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闫利  索一凡  曹亮 《测绘科学》2016,41(4):113-117,123
针对激光雷达点云数据缺乏纹理信息的问题,该文提出一种基于互信息的车载激光雷达点云与全景影像配准方法。该方法使用统一的球面全景成像模型,引入互信息作为相似性测度,将车载激光雷达点云生成的深度图与信息提取后的全景影像进行配准,实现配准参数的自动、高精度解算。同时,对车载激光雷达点云与全景影像配准的精度进行评定与分析。实验结果表明,车载点云与全景影像的配准方案是可行的,具有较高的配准精度。  相似文献   

陈驰  杨必胜  彭向阳 《测绘学报》2015,44(5):518-525
提出了一种低空无人机(unmanned aerial vehicle,UAV)序列影像与激光点云自动配准的方法。首先分别基于多标记点过程与局部显著区域检测对激光点云和序列影像的建筑物顶部轮廓进行提取,并依据反投影临近性匹配提取的顶面特征。然后利用匹配的建筑物角点对,线性解算序列影像外方位元素,再使用建筑物边线对的共面条件进行条件平差获得优化解。最后,为消除错误提取与匹配特征对整体配准结果的影响,使用多视立体密集匹配点集与激光点集进行带相对运动阈值约束的ICP(迭代最临近点)计算,整体优化序列影像外方位元素解。试验结果表明本文方法能实现低空序列影像与激光点云像素级精度的自动配准,联合制作DOM精度满足现行无人机产品1∶500比例尺标准。  相似文献   

针对地面激光雷达点云和数码光学影像非同源异质数据自动配准困难的问题,本文提出了基于互信息的两种数据同名特征高精度自动提取的方法。首先,把点云数据生成中心平面投影的反射强度图像和基于RGB信息的彩色图像,应用点云彩色图像和数码光学影像的匹配,确定点云与影像的粗配准参数;然后,对反射强度图像进行特征提取,应用粗配准参数确定其在数码光学影像上的初始位置,应用互信息实现非同源数据的高精度匹配;最后,应用罗德里格矩阵和选权迭代方法计算高精度配准参数,生成三维彩色模型。试验证明,本文方法可以解决地面激光点云和数码光学影像非同源异质数据的配准问题,具有一定的研究和应用价值。  相似文献   

介绍了一种无人机全景图配准算法,处理过程包括局部配准和全局配准两个步骤。实验表明,本文采用的局部配准算法取得了较好的匹配精度,全局配准也有效避免了全景图中的扭曲现象,最终得到了合格、精美的无人机全景拼接影像。  相似文献   

首先总结国内外激光点云和光学影像配准的研究现状,针对单张影像提出了一种基于直接线性变换的车载激光点云和光学影像的配准方法;针对车载序列影像提出了一种基于Sift角点提取、影像匹配、光束法平差、密集点云生成、密集点云和激光点云自动配准并生成对应的三维彩色点云的方法。最后以VC++ 6.0为开发平台,利用Optech公司提供的车载激光点云和序列影像数据设计并实现了车载激光点云和光学影像的配准,并验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对激光点云与影像配准数据量大、质量差的问题,本文提出一种基于三维尺度不变特征变换(3D-SIFT)与尺度迭代最近点算法(SICP)相结合的激光点云与影像配准方法。首先使用运动恢复结构(SfM)方法将影像通过光束法平差生成影像三维点云,然后使用3D-SIFT提取激光点云与影像三维点云中的特征点,接着利用对偶四元数求解激光点云和影像三维点云的初始变换矩阵,实现两种点云数据的粗配准;最后利用SICP算法实现两种点云数据的精配准。实验结果表明,本文方法获取的激光点云与影像配准中误差为0.24 cm,配准时间为69 s,且与选代最近点算法(ICP)相比提高了配准精度和配准效率。  相似文献   

基于SIFT算法的无人机高分影像几何配准研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏嘉磊 《北京测绘》2019,33(1):49-53
本文基于SIFT算法进行无人机高分影像自动特征点匹配,在实现影像特征点自动匹配的基础上采用二次多项式模型进行影像几何配准,并且重点考察影像配准过程中匹配特征点数目对几何配准精度的影响,最后进行精度评价。结果表明:在影像特征点匹配结果正确、匹配点分布合理的情况下,匹配点数目越多,利用二次多项式进行影像几何配准的精度越高;无人机航向方向影像配准残差大于旁向残差。  相似文献   

提出一种以最邻近曲面为约束的近景光学影像与地面激光点云高精度配准方法。根据光学影像生成三维稀疏点云,以影像三维稀疏点邻近的激光点拟合的曲面为约束,结合共线条件方程建立影像三维稀疏点云与三维激光点云间变换模型,通过平差迭代解算实现光学影像与激光点云的高精度几何配准。该方法只需提供初始配准参数,无需对激光点云数据进行特征提取和分割,并且基于曲面约束有效地解决了两个点集之间难以精确确定同名点的问题。通过实际数据试验表明该方法能获得很好的配准精度。  相似文献   

