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Ground-based observations of the occultation of ? Gem by Mars on April 8, 1976 have been reduced in the manner of French et al. [Icarus 33, 186–202 (1978)] to yield the scale height and temperature profiles of the Martian atmosphere for number densities between 1013 and 1015 cm?3. The deduced variations in temperature are remarkably similar to those obtained by Elliot et al. [Astrophys. J.217, 661–679 (1977)] and to the in situ measurements from the Viking landers.  相似文献   

In separate projects, the Hubble Space Telescope has been used to assess the nature of 3 unusual objects: Chiron, Pholus and P/Shoemaker-Levy 9. This paper will compare these objects and discuss how the unique capabilities of the HST may be used to address the issue of cometary activity in each. Chiron, which has exhibited obvious cometary characteristics for several years, might have a bound dust coma that is unresolvable from the ground. In an attempt to directly observe this bound coma, we have obtained a series of images of Chiron with the HST Planetary Camera. Inner coma structure out to 0.2 has been detected. From these observations we infer a low bulk nucleus density for Chiron. Both HST and ground-based images of 5145 Pholus have been obtained to search for evidence of activity. The ground-based data give the most sensitive limits; however, it is shown that the WFPC-2 on HST can give limits 2–3 orders of magnitude more sensitive than conventional ground-based limits. Finally, as part of a collaborative effort, we have been obtaining HST observations of SL9 in order to determine the fragment sizes and to assess their nature (i.e., cometary vs. asteroid). Both ground-based observations from the UH 2.2m telescope on Mauna Kea and HST observations show that the near-nucleus dust is redder than the sun. While FOS spectra did not detect OH emission, the WFPC-2 HST data show that the inner coma remained very circular from July 1993 up until 2 weeks prior to impact, implying continued production of dust.  相似文献   

The occultation of BD+8°471 by Ceres on 13 November 1984 was observed photoelectrically at 13 sites in Mexico, Florida, and the Caribbean. These observations indicate that Ceres is an oblate spheroid having an equatorial radius of 479.6±2.4 km and a polar radius of 453.4±4.5 km. The mean density of this minor planet is 2.7 g/cm3±5%, and its visual geometric albedo is 0.073. While the surface appears globally to be in hydrostatic equilibrium, firm evidence of real limb irregularities is seen in the data.  相似文献   

Absorption of interplanetary Lyman-α emission by Mars’ nightside lower thermosphere was observed by Mars Express Spectrometer for Investigation of Characteristics of the Atmosphere of Mars (SPICAM), and is analyzed to derive the CO2 density at 110 km during a martian year. The observed density seasonal variability is consistent with recent observations obtained by stellar occultations, proving that this method, though not as accurate as stellar occultations could be used complementary to them to characterize large variations of thermospheric density on Mars and provide a better spatial coverage by Lyman-α imagery.  相似文献   

On July 5, 1980 the Hard X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer on board the Solar Maximum Mission observed a complex flare event starting at 22 : 32 UT from AR 2559 (Hale 16955), then at N 28 W 29, which developed finally into a 2-ribbon flare. In this paper we compare the X-ray images with Hα photographs taken at the Big Bear Solar Observatory and identify the site of the most energetic flare phenomena. During the early phases of the event the hard X-rays (>16 keV) came from a compact source located near one of the two bright Hα kernels; we believe the latter are at the footpoints of a compact magnetic loop. The kernel identified with the X-ray source is immediately adjacent to one of the principal sunspots and in fact appears to ‘rotate’ around the sunspot over 90° in the early phase of the flare. Two intense X-ray bursts occur at the site of the rotating kernel, and following each burst the loop fills with hot, X-ray emitting plasma. If the first burst is interpreted as bremsstrahlung from a beam of electrons impinging on a collisionally dominated medium, the energy in such electrons, >16 keV, is ~ 5 × 1030 erg. The altitude of the looptop is 7–10 × 103 km. The temperature structure of the flare is extremely non-homogeneous, and the highest temperatures are found in the top of the loop. A few minutes after the hard X-ray bursts the configuration of the region changes; some of the flare energy is transferred along a system of larger loops that now become the defining structure for a 2-ribbon flare, which is how the flare develops as seen in Hα. In the late, cooling phase of the flare 15 min after maximum, we find a significant component of the plasma at temperatures between 25 and 30 × 106 K.  相似文献   

