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Spectropolarimetry of Jupiter at resolutions between 22 and 35 Å reveals a strong increase of linear polarization in the 7250-A? CH4 band. This is very probably due to the decreasing contribution toward the band center of the higher orders of scattering, which have a smaller net polarization than the first few orders. The linear polarization is also enhanced in the band at 7900 A? comprising the 7920-A? NH3 and 7600- to 8200-A? CH4 bands. The normalized circular polarization shows a feature at 7250 A? with a dispersion shape. This is most probably produced in a double-scattering process involving either a solid or liquid aerosol with an absorption at 7250 A?. Methane aerosols, the obvious candidates from a spectroscopic point of view, are, however, forbidden if current estimates of the Jovian atmospheric temperature are correct.  相似文献   

We have obtained spectra of Pluto on six nights during February 1979 using the Cassegrain Digicon spectrograph on the 2.1-m Struve reflector and the IDS spectrograph on the 2.7-m reflector of McDonald Observatory. These spectra, with nominal resolution of 6–7 Å, have been reduced to relative fluxes. Relative albedos were then calculated using the solar irradiances of Arvesen et al. (1969). The spectra taken in the blue show no indication of the upturn in albedo at λ < 3800 A? previously reported by Fix et al. (1970). The lack of a uv upturn cannot be interpreted in terms of a Rayleigh scattering atmosphere unless the albedo of the underlying surface is known. From the lack of methane absorption at the wavelength of the 6190- or 7270-Å methane bands we derive an upper limit of 1–3 m-am of gaseous CH4. The albedo curve has a constant slope between 3500 and 7300 Å. The only other solar system body which has this feature is an S-type asteroid.  相似文献   

In this work, we present digital and graphical atlases of spectra of both the solar disk-center and of the limb near the Solar poles using data taken at the UTS-IAP & RIAAM (the University of Tabriz Siderostat, telescope and spectrograph jointly developed with the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris and Research Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics of Maragha). High resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) CCD-slit spectra of the sun for 2 different parts of the disk, namely for μ=1.0 (solar center) & for μ=0.3 (solar limb) are provided and discussed. While there are several spectral atlases of the solar disk-center, this is the first spectral atlas ever produced for the solar limb at this spectral range. The resolution of the spectra is about R~70?000 (Δλ~0.09 Å) with the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 400–600. The full atlas covers the 3980 to 7100 Å spectral regions and contains 44 pages with three partial spectra of the solar spectrum put on each page to make it compact. The difference spectrum of the normalized solar disk-center and the solar limb is also included in the graphic presentation of the atlas to show the difference of line profiles, including far wings. The identification of the most significant solar lines is included in the graphic presentation of the atlas. Telluric lines are producing a definite signature on the difference spectra which is easy to notice. At the end of this paper we present only two sample pages of the whole atlas while the graphic presentation of the whole atlas along with its ASCII file can be accessed via the ftp server of the CDS in Strasbourg via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via this link: http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/qcat?J/other/ApSS.  相似文献   

The line blocking is tabulated for 10 Å ( < 6300 Å) or 20 Å ( > 6300 Å) wide intervals. It follows from the spectral averages and the local continuum derived by Neckel and Labs from high-resolution Fourier transform spectra, which had been obtained by J. Brault at Kitt Peak. The internal accuracy (the scatter) is in the order of 0.1%. Significant systematic errors arising from local distortions of the adopted continuum level can be excluded. Larger errors are to be expected only near the Balmer limit, where the localization of the continuum is very ambiguous.  相似文献   

Extinction measurements were made for three kinds of amorphous carbon grains in the range 2100 -340 m. Absolute values of extinction coefficients from different sources vary by almost constant factors. Wavelength dependences of extinction curves show a –1 or less steep fall off, against a –2 or steeper fall off of graphite grains. Small humps are found around 6.3, 8, 13.3 and 90 m, although their origins are not yet clear. The infrared properties of amorphous carbon grains suggest that they could supply a significant amount of far-infrared emission noted in recent astronomical observations.  相似文献   

This is a report upon further data obtained from the auroral OI 5577 Å emission with a Wide Angle Michelson Interferometer (WAMI), and upon our first observations made with it on the 6300 Å emission. The method used for converting emission intensities and temperatures to auroral electron fluxes and energy spectra is described. Data for the 5577 Å emission are presented for the (lack of) heating in auroral forms, vertical temperature profiles in aurora, electron flux and energy spectrum variations in pulsating aurora, and a ‘cold’ subvisual auroral arc. Data from the OI 6300 Å emission are presented for the diurnal variation of exospheric temperature and for the thermalization of O(1D) in the F-region.  相似文献   

