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Near the village of Engeln, Laacher See area, garnet-bearing pyriclasite and pyribolite ejecta were recognized as constituents of alkaline basaltic tuffs; they are interpreted as fragments of the lowermost crust. During the first main stage of granulite facies metamorphism, assemblages with garnet (Alm47Pyr34Spess2Gross + Andr17), clinopyroxene (Wo37En35Fs15Ts8.5Jd4.5), orthopyroxene I (En34Fs38Ts4Jd2), and plagioclase I (An40-An60) were formed in a temperature range of 730–850°C and rock pressures somewhere between 6.5 and 12 kb, Ptot >PH2O > 0. The rare sulfate-rich meionite, and at least a part of the ubiquitous brown hornblende were presumably also formed during this stage. A retrograde metamorphic event under slightly lower pressures and temperatures led to the breakdown of the assemblage garnet + clinopyroxene thereby forming coronas of plagioclase II (An75) + orthopyroxene II + Ti-magnetite ± brown hornblende.  相似文献   

The late Quaternary Laacher See Tephra (LLST, MLST, ULST: Lower,Middle, Upper Laacher See Tephra) of the East Eifel volcanicfield (W. Germany) is zoned from highly evolved, volatile-richand crystal-poor phonolite at its base towards a mafic, crystal-richphonolite at the top of the deposit. This is shown by phenocrystabundances, major and trace element chemistry of whole rocks,matrix-glass and some mineral compositions. MgO content in wholerocks ranges from 0.07 wt. per cent in lower LLST to 0.85 wt.per cent in ULST phonolite. Late mafic hybrid pyroclasts containup to 7.0 wt. per cent MgO. Na2O shows a reverse trend from11.7 wt. per cent in LLST to 5.1 per cent in ULST. Trace elementsare divided into depleted (compatible) elements (e.g. Sr, Sc,Co), and enriched (incompatible) elements (e.g. Zn, Zr, Nb).‘Semi-compatible’ elements (Ta, Y) show minimumconcentrations at an intermediate stratigraphic level (MLST).All compositional gradients are smooth showing a major compositionalinterface between LLST/MLST and ULST. Twelve phenocryst phasesoccur: sanidine, plagioclase, hauyne, amphibole, clinopyroxene,sphene, apatite, Ti-magnetite, biotite, nepheline, cancriniteand zircon. The latter three are restricted to LLST phonolite.There is a steep gradient in mineral abundances from the LLSTand MLST to the mafic ULST phonolite. Microprobe analyses definetwo phenocryst populations: (a) Fe, Na and Mn-rich evolved phenocrysts(hastingsite, aegirine-augite, Ab-rich plagioclase) which predominatewithin highly differentiated (LLST) phonolite; (b) Mg and Ti-richand Fe, Na, Mn-poor phenocrysts, which are most abundant inULST. This compositional zonation is interpreted as the resultof continuous eruption from a zoned magma column; highly evolvedearly magma representing the upper part and mafic late phonoliticmagma representing the lower part of a stratified magma chamberemplaced at shallow, crustal levels.  相似文献   

Phase relations of three samples of the Laacher See Tephra (LST) have been determined experimentally as a function of temperature (760 to 880 °C), pressure (200, 300 and 400 MPa), water content of the melt and oxygen fugacity (ƒO2). The crystallization experiments were carried out at ƒO2=NNO buffer and at NNO=+ 2.3 log units. The melt water contents varied between 6 and more than 8 wt% H2O, corresponding to water-undersaturated and water saturated conditions respectively. The synthetic products are compared to the natural phases to constrain pre-eruptive conditions in the Laacher See magma chamber. The major phases occurring in the LST have been reproduced. The stability of hauyne is favoured at high ƒO2 (≈NNO + 2.3). The CaO contents in melt and plagioclase synthesized under water-saturated conditions are significantly higher than in the natural phases, implying that most of the differentiation of the phonolites took place under water-undersaturated conditions. However, this does not exclude the presence of a S-, Cl- and CO2-rich fluid phase in the upper parts of the magma chamber. The phase relationships and the TiO2 contents of melts show that the temperature was lower than 760 °C in the upper part of the magma column (probably down to 720 °C in the most differentiated levels) and that temperatures above 840–860 °C prevailed in the lower part. The variation of the X Mg of ferromagnesian minerals observed in both natural and experimental phases reflects the strong variations in ƒO2 in the lower magma chamber just prior to eruption (probably variation of about 2 log units). The most probable explanation for these ƒO2 variations is the injection of an oxidized alkali-rich magma, containing Mg-rich phenocrysts, at the base of a chemically zoned and more reduced magma column prior to eruption. Although the amount of injected magma may not have been very important, it was sufficient to change the ƒO2 conditions locally, explaining the heterogeneous X Mg of ferromagnesian minerals and the formation of hauyne at the base of the chamber. Received: 30 May 2000 / Accepted: 12 August 2000  相似文献   