提出一种车载移动测量系统(MMS)激光点云与序列全景影像自动配准方法。首先采用层次化城市场景目标提取方法自激光点云提取天际线矢量,在全景影像中经虚拟成像与分割角点提取算法生成天际线矢量。然后,将提取结果作为几何配准基元,构建配准基元图,通过最小化配准基元图编辑距离进行匹配,组成共轭配准基元对,解算2D-3D粗配准模型,获得全景影像与LiDAR点云参考坐标系之间的初始转换关系。最后,为消除几何配准基元提取与匹配误差对配准结果的影响,自序列全景影像虚拟成像影像生成多视立体密集匹配点云,继而使用变种ICP算法优化其与激光点云数据间3D-3D配准参数,间接优化全景影像与激光点云间的配准参数,精化配准结果。试验结果表明,本文提出的自动配准方法可以实现车载MMS激光点云与序列全景影像的1.5像素级自动配准,配准成果可应用于真彩色点云生成等点云/影像数据融合应用。  相似文献   

点云粗配准要为点云精细配准提供良好的初始参数,其精度和效率是当今研究的热点问题.本文基于四组不同的激光点云数据,实现并对比分析了超级四点全等集算法(Super 4 Points Congruent Sets,Super4PCS)、四点全等集算法(4 Points Congruent Sets,4PCS)和基于软件Geo...  相似文献   

This paper proposes an automatic method for registering terrestrial laser scans in terms of robustness and accuracy. The proposed method uses spatial curves as matching primitives to overcome the limitations of registration methods based on points, lines, or patches as primitives. These methods often have difficulty finding correspondences between the scanned point clouds of freeform surfaces (e.g., statues, cultural heritage). The proposed method first clusters visually prominent points selected according to their associated geometric curvatures to extract crest lines which describe the shape characteristics of point clouds. Second, a deformation energy model is proposed to measure the shape similarity of these crest lines to select the correct matching-curve pairs. Based on these pairs, good initial orientation parameters can be obtained, resulting in fine registration. Experiments were undertaken to evaluate the robustness and accuracy of the proposed method, demonstrating a reliable and stable solution for accurately registering complex scenes without good initial alignment.  相似文献   

迭代最近点算法(ICP)是一种用于点云精确配准的经典算法.针对多幅点云进行ICP配准存在耗时多、效率低的问题,本文利用消息传递接口MPI对多幅点云进行分批并行配准.首先并行求解相邻两幅点云的相邻变换矩阵,然后计算每幅点云在当前批次的局部变换矩阵,最后获得每幅点云的全局变换矩阵.本文以DELL PowerEdge R73...  相似文献   

Point cloud acquisition by using laser scanners provides an efficient way for 3D as-built modelling of industrial installations. Covering such an installation with point cloud data often requires data acquisition from multiple standpoints. Before the actual modelling can start the transformation parameters of all scans need to be determined. Two methods to register point clouds of industrial scenes with different coordinate definitions are presented. Corresponding object models in different scans are used to determine the translation and rotation parameters of the scans. The first method, called Indirect method, is a two-step approach as object fitting and registration of the scenes is done separately. The second method, called Direct method simultaneously determines the shape and pose parameters of the objects as well as the registration parameters. Both methods are designed such that optimal use can be made of the knowledge of shapes present in industrial environments. Compared to ICP the presented approach combines registration and modelling and thus avoids the accumulation of errors. Furthermore, the simultaneous registration of multiple scans is possible. The presented approaches are based on non-linear least squares and provide quality measures in the form of covariance matrix of the estimated parameters, which can be used to decide if more scans are needed, and how and where they should be captured. Results are presented on some point cloud data-sets from actual industrial sites, where registration was done without using any artificial targets.  相似文献   

武鹏 《测绘科学》2016,41(9):108-111
为了进一步研究建筑物密集区域多站地面激光雷达(LiDAR)点云数据的配准问题,该文提出一种基于平面特征的地面LiDAR数据配准方法:对点云数据进行分割获取平面信息;人工选择典型的平面,对相应的点云数据进行平面拟合,得到相应法向量;利用罗德里格矩阵的性质,建立三维激光扫描数据配准模型。实验结果表明,该方法的配准精度较高、计算速度快,可以取得较好的点云配准效果。  相似文献   

多时相无人机影像的烟草轮作精细监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对大区域烟草轮作监测缺乏有效手段的问题,文章提出了基于无人机摄影测量技术进行高精度烟草轮作种植情况的监测方法:首先基于两个时相的无人机遥感影像分别生成数字正射影像;然后通过人工解译获取两个时相的烟田空间分布图;最后利用地理信息系统空间分析功能对两个时相的烟田空间分布图进行处理获取烟草轮作信息。在山东省临沂市的两个乡镇开展了应用,取得了良好的示范效果,对农作物轮作监测有参考价值。  相似文献   

