and indicates a particle radius of 0.2–0.5 μm; a radius of ~0.9 μm is indicated in the STrZ.  相似文献   

Astrometric satellite positions are derived from timings of their eclipses in the shadow of Jupiter. The 548 data points span 20 years and are accurate to about 0.006 arcsec for Io and Europa and about 0.015 arcsec or better for Ganymede and Callisto. The precision of the data set and its nearly continuous distribution in time allows measurement of regular oscillations with an accuracy of 0.001 arcsec. This level of sensitivity permits detailed evaluation of modern ephemerides and reveals anomalies at the 1.3 year period of the resonant perturbations between Io, Europa and Ganymede. The E5 ephemeris shows large errors at that period for all three satellites as well as other significant anomalies. The L1 ephemeris fits the observations much more closely than E5 but discrepancies for the resonant satellites are still apparent and the measured positions of Io are drifting away from the predictions. The JUP230 ephemeris fits the observations more accurately than L1 although there is still a measurable discordance between the predictions and observations for Europa at the resonance period.  相似文献   

We consider two-layer (Fe-FeS core+silicate mantle) and three-layer (Fe-FeS core+silicate mantle+crust) models of the Galilean satellite Io. Two parameters are known from observations for the equilibrium figure of the satellite, the mean density ρ0 and the Love number k2. Previously, the Radau-Darwin formula was used to determine the mean moment of inertia. Using formulas of the Figure Theory, we calculated the principal moments of inertia A, B, and C and the mean moment of inertia I for the two-and three-layer models of Io using ρ0 and k2 as the boundary conditions. We concluded that when modeling the internal structure of Io, it is better to use the observed value of k2 than the moment of inertia I derived from k2 using the Radau-Darwin formula. For the models under consideration, we calculated the Chandlerian wobble periods of Io. For the three-layer model, this period is approximately 460 days.  相似文献   

Solar interior structure and luminosity variations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The assumptions of standard solar evolution theory are mentioned briefly, and the principle conclusions drawn from them are described. The result is a rationalization of the present luminosity and radius of the Sun. Because there is some uncertainty about the interior composition of the Sun, a range of models is apparently acceptable.To decide which model is the most accurate, other more sensitive comparisons with observations must be made. Recent measurements of frequencies of dynamical oscillations are particularly valuable in this respect. The most accurate observations are of the five-minute oscillations, which suggest that the solar composition is not atypical of other stars of the same age as the Sun.The theory predicts that the solar luminosity has risen steadily from about 70% of its current value during the last 4.7 x 109yr. Superposed on this there might have been variations on shorter timescales. Variations lasting about 107yr and occurring at intervals of 108yr have been suggested as being the cause of terrestrial ice ages. Moreover, there may be other variations, associated with instabilities arising from the coupling between the convection zone and the radiative interior, that occur on a timescale of 105yr and which also have climatic consequences. These issues are quite uncertain.We do know that the Sun varies magnetically with a period of about 22 yr, and that this oscillation is modulated irregularly on a timescale of centuries. This appears to be a phenomenon associated with the convection zone and its immediate neighbourhood, though control from a more deeply-seated mechanism is not out of the question. There is a small luminosity variation associated with this cycle, and the way by which this might come about is discussed in terms of certain theories of the solar dynamo.Finally, there must be small surface flux variations associated with the dynamical oscillations mentioned above. Though the total luminosity variations are extremely small, the flux in any specific direction, and in particular that of the earth, may be measurable.Proceedings of the 14th ESLAB Symposium on Physics of Solar Variations, 16–19 September 1980, Scheveningen, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft flew by Jupiter on December 30, 2000. The instruments aboard the spacecraft started making scientific observations three months earlier. Joint, collaborative observations were carried out with the teams of other spacecraft, notably Galileo, and with Earth-based observers. An operational overview of the flyby is presented and attention drawn to contributions of the eleven papers of this series which follow. Prime achievements of this campaign have been to better define the present state of fundamental elements of the jovian system, confirming many previously tentative conclusions. Particularly noteworthy is that the interactions between the solar wind and the jovian magnetosphere have been explored far deeper than before, along with the link to the morphology and dynamics of the jovian aurora.  相似文献   