The Quaternary foidites and basanites of the West Eifel (Germany) contain optically and chemically heterogeneous clinopyroxenes, some of which occur as discrete zones within individual crystals: Most clinopyroxene phenocrysts are made up of a core and a normally zoned comagmatic titanaugite mantle. Most cores are greenish pleochroic and moderately resorbed (fassaitic augite). Some are pale green and strongly resorbed (acmitic augite). Cores of Al-augite composition and of Cr-diopside derived from peridotite xenoliths are rare. The fassaitic augites are similar in trace element distribution pattern to the titanaugites, but are more enriched in incompatible elements. The acmitic augites, in contrast, are clearly different in their trace element composition and are enriched in Na, Mn, Fe and depleted in Al, Ti, Sr, Zr. A model for polybaric magma evolution in the West Eifel is proposed: Primitive alkali basaltic magma rises through the upper mantle precipitating Al-augite en route. It stagnates and differentiates near the crust/mantle boundary crystallizing Fe-rich fassaitic augites. The magma differentiated at high pressure is subsequently mixed with new pulses of primitive magma from which the rims of pyroxene are crystallized. Sporadic alkali pyroxenite xenoliths are interpreted to represent cumulates of cognate phases formed within the crust and not metasomatized upper mantle material (Lloyd and Bailey 1975).  相似文献   

The occurrence of Laacher See Tephra in Pomerania, NW Poland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A millimetre-thick bed of highly vesiculated pumiceous clasts was found in two peat bogs in Pomerania (NW Poland). Their phonolitic composition confirms the correlation with the Laacher See Tephra (LST). Based on the various CaO-Na2O-K2O content, most of these clasts can be linked with the Lower Laacher See Tephra (LLST), and some with the Middle Laacher See Tephra B (MLST-B). 14C dates obtained on peat samples are in agreement with an Allered stratigraphic position of that tephra. In several localities in NW Poland, it was found that there was no occurrence of tephra in peat bogs. Thus the presence of the LST is restricted to the northwestern fringes of Pomerania.  相似文献   

