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波浪方向对两矩形驳船间窄缝内流体共振影响的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
应用二阶非线性三维势流时域模型模拟两个并靠矩形驳船间的窄缝内流体共振现象。模型中,速度势分解为入射势和未知的散射势,其中散射势通过求解边界积分方程计算得到。采用四阶预报校正的方法对自由水面边界条件在时间上进行数值积分。本文研究了波浪方向对窄缝内一阶、二阶波高的影响。计算结果表明,入射波浪的角度不会影响窄缝内流体的共振频率,同时窄缝内流体发生共振时,最大的共振波高总是发生在窄缝中点处。然而,共振时对应的最大波高随着入射角度的变化而变化。同时,入射波浪的频率与窄缝内流体共振频率的相对大小导致窄缝内最大波高位置向上游或者下游移动。  相似文献   

进动(precession)共振是一种非线性共振相互作用,2016年才有学者对这一现象进行研究。采用非静压二维自由表面流模型模拟了深水条件下重力波的进动共振现象。通过边界造波的方法产生双色波,分析了触发进动共振的初始条件;探讨了进动共振在小振幅前提条件下发生的简化初始条件。数值模拟分析两组对称测点,对不同测点的波面、能量谱进行对比分析。数值结果表明:非静压二维自由表面流模型可以模拟进动共振现象,并且可以采用双色波作为条件来研究深水五波进动共振现象,进动共振需要一定的能量转化时间,进动共振发生的条件是三波组合的进动频率等于一个系统存在的非线性频率。  相似文献   

大地测量中数值逼近模型可分为两类:函数模型与统计模型,两种类型各有优、缺点。函数模型逼近一般求定逼近场的系统性或某种规律性趋势。统计模型逼近的主要特点是计算灵活,尤其对稳态随机过程的逼近效果较好。试图将二者有机地结合起来,以便充分利用函数模型逼近的规律性和统计模型逼近的灵活性,从而提高待求量的精度和可靠性。并通过实际算例证明将两者结合起来可有效改善拟合效果。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional time-domain potential flow model is developed and applied to simulate the wave resonance in a gap between two side-by-side rectangular barges. A fourth-order predict-correct method is implemented to update free surface boundary conditions. The response of an up-wave barge is predicted by solving the motion equation with the Newmark-β method. Following the validation of the developed numerical model for wave radiation and diffraction around two side-by-side barges, the influence of up-wave barge motion on the gap surfaceresonance is investigated in two different locations of the up-wave barge relative to the back-wave barge at various frequencies. The results reveal that the freely floating up-wave barge significantly influences the resonance frequency and the resonance wave amplitude. Simultaneously, the up-wave barge located in the middle of the back-wave barge leads to a reduction in the resonance wave amplitude and motion response when compared with other configurations.  相似文献   

复合模型系统的控制策略   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
复合模型中的物理模型和数学模型是依靠计算机控制系统实时耦合起来的。复合模型对控制系统的精度要求较高 ,但是流量的控制中存在着水流的滞后性以及水位控制中的超调现象 ,这些问题都将影响控制的精度。本文介绍采用改进的PID与Smith控制算法相结合的控制策略实现流量控制 ,以解决水流的滞后性 ;采用变参数PID控制策略实现水位控制。试验证明两者都取得了较好的控制效果  相似文献   

海面-地面系统变化影响评价模型是建立在对区域性海面-地面升降运动及其相应的海陆关系演变过程进行数值模拟、虚拟试验及动态监测、预测基础之上的一种未来海面上升影响预估模型,它为抵御未来海面上升对沿海低平区域的潜在威胁,提供可供决策参考的定量化的空间和属性信息。与以往的海面上升影响预估方法相比,设计的模型在GIS软件平台上进行开发,采用菜单式用户界面,可以就预估的海面-地面系统变化所导致的综合影响进行快速的动态评价,并且在评价中考虑了不同土地利用状况的差异性以及经济产值的时空分布差异性。用该模型对太湖流域地区进行了模拟试验,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

