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On the basis of isotopic and chemical analyses of 45 spring, well and meteoric water samples from the El Tatio geothermal field in Northern Chile, four main processes giving rise to the formation of a wide range of thermal discharges can be distinguished. (1) Deep dilution of a predominant, primary high chloride (5500 mg/l, 260°) supply water derived from precipitation some 15 km east of El Tatio with local groundwater produces a secondary chloride water. (4750 mg/l, 190°) feeding springs over a limited area. (2) Single step steam separation from these two waters leads to isotopic shifts and increases in chloride contents to 8000 and 6000 mg/l respectively. (3) Absorption of this separated steam and carbon dioxide into local ground water and mixing with chloride waters at shallow levels produces a series of intermediate temperature (160°), low chloride, high bicarbonate waters. (4) Absorption of steam containing H2S into surface waters leads to the formation of zero chloride, high sulfate waters; the isotopic enrichment observed is governed by a kinetic, steady state evaporation process.  相似文献   

Siliceous oncoids, up to 4 cm in diameter, are common on the laterally extensive sinter aprons that surround the spectacular geysers and hot springs at El Tatio in northern Chile. Many of these complex oncoids developed close to geyser and spring vents that discharge boiling water. Internally the oncoids, which are composed of precipitated amorphous silica, are formed of complex arrays of spicules and concentric laminae as well as detrital volcanic grains. Spicular growth is dominant in most examples. The formation and growth of the spicules and concentric laminae were mediated by a microbial community which included filamentous microbes, mucus, and possibly bacteria. The microbes and mucus were silicified by replacement and encrustation. In some laminae the filamentous microbes lay parallel to the growth surface; in other laminae most filaments forming the thin mats were suberect. Amorphous silica precipitated between the filaments occluded porosity and commonly disguised the microbial fabric. The oncoids grew on the proximal sinter aprons around the geyser vents and hot spring pools. Most growth took place subaerially with the silica delivered to the precipitation sites by splashing water from the geysers and/or periodic shallow flooding of the discharge aprons. Unlike silica oncoids at other geothermal sites, vertical growth of oncoids that formed in some rimstone pools was not limited by water depth.  相似文献   

The abundance of As and Sb in aqueous, mineral and biological reservoirs was examined at El Tatio Geyser Field, a unique hydrothermal basin located in the Atacama Desert region of Chile. Here the concentration of total As and Sb in hydrothermal springs and discharge streams are the highest reported for a natural surface water, and the geyser basin represents a significant source of toxic elements for downstream users across Region II, Chile. The geyser waters are near neutral Na:Cl type with ∼0.45 and 0.021 mmol L−1 total As and Sb, respectively, primarily in the reduced (III) redox state at the discharge with progressive oxidation downstream. The ferric oxyhydroxides associated with the microbial mats and some mineral precipitates accumulate substantial As that was identified as arsenate by XAS analysis (>10 wt% in the mats). This As is easily mobilized by anion exchange or mild dissolution of the HFO, and the ubiquitous microbial mats represent a significant reservoir of As in this system. Antimony, in contrast, is not associated with the mineral ferric oxides or the biomats, but is substantially enriched in the silica matrix of the geyserite precipitates, up to 2 wt% as Sb2O3. Understanding the mobility and partitioning behavior of these metalloids is critical for understanding their eventual impact on regional water management.  相似文献   

Occurrence and evolution of the Xiaotangshan hot spring in Beijing, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thermal groundwater occurs in bedrock aquifers consisting of the dolomite of the Wumishan Group of the Jixianin System and the Cambrian carbonate in the Xiaotangshan geothermal field near the northern margin of the North China Plain, China. The hot water in the geothermal field of basin-type discharges partly in the form of the Xiaotangshan hot spring under natural conditions. The hot water has TDS of less than 600 mg/L and is of Na·Ca-HCO3 type. The geothermal water receives recharge from precipitation in the mountain area with elevation of about 500 m above sea level to the north of the spring. Thermal groundwater flows slowly south and southeast through a deep circulation with a residence time of 224 years estimated with the Ra–Rn method. The Xiaotangshan hot spring dried up in the middle of the 1980s owing to the increasing withdrawal of the hot water in the geothermal field in the past decades. The water level of the geothermal system still falls continually at an annual average rate of about 2 m, although water temperature changes very little, indicating that the recharge of such a geothermal system of basin-type is limited. Over-exploitation has a dramatic impact on the geothermal system, and reduction in exploitation and reinjection are required for the sustainable usage of the hot water.  相似文献   