Products of voluminous pyroclastic eruptions with eruptive draw-down of several kilometers provide a snap-shot view of batholith-scale magma chambers, and quench pre-eruptive isotopic fractionations (i.e., temperatures) between minerals. We report analyses of oxygen isotope ratio in individual quartz phenocrysts and concentrates of magnetite, pyroxene, and zircon from individual pumice clasts of ignimbrite and fall units of caldera-forming 0.76 Ma Bishop Tuff (BT), pre-caldera Glass Mountain (2.1-0.78 Ma), and post-caldera rhyolites (0.65-0.04 Ma) to characterize the long-lived, batholith-scale magma chamber beneath Long Valley Caldera in California. Values of '18O show a subtle 1‰ decrease from the oldest Glass Mountain lavas to the youngest post-caldera rhyolites. Older Glass Mountain lavas exhibit larger (~1‰) variability of '18O(quartz). The youngest domes of Glass Mountain are similar to BT in '18O(quartz) values and reflect convective homogenization during formation of BT magma chamber surrounded by extremely heterogeneous country rocks (ranging from 2 to +29‰). Oxygen isotope thermometry of BT confirms a temperature gradient between "Late" (815 °C) and "Early" (715 °C) BT. The '18O(quartz) values of "Early" and "Late" BT are +8.33 and 8.21‰, consistent with a constant '18O(melt)=7.8ǂ.1‰ and 100 °C temperature difference. Zircon-melt saturation equilibria gives a similar temperature range. Values of '18O(quartz) for different stratigraphic units of BT, and in pumice clasts ranging in pre-eruptive depths from 6 to 11 km (based on melt inclusions), and document vertical and lateral homogeneity of '18O(melt). Worldwide, five other large-volume rhyolites, Lava Creek, Lower Bandelier, Fish Canyon, Cerro Galan, and Toba, exhibit equal '18O(melt) values of earlier and later erupted portions in each of the these climactic caldera-forming eruptions. We interpret the large-scale '18O homogeneity of BT and other large magma chambers as evidence of their longevity (>105 years) and convection. However, remaining isotopic zoning in some quartz phenocrysts, trace element gradients in feldspars, and quartz and zircon crystal size distributions are more consistent with far shorter timescales (102-104 years). We propose a sidewall-crystallization model that promotes convective homogenization, roofward accumulation of more evolved and stagnant, volatile-rich liquid, and develops compositional and temperature gradients in pre-climactic magma chamber. Crystal + melt + gas bubbles mush near chamber walls of variable '18O gets periodically remobilized in response to chamber refill by new hotter magmas. One such episode of chamber refill by high-Ti, Sr, Ba, Zr, and volatile-richer magma happened 103-104 years prior to the 0.76-Ma caldera collapse that caused magma mixing at the base, mush thawing near the roof and walls, and downward settling of phenocrysts into this hybrid melt.  相似文献   

由于同位素分析方法的改进及表面热离子质谱(TIMS)和多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱(MC-ICP-MS)的应用,近年来氧化还原敏感元素(Se、Cr、Mo)同位素地球化学得以快速发展,成为国际地学领域的一个前沿。Se同位素在自然界中的变化最大,δ82/76SeNIST为-12.77‰~3.04‰;Cr和Mo同位素变化较小,δ53/52CrNIST值为-0.07‰~0.37‰,δ97/95MoJMC值为-0.27‰~2.65‰。自然界中各种无机过程(氧化还原)和生物有机过程均能使Se、Cr、Mo产生同位素分馏。因此,这些氧化还原敏感元素同位素可以示踪环境污染源、矿床流体来源;解释古海洋与现代海洋中元素的自身循环,从而示踪古氧化还原环境的演化;解释地外撞击事件及宇宙行星演化;甚至在生物学等领域研究中取得了显著成效。虽然还存在一些问题但它们将可能成为地球科学中有巨大应用前景的一种新兴的地球化学工具。  相似文献   

Twenty six whole rocks, seven matrix and fifty three mineral separates from the compositionally zoned late Quaternary Laacher See tephra sequence (East Eifel, W Germany) were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation. These data document the chemical variation within the Laacher See magma chamber prior to eruption with a highly fractionated phonolite at the top and a more mafic phonolite at its base as derived from other data. Incompatible elements such as Zn, Zr, Nb, Hf, U, light and heavy rare earths are extremely enriched towards the top whereas compatible elements (e.g. Sr, Sc, Co, Eu) are strongly depleted. Semicompatible elements (Ta and some middle REE) are depleted at intermediate levels. This chemical variation is shown by whole rock and matrix data indicating the phonolite liquid was compositionally zoned regardless of phenocryst content. Hybrid rocks (phonolite-basanite) show the largest concentrations for compatible elements. All elements (except Rb) display continuous compositional variations with regard to the stratigraphic position of pumice samples. From these data we are able to distinguish three main units: An early erupted highly fractionated magma, the main volume of evolved phonolite and a mafic phonolite as the final products. The extreme variation of trace element distribution coef ficients (K) for 9 mineral phases with respect to stratigraphic position (resp. matrix composition) cannot be explained by conventional mechanisms. We postulate a significant modification of the trace element content of the phonolite melt by liquid-liquid controlled differentiation processes subsequent to and/or contemporaneous with (fractional) crystallization which caused disequilibrium between phenocrysts and host matrix. Therefore, our “distribution coefficients” deviate from equilibrium partition coefficients equivalent to the amount of this post crystallization modification of the matrix composition. The relationship between varying K and matrix composition is demonstrated by a ΔK-ΔM-diagram (variation of K versus variation of matrix, M). Different parts of this diagram relate to different parameters (T, P, polymerization, complex-building, equilibrium crystallization in a zoned magma column and post crystallization disequilibrium effects) which are responsible for the variation of distribution coefficients in general. The ΔK-ΔM-diagram may allow to distinguish between different processes affecting the distribution coefficients measured in natural volcanic rocks from a differentiating magma system.  相似文献   