Three ionospheric probes were carried on the ESRO-4 satellite, a spherical gridded probe with swept potential collecting positive ions, a Langmuir probe measuring electron temperature and vehicle potential, and a fixed potential gridded probe measuring fluctuations in total ion density. ESRO-4 was placed in a polar orbit of apogee 1177 km, perigee 245 km on 22 November 1972 and ionospheric data of excellent quality were obtained until the spacecraft's re-entry on 15 April 1974. The instrumentation is described and early results are presented.  相似文献   

We construct a theory of the equilibrium figure and gravitational field of the Galilean satellite Io to within terms of the second order in the small parameter α. We show that to describe all effects of the second approximation, the equation for the figure of the satellite must contain not only the components of the second spherical function, but also the components of the third and fourth spherical functions. The contribution of the third spherical function is determined by the Love number of the third order h3, whose model value is 1.6582. Measurements of the third-order gravitational moments could reveal the extent to which the hydrostatic equilibrium conditions are satisfied for Io. These conditions are J3=C32=0 and C31/C33=?6. We have calculated the corrections of the second order of smallness to the gravitational moments J2 and C22. We conclude that when modeling the internal structure of Io, it is better to use the observed value of k2 than the moment of inertia derived from k2. The corrections to the lengths of the semiaxes of the equilibrium figure of Io are all positive and equal to ~64.5, ~26, and ~14 m for the a, b, and c axes, respectively. Our theory allows the parameters of the figure and the fourth-order gravitational moments that differ from zero to be calculated. For the homogeneous model, their values are:\(s_4 = \frac{{885}}{{224}}\alpha ^2 ,s_{42} = - \frac{{75}}{{224}}\alpha ^2 ,s_{44} = \frac{{15}}{{896}}\alpha ^2 ,J_4 = - \frac{{885}}{{224}}\alpha ^2 ,C_{42} = \frac{{75}}{{224}}\alpha ^2 ,C_{44} = \frac{{15}}{{896}}\alpha ^2 \).  相似文献   

Amy C. Barr  Robin M. Canup 《Icarus》2008,198(1):163-177
An icy satellite whose interior is composed of a homogeneous ice/rock mixture must avoid melting during its entire history, including during its formation when it was heated by deposition of accretional energy and short-lived radioisotopes. Estimates of the temperature rise associated with radiogenic and accretional heating, coupled with limits on satellite melting can be used to constrain the timing of formation of a partially differentiated satellite relative to the origin of the calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAI's) as a function of its accretion timescale and the protosatellite disk temperature (Td). Geological characterization and spacecraft radio tracking data suggest that Callisto, the outermost regular satellite of Jupiter, and Saturn's mid-sized satellite Rhea, are partially differentiated if their interiors are in hydrostatic equilibrium. Because the specific conditions during the satellites' formation are uncertain, we determine accretional temperature profiles for a range of values for Td and accretion time scales with the limiting assumption that impactors deposit all their energy close to the surface, leading to maximally effective radiative cooling. We find that Callisto can remain unmelted during formation if it accreted on a time scale longer than 0.6 Myr. Considering both radiogenic and accretional heating, Callisto must have finished accreting no earlier than ∼4 Myr after formation of CAI's for Td=100 K. Warmer disks or larger impactors that deposit their energy at depth in the satellite would require longer and/or later formation times. If Rhea accreted slowly (in 105 to 106 years), its growth must have finished no earlier than ∼2 Myr after CAI's for 70 K?Td?250 K to avoid early melting. If Rhea formed quickly (?103 yr), its formation must have been delayed until at least 2 to 7 Myr after CAI's and in a disk with Td<190 K in the small impactor limit. If the satellites form in slow-inflow-supplied disks as proposed by Canup and Ward [Canup, R.M., Ward, W.R., 2002. Astron. J. 124, 3404-3423], the implied satellite ages suggest that gas inflow to the giant planets ceased no earlier than ∼4 Myr after CAI's, comparable to average nebular lifetimes inferred from observations of circumstellar disks.  相似文献   