In northern Chile, between 27 and 33°S, there are numerous deposits where residual petroleum is associated with Cu-(Ag) mineralisation (the most famous being El Soldado). All of these deposits are hosted by Lower Cretaceous volcanic or volcanoclastic facies along the axis of a former backarc basin. This close relationship suggests that the generation, migration and emplacement of hydrocarbons in the Cretaceous volcanic units is a regional process, associated with the evolution of the Cretaceous backarc basin and points to the importance of pyrobitumen as an exploration tool for similar Cu–(Ag) deposits. The present work analyses four small strata-bound copper deposits located along a north–south belt approximately 10 km east of Copiapó in northern Chile. These deposits are typically hosted by pyrobitumen-rich andesitic volcanic to volcanoclastic rocks intercalated with the marine carbonate Pabellón Formation, the youngest formation within the Chañarcillo Group. The strong genetic and spatial relationships between the pyrobitumen-rich lavas and the mineral deposits allow us to define this volcanic belt as the Ocoita-Pabellón Metallotect. Two hydrothermal events can be distinguished based on the mineralogical, textural, fluid inclusion and isotope data of ore and gangue and on the optical properties of residual petroleum. During the early event, petroleum was mobilised from the source rocks into the primary and secondary porosity of the lavas by Fe-rich hydrothermal fluids, which precipitated pyrite as an early sulphide phase. The second event is characterised by Cu-rich hydrothermal fluids, which induced three successive sub-stages of Cu-sulphide precipitation. The hydrothermal fluids chemically and thermally altered the first-stage bitumen, transforming it into pyrobitumen. The present work documents similarities between the Ocoita-Pabellón Metallotect and the El Soldado ore deposit and emphasises important differences. In the El Soldado host rocks, a petroleum reservoir existed prior to the arrival of the mineralising hydrothermal fluids, the framboidal pyrite was formed by assistance of bacteria, the S of the Cu sulphides was inherited from the pyrite, and the fluid source was basin connate-metamorphic brine. In the Ocoita-Pabellón Metallotect, the hydrocarbons were mobilised into the host rocks by hydrothermal fluids; the pyrite is epigenetic, the δ34S values of pyrite and copper sulphides are very different, with distinctive light δ34S signature of Cu sulphides (δ34S between −44.7 and −17.9‰), and the calculated δ18O of hydrothermal fluids indicates the participation of meteoric water in the late phases of the hydrothermal system.
Juan HermosillaEmail:

Data for tsunamigenic earthquakes and observed tsunami run-up are used to estimate tsunami-risk for the coasts of Peru and northern Chile for zones bounded by 5–35° S latitude. Tsunamigenic earthquake estimates yield magnitudes of 8.52, 8.64, and 8.73 for recurrence periods of 50, 100, and 200 years, respectively. Based on three different empirical relations between earthquake magnitudes and tsunamis, we estimate expected tsunami wave heights for various return periods. The average heights were 11.2 m (50 years), 13.7 m (100 years), and 15.9 m (200 years), while the maximum height values (obtained by Iidas method) were: 13.9, 17.3, and 20.4 m, respectively. Both the averaged and maximum seismological estimates of tsunami wave heights for this region are significantly smaller than the actually observed tsunami run-up of 24–28 m, for the major events of 1586, 1724, 1746, 1835, and 1877. Based directly on tsunami run-up data, we estimate tsunami wave heights of 13 m for a 50-year return period and 25 m for a 100-year return period. According to the seismic gap theory, we can expect that the next strong earthquake and tsunami will occur between 19 and 28° S in the vicinity of northern Chile.  相似文献   