Compositional zoning and exsolution patterns of alkali feldspars in carbonatite-bearing cognate syenites from the 6.3 km3 (D.R.E) phonolitic Laacher See Tephra (LST) deposit in western Germany (12.9 ka) are reported. These rocks represent the cooler outer portion and crystal-rich products of a cooling magma reservoir at upper crustal levels. Major and trace-element difference between cores and rims in sanidine crystals represent two generations of crystal growth separated by unmixing of a carbonate melt. Trace-element differences measured by LA–ICP–MS are in accordance with silicate–carbonate unmixing. Across the core–rim boundary, we extracted gray-scale profiles from multiple accumulations of back-scattered electron images. Gray scales directly represent K/Na ratios owing to low concentrations of Ba and Sr (<?30 ppm). Diffusion gradients are modeled to solve for temperature using known pre-eruptive U–Th zircon ages (0–20 ky) of each sample (Schmitt et al., J Petrol 51:1053–1085, 2010). Estimated temperatures range from 630 °C to 670 °C. For the exsolution boundaries, a diffusive homogenization model is constrained by the solvus temperature of ~ 712_725 °C and gives short time scales of only 15–50 days. Based on our results, we present a model for the temperature–time history of these rocks. The model also constrains the thermal variation across the cooling crystal-rich carapace of the magma reservoir over 20 ka and suggests a thermal reactivation of cumulates, the cooling carapace, and probably the entire system only a few years prior to the explosive eruption of the remaining molten core of the phonolitic magma reservoir.  相似文献   

Grey tuffs of late Pleistocene age form broad fans radiating from the Laacher See basin. They were derived from phreatomagmatic outbursts, and transported in turbulent pyroclastic flows, in contrast with the underlying white pumice tuffs of air fall origin. Flow origin of the grey tuffs is inferred from the well-bedded plane parallel to cross-bedded tephra characteristic of base surge deposits, and a variety of other sedimentary structures, as well as grain size distributions. We recognize a tentative sequence of five main kinds of dune structures or cross-bedded strata. With some reservations these may be compared with the high flow-regime alluvial bedforms produced experimentally in flumes. Most of the cross-bedded structures in the Laacher See deposits resemble antidunes, with steep stoss sides and very low-dipping lee sides. Upcurrent migration of antidune crests is dominant close to the source, but changes to downcurrent migration at greater distances, presumably because of decay in flow energy. The most spectacular cross-bedding is somewhat similar to chute and pool structures formed under experimental condition in alluvial flumes, but not recognized in ancient sedimentary rocks. We suggest that these structures of the Laacher See tuffs formed during deposition from phreatic pyroclastic flows of very high flow energy and high sediment concentration. The antidunes apparently formed at lesser flow velocity than chute and pool structures, although interpretation of velocity conditions by examination of the deposits is difficult because of other factors such as the cohesiveness of wet material erupted by explosive phreatic volcanic activity. The large wave lengths of the dune-like structures, however, suggest unusually high velocities. The Laacher See magmas were of phonolitic to tephritic composition, and may have erupted with greater explosive energy and in greater volume than comparable basaltic eruptions.  相似文献   

