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针对全球导航卫星系统(global navigation satellite system, GNSS)高频数据周跳的高可靠性快速探测与修复,基于改进的相位几何无关(modified geometry-free, MGF)组合量,提出了MGF周跳解算的质量控制方法,以进一步提高周跳修复的成功率。根据MGF组合观测量及误差特征,推导了其周跳修复的边界条件,并分析了不同导航卫星系统MGF方法的适用性,及观测噪声对周跳解算结果的影响。在此基础上,构建了MGF组合的质量控制检验量,经多系统GNSS实测数据试验分析,结果表明:MGF方法能够对小周跳(如小于5周的周跳)实现快速探测,修复成功率可达到99.90%以上;利用MGF组合的质量控制检验量能够分别识别出GPS、BDS和GLONASS中100%、87.57%和77.42%的错误周跳解算结果,使得MGF周跳解算错误率降低至0.01%。MGF方法受相位噪声影响显著,MGF组合的质量控制检验量能够有效识别错误的周跳解算结果,从而提高周跳修复成功率,但随着相位几何无关组合量噪声水平的增加,MGF质量控制检验量对于周跳修复错误和观测噪声的区分性降低。  相似文献   

针对使用组合观测值探测周跳存在不敏感周跳且难以修复的问题,研究了三频周跳探测与修复的几何原理,从几何角度研究了多个相位无几何组合(GF)探测周跳的异同,以及加入MW组合后的效果,并搜索了相应的不敏感周跳。提出了以对应的横截面积最小为原则选取组合量的方法。经北斗三频实测数据验证,GF组合的数量以两个为宜,加入MW组合后不敏感周跳进一步减少,优化选取的两个GF组合和MW组合联合探测周跳仅存在一个不敏感周跳,且探测到的周跳均能正确修复。  相似文献   

北斗三频数据周跳的探测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了利用北斗三频伪距和相位组合探测周跳的原理,给出了一种周跳探测的新方法.研究了多频载波相位组合观测量的选取标准,并利用北斗卫星实测数据进行了仿真试验.结果表明:三频观测量可构造出更多组合特性良好的周跳探测检验量,对于单一频点或多个频点同时发生周跳的情况均可有效探测.  相似文献   

在GNSS载波相位测量中,周跳的探测与修复一直是个重要问题。主要研究了GPS和GNONASS周跳的探测方法,针对相位减伪距法、电离层残差法和M—W组合法三种周跳探测与修复的方法,展开了系统的研究,利用Matlab编程分别予以实现。并利用实测数据进行分析比较,详细探讨和验证了三种方法的优缺点,为三种方法的实际应用提供有力的科学依据。  相似文献   

相位伪距组合法常应用于动态单频周跳探测,但其探测周跳的效果受伪距噪声的影响较大。因此有必要结合其他的观测值,以降低伪距噪声的影响,从而提高单频周跳探测能力。提出了一种多普勒积分辅助的动态单频周跳探测方法,先采用多普勒观测值平滑伪距观测值,降低伪距的噪声,再进行历元间差分,显著提高了动态单频周跳探测的能力。实验分别采用不同采样率、高度角变化、连续周跳和含粗差的实时动态实测数据,分别在不同历元加入1周、3周、10周的模拟周跳,在相邻历元分别加入3周、4周和5周的连续周跳。结果表明,相较于相位伪距组合法与基于多项式拟合法的相位伪距组合法,该方法可以实时探测出所有的模拟周跳。多普勒积分辅助的动态单品周跳探测方法能够显著提升单频观测值的周跳探测能力。  相似文献   

周建  吕志伟 《测绘工程》2011,20(2):31-34
从探测与修复周跳的观测值线性组合人手,分析非差方式下M-W组合和电离层残差组合对周跳的探测能力,探讨两种组合相结合的优越性.研究分析相结合算法对地面低动态数据和星载GPS高动态数据的适应能力,实验结果表明此算法对GPS双频动态观测数据的周跳探测、修复具有较好的适用性和实用性.  相似文献   

庄文泉  王利  范丽红  李毓照 《测绘科学》2018,(5):121-126,137
为了实现在电离层活跃期对北斗三频观测值的周跳探测,在分析北斗三频观测值特性的基础上,推导并提出一种无几何无电离层组合周跳探测新方法,针对该方法存在不敏感周跳的问题,结合二次历元间差分的无几何相位组合法,对北斗三频观测数据进行周跳探测。并利用电离层高度活跃时期的观测数据对该方法进行验证,实验结果表明,该方法可以在强电离层影响下探测0~4周的小周跳,可考虑将其应用到北斗三频实时导航定位的周跳处理中。  相似文献   