In the area surrounding the El Teniente giant porphyry copper deposit, eight soil sites were sampled at three depth levels in the summer 2004. The sites were selected for their theoretical potential of being influenced by past SO2 emissions from the smelter and/or seepage from a now idle tailings impoundment. The soil mineralogy, grain size distribution, total organic matter contents, major element composition, cation exchange capacity, and Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn, As and SO4 2− concentrations were determined for all samples after nitric acid extraction and separate leaches by ammonium acetate (pH 7) and sodium acetate (pH 5). For water rinses, only Cu could be determined with the analytical set-up used. Cu and SO4 2− enrichment in topsoils was found at six sites either downwind from the smelter or within the combined influence of the smelter and the tailings impoundment. Both elements were released partially by ammonium and sodium acetate extractions. Due to the scarce background trace element concentrations of soil and rock outside the immediate mine area, assessment of trace element mobility for Mo, Zn, Pb and As was difficult. Arsenic was found to be concentrated in soil horizons with high smectite and/or organic matter contents. Mo appears to be linked to the presence of windblown tailings sediment in the soils. Mobilization of Mo, Zn, and As for the acetate extractions was minimal or below the detection limits for the AAS technique used. The presence of windblown tailings is considered to be an additional impact on the soils in the foothills of the El Teniente compound, together with the potential of acidity surges and Cu mobilization in topsoils after rainfalls. Two sites located at the western limit of the former SO2 saturated zone with strongly zeolitized soils and underlying rock did not show any Cu or SO4 2− enrichment in the topsoils, and remaining total trace element concentrations were below the known regional background levels.  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic Mantos Blancos copper deposit (500 Mt at 1.0% Cu), located in the Coastal Range of northern Chile, displays two superimposed hydrothermal events. An older phyllic alteration probably related to felsic magmatic–hydrothermal brecciation at ∼155 Ma, and younger (141–142 Ma) potassic, propylitic, and sodic alterations, coeval with dioritic and granodioritic stocks and sills, and dioritic dikes. Main ore formation is genetically related to the second hydrothermal event, and consists of hydrothermal breccias, disseminations and stockwork-style mineralization, associated with sodic alteration. Hypogene sulfide assemblages show distinctive vertical and lateral zoning, centered on magmatic and hydrothermal breccia bodies, which constitute the feeders to mineralization. A barren pyrite root zone is overlain by pyrite-chalcopyrite, and followed upwards and laterally by chalcopyrite-digenite or chalcopyrite-bornite. The assemblage digenite–supergene chalcocite characterizes the central portions of high-grade mineralization in the breccia bodies. Fluid inclusions show evidence of boiling during the potassic and sodic alteration events, which occurred at temperatures around 450–460°C and 350–410°C, and salinities between 3–53 and 13–45 wt% NaCl eq., respectively. The hydrothermal events occurred during episodic decompression due to fluid overpressuring, hydrofracturing, and sharp changes from lithostatic to hydrostatic conditions. Sulfur isotope results of hypogene sulfide minerals fall in a narrow range around 0 per mil, suggesting a dominance of magmatic sulfur. Carbon and oxygen isotopic data of calcites from propylitic alteration suggest a mantle-derived carbon and oxygen isotope fractionation due to low-temperature alteration.  相似文献   

Molybdenum is an economically important subproduct of North Chilean porphyry‐type deposits, and thus spatial and temporal distribution of molybdenite as the primary Mo‐bearing mineral in the Escondida and Escondida Norte deposits were characterized using several mineralogical and chemical techniques and the Re‐Os dating method. Molybdenum is distributed extensively in the two deposits, and high molybdenum concentrations (>500 ppm) are recognized particularly in the chlorite‐sericite transitional zone between the potassic and sericitic zones. Two modes of occurrence of molybdenite are observed in the Escondida deposit: aggregates with Cu‐Fe‐sulfide minerals in fine veinlets (sulfide‐veinlet type), and monomineralic microveinlets associated with NE‐trending faults. The former and the latter yielded ages of 36.1 ± 0.2 Ma and 35.2 ± 0.2 Ma, respectively. Re‐Os dating of Escondida Norte molybdenites also show two distinct episodes, at 37.7 ± 0.3 Ma and a younger episode at 36.6 ± 0.2 Ma. These data indicate that the Escondida Norte is older than the main Escondida deposit. The Re‐Os age data combined with those of the porphyry emplacement suggest that the molybdenite mineralization in the Escondida district occurred as several short episodic pulses during the late‐magmatic to hydrothermal transition, and that the Cu‐Mo deposits were formed in a variable overall period spanning 1 to 5 m.y.  相似文献   

