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采用短板限制性评价方法,以10 m×10 m栅格为基本单元,对古浪县全域空间进行土地适宜性评价,确定其生态保护重要性、农业生产适宜性和城镇建设适宜性等级区域,合理划定生态、农业、城镇空间,为国土空间规划提供科学依据,并以此为基础,明确生态空间范围,促进生态空间分区保护,根据保护需要和开发利用要求,确定用途管制要求。  相似文献   

市县乡级土地利用总体规划中的土地利用分区应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国土资源部51号文对新一轮市县乡级土地利用总体规划编制提出了具体意见,明确要求通过3条界线和4类分区实现对土地利用空间管制的目标。本文以51号文最新要求为依据,结合国发[2007]21号关于主体功能区规划的意见以及国土资源部2008年新“三定”方案中关于编制并组织实施国土规划的相关精神,以新一轮土地利用总体规划编制为核心,通过讨论土地分区相关理论,理清国土空间分区之间的关系,分析各类分区衔接应用的方法和措施,并依此在市县乡这一空间尺度内,对新一轮规划编制与实施中借助土地空间分区实现空间布局引导和结构指标控制的分区目的、强化土地用途管制制度提出了初步建议。  相似文献   

<正>国土是生存之本,发展之要,是生态文明建设的空间载体。建立统一的空间规划和空间用途管制,开展自然资源开发利用和生态修复保护是生态文明建设的重要内容。党的十九届三中全会通过《深化党和国家机构改革方案》确定组建自然资源部,明确其统一行使全民所有自然资源资产所有者职责,统一行使所有国土空间用途管制和生态保护修复职责,着力解决自然资源所有者不到位、空间规划重叠等问题,实现山水林田湖草整体保护、系统修复、综合治理。  相似文献   

结合土地用途分区工作的要求,提出了地理实体语义相似度测度模型;在对小图斑的模式进行划分的基础上,构建了顾及语义相似度的土地用途分区模型,并提出分区结果的面积平衡和最优化评价方法。以海南省昌江县海尾镇为例对模型进行验证,结果表明,该模型是一种科学、合理、高效的土地用途分区模型,该方法提供的土地用途分区方案不仅能够较好地反映认知特性,还能较好地概括土地利用的特征,可以为土地利用规划、土地利用调控和管理提供技术支持。  相似文献   

建设国土空间规划“一张图”实施监督信息系统,形成国土空间规划“一张图”,为国土空间规划编制审批、实施管理、监测预警、共享服务全链条提供信息化支撑,是实现“多规合一”、统一国土空间用途管制,推进国土空间治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要手段。广东省结合“数字政府”建设要求,全省统筹建设省市县三级通用、上下贯通、横向连通的规划实施监督信息系统,支撑国土空间全域数字化、空间治理网络化、规划实施监管智能化,为国土空间规划数据治理和智慧规划实施监管系统建设,打造“互联网+规划服务”新模式提供思路。  相似文献   

国土资源是生存之基、发展之本、财富之源、生态之依,支撑各行各业、影响千秋万代。党的十八大对新时期国土资源工作提出了新目标和新要求,将生态文明建设放在了前所未有的突出地位,融入经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设各方面和全过程,把建设中国特色社会主义事业的总体布局扩展为"五位一体",并从优化国土空间开发格局、全面促进资源节约、加大自然生态系统和环境保护力度、加强生态文明制度建设等方面提出了明确要求,指明了前进的方向。结合扬州市国土资源  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院有关部委、直属机构: 为加强自然生态空间保护,推进自然资源管理体制改革,健全国土空间用途管制制度,促进生态文明建设,按照《生态文明体制改革总体方案》要求.国土资源部会同发展改革委、财政部、环境保护部、住房城乡建设部、水利部、农业部、林业局、海洋局、测绘地信局等9个部门,研究制定了《自然生态空间用途管制办法(试行)》,已经国务院同意,现予以印发,请结合实际,认真贯彻执行.  相似文献   

应用ArcGIS Engine10.1开发工具包,在Visual Studio 2010开发环境下,完成了流域水生态功能管理区决策支持系统的设计与开发。该系统将流域水生态功能管理区划分成联合管理、独立管理和委托管理等子单元;并通过对子单元的水生态系统健康进行评价,将子单元的水生态系统受损程度分为好、中、差3类,以差异化的水环境管理方法为流域水生态功能管理决策和实施提供支持,有助于流域管理主体建立基于水生态功能的水质目标管理体系。  相似文献   

国土空间用途管制作为落实国土空间规划、提升空间治理水平的重要手段,已成为国家推进空间治理体系和治理能力现代化的一项基本制度。现有基于关系型数据的用途管制信息管理和利用方式,已难以满足其全域、全要素、全流程数字化转型的要求。以武汉市为例,研究了面向用途管制的时序图谱构建的关键技术和流程,提出了时序图谱链接国土空间用途管制空间单元和各管理环节信息的技术方法,为国土空间用途管制全周期监管、数字化转型和智能化提升提供了可行的思路和实践参考。  相似文献   

