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在三维产权管理中,许多三维产权对象(如住宅公寓)具有彼此邻接、密集分布的群集特征,物理上对象间存在客观的视觉遮挡,使得产权对象的空间位置、空间形态以及对象间的空间关系不易被观测.论述了群集三维对象可视化的要求和原则,分析了常用的切剖面、透明及线框、抽屉式交互可视化、体素等可视化方法,针对群集三维对象可视化的优缺点,提出... 相似文献
地形影响的积分算法在中央区存在奇异性,为避免奇异问题可将中央区地形近似为与计算点等高的圆柱体。基于此,提出使用更接近实际网格地形的棱柱模型计算地形影响,并通过推导给出了中央区直接、间接影响的棱柱模型算法公式。当地形网格较小时,棱柱模型与圆柱模型计算的中央区直接影响的差异为正;当地形网格较大时差异为负,但对于中央区间接影响,棱柱模型与圆柱模型计算结果的差异总为负值。当地形高分别取1 000、2 000和3 000 m时,棱柱模型与圆柱模型计算的直接影响差异的极值分别约为±0.3、±0.5和±0.8 m Gal,而间接影响差异的极值分别约为-0.02、-0.12和-0.27 cm。对于高精度的应用需求,当区域海拔较高时建议采用本文提出的更符合实际地形的棱柱模型计算中央区直接、间接影响。 相似文献
针对施工图内容复杂多样,存在图形、文本、符号、表格等多种样式的数据形式,给基于施工图的三维建筑物模型重构带来较大困难的问题,该文分析了建筑施工图的数据内容及其关联性,提出了面向建筑物三维模型重建的数据组织方法,构建了面向数据提取的建筑物对象模型,设计了相应的数据结构和人机交互提取方法,为基于建筑施工图的信息提取提供了一整套可供借鉴的方法。提出了由框架参数、基本参数、扩展参数和语义参数构成的建筑施工图数据参数化分解方法,可以支持内容相对独立的分步参数提取方式,并设计了综合化的交互界面,简化了数据提取操作过程,试验表明有效提高了数据提取的效率和准确率。 相似文献
海水的温度是海洋物理性质中最基本的要素之一,随着对地球研究的逐步深入,数字地球的建模范围也从陆地向海洋延伸,从静态向动态建模发展。由于海洋每时每刻都在变化,对海洋温度场的三维建模尤其是动态三维建模尤为困难。本文分析了海洋温度场数据获取的方法,并从动态温度场数据的特点出发,提出了基于三棱柱11剖分法的海洋温度场动态三维建模方法,提取对象中的等温面作为特征对三维温度场进行建模和表达。实验表明,本文提出的方法可以高效地对动态三维温度场进行建模和表达。 相似文献
在对Snake模型研究的基础上,结合建筑物群在移位中的特点,从2个方面对Snake模型进行改进:首先,在Snake模型中加强对齐排列建筑物群这一重要空间特征的识别,以便保持对齐排列建筑物群在移位前后不变;其次,针对传统Snake模型有时无法解决两个建筑物空间冲突的缺点,对街区中的建筑物群实行分层次移位,先将有冲突的两个建筑物作为整体,与剩余其它建筑物利用Snake模型一起移位,然后再根据文中提出的建筑物间相互冲突的4种受力模型,进行建筑物间空间冲突的移位。最后利用改进的Snake模型进行移位实验和分析。 相似文献
Direction is a common spatial concept that is used in our daily life. It is frequently used as a selection condition in spatial queries. As a result, it is important for spatial databases to provide a mechanism for modeling and processing direction queries and reasoning. Depending on the direction relation matrix, an inverted direction relation matrix and the concept of direction pre- dominance are proposed to improve the detection of direction relation between objects. Direction predicates of spatial systems are also extended. These techniques can improve the veracity of direction queries and reasoning. Experiments show excellent efficiency and performance in view of direction queries. 相似文献
FENGYucai YIBaolin 《地球空间信息科学学报》2004,7(4):297-302
Direction is a common spatial concept that is used in our daily life. It is frequently used as a selection condition in spatial queries. As a result, it is important for spatial databases to provide a mechanism for modeling and processing direction queries and reasoning. Depending on the direction relation matrix, an inverted direction relation matrix and the concept of direction pre- dominance are proposed to improve the detection of direction relation between objects. Direction predicates of spatial systems are also extended. These techniques can improve the veracity of direction queries and reasoning. Experiments show excellent efficiency and performance in view of direction queries. 相似文献
目前常见的沉降预测方法有灰色系统模型、时间序列分析法、BP神经网络及其改进算法等。针对BP神经网络容易出现过拟合和局部最优的缺点,部分学者利用遗传算法进行神经网络初始权值和阈值优化。但是遗传算法对于因监测数据质量问题而造成变形预测结果不佳的优化效果有限。因此引入自适应增强算法对遗传神经网络预测模型进行改进。并利用某高层建筑基坑实测50期监测数据进行仿真预测。实验结果表明,利用自适应增强算法改进之后的遗传神经网络预测模型在满足工程监测精度要求的前提下,在MAPE、MAE、MSE三项精度指标上分别提高80.57%、81.04%、70.83%。 相似文献