Twenty-one bands of CO2 and the 2-0 band of CO were analyzed for best temperature and pressure fits from Venus spectra obtained with the “Connes” interferometer at the Steward Observatory 2.25-m telescope during the spring of 1971. An average temperature of 241 ± 7°K, an effective pressure of 0.12 ± 0.06 atm, and an average two-way transmission abundance of 3 km-amagat were determined. No difference in temperature or pressure between hot bands, a double hot band, and regular bands was found. Our results were compared to model calculations for a reflecting layer and scattering atmosphere. The results indicate that, most likely, spectroscopic line formation occurs in a relatively clear space above a scattering cloud layer with a reasonably well-defined upper boundary.  相似文献   

The directional hemispherical reflectance of ammonia and water frosts in the range from 1400 to 3000 Å was measured at 77K. Amorphous and cubic ammonia frosts and amorphous and hexagonal water frosts were studied. The amorphous frosts were grown on a liquid-nitrogen (LN2)-cooled stainless steel substrate until they were optically thick for 3000 Å radiation. For both gases, deposition at 77K and a pressure of 1.0 × 10?4 torr resulted in an amorphous frost. The cubic ammonia and the hexagonal water frosts were formed by warming their respective amorphous frosts to 180K. The frosts were then recooled to 77K before radiometric data were recorded. Following frost formation, the reflectance was measured for decreasing wavelengths until it fell below two percent. The amorphous and hexagonal water frosts had continuum reflectances above eighty percent for wavelengths between 2300 and 3000 Å and an absorption cutoff near 1800 Å. The hexagonal water frosts showed an absorption feature with a 100 Å half-width at 1959 Å which had not been previously observed. The amorphous and cubic ammonia frosts also had reflectances above 80% for wavelengths between 2300 and 3000 Å, but their absorption cutoff occurred near 2175 and 2075 Å, respectively. Frost thickness ranged from 2 to 5 mm.  相似文献   

Absolute spectrophotometry of Neptune from 3390 to 7800 Å, with spectral resolution of 10 Å in the interval 3390–6055 and 20 Å in the interval 6055–7800 Å, is reported. The results are compared with filter photometry (Appleby, 1973; Wamsteker, 1973; Savage et al., 1980) and with synthetic spectra computed on the basis of a parameterization proposed by Podolak and Danielson (1977) for aerosol scattering and absorption. A CH4/H2 ratio of 1 × 10?2 < ?CH4 < 1 × 10?1 is derived for the convectively mixed part of Neptune's atmosphere, and constrains optical properties of hypothetical aerosol layers.  相似文献   

Wavelengths and bisector indices (a special measure for the asymmetry of a line near its bottom) are determined for 70 lines in each of 47 high-dispersion spectra. The spectra were obtained with the Fourier Transform Spectrograph connected to the McMath Telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory; they all cover the same spectral range from 3200 to 4000 Å and concern either the full disk (19 disk spectra), or the disk center (9 center spectra), or two areas at sin = 0.85 on the west- and east-side of the disk (19 limb spectra). The main observing seasons were June 1986, June 1987, April and June/July 1988. The - relative - position of an individual line in one spectrum can be established with a precision of about 4 m s-1, the precision of one bisector index is 1–2 m s-1.Wavelengths and bisector indices show of course the typical characteristics which result from the familiar effects known as blueshift, limb effect and line asymmetry. However, concerning their variations in time, unexpected results are obtained:(1) Even in disk spectra the time-scales of the wavelength variations are often in the order of one hour or less. (2) For all 3 types of spectra (disk, center, limb) the variations depend not only on the known parameters such as line depth and - occasionally - excitation potential, but also - often even primarily - on wavelength. (3) In center spectra, the wavelength differences between strong and faint lines can vary by as much as 500 m s-1, in disk spectra short-time variations of wavelength differences can amount to more than 50 m s-1. (4) For most spectra there is not only a very pronounced and narrow correlation between line shift and line temperature (a special measure for the line depth), but also a significant correlation between line shift and variation of the bisector index.Clearly, the observed effects must be attributed to variations of the velocity fields in the upper photosphere/lower chromosphere (super-granulation cells, overshooting, oscillations), which either influence the line wavelengths directly via the Doppler-effect, or indirectly by changing the contrast between the blue-shifted granules and the red-shifted intergranular lanes. Because of the snapshot character of the observations, no reliable conclusions can be drawn on the actual time-dependency.  相似文献   

