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Modified suction caissons (MSCs) acting as offshore wind turbine foundations will generate the accumulated rotation under cyclic loading resulted from waves. The accumulated rotation and the range of soil deformation around the MSC under long-term cyclic wave loading were studied using 3-D numerical simulations. The Morison equation was adopted to calculate the wave loadings. It was found that the MSC accumulated rotation increases linearly with the increase of the logarithm of cyclic number. The normalized expression was proposed to reflect the relationship between the accumulated rotation and cyclic number. The soil deformation range around the MSC increases when increasing the cyclic number and loading amplitude. It can also be concluded that the accumulated rotation increases rapidly with this change of excess pore pressure in the first 4000 cycles. The responses of the MSC to wave and wind loads were also investigated. Results show that the accumulated rotation of the MSC under both wave and wind loadings is larger than that under the wave loading only.  相似文献   

This paper presents a series of monotonically combined lateral loading tests to investigate the bearing capacity of the MSCs(modified suction caissons) in the saturated marine fine sand. The lateral loads were applied under load- and displacement-controlled methods at the loading eccentricity ratios of 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5. Results show that, in the displacement-controlled test, the deflection-softening behavior of load-deflection curves for MSCs was observed, and the softening degree of the load-deflection response increased with the increasing external skirt length or the decreasing loading eccentricity. It was also found that the rotation center of the MSC at failure determined by the load-controlled method is slightly lower than that by the displacement-controlled method. The calculated MSC capacity based on the rotation center position in serviceability limit state is relatively conservative, compared with the calculated capacity based on the rotation center position in the ultimate limit state. In the limit state, the passive earth pressures opposite the loading direction under load- and displacement-controlled methods decrease by 46% and 74% corresponding to peak values, respectively; however, the passive earth pressures in the loading direction at failure only decrease by approximately 3% and 7%, compared with their peak values.  相似文献   

Li  Da-yong  Li  Shan-shan  Zhang  Yu-kun  Chen  Fu-quan 《中国海洋工程》2019,33(2):198-206
The modified suction caisson(MSC) is a novel type of foundation for ocean engineering, consisting of a short external closed-top cylinder-shaped structure surrounding the upper part of the regular suction caisson(RSC). The MSC can provide larger lateral bearing capacity and limit the deflection compared with the RSC. Therefore, the MSC can be much more appropriate to use as an offshore wind turbine foundation. Model tests on the MSC in saturated sand subjected to monotonic lateral loading were carried out to investigate the effects of external structure sizes on the sand surface deformation and the earth pressure distribution along the embedded depth. Test results show that the deformation range of the sand surface increases with the increasing width and length of the external structure. The magnitude of sand upheaval around the MSC is smaller than that of the RSC and the sand upheaval value around the MSC in the loading direction decreases with the increasing external structure dimensions. The net earth pressure in the loading direction acting on the internal compartment of the MSC is smaller than that of the RSC at the same embedded depth. The maximum net earth pressure acting on the external structure outer wall in the loading direction is larger than that of the internal compartment, indicating that a considerable amount of the lateral load and moment is resisted by the external skirt structure.  相似文献   

The application of the wellhead suction anchor in the second production test of natural gas hydrates(NGHs) in the South China Sea(SCS) was met with success. This design incorporates a central conductor guide pipe, which distinguishes it from traditional suction foundations. However, this addition resulted in a relatively high penetration resistance and a shallower penetration depth at the self-weight penetration stage. To mitigate this issue, the current study proposes an optimized design where ...  相似文献   

为了实现现场测量地表水中矿物油含量的全光纤荧光计的研制。采用荧光光谱测量分析方法 ,于 1 999年 1 0月— 2 0 0 0年 5月 ,采集了国内外不同的地区原油和成品油共 2 3种 ,用1 4种不同波长的激发光激励 ,进行荧光光谱特性测量实验研究。同时 ,对不同浓度的矿物油、水混合液也进行了测量实验 ,得出其最低检测浓度为 0 .0 0 5mg/L ;测量了青岛近岸海域表层受油污染海水的含油量为 0 .0 1~ 0 .2 2mg/L ;此外对水中矿物油受激荧光发射原理也作了简述。并对水中矿物油荧光光谱特性、浓度与荧光强度的关系 ,以及为研制现场测量水中矿物油浓度的全光纤荧光计的可能性作出了结论性的意见  相似文献   

