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Several processes have been suggested as ways of returning accreted grain mantles to the gas, thus preventing the total removal of molecules from the gas phase in dark quiescent clouds. We attempt to distinguish between them by considering not only the calculated gas-phase abundances, but also the ratio of the abundances of deuterated species to non-deuterated species. We find that the D/H ratio in molecules is relatively model-independent, but that desorption due to the formation of H2 on grains gives the best overall agreement with the observations.  相似文献   

Molecular R -matrix calculations are performed to give rotational excitation rates for electron collisions with linear molecular ions. Results are presented for CO+, HCO+, NO+ and H2+ up to electron temperatures of 10 000 K. De-excitation rates and critical electron densities are also given. It is shown that the widely used Coulomb–Born approximation is valid for Δ j =1 transitions when the molecular ion has a dipole greater than about 2D, but otherwise is not reliable for studying electron-impact rotational excitation. In particular, transitions with Δ j >1 are found to have appreciable rates and are found to be entirely dominated by short-range effects.  相似文献   

Laboratory data on the conversion of solid methane into large hydrocarbons by particle radiation are used to estimate the fraction of interstellar carbon converted by this process into refractory form. We find that the maximum fraction of carbon that can be converted into refractory form during the life of a dense core within an interstellar cloud is in the range of 1–5 per cent. The implication of this result is that the conversion of enough carbon into refractory form to contribute significantly to interstellar extinction requires the frequent passage of material into and out of dense cores. If so, then interstellar clouds must exist for at least 10 Myr. However, these conclusions should be regarded as preliminary until confirmed by further laboratory studies of the particle irradiation of complex ice mixtures.  相似文献   

New multifrequency spatial and spectral studies of the hot molecular core associated with the ultracompact HII region G34.3+0.15 have demonstrated an extremely rich chemistry in this archetypal hot core and revealed differing spatial structure between certain species which may be a dynamical effect of chemical evolution. The structure of the hot core has been studied with the JCMT in the high excitation J=19-18 and J=18-17 lines of CH3CN and with the Nobeyama Millimetre Array at 4 arc resolution in the J=6-5 transition. Comparison with a VLA NH3(3,3) map shows a displacement between peak emission in the two chemical species which is consistent with chemical processing on a time scale comparable to the dynamical time scale of 105 yrs.A 330-360 GHz spectral survey of the hot core with the JCMT has detected 358 spectral lines from at least 46 distinct chemical species, including many typical of shocked chemistry while other species indicate abundances that reflect the chemistry of a previous cold phase. The first unambiguous detection of ethanol in hot gas has been made. Observations of 14 rotational transitions of this molecule yield a temperature of 125 K and column density 2×1015 cm–2. This large abundance cannot be made by purely gas-phase processes and it is concluded that ethanol must have formed by grain surface chemistry.  相似文献   

A model is constructed of the material in front of the star Cygnus OB2 no. 12 in which dense cores are embedded in diffuse clumps of gas. The model reproduces the measured abundances of C2 and CO, and predicts a column density of 91010 cm2 for HCO+.  相似文献   

Nearby interstellar clouds with high (|ν|≥10km s−1) random velocities although easily detected in NaI and CaII lines have hitherto not been detected (in emission or absorption) in the HI 21cm line. We describe here deep Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) HI absorption observations toward radio sources with small angular separation from bright O and B stars whose spectra reveal the presence of intervening high random velocity CaII absorbing clouds. In 5 out of the 14 directions searched we detect HI 21cm absorption features from these clouds. The mean optical depth of these detections is ∼0.09 and FWHM is ∼10km s−1, consistent with absorption arising from CNM clouds.  相似文献   

The attempt to understand the temperature dependence of the HNC/HCN abundance ratio in interstellar clouds has been long standing and indecisive. In this paper we report quantum chemical and dynamical studies of two neutral–neutral reactions thought to be important in the formation of HNC and HCN, respectively – C+NH2→HNC+H, and N+CH2→HCN+H. We find that although these reactions do lead initially to the products suggested by astronomers, there is so much excess energy available in both reactions that the HCN and HNC products are able to undergo efficient isomerization reactions after production. The isomerization leads to near equal production rates of the two isomers, with HNC slightly favoured if there is sufficient rotational excitation. This result has been incorporated into our latest chemical model network of dense interstellar clouds.  相似文献   