Spectroheliograms were obtained simultaneously in the He ii 304 Å emission line and the He i 10 830 Å absorption line with an angular resolution of approximately 5″. A negative print of the 304 Å image is matched with a positive print of the 10 830 Å image so that corresponding features of the chromospheric network (including active regions) appear identical in the two images. Differences between these images include the facts that:
  1. Disk filaments and limb darkening are strongly visible in the 10 830 Å positive image, but they are weakly visible (as lightenings) in the 304 Å negative image.
  2. The contrast between the chromospheric network and the network cell centers is much greater in the 10 830 Å image than in the 304 Å negative image.
These results provide constraints on models of helium line formation in various types of solar features.  相似文献   

Line profiles of He ii 4686 Å and He i 4713 Å from active regions in the chromosphere were observed during the total solar eclipse of February 16, 1980, with a grazing incidence objective grating spectrograph. The Doppler width of the He i triplet line of 4713 Å increases with height and the average width is compatible with width of metallic and hydrogen lines, suggesting that the kinetic temperature of He i triplet emitting region is T 8000 K. This can only be explained by recombination after photo-ionization due to coronal UV radiation. The Doppler width of the Paschen line of He ii 4686 is, without any correction for the separation of subcomponents of the line nor non-thermal velocity, 18.4 km s-1. This line width also shows a tendency to increase with height. After comparison with Doppler widths of He i 4713 and the EUV lines, and a necessary subtraction of non-thermal velocity, it is shown that this line is emitted in a 2 × 104 K temperature region, which again supports the view that this line is emitted through the recombination process after photoionization due to coronal XUV radiation below 228 Å.  相似文献   

A vectorial expression of the image field deformation of LAMOST due to the differential atmospheric refraction is presented. The calculated results are compared with those from previous analyses based on the traditional spherical trigonometric formulas. It is demonstrated that different tangential displacements of star images during the observation tracking given by various authors are simply due to different reference points adopted. It is pointed out that the observational celestial pole is the center of the apparent diurnal motion, that, by referring to the observational celestial pole, the effect of the differential refraction on the image field of LAMOST during the 1.5-hour tracking period is approximately equivalent to a constant rotation of -13.65" for all declination belts. It is therefore unnecessary to design a particular tracking velocity for each observation, and this will be obviously advantageous to the observation implementation. If the maximum tracking error of the fibers is 0.2", then the fibers are required to be able to re-position during observational tracking for sky regions south of declination 20°and north of declination 60°.  相似文献   

Absolutely calibrated spectra of Uranus, Neptune, and the solar analog stars 16 Cyg A and B between 2100 and 3350 Å are reported. The geometric albedos of both planets are close to the curve expected for a semi-infinite Rayleigh-Raman scattering atmosphere between 2100 and 2800 Å. Longward of 2800 Å the albedos fall below the Rayleigh-Raman values and connect smoothly to the ground-based photometry of J.S. Neff, D.C. Humm, J.T. Bergstralh, A.L. Cochran, W.D. Cochran, E.S. Barker, and R.G. Tull (1984, Icarus60, 221–235).Neptune is about 5.5% brighter than Uranus and shows slightly stronger Raman scattering signatures in the MgII lines at 2800 Å in accordance with the results of Neff et al. for the CaII H and K lines. This means that the stratospheric haze on Neptune is thinner than on Uranus. The fact that the Neptunian geometric albedo between 2100 and 2800 Å is so close to the ideal semi-infinite Rayleigh-Raman scattering atmosphere could be exploited for future absolute calibrations of other Solar System objects in this wavelength region.  相似文献   

Absolute spectrophotometry of four regions on the visible disk of Saturn (north and south polar regions, equatorial band, south “temperate” region) from 3390 to 8080 Å is reported. Spectral resolution is 10 Å in the interval 3390–6055 Å, and 20 Å; aperture size is 1.92 arcsec. The explicit purpose of our observations was to provide ground-based photometric calibration for the Pioneer Saturn Imaging Photopolarimeter (IPP). We also compare our data with earlier spectrophotometric measurements of Saturn (R.L. Younkin and G. Munch, 1963,Mem. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liege7, 123–136; W.M. Irvine and A.P. Lane, 1971,Icarus16, 10–26; T.B. McCord, T.V. Johnson, and J.H. Elias, 1971,Astrophys. J.165, 413–424) and with the M. Podolak and R.EE. Danielson (1977)Icarus30, 479–492) parameterization of “Axel Dust.” The latter reproduces the broad features but not the details of the observed spectral reflectivity (I/F). We find that large depths of clear molecular hydrogen (>14 km-am in the temperate regions) are needed to match the observed upturn in reflectivity shortward of 3800 Å.  相似文献   