国土优化开发和土地集约型利用是生态文明建设的重要一环,生态敏感性分析为优化国土空间和土地的开发利用提供参考基础,也可促进区域生态环境的可持续发展。借助GIS技术,选取高程、坡度、水域、NDVI和土地利用类型5个生态敏感性因子,利用层次分析法(AHP)确定因子权重,采用空间叠加分析对生态敏感度定量分析,将所得到的生态敏感的高低分为高度敏感区、中度敏感区、低度敏感区和非敏感区,对各个生态敏感区进行综合分析,得到西宁市单因子和综合生态敏感性分析结果,并对西宁城市群的开发提出分区保护与建设的对策建议。  相似文献   

River basin management and development are most important for utilising and conserving the water resources in any region where the average annual rainfall is highly fluctuating, the North Bengal is one of such region. Though there are a large number of rivers having a large catchment area in the hills and carry a huge amount of water during rainy season but they are completely dry in winter and summer. The upper part of majority of river basins arc highly sensitive to water erosion and land slides due to deforestation, intensive cultivation, increased settlements in sloping and erosion prone areas. So, floods in the rainy season and droughts in summer months are frequent features in North Bengal. In view of this proper management and effective conservation of land and water resources is necessary to develop the region. An integrated river basin management consisting soil conservation, afforestation, flood control, and adoption of suitable cropping pattern is essential for economic development of North Bengal.  相似文献   

Here an attempt has been made to highlight the importance of satellite remote sensing in land system mapping, land resources inventory and land use planning of a sample river basin (in Arunachal Pradesh) covering an area of 10,186 sq. km. The (Kemang) river basin has been divided intofour land systems viz : structural, denudational, piedmont and fluvial. Each system has been analysed with respect toeight land water-land use (resource) parameters for proper land use and environmental management of the river basin. A tentative‘productivity/development strategy ranking’ is also given for optimum planning of the basin.  相似文献   

根据漳河流域特定的生态环境、自然资源以及社会经济特点,结合GIS与虚拟可视化技术,研发漳河流域水环境会商决策支持系统,实现了流域各类信息的可视化查询与动态监测及分析,以及流域生态环境变化的综合评价及演变预测,为相关政府职能部门对流域工程建设、管理和水资源环境质量评价与防治、预测等重大决策提供技术和信息平台支撑。  相似文献   

Simulated estimation of hydrological loads from GRACE   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Four different basin functions are developed to estimate water storage variations within individual river basins from time variations in the Stokes coefficients now available from the GRACE mission. The four basin functions are evaluated using simulated data. Basin functions differ in how they minimize effects of three major error sources: measurement error; leakage of signal from one region to another; and errors in the atmospheric pressure field removed during GRACE data processing. Three of the basin functions are constant in time, while the fourth changes monthly using information about the signal (hydrologic and oceanic load variations). To test basin functions performance, Stokes coefficient variations from land and ocean models are synthesized, and error levels 50 and 100 times greater than pre-launch GRACE error estimate are used to corrupt them. Errors at 50 times pre-launch estimates approximately simulate current GRACE data. GRACE recovery of water storage variations is attempted for five different river basins (Amazon, Mississippi, Lena, Huang He and Oranje), representing a variety of sizes, locations, and signal variance. In the large basins (Amazon, Mississippi and Lena), water storage variations are recovered successfully at both error levels. As the error level increases from 50 to 100 times, basin functions change their shape, yielding less atmospheric pressure error and more leakage error. Amplitude spectra of measurement and atmospheric pressure errors have different shapes, but the best results are obtained when both are used in basin function design. When high-quality information about the signal is available, for example from climate and ocean models, changing the basin function each month can reduce leakage error and improve estimates of time variable water storage within basins.  相似文献   

In the present study, prioritization of sub-watersheds was carried out on the basis of sediment production rate. Further, basic hydrologic information such as peak rate of runoff and annual surface water potential were also assessed for the study watersheds and these are essential requisites for effective watershed management. The 10 sub watersheds of Tarai development project area are selected for the present study. Morphometric parameters pertaining to study area are used in the estimation of sediment production rate. The sediment production rate in the study area varies between 2.45 to 11.0 ha-m/100 km2/year. The remote sensing data has been utilized for generating land use/land cover data which is an essential prerequisite for land and water resource planning and development. The remote sensing data can especially play significant role in collection of real time information from remote areas of river basins for generation of parameters required for hydrologic modeling.  相似文献   