为了建立涵盖更多物理机制的河口潮平均盐度解析模型,更好地探究风对盐度纵向分布的影响,本文在MacCready河口潮平均准稳态盐度模型基础上进行了以下改进:在风作用的基础上,通过加入经过盐度分层作用修正的垂向紊动黏性系数垂向结构进行盐度分布的解析。以现有的改进模型计算不同风速风向下Delaware河口的盐水上溯距离、Ri值、紊流边界层厚度和断面盐通量分布的结果可以发现:对于离岸风,当风速增强,上溯距离、Ri值和断面盐通量都是先增大后减小,边界层厚度不断增加;对于向岸风,当风速增强,上溯距离、Ri值和断面盐通量都是不断减小,边界层厚度不断增加。风对河口垂向平均盐度纵向分布的影响主要体现在张力效应和垂向紊动混合两个方面改变离散盐通量大小,从而直接影响盐度纵向分布。  相似文献   

用曲面插值方法建立海洋局部地磁场模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
刘辉  赵建虎  李娟 《海洋测绘》2009,29(3):28-30
地磁场模型是地磁场的数学表达式,国内外已有多种建立地磁场模型的方法,对于局部地磁场模型来说,应用比较多的是多项式方法和曲面样条函数方法。讨论了基于曲面样条函数建立局部地磁场模型的原理和方法,并在实测数据基础上对模型的精度进行了验证。  相似文献   

王瑞英  肖天贵 《海洋科学》2018,42(12):83-93
为了探究厄尔尼诺的预测方法,提高其预报准确度与预报时效,本文基于均生函数的基本原理,在普通均生函数模型中分别加入气候序列的本征模函数和预报因子变量,构建了基于EEMD(Ensemble EmpiricalModeDecomposition)的均生函数模型和多变量均生函数模型;并应用三种方案对NINO3区海温指数进行了预报试验。结果表明,两种改进模型对厄尔尼诺的预报效果好于普通均生函数模型,是提高预报准确度的有效手段;同时,利用统计的预报模型,可以在一定程度上有效延长厄尔尼诺的预报时效,具有一定实践意义。  相似文献   

A numerical method is designed to examine the response properties of real sea areas to open ocean forcing. The application of this method to modeling the China’s adjacent seas shows that the Bohai Sea has a highest peak response frequency(PRF) of 1.52 d-1; the northern Yellow Sea has a PRF of 1.69 d-1; the Gyeonggi Bay has a high amplitude gain plateau in the frequency band roughly from 1.7 to 2.7 d-1; the Yellow Sea(including the Gyeonggi Bay), the East China Sea shelf and the Taiwan Strait have a common high amplitude gain band with frequencies around 1.76 to 1.78 d-1 and are shown to be a system that responds to the open ocean forcing in favor of amplifying the waves with frequencies in this band; the Beibu Gulf, the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea deep basin have PRFs of 0.91, 1.01 and 0.98 d-1 respectively. In addition, the East China Sea has a Poincare mode PRF of 3.91 d-1. The PRFs of the Bohai Sea, the northern Yellow Sea, the Beibu Gulf and the South China Sea can be explained by a classical quarter(half for the Bohai Sea) wavelength resonance theory. The results show that further investigations are needed for the response dynamics of the Yellow Sea-East China Sea-Taiwan Strait system, the East China Sea Poincare mode, the Taiwan Strait, and the Gulf of Thailand.  相似文献   

G.X. Wu   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(17-18):2345-2349
Sloshing in a two-dimensional rectangular tank in horizontal motion is analysed based on the velocity potential theory. It is found that even when the first-order excitation is away from all the natural frequencies of the tank, second-order resonance can still occur when the sum-frequency or the difference-frequency is equal to one of the natural frequencies corresponding to the even mode. However, such resonance is not excited when the sum or difference frequency is equal to the natural frequency of an odd mode.  相似文献   

