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The objective in this paper is to analyse private sector involvement in LED in South Africa. Four key spheres of private sector involvement in LED are identified and discussed: (1) as participator and occasional initiator of local development processes, (2) as major partner in the development activities of public-private sector partnerships, (3) as lead role player in certain direct initiatives for reviving South Africa's inner cities, and (4) as promoter and facilitator of local small business development. It is argued that the concept of local dependence could be usefully applied to interpret private sector involvement in LED in South Africa. 相似文献
The upgrading and development of the small business economy, and more especially of black-owned enterprises, is a high priority area for post-apartheid reconstruction. The aim in this paper is to examine the urban formal small enterprise economy, presenting new research findings which point to the important and changing role of the metropolis as incubator for developing small enterprise. Historically, apartheid legislation determined that the only beneficiaries of the incubator role assumed by the central areas in South African cities would be white small-scale enterprise. One aspect of the deracialization of space is the recent growth of a wave of incipient black-owned small enterprises functioning in rented premises in the zone of the inner city. A key policy and planning issue is to develop support mechanisms to incubate and assist this new group of black enterprises. 相似文献
The concept of Local Economic Development is gaining widespread acceptance in South Africa. There are at present few examples of local communities which have developed and applied concrete strategies and programmes. One major exception is that of the apartheid created coloured town of Atlantis near Cape Town. The removal of state support and associated economic and social problems galvanised the local community into action. With the assistance of outside agencies a Local Economic Development strategy was identified and is currently being implemented. Modest success has been achieved and the basis for sustained local development is being laid. The experience of Atlantis serves to illustrate the potential which South African communities have to initiate a process of locally-driven development. 相似文献
In many developing countries, research institutions or centres have been established to develop and/or adapt technologies that would help agricultural development. This is particularly true in Africa where national efforts have been supplemented with international research institutes. Although some modest progress has been achieved in improving agricultural technology, on the whole, the improvement record is not quite encouraging among the small-scale farmers. In many areas, either there are no improved technologies, or where they exist, are unacceptable by farmers. However, where useful technologies exist, their spread has been very limited and where they have been adapted, the benefits only accrue to a small segment of the community. The logical question posed is: why and how do we find ourselves in the current situation? This paper considers the view that to understand fully why the available technologies have remained largely at the research centres, there is need to examine the whole process of research, development, dissemination and utilization of agricultural technology. It is significant to investigate the structural constraints and prospects under which those involved in the process work, their motivations and the interactions between different groups. The traditional ‘top-down’ of development strategy should be supplemented with farmers' indigenous knowledge, and programmes encouraging transfer of agricultural technology should include institutional support. Only by the identification of farmers' environmental and resource utilisation, preferences, socio-economic circumstances and constraints can a development programme of optimum meaning to farmers be devised and implemented with success. 相似文献
The aim is to examine issues of defence economic restructuring and conversion in South Africa. Under the new government, overall restructuring of the South African defence sector is occuring. With diminished defence expenditure, the military industry is encouraged to convert production capability to non-military products. The geographical implications of defence economic restructuring and conversion in South Africa are analysed in the context of international experience and debates. The Gauteng region emerges as the national gunbelt of South Africa and contains an incipient military industrial district. In this particular region, the question of defence conversion is critically important for local policy makers and should be linked to new local economic development initiatives. 相似文献
The development corridor concept has been regarded as an important development instrument in spatial planning and geography for many decades. Expanding literature on the theme indicates that development centres or nodes play an important role in the establishment of such corridors. Flows of goods and information between such centres are essential in creating conditions that are potentially favourable for further urban development along the communication axes connecting such centres. Combined, the various nodes form a unique flexible exchange environment allowing for dynamic synergies of interactive growth to achieve scope economies aided by fast and reliable corridors of transport and communication infrastructure. In the South African development sphere, there is strong belief that functional relationships between nodes can play a decisive role in the establishment of development corridors. The research showed that the degree to which economic activities are concentrated in the greater Gauteng region; the resulting current or emerging multinodal structural composition; and the flows of economic activities between the various nodes result in the creation of development corridors that channel and focus economic growth between networks of cities. This confirms the importance of corridors as spatial and economic development instruments. The research concluded that the core cities of Johannesburg and Pretoria are the central driving force in corridor development in Gauteng. They feature as the most dominant nodes, exerting great forces of attraction on the distribution of development and economic growth in the region. The research also suggests a degree of polycentrism whereby economic growth is channelled between networks of cities, however development potential is most favourable in areas in close proximity to primary centres and tends to be functionality driven. 相似文献