延边地区金(铜)成矿系列的成矿流体中氢、氧同位素研究表明,其中δ18O的范围为-10×10-3~+5×10-3,δD的范围为-120×10-3~-40×10-3。小西南岔金铜矿床早期成矿流体主要以岩浆水为主,为典型的斑岩型金铜矿床;刺猬沟、五凤金矿床成矿流体主要以大气降水为主,为浅成低温热液型矿床,闹枝金矿床的成矿流体是介于上述两种类型之间的过渡型。该成矿系列的典型矿床硫、碳同位素地球化学具有幔源的特征。  相似文献   

Late-glacial lake sediments containing the Laacher See Tephra (LST, 11000 yr BP) have been analysed for pollen and diatoms at two sites (Hirschenmoor, Rotmeer) in the montane belt of the Black Forest (southern Germany) in order to detect the possible impact of this major volcanic eruption on terrestrial and aquatic biota. The pollen assemblages at both sites show a minor increase in grasses and sedges following the tephra deposition, whereas the pollen of aquatic macrophytes do not show any consistent pattern. Partial redundancy analysis and Monte Carlo permutation tests suggest, however, that the LST had no statistically significant effect either on the terrestrial or aquatic pollen assemblages at either site when the effects of time and climatic change are allowed for statistically. The diatom assemblages at both sites changed after the deposition of the LST and diatominferred pH estimates suggest a short but non-significant excursion towards lower values. Multivariate analyses of the diatom data indicate a statistically significant impact of the deposition of the LST and associated changes in sediment lithology on the diatom assemblages when the effects of climatic change and time are allowed for statistically. However, owing to the interaction between tephra and lithology it is not possible to conclude if the diatom changes were caused by the deposition of the LST or by lithological changes.  相似文献   

The modern invasive bivalve Corbicula fluminea was collected in 2006 from three sites with different land uses located in a North Carolina River Basin. The primary objective was to describe the δ18O and δ13C profiles of C. fluminea shells under various land use conditions. An additional aim was to evaluate whether growth patterns of C. fluminea form seasonally. Annual shell growth patterns were measured from the umbo to the margin and co-varied with estimates of ambient water temperature, corresponding to seasonal variation. The C. fluminea growth patterns as translucent bands (slower growth) appeared to form during winter months and opaque bands (rapid growth) formed during summer. A mixed model analysis (ANOVA) showed a significant site level effect of δ18O and δ13C profiles examined among sites (F = 17.1; p = 0.003). A second model showed a borderline significant site effect among profiles with variability more pronounced at the urban site, Crabtree Creek (p = 0.085). Previous habitat assessment ratings and water chemistry measurements suggested that the urban site was more impacted by storm water runoff. Understanding δ18O and δ13CSHELL profiles and shell growth patterns of the invasive bivalve (C. fluminea) may help establish a framework for using these animals as biomonitors to record water temperature and nutrient pollution.  相似文献   

Various tectonic features are present in the Meso-Cenozoic basin units of the Sabina region (Central Apennines, Italy): Mio-Pliocene northeasterly verging thrusts are followed by Plio-Pleistocene, N-S oriented right-lateral strike-slip faults. Stable isotope geochemistry and examination of meso- and microstructures show that strain conditions differed through the course of tectonic history. Carbon and oxygen isotope analyses of the calate-filled extensional fractures, the sigmoidal veins present between stylolitic cleavage surfaces, and fault plane surfaces with differing motion, demonstrate those different geneses.
The "C/'" C of the older calcite-filling fractures (present both in the thrust and the strike-slip systems) suggests a deposition from shallow, fresh water circulation. Furthermore, the calcite fill of en echelon systems, that occur in the southernmost Plio-Pleistocene units, is clearly the result of a more recent, right-lateral strike-slip movement, connected with shallow water circulation within Mesozoic limestones.
The sigmoidal vein fills are derived from solid-state pressure solution processes which were the result of strike-slip movement. The deformation pattern related to the older thrust system is similar, but less intense; this also demonstrates general recrystallization processes in a closed system.
This suggests that the total shortening of the deformed sections is lower than that obtained on the basis of solution on stylolitic planes, because a sigruficant volume of dissolved carbonates remained in the system.
Stable isotope analysis also confirms that the deformational history of strongly cleaved rocks in the Sabina region took place in two phases and that extensional fractures formed before stylolithic planes, as suggested by structural and field observations.  相似文献   