毛欢  杨和振 《海洋工程》2016,34(1):18-24
深吃水半潜式平台(deep draft semi-submersible,DDS)作为一种新型海洋结构物,既继承了传统半潜式平台的优点,又改善了传统半潜式平台垂荡运动性能差的不足。但随着吃水的增加,DDS纵摇运动参数共振也成为一个不容忽视的问题。当DDS纵摇运动固有周期和垂荡运动周期满足一定关系时,纵摇运动将发生参数共振,纵摇角度将会显著增大。研究推导了DDS纵摇运动方程,并简化为标准的马修方程,运用希尔无穷行列式法求解马修方程,得到了含阻尼的马修稳定性图谱,并结合具体算例讨论了不同参数对DDS纵摇运动参数共振问题的影响。研究表明:深吃水半潜式平台的参数共振,是设计人员在设计之初必须考虑的问题;通过合理选取平台的系统参数,可以有效避免纵摇运动参数共振现象的发生。  相似文献   

海洋声学探测技术用于海洋物理及海洋特定目标特性探测,是人类认识海洋、开发和利用海洋丰富资源必不可少的海洋高技术。文中全面介绍了海洋声学探测技术的技术结构以及致力于此技术研究的国内外主要研究机构,着重对比分析了国内外海洋声学探测技术的发展现状与趋势,并总结出我国该领域现存在的问题。结果表明我国海洋声学探测技术水平与国外相差10 a左右,未来需靠长期稳定支持、按需开展研究、加大基础工业投资以及提高材料与工艺水平等措施推进我国海洋声学技术的良性发展。  相似文献   

基于实测传播损失数据对比分析Marsh-Schulkin和Rogers经验传播损失模型。通过讨论东海声学调查具体的海洋环境,较详细地标定了两模型对应的声学参数,并融入模型,结合实测数据进行对比验证,得出关于两模型在东海适应性的如下结论:两模型预报结果与实测数据吻合较好,且两者预报曲线大致相同;其中MarshSchulkin模型预报曲线斜率略大于Rogers模型,预报差异随距离增大有所增加;各频率预报曲线存在交点,交点左侧Rogers模型更接近实测数据,右侧Marsh-Schulkin更为准确。  相似文献   

Response Characteristics of Load on Vessels in Waves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Considering the requirement of direct design and fatigue test for ships and floating structures byuse of FEM technique,a computational procedure of spectral analysis for wave load on the hull surface is de-veloped in this paper.The response of hydrodynamic pressure on the body surface to a designated sea state forships and floating structures is calculated by use of the revised strip method with the hull bound perturbationflow concept.The spectral function of wave load for the defined point on the body surface can be determinedfrom the Wiener-Khinhin theorem and the characteristic load value can be also obtained from spectral mo-ment analysis.A container ship is taken as a computational example and the sample of wave load with a cer-tain probability and corresponding encountered frequency is provided.  相似文献   

Sea-surface acoustic backscattering measurements at moderate to high frequencies were performed in the shallow water of the south Yellow Sea, using omnidirectional spherical sources and omnidirectional hydrophones. Sea-surface backscattering data for frequencies in the 6–25 k Hz range and wind speeds of(3.0±0.5)and(4.5±1.0) m/s were obtained from two adjacent experimental sites, respectively. Computation of sea-surface backscattering strength using bistatic transducer is described. Finally, we calculated sea-surface backscattering strengths at grazing angles in the range of 16°–85°. We find that the measured backscattering strengths agree reasonably well with those predicted by using second order small-roughness perturbation approximation method with "PM" roughness spectrum for all frequencies at grazing angles ranged from 40° to 80°. The backscattering strengths varied slightly at grazing angles of 16°–40°, and were much stronger than roughness scattering. It is speculated that scattering from bubbles dominates the backscattering strengths at high wind speeds and small grazing angles. At the same frequencies and moderate to high grazing angles, the results show that the backscattering strengths at a wind speed of(4.5±1.0) m/s were approximately 5 d B higher than those at a wind speed of(3.0±0.5) m/s. However, the discrepancies of backscattering strength at low grazing angles were more than 10 d B. Furthermore the backscattering strengths exhibited no significant frequency dependence at 3 m/s wind speed. At a wind speed of 4.5 m/s, the scattering strengths increased at low grazing angles but decreased at high grazing angles with increasing grazing angle.  相似文献   

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