As the anchoring foundation of the tension leg platform(TLP), suction caisson foundation is subjected to the longterm vertical pullout loads. But there are few studies on the mechanism of the unloading creep of soft clay and longterm uplift bearing capacity of suction caisson foundations. To address this problem, unloading creep tests of soft clay were carried out to analyze the strain development with time under different confining pressures. The test results show that the creep curve rapidly d...  相似文献   

刀额新对虾主要过敏原蛋白的肽指纹图谱鉴定与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以我国常见的刀额新对虾为研究对象,旨在获得其主要过敏原的氨基酸序列等基础数据,增加对虾类过敏原的认识和理解。分离和纯化了分子量为36 kD的虾主要过敏原蛋白,利用激光辅助解析/飞行时间质谱对其进行肽质量指纹图谱鉴定,并对鉴定的结果采用Mascot搜索引擎在NCBInr数据库上进行搜索。结果表明刀额新对虾主要过敏原蛋白与斑节对虾原肌球蛋白匹配分值最高为268,吻合肽段27条,序列覆盖率为65%;与其它无脊椎动物如腐食酪螨、衣鱼等的原肌球蛋白的序列覆盖率也很高,分别达到了51%和53%。这一结果不仅表明了刀额新对虾与其它甲壳类海产品过敏原存在着高度同源性,而且为其与甲壳类及其它无脊椎动物主要过敏原之间存在严重交叉反应的现象提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

本实验以栉孔扇贝为材料,对栉孔扇贝亲贝、幼虫,进行0.05~0.9T不同磁场强度的磁化水培育试验.实验结果表明:磁化水对亲贝蓄养有明显促进性腺发育成熟的作用;磁化水组性腺指数比对照组提高3.5×10-2.孵化率也大大提高,比对照组提高16×10-2.对扇贝幼虫生长发育的影响,在0.3~0.7T的磁化水范围内,幼虫生长较快,成活率最高,其中0.6T最好。然后又进行0.6T生产性应用试验,通过3a应用,磁化水组比对照组幼虫成活率可提高18×10-2,附着变态率比对照组提高27×10-2,单位水体出苗量比对照组提高50×10-2左右。另外,磁化水也有明显改善育苗木质的作用,从而保证了扇贝育苗稳产高产。  相似文献   

Suction caissons are widely used for anchoring floating platform and offshore wind turbines. Penetration of the suction caisson into the desired position under the combination of its self-weight and applied suction resulted from pumping out the encased water is integral to practical engineering. Model tests were carried out to investigate the suctionassisted installation of suction caissons in clay under various undrained shear strengths. It was found that there exists a critical penetration dep...  相似文献   

The production of dimethylsulfide (DMS) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) by marine microalgae was investigated to elucidate more on the role of marine phytoplankton in ocean-atmosphere interactions in the global biogeochemical sulfur cycle.Axenic laboratory cultures of four marine microalgae–Isochrysis galbana 8701,Pavlova viridis,Platymonas sp.and Chlorella were tested for DMSP production and conversion into DMS.Among these four microalgae,Isochrysis galbana 8701 and Pavlova viridis are two species of Haptophyta,while Chlorella and Platymonas sp.belong to Chlorophyta.The results demonstrate that the four algae can produce various amounts of DMS(P),and their DMS(P) production was species specific.With similar cell size,more DMS was released by Haptophyta than that by Chlorophyta.DMS and dissolved DMSP (DMSPd) concentrations in algal cultures varied significantly during their life cycles.The highest release of DMS appeared in the senescent period for all the four algae.Variations in DMSP concentrations were in strong compliance with variations in algal cell densities during the growing period.A highly significant correlation was observed between the DMS and DMSPd concentrations in algal cultures,and there was a time lag for the variation trend of the DMS concentrations as compared with that of the DMSPd.The consistency of variation patterns of DMS and DMSPd implies that the DMSPd produced by phytoplankton cells has a marked effect on the production of DMS.In the present study,the authors’ results specify the significant contribution of the marine phytoplankton to DMS(P) production and the importance of biological control of DMS concentrations in oceanic water.  相似文献   