Recent satellite beacon derived measurements of the recovery of protonospheric ionization following periods of increased geomagnetic activity show that the recovery takes longer than is indicated by whistler measurements. Realistic plasmasphere models have been used to determine whether satellite beacon measurements are reliable indicators of this recovery. It is found that the recovery time of the protonospheric content is similar to that of the minimum L-value flux tube intersected by the slant raypaths. Satellite beacon results are therefore useful indicators of protonospheric recovery after a storm provided any unrepresentative diurnal variations are eliminated.  相似文献   

Conditions for the formation of a large gaseous protoearth and the formation of a satellite are considered. The energy required is assumed to come from the gravitational contraction to form the Sun, the gravitational contraction to form the protoearth, core overturn and planetesimal impacts on the protoearth. The model is compatible with geochemical, tidal and angular momentum data.  相似文献   

The general behavior of total ozone by season and latitude was known before 1930 through the pioneering observations by G. M. B. Dobson. The ozone record at Oxford and other European stations was dominated by an annual cycle and by irregular short term fluctuations. The amplitude and phase of the annual cycle were determined at representative latitudes in both hemispheres. However, the short term variations appeared to be of meteorological origin, although the specific cause could not be identified. Data from the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) on the Nimbus 7 spacecraft, with global coverage at an average spatial resolution of 66 km, can now be used to completely map the total ozone field. These maps demonstrate that troughs and ridges in the upper troposphere are responsible for the large, short term ozone variations found at middle latitudes, while in the troplcs, the steady, low ozone levels show broad scale structure associated with the Hadley circulation.  相似文献   

Jupiter's Galilean satellites I–IV, Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto have been observed with the VLA at 2 and 6 cm. The Jovian system was about 4.46 AU from the Earth at the time the observations were taken. The flux densities for satellites I–IV at 2 cm are 15 ± 2, 5.6 ± 1.2, 22.3 ± 2.0, and 26.0 ± 2.5 mJy, respectively, which corresponds to disk brightness temperatures of 92 ± 13, 47 ± 10, 67 ± 6, and 92 ± 9°K, respectively. At 6 cm flux densities of 1.10 ± 0.2, 0.55 ± 0.12, 2.0 ± 0.2, and 3.15 ± 0.2 mJy were found, corresponding to temperatures of 65 ± 11, 44 ± 10, 55 ± 6, and 105 ± 7°K, respectively. The radio brightness temperatures are lower than the infrared, the latter generally being consistent with the temperature derived from equilibrium with absorbed insolation. The radio temperature are qualitatively consistent with the equilibrium temperature for fast rotating bodies considering the high radio reflectivity (low emissivity) as determined from radar measurements by S. J. Ostro (1982). In Satellites of Jupiter (D. Morrison, Ed.). Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson).  相似文献   

A brief summary of the development of the theory of motion of the Galilean satellites is presented. Over 7700 eclipse observations have been collected and reduced using the Ephemeris E-2. They are of great potential in improving the ephemerides of the satellites and can yield important information on the evolution of the Galilean system.Proceedings of the Conference on Analytical Methods and Ephemerides: Theory and Observations of the Moon and Planets. Facultés universitaires Notre Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium, 28–31 July, 1980Presently a recipient of the Humboldt Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut in Heidelberg and on leave from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory  相似文献   

Photometry obtained in 1973 on the uvby system yields high-precision rotational light curves for Io, Europa, and Ganymede at a mean phase angle of ~6°. By combining our observations with photometry obtained by others over a broader range of phase angle, we alsi derive improved values for the phase coefficients and opposition surges of the four Galilean satellites. The values of V(1, 0) obtained by linear extrapolation to zero phase are accurate to ±0.03 magnitudes. We also derive the colors of the sun of the uvby system and use these to obtain albedos of the satellites in four colors.  相似文献   

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