The possibility of nitrogen isotopic fractionation owing to ion–molecule exchange reactions involving the most abundant N-containing species in dense interstellar clouds has been explored. We find that exchange reactions between N atoms and N-containing ions have most influence on the fractionation, although the extent of fractionation is too small to be readily detectable.  相似文献   

The pure rotational spectrum of homonuclear diatomic molecules in the interstellar medium is strongly forbidden, and no such spectrum has been detected. In regions of high excitation, vibrational emission may occur, as is widely detected in the case of H2 in interstellar shocks and photon-dominated regions. However, it is of considerable interest to know the abundance of homonuclear diatomics in quiescent regions. We propose that vibrational emission from homonuclear diatomic molecules in cold clouds may be detectable, where the excitation is mainly through collisions with non-thermal electrons arising from the cosmic-ray ionization of H2. As an example, we estimate the intensity of emission from N2 in cold, dark interstellar clouds. We show that such emission is at the limit of detectability with current technology. Other excitation mechanisms may also contribute and enhance this emission.  相似文献   

The effects of the production on dust grain surfaces of molecular hydrogen in excited states have been investigated. On the assumption that all of the H2 formed on the surface of grains has a sufficient level of excitation too vercome the energy barriers in the formation reactions for the important OH and CH+ radicals, we consider the likely abundances of excited H2 (H2 *), OH and CH+ in various situations. Two different models are employed; the first links the H2 * abundance directly to that of H2 using a steady-state approximation, whilst the second considers the time-dependence of H2 *. The second model is applied to gas that has been subjected to a strong isothermal shock (specifically, the shock-induced collapse of a diffuse cloud), which results in an extreme (high density, high atomic hydrogen abundance) environment. In general, it is found that the presence of the excited H2 has only marginal effects on the chemistry of interstellar clouds. However, in the isothermal shock model, the abundances of CH+ are significantly enhanced, but only on short timescales, whilst the effects on the OH abundances are smaller, but last longer. We conclude that other than in such exceptional environments there are no obvious chemical signatures of the formation of H2 *. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The results of recent quantum mechanical calculations of cross-sections for rotational transitions within the vibrational ground state of HD are used to evaluate the rate of radiative energy loss from gas containing HD, in addition to H, He and H2. The cooling function for HD (i.e. the rate of cooling per HD molecule) is evaluated in steady state on a grid of values of the relevant parameters of the gas, namely the gas density and temperature, the atomic to molecular hydrogen abundance ratio and the ortho:para-H2 density ratio. The corresponding cooling function for H2, previously computed by Le Bourlot et al., is slightly revised to take account of transitions induced by collisions with ground-state ortho-H2 ( J =1). The cooling functions and the data required for their calculation are available from http://ccp7.dur.ac.uk/. We then make a study of the rate of cooling of the primordial gas through collisions with H2 and HD molecules. In this case, radiative transitions induced by the cosmic background radiation field and, in the case of H2, collisional transitions induced by H+ ions should additionally be included.  相似文献   

We have imaged the emission from the near-infrared   v =1–0  S(1), 1–0 S(7), 2–1 S(1) and 6–4 O(3) lines of molecular hydrogen in the Northern and South Western Bars of M17, together with the hydrogen Br γ and Br10 lines. This includes the first emission-line image ever to be obtained of a line from the highly excited   v =6  level of molecular hydrogen. In both Bars, the H2 emission is generally distributed in clumps along filamentary features. The 1–0 S(1) and 2–1 S(1) images have similar morphologies. Together with their relative line ratios, this supports a fluorescent origin for their emission, within a photodissociation region. The SW-Bar contains a clumpy medium, but in the N-Bar the density is roughly constant. The 1–0 S(7) line image is also similar to the 1–0 S(1) image, but the 6–4 O(3) image is significantly different from it. Since the emission wavelengths of these two lines are similar (1.748 to 1.733 μm), this cannot be due to differential extinction between the   v =6  and the   v =1  lines. We attribute the difference to the pumping of newly formed H2 into the   v =6  , or to a nearby, level. However, this also requires a time-dependent photodissociation region (where molecule formation does not balance dissociation), rather than it to be in steady state, and/or for the formation spectrum to vary with position in the source. If this interpretation of formation pumping of molecular hydrogen is correct, it is the first clear signature from this process to be seen.  相似文献   

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