在阅读、分析以往的有关资料的基础上 ,结合实际的试验条件 ,对桶形基础及其作用下的粉质土海床失稳机制研究的试验作出了专门设计。该设计通过配土、设计模型桶基和负压沉贯的操作过程、设置孔压传感器等实验手段 ,努力从土体破坏的角度 ,寻求负压沉贯过程中沉贯负压、沉贯阻力及孔隙水压力之间的变化关系和确定桶基的上拔力。并且指出了数据处理的基本思路 ,以利于课题的深入研究。  相似文献   

Estimates have been made of the suspended sand transport at two sites on the Middelkerke Bank, in the southern North Sea, from suspended sand profiles and current meter measurements over a period of approximately 40 days. Sand resuspension was mainly due to waves while transport was dominated by a few hours when large waves coincided with peak flood currents. Soulsby's relationships for the stress under combined currents and waves were found to be poor predictors for the observed near-bed concentrations; the mean stress, , predicting 45% of the variance while the maximum stress, , predicted just 15%, and overestimate the effects of the waves. When the influence of the stress due to the waves is reduced, the variance explained increases to 67%. The sand transport rate on the steep slope of the bank was 10 times that of the southern end, and was up-slope at 25° to the bank axis, in the direction of the major axis of the tidal ellipse. The transport on the steep slope was mainly in the size range 100–140 μm which did not occur in any significant proportion in samples of the sea bed at that site but was advected from deeper water to the southeast. Excluding this finer component the transport rates of coarser sand (>200 μm) at the two sites were similar over the 40-day period. The up-slope transport during storms suggests that waves play an important part in the bank maintenance and are not simply the mechanism which prevents the continual growth of the sand bank due to asymmetrical transport by the tidal currents alone. The transport rates are consistent with a time-scale of 102–103 years for the formation of the Middelkerke Bank.  相似文献   

中国南大洋水团、环流和海冰研究进展(1995-2002)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了1995年以来中国在南大洋物理海洋学研究和南极海冰研究中所取得的成果。普里兹湾海区是中国南大洋研究的重点区域,研究表明,在该海区存在显著的深层水涌升和陆架水北扩现象,某些年份深层水与陆架水混合后产生了较重的水体,但是尚未发现生成南极底层水的直接证据。在普里兹湾所处的印度洋区段,亚热带锋、亚南极锋和极锋表现出显著的时空变化,特别是不同年份的锋面位置存在较大的摆动。该海区的南极绕极流既是风生的,也受到密度场的影响。在凯尔盖朗海台的地形引导作用下,南极绕极流表现出显著的非纬向性特征。南极海冰除了显著的季节变化以外,也表现出长期变化的趋势。此变化与海洋、大气中的其它变化有一定的相关性,表现为两极海冰涛动、南方海洋涛动等多种变化模态,对我国气候也有一定的影响。  相似文献   

Abstract. The oxygen consumption of Eudendrium glomeratum was measured monthly, throughout the period of active presence of the species in the field, to obtain indications on its physiological condition in the different phases of the cycle. Sets of one hundred polyps were assayed in the laboratory under normothermic (according to field temperature: 14–19°C) and hyperthermic conditions (22–25°C). The different response to identical temperatures at the extremes of the cycle, together with a differential ability to face stressful conditions in the same periods, suggests that other factors, besides temperature, regulate the seasonal cycle of Eudendrium glomeratum.  相似文献   