Time succession of 25 H spicules has been studied. The spectra are obtained at a height of 6 arc sec during 21 min (38 pictures) with the 53 cm Lyot coronagraph. Total intensities W, widths and radial velocities V r are determined (about 650 H line profiles). For 14 spicules the sign of V r varies, for the rest the sign variation is absent or it is doubtful. Characterized period of V r variation is 3–7 min with a mean amplitude of ± 4km s–1. W and also vary with a similar period and mean amplitudes equal to 50% and 30% respectively. dependence of W (Figure 1) points to the existence of two spicules groups: group I (70%) characterized by relatively small W and (mean values are 0.08 Å and 1.3 Å respectively); group II comprising brighter (W 0.13 Å) spicules with wider profiles ( 1.6 Å). Group II may consist of the unresolved, superimposed group I spicules. We believe, that H spicules involve formations consisting of separate elements having the temperature of 6000 K and non-thermal velocities of 25 km s–1.  相似文献   

PSR B1259–63 is a γ-ray emitting high mass X-ray binary system, in which the compact object is a millisecond pulsar.The system has an orbital period of 1236.7 d and shows peculiar γ-ray flares when the neutron star moves out of the stellar disk of the companion star.The γ-ray flare events were firstly discovered by using Fermi-LAT around the 2010 periastron passage, which was repeated for the 2014 and 2017 periastron passages.We analyze the Fermi-LAT data for all the three periastron passages and found that in each flare the energy spectrum can be represented well by a simple power law.The γ-ray light curves show that in 2010 and 2014 after each periastron there are two main flares,but in 2017 there are four flares including one precursor about 10 d after the periastron passage.The first main flares in 2010 and 2014 are located at around 35 d after the periastron passage, and the main flare in 2014 is delayed by roughly 1.7 d with respect to that in 2010.In the 2017 flare, the source shows a precursor about 10 d after the periastron passage, but the following two flares become weaker and lag behind those in 2010 by roughly 5 d.The strongest flares in 2017 occurred 58 d and 70 d after the periastron passage.These results challenge the previous models.  相似文献   

Observations of the 1.10- and 1.18-μm nightside windows by the SPICAV-IR instrument aboard Venus Express were analyzed to characterize the various sources of gaseous opacity and determine the H2O mole fraction in the lower atmosphere of Venus. We showed that the line profile model of Afanasenko and Rodin (Afanasenko, T.S., Rodin, A.V. [2007]. Astron. Lett. 33, 203–210) underestimates the CO2 absorption in the high-wavelength wing of the 1.18-μm window and we derived an empirical lineshape that matches this wing well. An additional continuum opacity is required to reproduce the variation of the 1.10- and 1.18-μm radiances with surface elevation as observed by the VIRTIS-M instrument aboard Venus Express. A constant absorption coefficient of 0.7 ± 0.2 × 10−9 cm−1 am−2 best reproduces the observed variation. We compared spectra calculated with different CO2 and H2O line lists. We found that the CDSD line list lacks the 5ν1 + ν3 series of CO2 bands, which provide significant opacity in Venus’ deep atmosphere, and we have constructed a composite line list that best reproduces the observations. We also showed for the first time that HDO brings significant absorption at 1140–1190 nm. Using the best representation of the atmospheric opacity we could reach, we retrieved a water vapor mole fraction of ppmv, pertaining to the altitude range 5–25 km. Combined with previous measurements in the 1.74- and 2.3-μm windows, this result provides strong evidence for a uniform H2O profile below 40 km, in agreement with chemical models.  相似文献   

