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From stable carbon isotope analysis of tree-rings of Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) from Mt. Helan, China, we found that high-δ13C values were related to high mean temperatures from June to August (T 68), and Iow-δ13C values corresponded to low T 68. From these data, a transfer function has been used to reconstruct summer temperatures (T 68) for the Mt. Helan region. The explained variance of reconstruction is 34.9% (F=15.01, p<0.001). The time period containing the highest summer temperatures in northern China (late 1920-1930s) was confirmed by our reconstruction. The data indicate that there is a tele-connection between summer temperatures in Mt. Helan area and sea-surface-temperatures in the tropical Pacific. The extreme low temperature periods around the years of 1920 and 1947 for Mt. Helan region correspond well to the cold climate in the tropical Pacific. Along with other analyses, this suggests that climate variations in the Mt. Helan region are driven not only by local events, but also by the global climate. Significant periodicities appearing in the reconstruction are 2.56 and 2.63 years.  相似文献   

The Mt. Amiata volcano in central Italy is intimately related to the post-orogenic magmatic activity which started in Pliocene times. Major, trace elements, and isotopic composition of thermal and cold spring waters and gas manifestations indicate the occurrence of three main reservoir of the thermal and cold waters in the Mt. Amiata region. The deepest one is located in an extensive carbonate reservoir buried by thick sequences of low-permeability allochthonous and neo-autochthonous formations. Thermal spring waters discharging from this aquifer have a neutral Ca-SO4 composition due to the presence of anhydrite layers at the base of the carbonate series and, possibly, to absorption of deep-derived H2S with subsequent oxidation to SO42− in a system where pH is buffered by the calcite–anhydrite pair (Marini and Chiodini, 1994). Isotopic signature of these springs and N2-rich composition of associated gas phases suggest a clear local meteoric origin of the feeding waters, and atmospheric O2 may be responsible for the oxidation of H2S. The two shallower aquifers have different chemical features. One is Ca-HCO3 in composition and located in several sedimentary formations above the Mesozoic carbonates. The other one has a Na-Cl composition and is hosted in marine sediments filling many post-orogenic NW–SE-trending basins. Strontium, Ba, F, and Br contents have been used to group waters associated with each aquifer. Although circulating to some extent in the same carbonate reservoir, the deep geothermal fluids at Latera and Mt. Amiata and thermal springs discharging from their outcropping areas have different composition: Na-Cl and Ca-SO4 type, respectively. Considering the high permeability of the reservoir rock, the meteoric origin of thermal springs and the two different composition of the thermal waters, self-sealed barriers must be present at the boundaries of the geothermal systems. The complex hydrology of the reservoir rocks greatly affects the reliability of geothermometers in liquid phase, which understimate the real temperatures of the discovered geothermal fields. More reliable temperatures are envisaged by using gas composition-based geothermometers. Bulk composition of the 67 gas samples studied seems to be the result of a continuous mixing between a N2-rich component of meteoric origin related to the Ca-SO4 aquifer and a deep CO2-rich component rising largely along the boundaries of the geothermal systems. Nitrogen-rich gas samples have nearly atmospheric N2/Ar (=83) and


(δ=0‰) ratios whereas CO2-rich samples show anomalously high

values (up to +6.13 ‰), likely related to N2 from metamorphic schists lying below the carbonate formations. On the basis of average


isotopic ratio (

around 0‰), CO2 seems to originate mainly from thermometamorphic reactions in the carbonate reservoir and/or in carbonate layers embedded in the underlying metamorphic basement. Distribution of


isotopic ratios indicates a radiogenic origin of helium in a tectonic environment that, in spite of the presence of many post-orogenic basins and mantle-derived magmatics, can presently be considered in a compressive phase.  相似文献   

South China Sea is the largest marginal sea of the Western Pacific between the Pacific Ocean and Asia Continent. It has been influenced by both the Pacific Ocean and continental climate. Its continental margins are broad in north and south, narrow in west. There are many islands in east. A large amount of siliciclastic sediments derived from peri-continents and islands were trans-ported into the sea[1], in which significant information of paleoceanography and paleoclimate and paleoenvironm…  相似文献   

Evaluating the role of fluvial transfer of terrestrial organic carbon (OC) and subsequent burial in the global carbon cycle requires the sources and fluxes of fluvial OC to be assessed, which remains poorly constrained in the Huanghe (Yellow River). Here, we report the elemental, stable isotopic, and radiocarbon activity of particulate organic carbon (POC) sampled at the outlet of Huanghe in 2012–2013. We show that the Huanghe riverine POC can be explained by binary mixing of fossil (POCfossil) and non‐fossil (POCnon‐fossil) components, the former may reach ~40% of the total POC. The Huanghe POCnon‐fossil is mostly sourced from C3 plants, with a mean residence time of c. 2200 years. The current human‐controlled hydrological regime strongly influenced the POC sources, transport modes, and fluxes. In 2012–2013, the Huanghe delivered 0.73 Tg (1 Tg = 1012 g) of POC to the sea, and about 28% of the annual POC flux occurred within a short human induced flood event. Globally, the Huanghe should be one of the largest rivers in the transfer and re‐burial of fossil OC. However, the fate of Huanghe fossil OC is still unconstrained and needs to be further investigated. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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