The oscillations of the half-width of the Ba II 4554 ? and Ca II 8542 ? spectral lines have been analyzed using observations at the base of solar coronal holes (CHs). The observed variations (~50 m ? for Ca II and ~4 m ? for Ba II) exceed considerably the thermal broadenings of these lines calculated from the measured intensity oscillations, suggesting their nonthermal nature. We point out a number of observational facts that hamper an unambiguous interpretation of the periodic Ba II and Ca II profile variations solely by the manifestation of torsional Alfve´ n waves in the lower solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

In this letter, we bring attention to prominences which show different morphology in H and Heii 304 Å, as observed simultaneously by BBSO and EIT on board SOHO. Those two lines have been thought to represent similar chromospheric structures although they are formed at significantly different temperatures. We give two examples representing two kinds of anomaly: (1) prominences showing strong H emissions in the lower part and strong Heii emissions in the upper part, and (2) erupting prominences showing extensive Heii emission, but nothing in H. Our results indicate that a part or the whole of a prominence may be too hot to emit H radiation, possibly due to heating or thermal instability. Please note that these are not just two isolated cases, many other prominences show the similar differences in H and Heii 304 Å.  相似文献   

We present a study of two spectral lines, Fe I 6173 Å and Ni I 6768 Å, that were candidates to be used in the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) for observing Doppler velocity and the vector magnetic field. The line profiles were studied using the Mt. Wilson Observatory, the Advanced Stokes Polarimeter and the Kitt Peak-McMath Pierce telescope and one-meter Fourier transform spectrometer atlas. Both Fe I and Ni I profiles have clean continua and no blends that threaten instrument performance. The Fe I line is 2% deeper, 15% narrower, and has a 6% smaller equivalent width than the Ni I line. The potential of each spectral line to recover pre-assigned solar conditions is tested using a least-squares minimization technique to fit Milne-Eddington models to tens of thousands of line profiles that have been sampled at five spectral positions across the line. Overall, the Fe I line has a better performance than the Ni I line for vector-magnetic-field retrieval. Specifically, the Fe I line is able to determine field strength, longitudinal and transverse flux four times more accurately than the Ni I line in active regions. Inclination and azimuthal angles can be recovered to ≈2° above 600 Mx cm?2 for Fe I and above 1000 Mx cm?2 for Ni I. Therefore, the Fe I line better determines the magnetic-field orientation in plage, whereas both lines provide good orientation determination in penumbrae and umbrae. We selected the Fe I spectral line for use in HMI due to its better performance for magnetic diagnostics while not sacrificing velocity information. The one exception to the better performance of the Fe I line arises when high field strengths combine with high velocities to move the spectral line beyond the effective sampling range. The higher g eff of Fe I means that its useful range of velocity values in regions of strong magnetic field is smaller than Ni I.  相似文献   

Jupiter was observed in six continuum wavelength channels in the region 4100–8300 Å, using a silicon vidicon imaging photometer. Spectral reflectivities and high spatial resolution limb-darkening curves for several belts and zones have been extracted from the data. Simple model fits to the data yield information regarding spectral and spatial variations in single-scattering albedos and shape of particle single-scattering phase functions. Belts appear to be more backscattering than zones, particularly in the blue. The data are in moderate agreement with limb-darkening predicted by models derived from the center-to-limb variation in equivalent width of the H2 4-0 S(1) quadrupole line (Cochran, 1976) in the South Tropical Zone, but strongly disagree with the results of such models for the North Equatorial Belt.  相似文献   

It is shown that variations in 6300 Å airglow intensities can, under certain assumptions, be simply related to ?0F2 and its time derivative. In deriving the relationship it is not necessary to assume that the concentration of the neutral atmosphere remains constant and so the relationship is useful on occasions when changes in the neutral atmosphere do occur making it difficult to obtain agreement between observed and calculated 6300 Å intensities; An example is given of a night in which a post-midnight enhancement occurred in the airglow and for which the observations could not be reproduced using a neutral atmosphere constant with time. It is shown that the airglow variations can be explained in terms of the variations of f0F2, implying that the airglow is due to recombination and that, during the night, changes occurred in the concentrations of the constituents of the neutral atmosphere.  相似文献   

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