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Heyvaerts和Priest最近提出了一个线性无力场演化的简化模型来定量计算磁拱脚点做缓慢的剪切运动所引起的日冕加热。由于他们在能量的计算中漏掉了一些二阶项,并且保留了导致位移无界的磁场的线性演化项,本文对他们的工作进行了修正,同时还对脚点运动引起的磁拱无力场演化进行了进一步探讨。本文主要结果如下:(1)得到的加热效率(即耗散能量在光球供给能量中所占比例)比Heyvaerts和Priest所得结果大。(2)磁拱无力场的无耗散线性演化是不可能的。(3)由磁场位形具体说明了非线性无力场发生磁力线重联的可能性,并指出最容易发生磁力线重联的高度大约为一个磁拱宽度。 相似文献
汪景琇 《中国天文和天体物理学报》1995,(3)
本文讨论了从太阳光球向日冕传输磁能和磁复杂性的过程。活动日冕,作为由电磁场和粒子组成的系统,其唯一的开场表面是太阳光球。光球层等离子体的运动和磁场的相互作用,是造成磁能和磁复杂性向日冕传播的主要根源;同时,光球上的耗散过程也对日冕磁能和磁复杂性的积累有不可忽视的贡献。 相似文献
本报告了在日冕或其他天体物理环境中,沿磁力线流动的稳恒态磁流体力学流动的一个定理和一个重要关系。它们是利用宏观动能密度对磁能密度的比例导出的。 相似文献
本讨论了从太阳光球向日冕传输磁能和磁复杂性的过程。活动日冕,作为由电磁场和粒子组成的系统,其唯一的开场表面是太阳光球,光球层等离子体的运动和磁场的相互作用,是造成磁能和磁复杂性向日冕传输的主要根据;同时,光球上的耗散过程也对日冕磁能和磁复杂性的积累有不可忽视的贡献。 相似文献
孙凯 《中国天文和天体物理学报》1995,(4)
本文报告了在日冕或其他天体物理环境中,沿磁力线流动的稳恒态磁流体力学流动的一个定理和一个重要关系。它们是利用宏观动能密度对磁能密度的比例导出的。 相似文献
一太阳耀斑的约含数千个微耀斑,每个微耀斑以热的,低频波和加速粒子的形成释放能量。耀斑期间大部分能量的释放是通过电子加速转移的 结果,然而电子加速是在耀斑前相开始,并在整个耀斑持续期间继续保持。本文介绍几个典型事件,包括射电尖峰脉冲辐射,类尖峰辐射和短时标漂移结构。 相似文献
通过采用试验粒子的方法,研究了在有引导磁场Bz存在的磁重联电流片中,电子被super-Dreicer电场Ez加速后的运动特征.首先,考虑了引导磁场恒定且与电场有不同方向时对粒子加速的影响.在这种情况下,Bz方向的改变直接改变了电子的运动轨迹,使其沿着不同的路径离开电流片.在Bz和Ez同向时,高能电子的pitch-angle接近于180°.然而,当2者反向时,高能电子的pitch-angle接近0°.引导磁场的取向只是使电场有选择地对不同区域的电子进行加速,不会最终影响电子的能量分布,最终得到的能谱是普遍的幂率谱E-γ.在典型的日冕条件下, γ大约等于2.9.进一步的研究表明γ的大小依赖于引导磁场及磁重联电场的强弱,以及电流片的尺度.随后,也研究了包含多个X-点和O-点电流片中被加速粒子的运动特征.结果表明X-点和O-点的存在使得粒子被束缚在加速区并获得最大的加速,而且最终的能谱具有多幂率谱的特征. 相似文献
G. Mann H.-T. Classen U. Motschmann H. Kunow W. Dröge 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1998,264(1-4):489-496
Combined SOHO (Solar and Helisopheric Observatory) and ground based radio observations show evidently signatures of electrons
accelerated by a shock wave during the event on July 9, 1996. A solar type II radio burst has been received as a signature
of a coronal shock wave at 300 MHz on 9:10:54 UT. It was accompanied with electron beams appearing as type III radio bursts
below 80 MHz. Simultaneously, the COSTEP (Comprehensive Suprathermal and Energetic Particle Analyzer) instrument aboard SOHO
has measured enhanced electron fluxes in the range 30 keV – 3 MeV. This indicates that a coronal shock wave was able to produce
high energetic electrons. A mechanism of electron acceleration up to relativistic velocities is presented and compared with
the observations. The electron acceleration takes place at substructures of quasi-parallel collisionless shocks.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
在凝聚区旋转对称假设下,对1983年6月11日日食日冕凝聚区的光谱进行了分析处理,得到电子密度和温度在凝聚区内的分布.凝聚区中心电子密度比边缘大.不同线对得到的电子密度最大值在1.7~3.5×10~9cm~(-5)之间,而温度场则基本上是均匀的,其值在1.7~2.7×10~6K之间.湍流速度为15~35km/sec.凝聚区与宁静日冕的相对系统流不大于15km/sec.对仪器轮廓的讨论表明其对本身较宽的冕线影响很小. 相似文献
E. Y. Zlotnik 《Solar physics》2013,284(2):579-588
Solar radio emission is a significant source of information regarding coronal plasma parameters and the processes occurring in the solar atmosphere. High resolution frequency, space, and time observations together with the developed theory make it possible to retrieve physical conditions in the radiation source and recognize the radiation mechanisms responsible for various kinds of solar radio emission. In particular, the high brightness temperature of many bursts testifies to coherent radiation mechanisms, that is, to plasma instabilities in the corona. As an example, the fine structure of solar radio spectra looking like a set of quasi-harmonic stripes of enhanced and lowered radiation, which is observed against the type IV continuum at the post-flare phase of activity, is considered. It is shown that such emission arises from a trap-like source filled with a weakly anisotropic equilibrium plasma and a small addition of electrons which have a shortage of small velocities perpendicular to the magnetic field. For many recorded events with the mentioned fine spectral structure the instability processes responsible for the observed features are recognized. Namely, the background type IV continuum is due to the loss-cone instability of hot non-equilibrium electrons, and the enhanced striped radiation results from the