The new ESA Venus Express orbiter is the first mission applying the probing technique of solar and stellar occultation to the atmosphere of Venus, with the SPICAV/SOIR instrument. SOIR is a new type of spectrometer used for solar occultations in the range 2.2-4.3 μm. Thanks to a high spectral resolving power R∼15,000-20,000 (unprecedented in planetary space exploration), a new gaseous absorption band was soon detected in the atmospheric transmission spectra around 2982 cm−1, showing a structure resembling an unresolved Q branch and a number of isolated lines with a regular wave number pattern. This absorption could not be matched to any species contained in HITRAN or GEISA databases, but was found very similar to an absorption pattern observed by a US team in the spectrum of solar light reflected by the ground of Mars [Villanueva, G.L., Mumma, M.J., Novak, R.E., Hewagama, T., 2008. Icarus 195 (1), 34-44]. This team then suggested to us that the absorption was due to an uncatalogued transition of the 16O12C18O molecule. The possible existence of this band was soon confirmed from theoretical considerations by Perevalov and Tashkun. Some SOIR observations of the atmospheric transmission are presented around 2982 cm−1, and rough calculations of line strengths of the Q branch are produced, based on the isotopic ratio measured earlier in the lower atmosphere of Venus. This discovery emphasizes the role of isotopologues of CO2 (as well as H2O and HDO) as important greenhouse gases in the atmosphere of Venus.  相似文献   

A catalog of X-ray sources as observed by the TTM/COMIS telescope onboard the Mir-Kvant observatory is presented. Brief information about the 67 sources detected at a confidence level higher than 4σ between 1988 and 1998 is provided. X-ray properties and characteristic spectra of different types of sources are briefly described.  相似文献   

The Mars Exploration Rover, Spirit, landed on 4 January 2004, in a lava field in Gusev crater on Mars. Samples interpreted as olivine basalt have been investigated with Mössbauer spectroscopy and chemically with Alpha-particle-X-ray spectrometry (APXS).In this contribution we present the results of a new analysis of the Mössbauer spectra of selected rock targets in Gusev crater. The results show that the rock surfaces investigated are inhomogeneous, and show strong enhancement of olivine in the surface layer. By subtraction of the surface signal to obtain the spectrum of the true interior of the rock samples, the measurements show the usual correlation between olivine and iron oxides of olivine basalt.It is argued that the compositional changes observed are related to high temperature oxidation of the rocks, probably during solidification, a process known to lead to anomalously magnetic rocks. The rock Mazatzal is discussed in some detail, and it is suggested that the surface is covered with deposits rich in ferric iron rather than these ferric phases being due to oxidation of the rock. The fact that all the surfaces in this investigation show this same pattern, suggests that the dominating erosion of the surface layer of basaltic rocks at Gusev crater has been mechanical rather than chemical.  相似文献   

The total radiative output in the EUV continuum (1400–1960 Å) from the 5 September 1973 flare has been obtained from the EUV spectra of the flare observed with the NRL slit spectrograph (SO82B) on Skylab. The radiative energy in the EUV continuum is of the order of 1029 ergs, which is more than a factor of 2 greater than those radiated in soft X-rays (8–20 Å) and in H for the flare. Thus, the EUV continuum emission is an important radiative energy loss, and should be included in the consideration of the energy balance of the flare.Ball Corporation.Now at the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.  相似文献   