改性粘土絮凝法对太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)稚贝的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验以太平洋牡蛎稚贝(Crassostrea gigas,~0.2cm)为对象,研究了HDTMA有机改性粘土和PAC无机改性粘土絮凝法治理赤潮时对海洋底栖生物的影响。96h急性毒性实验中二者对牡蛎稚贝的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为4.62g/L和2.67g/L。在能够有效去除赤潮微藻的浓度条件下(0.10g/L),经慢性毒性实验发现改性粘土对牡蛎稚贝成活率无影响,牡蛎生长速度较对照组没有明显差异,滤食率比培养实验初始时升高了3~4倍,同时在牡蛎超微组织结构中未发现机械损伤。通过模拟改性粘土去除赤潮生物(Heterosigma akashiwo和Prorocentrum donghaiense)过程中对生物体的影响,发现改性粘土絮凝法通过去除赤潮藻能显著提高牡蛎的存活率,所以HDTMA有机改性粘土和PAC无机改性粘土絮凝法在赤潮生物防控中可以作为一项有效的应急措施。  相似文献   

Single Gaussian wave groups with different initial wave steepness ε_0 and width N are produced in laboratory in finite depth to study the nonlinear evolution, the extreme events and breaking. The results show that wave groups with larger ε_0 will evolve to be several envelope solitons(short wave groups). By analyzing geometric parameters, a break in the evolution of the wave elevation and asymmetric parameters after extreme wave may be an indicator for the inception of refocus and the maximal wave moving to the middle, namely, wave down-shift occurs. The analysis of the surface elevations with HHT(Hilbert-Huang Transform), which presents the concrete local variation of energy in time and frequency can be exhibited clearly, reveals that the higher frequency components play a major role in forming the extreme event and the contribution to the nonlinearity. Instantaneous energy and frequency in the vicinity of the extreme wave are also examined locally. For spilling breakers, the energy residing in the whole wave front dissipates much more due to breaking, while the energy in the rear of wave crest loses little, and the intra-wave frequency modulation increases as focus. It illustrates that the maximal first order instantaneous frequency f_1 and the largest crest tend to emerge at the same time after extreme wave when significant energy dissipation happens, and vice versa. In addition, it shows that there is no obvious relation of the CDN(combined degree of nonlinearity) to the wave breaking for the single Gaussian wave group in finite water depth.  相似文献   

大菱鲆的受精细胞学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙威  尤锋  张培军  许建和 《海洋科学》2005,29(12):75-80
对大菱鲆(Psetta maxima)的受精过程进行细胞学观察发现,大菱鲆从精子入卵、皮层反应、卵母细胞第二次成熟分裂排出第二极体、雌雄原核形成与融合,直到舍子进行第一次有丝分裂,与其他已经报道的硬骨鱼的受精程序基本相同。在受精的整个过程中所有观察过的受精卵都只发现一个精子形成原核,并最终与卵原核结合形成舍子,由此判断大菱鲆的受精方式是单精受精。  相似文献   

厦门港小型浮游生物对可溶性活性磷的吸收和再生通量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用^32PO4^3-同位素稀释技术比较研究了厦门港3个站位4个季节表层浮游生物对可溶性活性磷吸收和再生通量。结果表明,SRP吸收和再生通量夏季最大,冬季最小;近河口的Ⅱ站SPR一最大且季节波动性大,位于港口外缘的1站SRP通量最小且季节波上;各站SRP通量变化的差异与其不同的理化环境有关。文中还研究探讨了浮游生物在不同季节、不同站位对SRP吸收和再生通量的变化特性及生态适应机制。  相似文献   

鲻鱼人工繁殖研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
蔡良候  叶金聪 《台湾海峡》1997,16(2):223-228
本文报道了1991 ̄1995年间鲻鱼人工繁殖的研究结果。池养亲鱼经注射LRH-A及HCG诱导能顺利排卵,亲鱼成熟率62.7% ̄90%,产卵率62.5% ̄100%,受精率20% ̄75%;受精卵浮性,卵径840 ̄920μm,在水温19 ̄20℃、盐度26.6 ̄28.0、pH值7.91 ̄8.25的条件下,一般经49 ̄53h孵出仔鱼,孵化率48% ̄73%,1991 ̄1995年度分别孵出仔鱼10.0、84.1  相似文献   

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