double-plasma-resonance effect in the regions where the plasma frequency f p coincides with the harmonics of electron gyrofrequency f B ; f p=sf B . Estimations of the electron number density and magnetic field in the coronal magnetic traps, as well as the electron number density and velocities of hot electrons necessary to excite the radiation with the observed fine structure, are given. It is also shown that in some cases several ensembles of non-equilibrium electrons can coexist in magnetic traps during solar flares and that its radio signature sensitively depends on the parameters of the distribution functions of the various ensembles. 相似文献
由分析可知,在光学厚的介质中麦氏分布的极端相对论电子在磁场中能产生同步加速辐射,其辐射谱为瑞利—金斯谱.基于Fokker-Planck方程,这种波场对快电子的加速将产生幂律分布的电子能谱.考虑到日冕活动区的物理条件,在太阳耀斑中观测到的10Mev左右的电子能谱很可能就是由同步加速辐射加速快电子产生的. 相似文献
Fast electron beams(FEBs) are one of the main products of various active events and are ubiquitous in solar,space and cosmic plasmas.They reveal themselves in hard X-ray and radio emissions.The observed characteristics of X-ray and radio emissions sensitively depend on the energy distribution of FEBs,which usually have a power-law energy spectrum.As FEBs travel in the solar atmosphere,their energy distribution can considerably vary due to the interaction with ambient plasmas.Tang et al.investiga... 相似文献
太阳动力学观测站(Solar Dynamics Observatory,SDO)上的太阳大气成像仪(Atmospheric Imaging Assembly,AIA)利用谱线Fe IX 171 (A)在2010年10月16日对整个日面进行了连续的高分辨率观测,获得了高质量的数据.这些高质量的数据提供了仔细研究冕环振荡的样本.通过分析这份数据,发现活动区NOAA 1112在此期间爆发了一个M2.9级的耀斑.该耀斑触发了太阳表面的多个冕环产生强烈振荡.其中最为明显的两个振荡冕环呈现出截然不同的振荡特征.位于西492 Mm,南170 Mm(简称W492/S170,后面出现的坐标位置均采取这种标注)处的冕环做周期为pA0 =385 s的简谐振荡,其振荡方程为x=2.2sin[2π55(t-768)],其中t为时间,单位为s;而位于W559/S142处的冕环则是一种典型的阻尼振荡,其阻尼振荡周期为Pf =449 s,相应的振荡方程可表示为x=24.8e-2π/342tsin[2π/449(t-1128)]. 相似文献
Observations of the solar full-disk were carried out by the Atmo- spheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) with the Fe IX 171 Å line on 16th October 2010. The obtained high-quality data permit us to elaborate on the coronal loop oscillations. It is found that a major flare of GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) class M2.9 occurred in the active region NOAA 1112 during this period, which triggered a number of coronal loops on the solar surface to oscillate. Among them, there are two coronal loops exhibiting oscillations with different physical features. The oscillation of the coronal loop located at W492/S170 is a simple harmonic oscillation with a period of 385s, which abides by the oscillating equation of x = 2.2 sin[2π/385(t–768)], while the other located at W559/S142 is a damping oscillation with a period of 449s, and the oscillating equation is expressed by x = 24.8e - 2π/343 t sin[2π/449(t–1128)], where t is the observational time in units of second. 相似文献
普遍认为内激波中电子的同步辐射是γ射线暴快速光变辐射的主要辐射机制,但理论预言与观测结果始终符合不好.确认在内激波中电子因辐射损失而快速冷却,分析指出以往研究中求得的快速冷却电子同步辐射谱只是一个粗略的结果,由数值计算求得单电子快速冷却时的精确同步辐射谱,从而用一个统一模型合理解释观测到的长γ暴低能谱指数α的分布,拟合α与vFv谱的峰值能量Ep之间的相关. 相似文献
Yohkoh observations strongly suggest that electron acceleration in solar flares occurs in magnetic reconnection regions in the corona above the soft X-ray flare loops. Unfortunately, models for particle acceleration in reconnecting current sheets predict electron energy gains in terms of the reconnection electric field and the thickness of the sheet, both of which are extremely difficult to measure. It can be shown, however, that application of Ohm's law in a turbulent current sheet, combined with energy and Maxwell's equations, leads to a formula for the electron energy gain in terms of the flare power output, the magnetic field strength, the plasma density and temperature in the sheet, and its area. Typical flare parameters correspond to electron energies between a few tens of keV and a few MeV. The calculation supports the viewpoint that electrons that generate the continuum gamma-ray and hard X-ray emissions in impulsive solar flares are accelerated in a large-scale turbulent current sheet above the soft X-ray flare loops. 相似文献