In springtime on HiRISE images of the Southern polar terrain of Mars flow-like or rheologic features were observed. Their dark color is interpreted as partly defrosted surface where the temperature is too high for CO2 but low enough for H2O ice to be present there. These branching streaks grow in size and can move by an average velocity of up to about 1 m/day and could terminate in pond-like accumulation features. The phenomenon may be the result of interfacial water driven rheologic processes. Liquid interfacial water can in the presence of water ice exist well below the melting point of bulk water, by melting in course of interfacial attractive pressure by intermolecular forces (van der Waals forces e.g.), curvature of water film surfaces, and e.g. by macroscopic weight, acting upon ice. This melting phenomenon can be described in terms of “premelting of ice”. It is a challenging consequence, that liquid interfacial water unavoidably must in form of nanometric layers be present in water ice containing soil in the subsurface of Mars. It is the aim of this paper to study possible rheologic consequences in relation to observations, which seem to happen at sites of dark polar dunes on Mars at present. The model in this work assumes that interfacial water accumulates at the bottom of a translucent water-ice layer above a dark and insolated ground. This is warmed up towards the melting point of water. The evolving layer of liquid interfacial water between the covering ice sheet and the heated ground is assumed to drive downward directed flow-like features on slopes, and it can, at least partially, infiltrate (seep) into a porous ground. There, in at least temporarily cooler subsurface layers, the infiltrated liquid water refreezes and forms ice. The related stress built-up is shown to be sufficient to cause destructive erosive processes. The above-mentioned processes may cause change in the structure and thickness of the covering ice and/or may cause the movement of dune grains. All these processes may explain the observed springtime growing and downward extension of the slope streaks analyzed here.  相似文献   

In the present work we examined the hypothesis that, a core mass function (CMF), such as the one deduced for cores in the Orion molecular cloud (OMC), could possibly be the primogenitor of the stellar initial mass function (IMF). Using the rate of accretion of a protostar from its natal core as a free parameter, we demonstrate its quintessential role in determining the shape of the IMF. By varying the rate of accretion, we show that a stellar mass distribution similar to the universal IMF could possibly be generated starting from either a typical CMF such as the one for the OMC, or a uniform distribution of prestellar core masses which leads us to suggest, the apparent similarity in shapes of the CMF and the IMF is perhaps, only incidental. The apodosis of the argument being, complex physical processes leading to stellar birth are crucial in determining the final stellar masses, and consequently, the shape of stellar mass distribution. This work entails partial Monte-Carlo treatment of the problem, and starting with a randomly picked sample of cores, and on the basis of classical arguments which include protostellar feedback and cooling due to emission from warm dust, a theoretical distribution of stellar masses is derived for five realisations of the problem; the magnetic field, though, has been left out of this exercise.  相似文献   

MacKinnon  A. L.  Brown  J. C.  Hayward  J. 《Solar physics》1985,99(1-2):231-262

We describe the instrumental corrections which have to be incorporated for reliable correction and deconvolution of images obtained in the 16–22 keV and 22–30 keV energy bands of the Hard X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (HXIS) aboard the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM). These corrections include amplifier gain and collimator hole size variations across the field of view, amplifier/filter efficiency, variation in effective collimator hole size and angular response with photon energy, dead-time, and hard X-ray plate transmission. We also emphasise the substantial Poisson noise in these energy bands, and describe the maximum entropy deconvolution/correction routine we have developed to establish the spatial structure which can be reliably inferred from HXIS data.

Next we discuss the results of application of our routine to the three impulsive flare phases reported by Duijveman et al. (1982) as exhibiting hard X-ray ‘footpoints’, namely 1980, April 10, May 21, and November 5. Our main conclusions are:

  1. (1)

    Maximum entropy smoothing and Poisson noise data perturbations do not remove the main footpoint features in 16–30 keV nor change their basic morphology. However the results emphasise the asymmetry in footpoint size in the May 21 flare and confirm its possible presence in April 10. They also reveal the 3rd weak distant footpoint in the May 21 flare at an earlier time than found by Duijveman et al.

When the 16–22 and 22–30 keV bands are analysed separately, however, it is found that the footpoints are much less visible above noise in the harder band - i.e. the footpoint spectra are steep. In the April 10 and November 5 flares they are steeper than either the spectrum of intervening pixels or the spectrum at higher energies measured for the whole flare by the SMM Hard X-Ray Burst Spectrometer (HXRBS).

  1. (2)

    The footpoint contrast with surroundings is less than found by Duijveman et al., despite image deconvolution, because of the maximum entropy smoothing of noise.

  2. (3)

    The 16–30keV HXIS footpoint fluxes in the three flares are respectively 28%, 17%, and 15% of the simultaneous HXRBS flare power-law spectrum extrapolated into this energy range.