The isotopic ratios of Pb have been determined from 33 galena samples collected from a variety of occurrences in the north Eifel and north Sauerland. On the basis of the data presented, it is not possible to distinguish between the isotopic characteristics of galena-Pb from veins, carbonate cavity-filling and sandstone-hosted disseminated mineralisation in the north Eifel. In the north Sauerland, Saxonian (late Mesozoic-Tertiary) disseminated Pb mineralisation in Cretaceous-Tertiary sediments is generally more radiogenic than Saxonian vein mineralisation in Paleozoic country rocks. Variscan vein-type mineralisation (Ramsbeck, Ebbe Mountains) proved to have the least radiogenic Pb. The results are discussed in terms of potential sources of the Pb, and are compared to other data reported from European deposits.  相似文献   

Stable Fe isotope fractionations were investigated during exposure of hematite to aqueous Fe(II) under conditions of variable Fe(II)/hematite ratios, the presence/absence of dissolved Si, and neutral versus alkaline pH. When Fe(II) undergoes electron transfer to hematite, Fe(II) is initially oxidized to Fe(III), and structural Fe(III) on the hematite surface is reduced to Fe(II). During this redox reaction, the newly formed reactive Fe(III) layer becomes enriched in heavy Fe isotopes and light Fe isotopes partition into aqueous and sorbed Fe(II). Our results indicate that in most cases the reactive Fe(III) that undergoes isotopic exchange accounts for less than one octahedral layer on the hematite surface. With higher Fe(II)/hematite molar ratios, and the presence of dissolved Si at alkaline pH, stable Fe isotope fractionations move away from those expected for equilibrium between aqueous Fe(II) and hematite, towards those expected for aqueous Fe(II) and goethite. These results point to formation of new phases on the hematite surface as a result of distortion of Fe-O bonds and Si polymerization at high pH. Our findings demonstrate how stable Fe isotope fractionations can be used to investigate changes in surface Fe phases during exposure of Fe(III) oxides to aqueous Fe(II) under different environmental conditions. These results confirm the coupled electron and atom exchange mechanism proposed to explain Fe isotope fractionation during dissimilatory iron reduction (DIR). Although abiologic Fe(II)aq - oxide interaction will produce low δ56Fe values for Fe(II)aq, similar to that produced by Fe(II) oxidation, only small quantities of low-δ56Fe Fe(II)aq are formed by these processes. In contrast, DIR, which continually exposes new surface Fe(III) atoms during reduction, as well as production of Fe(II), remains the most efficient mechanism for generating large quantities of low-δ56Fe aqueous Fe(II) in many natural systems.  相似文献   

The phase relations in the (Na,K)AlGeO4 system have been investigated at atmospheric pressure over the temperature range 700–1100° C by X-ray powder diffraction and electron diffraction/microscopy. Four distinct structure-types occur in this system including the beryllonite, nepheline, kalsilite and KAlGeO4 types in order of increasing KAlGeO4 content. In contrast to the (Na,K)Al-SiO4 system, the nepheline structure is only stable over a narrow composition range around 25 percent K at temperatures above approximately 800° C and transforms reconstructively into the beryllonite structure at lower temperatures. The formation of domain microstructures in some K-rich phases has been directly observed by high-resolution electron microscopy and can be associated with the presence of diffuse scattering in their diffraction patterns. The structural trend observed across the (Na,K)AlGeO4 series as a function of composition can be rationalized to a large extent in terms of the dependence of the framework topology of these tridymite-derivative structures on the size of the alkali atoms.  相似文献   

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