When asbestos fibres become airborne, they can be inhaled into the lungs, where they may cause significant health problems. The latter includes progressive pulmonary fibrosis (asbestosis), pleural disease (effusion and pleural plaques) and malignancies such as bronchogenic carcinoma and malignant mesothelioma. The term asbestos applies to a group of hydrated fibrous mineral silicates including those belonging to the serpentine group of phyllosilicates (chrysotile) and amphiboles. However, only the ‘asbestiform varieties’ of amphiboles such as grunerite (amosite), riebeckite (crocidolite), anthophyllite, tremolite and actinolite are regarded as asbestos (s.s.). This implies that ‘non-asbestiform varieties’ of such minerals, that nevertheless generate acicular cleavage fragments, cannot be regarded as asbestos s.s. We argue that a discussion on the term asbestos goes beyond mere semantics, because for environmental regulatory bodies, the definition of a term can make the difference between classifying a mineral as harmful or non-harmful. A case of mesothelioma in the small mining town of La Higuera, northern Chile, may shed some light into this matter, because this form of cancer is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos. The town hosts about 20,000 t of fine-grained tailings left behind after flotation of Cu sulphides during 1950–1979. The ore was extracted from actinolite-rich, copper-iron vein deposits. We show that, if a ‘non-asbestiform variety’ of amphibole (e.g. La Higuera actinolite) is finely ground, it will cleave to asbestos-like acicular crystals and as such has the potential to induce similar health hazards to those posed by asbestos (s.s.).  相似文献   

Abstract. The Cerro Colorado intrusive stock in the northeastern Chilean Precordillera is a plutonic complex formed during Late Cretaceous (64–72 Ma), and consists predominantly of pyroxene-bearing biotite monzogabbro (Colorado Unit), with lesser amounts of pyroxene-bearing hornblende biotite diorite (Pucaquisca Unit) and biotite hornblende monzonite (Pabellón Unit). Compositional variations of major and trace elements suggest that the Cerro Colorado complex is composed of shoshonitic alkali granitoids generated at the active continental margin. The basic to intermediate rocks of the Colorado Unit are characterized by high contents of A12O3 (>20 wt%), CaO and LIL elements (K, Sr, Ba), high Fe/Mg ratio and fairly low contents of Cr, Ni and Y. These characteristics suggest that the Colorado Unit was formed by plagioclase-free source magma originated from asthenospheric mantle or mafic lower crust. All the Cerro Colorado rocks generally display linear compositional trends, and the latest Pabellón Unit rocks are richer in SiO2 than the Colorado Unit and Pucaquisca Unit rocks. These indicate that the Pabellón Unit rocks were produced by assimilation-fractional crystallization process of the basic to intermediate magma genetically related to the voluminous Colorado Unit.  相似文献   

在智利北部地区的地质找矿工作中,对安托法加斯塔Henan D矿区开展了岩屑粒度试验和1∶10 000岩屑地球化学测量。粒度试验表明,采集B+C层或C层-5~+40目岩屑样品能较好的反映地质特征;岩屑测量圈定了6处Cu-Au-Ag综合异常,通过槽探和钻探异常查证,发现了良好的找矿线索,该区具有找到铁氧铜金型铜矿的潜力。工作表明,在智利安托法加斯塔大区荒漠化景观区实施岩屑测量能够达到明确找矿目标、缩小找矿范围、确定找矿靶区的目的。  相似文献   