  3. (4)

    Where Poisson noise is taken into account we find, by cross-correlating pixel count rates, that footpoint synchronism was either not provable at all, or substantially less close than reported by Duijveman et al.

Next we considered the implications of these results for models of the footpoint emission. Contrary to Duijveman et al. we do not consider the HXIS ‘footpoint’ data as supporting a conventional thick target beam interpretation since:

  1. (A)

    The footpoint photon (and electron) fluxes are much less than expected from HXRBS extrapolation. This result casts doubt on recent models of chromospheric heating by electron beams which usually assume all of the HXRBS emission to come from HXIS footpoints.

  2. (B)

    The footpoint spectra for the April 10 and November 5 flares are much softer than the HXRBS spectrum and than the spectrum of intervening pixels, contrary to thick target predictions.

  3. (C)

    Contrary to Duijveman et al. footpoint synchronism does not demand an unreasonable Alfvén speed and so does not require non-thermal particles.

In spite of these objections we also re-considered the constraints placed on the acceleration site conditions in a beam interpretation by return current stability and footpoint contrast in the summed 16–30 keV range. Using the smoothed maximum entropy contrast and taking explicit account of coronal thermal emission, we find maximum densities somewhat larger than Duijveman et al. estimated, and much higher maximum values of T e /T i .

Regarding thermal interpretations we found:

  1. (a)

    Models involving continuous production of short-lived hot kernels in the arch top with Maxwellian tail electrons escaping to the footpoints could explain the 16–30 keV contrast with a rather higher energetic efficiency than a pure beam model. However, whatever the temperature distribution of hot kernel production, the model predicts footpoints harder than the arch summit, contrary to HXIS data.

  2. (b)

    A model with hot kernels produced in one limb of an arch can explain the asymmetry in footpoint size observed in May 21, and probably April 10, and is energetically even more efficient than (a) but is also inconsistent with the spectral data.

  3. (c)

    Finally we point out that HXIS footpoint data may be consistent with a purely geometric interpretation in an almost uniform arch filled with hot plasma.


An algorithm was developed for identifying and tracking a magnetic bright point, or bright point(BP) for short, observed in both the photosphere(G-band) and chromosphere(Ca Ⅱ H), as well as for pairing a photospheric BP(PBP) with its conjugate chromospheric BP(CBP). Two sets of data observed by Hinode/SOT in the quiet Sun near the disk center were analyzed. About 278 PBP-CBP pairs were identified and tracked. Lifetimes of both the PBPs and CBPs follow an exponential distribution with average lifetimes of 174 s and 163 s, respectively. We found that the differences in appearance time,in disappearance time and in lifetime of the two kinds of BPs all follow Gaussian distributions,which may indicate that the mechanisms of PBP and CBP formation/disintegration are different. However, the lifetimes of PBPs and CBPs are positively correlated with one another, with a correlation coefficient of 0.8. Furthermore, we calculated the horizontal displacement between the PBP and its conjugate CBP,which follows a Gaussian function with an average and standard deviation of(67.7 ± 38.5) km. We also calculated the amplitude of the flux tube shape change which might be caused by MHD waves propagating along the flux tube, and found that it follows an exponential distribution very well.  相似文献   

We examined the correlation between the ROSAT Hardness Ratio 1 and Count Rates eight Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies (NLS1s) and 14 Broad-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies (BLS1s). We found that six of the NLS1s show a positive HR1-CTs correlation, and seven of the BLS1s, a negative correlation. The other two NLS1s and seven BLS1s do not show any clear HR1-CTs correlation. Thus, the spectral behavior is statistically different for the NLS1s and BLS1s. The different behaviors can possibly be interpreted in terms of a stable ‘soft excess’ that is strong in NLS1s and weak in BLS1s, plus a power law component, common to both, which softens with increasing flux.  相似文献   

Solar System Research - The values of the mass of Mars and the asteroid belt are one and three orders of magnitude, respectively, less than those theoretically predicted from the extrapolation of...  相似文献   

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