Astract The geography of electricity provision in South Africa is examined, indicating intra- and inter-urban inequalities. The fractured electricity supply industry is identified as being responsible for such variations. Interim strategies and long-term proposals to rectify spatial differentiations in electricity provision are explored. A spatial reconstitution of the electricity supply industry, based at the regional level and including new partnerships and community control, is proposed to redress inequalities in electricity provision. 相似文献
The urban black townships in South Africa differ from other deprived areas largely as a result of the circumstances under which they came into existence. The environmental preferences for recreation in these areas, hitherto uncharted territory, form the nucleus of this contribution. Comprehensive research has revealed the residents' specific environmental preferences for recreation. The most important aspect is the significance of the home as the recreational environment. Furthermore, evidence of the extensive utilization of informal recreational areas provides a new dimension to the inadequacy of the provision of facilities. The CHAID computer program, applied to certain demographic variables, was used to gain new insight into the factors that determine environmental preferences for recreation in deprived areas. The most significant of these appears to be the level of education, which could mean that a general increase in the level of education could result in an increased demand for recreational facilities. This analysis has revealed a number of important guidelines for planning. 相似文献
Post-apartheid South Africa has been plagued by an increase in crime and a concomitant increase in the number of incarcerated
offenders. Researchers have postulated many proximate causes for the insidious increase in crime, including the vast socio-economic
inequalities existing in the country, a remnant of apartheid-era policies and post-apartheid migrations. This article focuses
on the neglected field of the environmental criminology of offenders. Following a spatial-ecological approach the relationship
between various socio-economic variables and offender rates in the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality in South Africa
is modelled. The GIS-based methodological procedure includes a crime offender index, correlational analysis and principal
components analysis and produced five factors: social status and income, family characteristics, unskilled earner, residential
mobility and ageing population. These five factors, accounted for almost 75% of the variance in the offender index. The findings
of our research reject race as a determinant of crime, and rather highlight existing and emerging socio-economic inequalities
in the globally connected post-industrial city in regions of political instability and economic uncertainty and its relationship
with crime and crime prevention. 相似文献
Dolomite rock formations underlie large areas of the Gauteng, North, North-West and Mpumalanga Provinces in South Africa. Sinkholes, subsidences and dolines that may form at any place and at any time on these formations pose a threat to the properties and lives of thousands of people who live and work there. Since much urban, industrial and mining development has taken place in these areas, and the demand for housing development is on the increase, the risk of surface damage must be minimized by means of proper site investigations, hazard and risk evaluation and selection of appropriate development. The legal aspects pertaining to development on dolomite land in South Africa and the requirements for geotechnical investigations as outlined in the various ordinances and acts are reviewed here. Received: 15 September 1996 · Accepted: 12 May 1998 相似文献
The over-arching influence of the Group Areas Act continues to manifest itself, when its principal objectives are no longer realised. Grey areas, or zones of illegal racial residential integration, are superficially immune to the effects of the Group Areas Act. Upon further study, however, their character is inextricably linked to the Act. South Africa's present retention of the Group Areas Act has led some observers to question the sincerity of her current policy shifts. Despite the intentions of the reform programme, the effect of the GAA remains far larger than the simple legislation. Accordingly, the Group Areas Act will continue to haunt South African urban life even after its final repeal. 相似文献
The 1900–1700 Ma Waterberg Group in the main Waterberg fault-bounded basin consists of dominantly coarse siliciclastic red
beds with minor volcanic rocks. The sedimentary rocks were deposited mainly by alluvial fans, fluvial braidplains and transgressive
shallow marine environments, with lesser lacustrine and aeolian settings. Uplifted, largely granitic source areas were located
along the Thabazimbi-Murchison lineament (TML) fault system in the south, and along the Palala shear zone in the northeast.
Palaeoplacer titanomagnetite-ilmenite-zircon heavy mineral deposits, best developed in the Cleremont Formation in the centre
of the basin, reflect initial fluvial reworking and subsequent littoral marine concentration. Coarse alluvial cassiterite
placer deposits are found in the Gatkop area in the southwest of the basin, and appear to have been derived from stanniferous
Bushveld Complex lithologies south of the TML. Hydrothermal zinc and U-Cu mineralisation in the Alma lithologies in the same
area appears to be related to the TML fault system. Small manganese deposits and anomalous tungsten values occur in the south
of the basin, where they are again closely spatially associated with the TML. Copper-barium mineralisation is found associated
with dolerite dykes, and in stratigraphically controlled, inferred syngenetic settings. The most interesting of these apparently
syngenetic occurrences is found within green coloured reduced mudrocks and inferred volcanic rocks, at an unconformity developed
within the overall red bed sequence of the Waterberg Group, adjacent to the TML in the southwest of the basin. The most important
potential mineralisation in the main Waterberg basin thus encompasses shoreline placer Ti and the possibility of substantial
sediment-hosted copper deposits.