The geology, petrography and chemical variation of the Pecket coal sequence, Magellan Region (52°57′S, 71°10′W), the only Chilean coal used for electricity generation on a large scale, has been studied in order to predict their combustion behaviour, especially in coal blends. The depositional environment of formation of the coal seams was a swamp rarely exposed to subaerial conditions and was associated with the development of the folded foreland of the Magellan basin during the Tertiary (Oligo–Miocene). The general tectonic regime of the collision of the Antarctic and South American plates is reflected by a system of joints with 40°N–50°W strike. The maceral composition of all six seams studied indicates high contents of vitrinite (>90%), minor content of liptinite (4.7%) and inertinite (<2%). Occurrence of tonstein horizons altered to kaolinite indicates a distal volcanism during peat accumulation. Coal rank varies between lignite and subbituminous (Ro=0.28–0.42%) with an average dry basis calorific value of 5450 kcal/kg, 17 wt.% moisture, 41 wt.% volatile matter, and sulphur content below 0.5 wt.%. The mineral matter (LTA) associated with the coal shows a dominance of kaolinite with quartz, smectite, and minor basanite. SiO2/Al2O3 and Fe2O3/CaO ratios of the ashes diminish towards the lower seams. With respect to the utilisation of Pecket coals in combustion, base/acid ratios (B/A) and silica ratios (SR) indicate potential fouling for seams 1, 2, 5, and 6i, with high fouling indexes (Rf) for seams 2 and 5. Pecket coal is excellent for blend combustion due to its low sulphur content.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation in the Silla Syncline, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine, Magallanes Basin, Chile, includes over 1100 m of mainly thin‐bedded mud‐rich turbidites containing three thick divisions of coarse conglomerate and sandstone. Facies distributions, stacking patterns and lateral relationships indicate that the coarse‐grained sandstone and conglomerate units represent the fill of a series of large south to south‐east trending deep‐water channels or channel complexes. The middle coarse division, informally named the Paine member, represents the fill of at least three discrete channels or channel complexes, termed Paine A, B and C. The uppermost of these, Paine C, represents a channel belt about 3·5 km wide and its fill displays explicit details of channel geometry, channel margins, and the processes of channel development and evolution. Along its northern margin, Paine C consists of stacked, laterally offset channels, each eroded into fine‐grained mudstone and thin‐bedded sandy turbidites. Along its southern margin, the Paine C complex was bounded by a single, deeply incised but stepped erosional surface. The evolution of the Paine C channel occurred through multiple cycles of activity, each involving: (i) an initial period of channel erosion into underlying fine‐grained sediments; (ii) deposition of coarse‐grained pebble to cobble conglomerate and sandstone within the channel; and (iii) waning of coarse sediment deposition and accumulation of a widespread sheet of fine‐grained, thin‐bedded turbidites inside and outside the channel. The thin‐bedded turbidites deposited within, and adjacent to, the channel along the northern margin of the Paine C complex do not appear to represent levée deposits but, rather, a separate fine‐grained turbidite system that impinged on the Paine C channel from the north. The Cerro Toro channel complex in the Silla Syncline may mark either an early axial zone of the Magallanes Basin or a local slope mini‐basin developed behind a zone of slope faulting and folding now present immediately east of the syncline. If the latter, flows moving downslope toward the basin axis further east were diverted to the south by this developing structural high, deposited part of their coarse sediment loads, and exited the mini‐basin at a point located near the south‐eastern edge of the present Silla Syncline.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic and geochronological data from an Early Palaeozoic high grade metamorphic complex (Jorgina Formation) and Jurassic layered basic intrusion (Moreno Complex) are reported from the Mejillones Peninsula of northern Chile (23–23°30'S). 40Ar–39Ar dates from the Lower Palaeozoic Jorgina Formation and the Moreno Complex are between 170 and 158 Ma, coincident with a phase of emplacement of the north Chilean coastal batholith. This suggests that intrusion and magnetization of the Moreno Complex and the metamorphism and remagnetization of the Jorgina Formation were related to batholith emplacement. Extracted stable components of magnetization from all units (17 sites) define site-mean directions with a scattered distribution. The scatter in site-mean directions is interpreted as being due to minor, localized, non-uniform, block-fault related (normal or strike-slip, or both) rotation after 158 Ma. The palaeomagnetic and geochronological data indicate that no significant large-scale latitudinal translation of crustal blocks has taken place in this part of northern Chile since the Late Jurassic. In addition, they indicate that the uniform clockwise rotation after the mid-Cretaceous which affected the adjacent Cordillera de la Costa either did not extend into the Mejillones Peninsula or took the form of localized block-fault rotations. The restriction of palaeomagnetically defined styles of rotation to discrete areas within the north Chilean forearc indicates that forearc wide block-fault rotation models are not applicable to the Pacific margin of northern Chile.  相似文献   