针对低高度角双频非差数据测量噪声大、周跳探测容易出现误判和漏判的情况,本文基于电离层残差组合和MW组合进行了周跳探测算法的改进。在电离层残差法的周跳探测中,引入了时间窗口方法,利用周跳检测量的误差分布合理确定判定阈值的大小;在宽巷周跳的探测中,对MW组合方法中的判定条件进行了改进,采用加权递推平滑和时间窗口相结合的方法进行宽巷模糊度的精确估计和精度评价。经IGS站观测数据验证,改进算法取得了较好的周跳探测效果。  相似文献   

三频观测量能形成具有更长波长、更小噪声、更小电离层影响等优良特性的组合观测量,有利于提高周跳探测和修复的精度。本文推导了伪距相位组合探测周跳的阈值条件;提出了周跳确定成功率的概念;并从提高周跳确定成功概率出发,给出了伪距相位组合选取的标准和方法;最后利用一组实测GPS三频数据进行了验证。结果表明,在数据采样率较高、历元间电离层延迟变化可忽略时,根据文中提出原则选取的最优伪距相位组合可实时探测和修复三频非差观测数据中的所有周跳。  相似文献   

提出了一种不涉及模糊度和整周跳变问题的短基线解算方法。用自编软件对实际观测资料进行了处理。计算结果表明,本方法的原理和数学模型是正确的,对于一般静态短基线解算,平面精度达到2mm左右,高程精度达到5mm左右。  相似文献   

Real-time cycle slip detection in triple-frequency GNSS   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
The modernization of the global positioning system and the advent of the European project Galileo will lead to a multifrequency global navigation satellite system (GNSS). The presence of new frequencies introduces more degrees of freedom in the GNSS data combination. We define linear combinations of GNSS observations with the aim to detect and correct cycle slips in real time. In particular, the detection is based on five geometry-free linear combinations used in three cascading steps. Most of the jumps are detected in the first step using three minimum-noise combinations of phase and code observations. The remaining jumps with very small amplitude are detected in the other two steps by means of two-tailored linear combinations of phase observations. Once the epoch of the slip has been detected, its amplitude is estimated using other linear combinations of phase observations. These combinations are defined with the aim of discriminating between the possible combinations of jump amplitudes in the three carriers. The method has been tested on simulated data and 1-second triple-frequency undifferenced GPS data coming from a friendly multipath environment. Results show that the proposed method is able to detect and repair all combinations of cycle slips in the three carriers.  相似文献   

The difficulty to detect and repair cycle slip of carrier phase measurements is a key limit for continuously high accuracy of GNSS positioning and navigation services. We propose an automated cycle slip detection and repair method for data preprocessing of a CORS network. The method jointly uses double-differenced (DD) geometry-free (GF) combination and ionospheric-free observation corrected for the computed geometrical distance (IF-OMC) to estimate the cycle slips in dual-frequency observations. The DD GF combination, which is only affected by the ionospheric residual, can be used to detect cycle slips with high reliability except for special pairs such as (77, 60) on GPS L1/L2 frequencies. The detection principle of the IF-OMC observable is such that there is a large discontinuity related to the previous epoch when cycle slips occur at the present epoch. The disadvantages of these two combinations can be overcome employing the proposed detection method. The cycle slip pair (77, 60) has no effect on the GF combination, while a change of 14.65 m is derived from GPS L1/L2 observations using the IF-OMC algorithm. Using pre-determined station coordinates as precise values, we found that the accuracy of the DD IF-OMC combination was 18 mm for a 200-km CORS baseline. Therefore, cycle slips in dual-frequency observations can be correctly and uniquely determined using DD GF and IF-OMC equations. The proposed method was verified by adding simulated cycle slips in observations collected from the CORS network under a quiet ionosphere and shown to be effective. Moreover, the method was assessed with observations made during intense ionospheric activity, which generated extensive cycle slips. The results show that the algorithm can detect and repair all cycle slips apart from two exceptions relating to long data gaps.  相似文献   

The network-based real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning has been widely used for high-accuracy applications. However, the precise point positioning (PPP) technique can also achieve centimeter to decimeter kinematic positioning accuracy without restriction of inter-station distances but is not as popular as network RTK for real-time engineering applications. Typically, PPP requires a long initialization time and continuous satellite signals to maintain the high accuracy. In case of phase breaks or loss of signals, re-initialization is usually required. An approach of instantaneous cycle slips fixing using undifferenced carrier phase measurements is proposed, which leads to instantaneous re-initialization for real-time PPP. In the proposed approach, various errors such as real-time orbit and clock errors, atmosphere delay and wind-up effects are first refined and isolated from integer cycle slips. The integer values of cycle slips can then be estimated and fixed with the LAMBDA technique by applying a cascade cycle slip resolution strategy. Numerical experiments with different user dynamics are carried out to allow a comprehensive evaluation of efficiency and robustness of the cycle slip fixing algorithm. The results show that the cycle slips can be fixed correctly in all cases considered and that data gaps of up to 300?s can be connected with high confidence. As a result, instantaneous re-initialization is achieved in the real-time PPP processing.  相似文献   