In this study, remote sensing (RS) with computer-based geographic information systems (GIS) techniques are used as a tool for monitoring the water basin area and water quality in Istanbul's relatively less polluted and comparatively less destroyed catchment of the metropolis drinking water dam reservoir named Terkos. It is necessary to work with recent data to be able to identify the effects of urbanization on the water quality of the Terkos dam catchment area that supplies drinking water to the metropolis. RS is an important tool to monitor water quality and urban terrain. For this aim, a project has been initiated at the Technical University Remote Sensing Laboratory, under the Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration (ISKI) sponsorship in Istanbul. The project uses SPOT-PAN, XS and IRS-1C/D PAN and satellite data of 1993 and 2000 for urban analysis and Landsat-TM and LISS-III satellite data of 1992 and 2000 for water quality. For calibration and validation, ground truth samples are collected from the experimental area. The RS data was converted into the UTM coordinate system and image enhancement and classification techniques are used. Raster data is converted to vector data to assess the study area for analyzing in GIS for the purpose of planning and decision-making on protected water basin zones. As a result of monitoring land use and water quality changes, recommendations are made for planning and management of the protected environment of the Terkos catchment protected area. Measuring land use change is a very important issue for controlling the future development of the basin, GIS techniques are performed and results are illustrated in established models on the four protected zones of Terkos water basin.  相似文献   

从水压力、水管理、水污染、灾害风险及社会经济效应5个要素出发,构建水环境综合评价体系,并用均值法求得水环境综合评价指数,对我国31个省(市、自治区)的水环境状况进行评价。以人口数量为权重将分省(市、自治区)要素指标转化为流域尺度,对我国十大流域片进行水环境评价及5个单要素分析,指出地域间水环境差异及水环境问题。  相似文献   

The selection of basin characteristics that explain spatial variation of river flows is important for hydrological regionalization as this enables estimation of flow statistics of ungauged basins. A direct gradient analysis method, redundancy analysis, is used to identify basin characteristics, which explain the variation of river flows among 52 selected basins in Zimbabwe. Flow statistics considered are mean annual runoff, coefficient of variation of annual runoff, average number of days per year without flow and selected percentile flows. Basin characteristics investigated are those likely to reflect climatological, topographical and hydrogeological influences including that of land cover on river flows. The first ordination axis of flow statistics is strongly correlated with mean annual precipitation, mean annual potential evaporation and median slope. This ordination axis explains 64% of the variation of selected flow statistics among the selected drainage basins. The proportions of a basin under cultivation, and that with grasslands are correlated with the second ordination axis, which explains 6% of the variation of selected flow statistics. Mean annual precipitation is the most important basin characteristic, and this alone explains 50% of the variation of flow statistics. Median slope is the second most important basin characteristic. Proportions of a basin underlain by different lithological types had no effect on flow characteristics of selected basins. The paper has demonstrated the ability of redundancy analysis to identify basin characteristics that explain the variation of river flows among basins, including estimating the relative importance of these basin characteristics.  相似文献   

利用2002—2012年的GLDAS和WGHM模型模拟水文产品,以及重力恢复与气候试验卫星(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment,GRACE)观测数据,计算了全球范围内30个主要流域的水储量变化时间序列,从模拟数据与观测数据的年周期振幅、长期趋势项及时空分布一致性等几个方面,对GLDAS和WGHM进行了评估。结果表明,GLDAS的4个子模型都表现出了明显的季节性变化,CLM年周期振幅输出最小,MOSAIC和VIC最大,NOAH居中,且最接近4个子模型的平均值。与GRACE结果相比,约80%流域的GLDAS与WGHM模型年周期振幅输出呈明显低估现象,且GLDAS的低估程度大于WGHM,但靠近北极高纬度地区的流域有相反的情况出现。在长期趋势项方面,三者结果差异较大,尤其是对于面积较小且人类活动影响较大的流域,GLDAS与WGHM模型不能充分反映人类活动的影响,模型输出表现较差,GRACE结果更接近实际情况。此外,还研究了流域水储量长期变化趋势与灌溉率的关系,发现呈现明显下降趋势的流域主要集中在高灌溉率(>10%)地区,而灌溉率是影响流域水储量变化的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

The morphometric analysis of river basin helps to explore the interrelationship between hydraulic parameters and geomorphologic characteristics. The study has been conducted in the Upper Tons basin of Northern Foreland of Peninsular India. The river basin has been characterized using the topographical maps, CARTOSAT satellite image integrated using the GIS techniques. The drainage density analysis indicates lower values in the north-eastern regions and thus these regions can be categorized as better ground water potential zone. There are in total 10 sub-watersheds which have been delineated; SW-4 has maximum drainage density (4.75), stream frequency (5.61) and drainage texture (26.64) followed by SW-6–10. The prioritized sub-watershed numbers SW-4 and SW-6–10 need conservation practices because of their high erodibility and run-off. SW-1–3 and SW-5 regions have better permeable bed rocks and hence good for water harvesting. The areal parameter indicates elongated shape of basin and moderate to steeper ground slope. The results are supported by extensive field survey. This study can be applied for soil and water management, as well as disaster prevention from similar type of drainage basins.  相似文献   

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