The Mapocho river, which crosses downtown Santiago, is one of the most important rivers in contact with a population of about six million inhabitants. Anthropogenic activities, industrialization, farming activities, transport, urbanization, animal and human excretions, domestic wastes and copper mining have affected the river, contaminating it and its sediments with heavy metals. Concentration and distribution of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd were studied with the purpose of determining their bioavailability and their relation with the characteristics of the sediments. Freshly deposited seasonal sediments were collected from 0–8 cm depths from 6 locations (S1 to S6) along the 30-km long channel length, in the four seasons of year on the following dates: May 2001 (D1, autumn); August 2001 (D2, winter); October 2001 (D3, spring) and January 2002 (D4, summer). The dried samples were sifted to obtain the < 63-μm sediment fraction, since it has been shown that large amounts of heavy metals are bound in the fine-grained fraction of the sediment. Cu and Zn were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and Pb and Cd by square wave anodic stripping voltammetry. The highest concentrations of Cu (2850 μg g− 1) were found in the northern part of the river (S1, average D1–D4), near the mountains and a copper mine, and then decreased downstream to 209 μg g− 1 (S6). Total Zn showed an irregular variation, with higher values at S1 (1290 μg g− 1) and high values in some winter sampling (1384 μg g− 1 S4, S5–D2). Pb showed different trends, increasing from S1 to S6 (17 to 61 μg g− 1), with the highest values in the summer samples (83 μg g− 1, S4–S6, D4), and total Cd increased slightly from mean values of 0.2 and 0.5 μg g− 1. Partition into five fractions was made using Tessier's analytical sequential extraction technique; the residue was treated with aqua regia for recovery studies, although this step is not part of the Tessier procedure. The results show that Cu, Zn and Pb in the sediments were dependent on the sampling places along the river, and variation in two years was low (D1–D4). The highest values of total organic matter, carbonate and conductivity were found in S6, which has the smallest size particles, while at S1 the sediments were predominantly sand and contain larger amounts of silica. Cu associated with carbonate decreased gradually from 58% (1771 μg g− 1, S1) to 16% (32 μg g− 1, S6); Cu bonded to reducible fraction was almost constant (33% to 37%), and Cu associated with oxidizable fraction increased from 7% (S1) to 34% (S6), but copper content was lower (214 to 68 μg g− 1). Zn had a similar fractionation profile. However, Pb bound to oxidizable fraction did not show significant percent variation along the river (20% to 19%), but the amount bounded was 4 to 12 μg g− 1. The residual fraction increased from 24% to 41% (5 to 25 μg g− 1, S1 to S6). The distribution of Cd in the sediment was almost independent of the sampling stations and was bound to carbonate, reducible and residual fraction in similar proportion. Cu and Zn at S1 were mainly bound to carbonates and reducible phases with 91% and 73% (2779 and 965 μg g− 1, respectively), and with a change in the pH and/or the redox potential of the sediment–water system, these contaminants could easily enter the food chain. In S6 the amount of Cu and Zn in these phases was 50% and 53% (100 to 313 μg g− 1, respectively).  相似文献   