全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)能够为用户提供定位、导航和授时(PNT)服务,被广泛应用于国防安全保障和国民经济建设中.实时精密单点定位(RT-PPP)是一种高精度卫星导航定位方法,针对信号中断导致的重新初始化时间长的问题,提出一种基于历元间差分伪距和载波相位观测量的周跳修复算法,设计了一种RT-PPP算法,并介绍其实现流程.采用国际GNSS服务(IGS)观测站数据进行周跳修复实验,成功率在99%以上,缩短了重新收敛时间.在楼顶进行推车实验,RT-PPP在水平方向定位精度优于1 cm,高程定位方向精度为2~3 cm.  相似文献   

三频观测值可改善周跳探测与修复,但易受伪距观测值噪声的严重影响且有一些不敏感周跳组合无法探测。针对目前存在的问题,本文采用小波变换理论对伪距观测值降噪以提高探测修复周跳能力;合理优化组合观测量以组成稳定方程;使用QR分解进一步提高计算跳变量时的数值稳定性。最后,利用BDS和GPS/QZSS三频高、低采样率实测数据进行测试。结果表明,所有人为加入的周跳都被正确探测并修复,而且不存在无法探测、周跳误探与误修复问题。  相似文献   

The squat phenomenon, that is, the sinkage of a vessel due to its motion can affect the safety of navigation and reduce the accuracy of hydrographic bathymetry. Therefore, it is necessary to model and predict the squat of vessels as a function of cruise speed. We present a Global Navigation Satellite Systems–based squat modeling method for both hydrographic and navigation applications. For implementation of the proposed method, onboard GPS antennae configurations are offered to model bow squat for full-form ships such as supertankers or ore–bulk–oil carriers as well as stern squat for fine-form vessels such as passenger liners or container ships. In the proposed methodology, the onboard GPS observations are used to determine cruise ground speed, heave, attitude, and controlling the quality of kinematic positioning via fixed baselines. The vessel squat is computed from ellipsoidal height differences of the onboard antennae with respect to a reference state, after removal of all disturbing effects due to roll, pitch, heave, tide, vessel load, and geoidal height variations. The final products of the proposed approach are the analytical squat models usable for hydrographic and navigation applications. As the case study, the method is applied to a survey vessel in the offshore waters of Kish harbor. Numerical results indicate that the experimental precision of the derived analytical squat models is in the range of 0.003–0.028 m. The computed navigation squat of the test vessel at a speed of 12.64 knots is 30 % of the vessel draft and about twice its hydrographic squat. Although the field test was performed on a survey vessel, the method can be applied to any ship at any waterway. The proposed method can address the inevitable demand of reliable squat models for delicate hydrographic projects and high-speed marine traffic.  相似文献   

In order to incorporate the time smoothness of ionospheric delay to aid the cycle slip detection, an adaptive Kalman filter is developed based on variance component estimation. The correlations between measurements at neighboring epochs are fully considered in developing a filtering algorithm for colored measurement noise. Within this filtering framework, epoch-differenced ionospheric delays are predicted. Using this prediction, the potential cycle slips are repaired for triple-frequency signals of global navigation satellite systems. Cycle slips are repaired in a stepwise manner; i.e., for two extra wide lane combinations firstly and then for the third frequency. In the estimation for the third frequency, a stochastic model is followed in which the correlations between the ionospheric delay prediction errors and the errors in the epoch-differenced phase measurements are considered. The implementing details of the proposed method are tabulated. A real BeiDou Navigation Satellite System data set is used to check the performance of the proposed method. Most cycle slips, no matter trivial or nontrivial, can be estimated in float values with satisfactorily high accuracy and their integer values can hence be correctly obtained by simple rounding. To be more specific, all manually introduced nontrivial cycle slips are correctly repaired.  相似文献   

GPS Solutions - The Swarm mission of the European Space Agency was launched in November 2013 with the objective of performing measurements of the earth’s magnetic field with unprecedented...  相似文献   

针对GNSS技术应用于变形监测场景下经常出现的单频观测值周跳导致模糊度错误传递的问题,该文提出了一种基于基线近似解的单频三差周跳探测方法,该方法不仅解决了参考星更替时周跳检验量的转换问题,提供了参考星发生周跳时的应对方法,同时也从理论上证明了该方法适用于GLONASS卫星观测值的周跳探测,较好地解决了监测环境中出现单频周跳难以探测的问题.通过对开阔环境和遮挡环境的多系统多频数据进行周跳探测实验,证明了新方法能够有效探测出小至1周的周跳,对GNSS技术应用于各种复杂环境具有重要意义.  相似文献   

周跳的探测和修复是实现高精度GPS测量的关键问题.目前对载波相位观测值周跳的探测和修复已有多种方法,但都有各自的不足.文中综合利用多项式拟合法和双频电离层残差法来探测和修复周跳.介绍两种方法的数学模型,给出具体实施步骤,利用算例验证方法的可靠性和有效性.  相似文献   

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