Polygonal object is a fundamental type of geometric data in vector GIS. The key step cleaning topological relationship after data collection of polygonal layer is to build polygonal objects from digital arcs. The raw digital arcs may intersect with each other. The algorithm for building polygonal objects after the raw arcs have been split at all intersections is presented. The build-up of polygonal objects in this paper is designed to be implemented by two steps. The first step is to extract all the polygons needed for build-up of polygonal objects from arcs. The second step is to organize polygonal objects from these polygons. For the first step, a tracing algorithm is proposed. The algorithm merely extracts the polygons needed for the build-up of polygonal objects, which is a subset of all the possible polygons that can be induced from the arcs. For the second step, an algorithm based on a specially designed order of polygons is advanced. All the topological relationships among the polygons are shown in a single scan. Experiments show that the two algorithms together offer a robust and efficient solution for building polygonal objects from intersected arcs. 相似文献
WU HuayiWANG YandongGONG Jianya WU Huayi Associate Professor National Laooratory for momation tngineering in Surveying Mapping Remote Sensing Luoyu Road 《地球空间信息科学学报》1999,2(1):63-67
Polygonal object is a fundamental type of geometric data in vector GIS. The key step of cleaning topological relationship after data collection of polygonal layer is to build polygonal objects from digital arcs. The raw digital arcs may intersect with each other. The algorithm for building polygonal objects after the raw arcs have been split at all intersections is presented. The build-up of polygonal objects in this paper is designed to be implemented by two steps. The first step is to extract all the polygons needed for build-up of polygonal objects from arcs. The second step is to organize polygonal objects from these polygons. For the first step, a tracing algorithm is proposed. The algorithm merely extracts the polygons needed for the build-up of polygonal objects, which is a subset of all the possible polygons that can be induced from the arcs. For the second step, an algorithm based on a specially designed order of polygons is advanced. All the topological relationships among the polygons are sho 相似文献
Ai Tinghua 《地球空间信息科学学报》2013,16(2):55-62
This paper presents a field based method to deal with the displacement of building cluster, which is driven by the street widening. The compress of street boundary results in the force to push the building moving inside and the force propagation is a decay process. To describe the phenomenon above, the field theory is introduced with the representation model of isoline. On the basis of the skeleton of Delaunay triangulation, the displacement field is built in which the propagation force is related to the adjacency degree with respect to the street boundary. The study offers the computation of displacement direction and offset distance for the building displacement. The vector operation is performed on the basis of grade and other field concepts. 相似文献
AlTinghua 《地球空间信息科学学报》2003,6(2):55-62
This paper presents a field based method to deal with the displacement of building cluster, which is driven by the street widening. The compress of street boundary results in the force to push the build-ing moving inside and the force propagation is a decay process.To describe the phenomenon above,the field theory is introduced with the representation model of isoline.On the basis of the skeleton of Delaunay triangulation.the displacement field is built in which the propagation force is related to the adjacency degree with respect to the street boundary.The study offers the computation of displacement direction and offset distance for the building displacement.The vector operation is performed on the basis of grade and other field concepts. 相似文献