In the Carolina de Michilla district, northern Chile, stratabound copper mineralization is hosted by Jurassic volcanic rocks along the trace of the Atacama fault system. In this study, we present the overall effects of hydrothermal alteration on the magnetic properties of rocks in this district. Two types of metasomatic alteration associations occur, one of regional extent and the other of local hydrothermal alteration associated with copper mineralization (e.g., Lince–Estefanía–Susana). Regional alteration is interpreted as a low-grade “propylitic association” characterized by an epidote–chlorite–smectite–titanite–albite–quartz–calcite association. The local hydrothermal alteration is characterized broadly by a quartz–albite–epidote–chlorite–calcite mineral assemblage. The most pervasive alteration mineral is albite, followed by epidote and, locally, actinolite. These minerals contrast sharply against host rock minerals such as chlorite, calcite, zeolite, prehnite, and pumpellyite, but alteration is constrained to mineralized bodies as narrow and low contrast alteration halos that go outwards from actinolite–albite to epidote–albite, to epidote–chlorite, and finally to chlorite. Hydrothermal alteration minerals, compared to regional alteration minerals, show iron-rich epidotes, a lower chlorite content of the chlorite–smectite series, and a nearly total albite replacement of plagioclase in the mineralized zones. Opaque minerals associated with regional alteration are magnetite and maghemite, and those associated to hydrothermal alteration are magnetite, hematite, and copper sulphides. We present paleomagnetic results from nine sites in the Michilla district and from drill cores from two mines. Local effects of hydrothermal alteration on the original magnetic mineralogy indicate similar characteristics and mineralogy, except for an increase of hematite that is spatially associated with the Cu–sulphide breccias with low magnetic susceptibilities. Results indicate that it is impossible to magnetically differentiate mineralized bodies from unmineralized lavas, except for pyrite-rich hydrothermal breccias. In conclusion, for stratabound copper deposits of the Michilla type, the overall effect of hydrothermal alteration on the paleomagnetic properties of rocks is of low contrast, not clearly discernable even at a small scale. From an exploration point of view, magnetic exploration surveys should not discern mineralized bodies of Cu–sulphide breccias except in detailed ground surveys due to the small size of contrasting bodies. Unoriented drill cores with primary ore mineralization record a characteristic remanent magnetization of reverse polarity. Taking into account the azimuth and dip of the drill cores, we were able to compare the magnetization of the mineralized bodies with the characteristic directions from sites drilled in situ from Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous intrusives mostly. The characteristic direction recorded by the Pluton Viera is similar to the magnetization of the ore bodies of the Estefania mine. If copper mineralization mostly postdates the tilt of the volcanic flows, the low paleomagnetic inclinations suggest an age for the mineralization near 145 Ma, the time of the lowest paleolatitude for the South American plate during the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

腾冲热海地热田热储结构与岩浆热源的温度   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
腾冲热海地区是一个由幔源岩浆侵入形成的地热田,地热流体排放受深浅不同的三组活动断裂控制,具多层地热储结构特征。气体、 同位素、 水化学地球化学温标显示,深层热储的温度约为250±7℃、中、浅层地热储温度的变化范围分别为241~190℃和195~154℃。根据岩浆来源CO  相似文献   

智利Copiapó附近海岸东部边缘有一宽5km、长20km的铁氧化物铜金矿床带,包括Candelaria矿床和位于其北东方向3km处的Punta del Cobre矿集区的中小型矿床。初步估计,该成矿带的铜矿石资源量可达7×108~8×10~8t(含铜量1%)。矿石矿物主要为黄铜矿、黄铁矿、磁铁矿、赤铁矿。矿石产状为脉状、角砾状、细脉状等。含矿围岩主要为Punta del Cobre组的火山岩及火山碎屑岩。该矿带中大部分大型矿脉位于北西—北北西向高角度脆性断层与块状火山岩和火山碎屑岩接触带交汇处。Candelairia矿区主要发育黑云母-钾长石±钙角闪石±绿帘石蚀变矿物组合。在Punta del Cobr矿集区,矿床深部的矿石围岩蚀变情况与Candelairia地区一致,但是浅部的矿石赋存于黑云母-钾长石或钠长石-绿泥石±方解石蚀变带中。  相似文献   

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