The representation of similarity transformation in three-dimensional (3D) space, especially of orientation, is a crucial issue in navigation, geodesy, photogrammetry, robot arm manipulation, etc. Considering the large amount of computer resources required by iterative algorithms designed for spatial similarity transformation, the high dependence on initial values of unknown parameters, and the instability of solving transformation parameters for large-angle registration, a closed-form solution for pairwise light detection and ranging (LiDAR) point cloud registration is proposed. In this solution, dual-number quaternions are used to represent the 3D rotation. The relationship between the rotation matrix-based representation of similarity transformation and the dual quaternion-based representation is described first. Considering that the same features from two neighboring stations coincide after pairwise registration, a dual quaternion-based error norm, which is associated with the sum of the position errors, is constructed. Based on theory of least squares and by extreme value analysis of the error norm, detailed derivations of the model and the main formulas are obtained. Once the similarities between the same features from the two neighboring LiDAR stations are constructed, the rotation matrix, the scale parameter, and the translation vector are simultaneously derived. Two experiments are conducted to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm has the advantages of simplicity and ease of implementation, making it better than the traditional methods that use matrices to describe spatial rotation. Moreover, it solves the transformation parameters without the initial estimates of unknown parameters, making it better than iterative algorithms. Most importantly, in contrast to unit quaternion-based algorithms, the proposed algorithm solves seven unknown parameters simultaneously. Therefore, it effectively avoids the accumulation of introduced error in calculation and the negative impact from the inappropriate choice of initial values.  相似文献   

Automatic change detection and geo-database updating in the urban environment are difficult tasks. There has been much research on detecting changes with satellite and aerial images, but studies have rarely been performed at the street level, which is complex in its 3D geometry. Contemporary geo-databases include 3D street-level objects, which demand frequent data updating. Terrestrial images provides rich texture information for change detection, but the change detection with terrestrial images from different epochs sometimes faces problems with illumination changes, perspective distortions and unreliable 3D geometry caused by the lack of performance of automatic image matchers, while mobile laser scanning (MLS) data acquired from different epochs provides accurate 3D geometry for change detection, but is very expensive for periodical acquisition. This paper proposes a new method for change detection at street level by using combination of MLS point clouds and terrestrial images: the accurate but expensive MLS data acquired from an early epoch serves as the reference, and terrestrial images or photogrammetric images captured from an image-based mobile mapping system (MMS) at a later epoch are used to detect the geometrical changes between different epochs. The method will automatically mark the possible changes in each view, which provides a cost-efficient method for frequent data updating. The methodology is divided into several steps. In the first step, the point clouds are recorded by the MLS system and processed, with data cleaned and classified by semi-automatic means. In the second step, terrestrial images or mobile mapping images at a later epoch are taken and registered to the point cloud, and then point clouds are projected on each image by a weighted window based z-buffering method for view dependent 2D triangulation. In the next step, stereo pairs of the terrestrial images are rectified and re-projected between each other to check the geometrical consistency between point clouds and stereo images. Finally, an over-segmentation based graph cut optimization is carried out, taking into account the color, depth and class information to compute the changed area in the image space. The proposed method is invariant to light changes, robust to small co-registration errors between images and point clouds, and can be applied straightforwardly to 3D polyhedral models. This method can be used for 3D street data updating, city infrastructure management and damage monitoring in complex urban scenes.  相似文献   

针对车载全景影像与激光点云数据融合的研究不足的现状,文章给出了一种适合球面全景影像的车载彩色点云生成方案:由车载POS数据及系统标定参数可获得全景影像的外方位元素,依据影像的采集视角选择激光点最佳的关联影像,然后以球面投影为成像模型获得激光点在影像上的颜色属性值,进而获得彩色点云数据;并对融合的误差进行了讨论与分析。经过融合后的彩色点云几何精度高、目视效果好,使两种数据源的优势得到了有效的结合。实验结果验证了这种方法的可行性和准确性。  相似文献   

利用RANSAC算法对建筑物立面进行点云分割   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李娜  马一薇  杨洋  高晟丽 《测绘科学》2011,36(5):144-145,138
建筑物立面点云分割是车载激光扫描数据特征提取与建模的基础.本文将随机抽样一致性算法( Random Sampling Consensus)方法引入对点云的分割中,并在判断准则中引入了点云的r半径密度,消除了噪声的影响,同时建立角度和距离两个约束条件对平面分割结果进行优化,提取出了最终的建筑物立面特征平面.  相似文献   

基于罗德里格矩阵的三维激光扫描点云配准算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张东  黄腾  陈建华  李桂华 《测绘科学》2012,(1):156-157,173
本文提出了一种基于罗德里格矩阵的激光扫描点云配准直接计算方法。利用反对称矩阵和罗德里格矩阵的性质,用3个独立参数代替3个旋转角参数建立一种新旋转矩阵解算模型,推导出旋转变换误差方程,确定平移参数的计算公式。通过实验分析了坐标转换模型的精度和点云配准效果,结果表明该算法精度高,计算过程简单,可以准确地解算出三维坐标转换参数。  相似文献   

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