Received: 31 May 1996 / Accepted: 17 February 1997 相似文献
An approach to groundwater exploration and utilisation is presented in an area that was traditionally regarded as having scarce groundwater resources. The area is situated in the Northern Province of South Africa and is known as the Nebo Plateau, which is formed by the Nebo Granite of the Lebowa Granite Suite, Bushveld Igneous Complex. Several historic tectonic events resulted in previously unutilised aquifers, of which the Spitskop Complex and geological lineaments associated with the Wonderkop Fault are examples. Both these areas show promising results, although high fluoride content in the groundwater may pose a problem. This can, however, be solved by treatment processes. The paper emphasises that the influence of the regional geology must be taken into account when exploring and developing groundwater in areas underlain by hard crystalline rocks. 相似文献
During the past five years, the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry of South Africa have hydrofractured a large number of low yielding boreholes in different geological and geohydrological regimes. In the Swartwater study area (10 holes), the results indicate that boreholes that were scientifically sited in order to intersect geological features such as faults or contacts are the most likely to be sucessfully stimulated. In the case of random site selection, the sucess rate was extremely low. By using the newly developed hydrofracture unit and carefully selecting the holes to be stimulated, a low-yielding water borehole can be sucessfully converted into a production hole for between 35 and 45% of the cost of drilling another borehole. 相似文献
The article aims to interpret the proposed reorganization of local government in South Africa and to examine its development implications in relation to the metropolitan area of Cape Town. The interpretation of reorganization draws particularly on DUNCAN and GOODWIN's suggestion ( Int. J. Urb. Res.,6, 157–185, 1982) that reorganization represents an attempt to reimpose the state form. The article places the reorganization of local government in South Africa in the context of the current reform strategy, and argues that it is an element of a strategy which attempts to produce new forms of social relations, ordered to an increasing extent by the market mechanism. The local government strategy reflects this and also responds in particular to the crisis of legitimacy at local government level and in urban areas. This crisis has been precipitated not so much by forms of representation in local government, as by economic and political conditions in general. However, the reform of local government does not address these conditions, nor does it set up a system of local government in which they might be addressed. In fact, the attempt to reorder society on the basis of the determinants of the market and the resulting emphasis on wealth as a criteria of access to cities, services and power is likely to exacerbate the conditions of unemployment, poverty, spatial inequality and shortages of housing. In effect, therefore, local government reform concerns itself with little more than the management of urban areas in an attempt to contain manifest political problems. 相似文献
The role of economic sectoral structure in regional growth and development is widely acknowledged. However, there has been scarce reflection on its role as a policy instrument, particularly for peripheral regions. In reaction, this paper investigates the role of economic sectoral structure as a policy instrument towards more resilient peripheral regions. Through a multiple country policy analysis, the paper determines to what degree economic sectoral structure is reflected in regional development policies of 18 countries with predominantly rural characteristics and lagging regions. Moreover, the role of economic sectoral structure towards more resilient regions is quantified and measured for a specific peripheral region case in South Africa as developing country exhibiting poor economic resilience. The paper highlights related variety as a key ingredient for a region to reach a state of dynamic stability between adaptation and adaptability towards enhanced long-term resilience capacity of the peripheral region. The research concludes that policy focus should support the maintenance of the sectors and industries of comparative advantage on the regional scale, but strongly focus on sectoral comparative advantage within the national scale (if present) to establish a more robust region. This will establish and strengthen the identified peripheral growth centres as centres of national competitiveness and specialisation. Primary policy actions as emanated from the literature and the multiple country policy analysis will promote more efficient sectoral composition as key towards more resilient peripheral regions. It is acknowledged that these policy actions must be informed by a detailed regional economic analysis for different peripheral regions to determine inherent and latent economic potential and link with interdependent industries. This paper will highlight that regional policy should become more explicit by exploiting the role of economic and natural resources as growth engines for the peripheral regional economy in a more effective way through a multi-centred territorial structure. 相似文献