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In the following paper we tried to apply the Lie-formalism to the regularized restricted three body problem. It will be shown that this algorithm leads to a very simple structure program which is also fast.  相似文献   

We consider a periodic (in time) linear Hamiltonian system that depends on a small parameter. At a zero value of this parameter, the matrix of the system is constant, has two identical pairs of purely imaginary roots, and is not reducible to diagonal form. Therefore, the unperturbed system is unstable. We propose an algorithm for determining the boundaries of the instability regions for the system at nonzero values of the small parameter. This algorithm was used to analyze the stability of triangular libration points in the elliptical restricted three-body problem and in the stability problem in one special case of stationary rotation of a satellite relative to the center of mass.  相似文献   

This brief survey of the author's contribution to the theory of resonance in celestial mechanics begins with the genesis of the Small Divisor. The fundamental distinction between theshallow anddeep resonance is illustrated by the 52 Jupiter-Saturn and the 3-2 Neptune-Pluto resonances in the planetary system.The search for aglobal solution through a removal of the small divisor is put into a historical perspective through the work of Laplace, Bohlin, and Poincaré. The author's own contribution to the methodology is the formulation and the solution of the Ideal Resonance Problem. If the resonance issimple, all the singularities in the solution are removed by means of aregularizing function. On the other hand, if the resonance isdouble, the second critical divisor seems irremovable, and a global solution may be precluded.Invited paper, IAU 1979, Commission 7, Montreal, Canada.  相似文献   

The author relates his experiences in utilizing the power series method to generate trajectories for orbital and sub-orbital vehicles and for then-body problem.  相似文献   

A selective survey of then-body problem of celestial mechanics is given where the emphasis is on the asymptotic behavior of all solutions ast, the possible configurations the particles can assume in phase space and in physical space, and collision and non-collision singularities.Supported in part by NSF Grant MPS 71-03407 A03.  相似文献   

Perturbation equations of celestial mechanics in terms of orbital elements are completely derived in application to the motion of interplanetary dust particle in the gravational field of the Sun and under the action of disturbing forces. Consideration of change of mass of interplanetary dust particle is the most important feature of this derivation. The results obtained are completely general in the case of constant masses.  相似文献   

In this paper, a special extrapolation method for the numerical integration of perturbed Kepler problems (given in KS-formulation) is worked out and analyzed in detail. The underlying so-called Kepler discretization isexact for the pure (elliptic) Kepler motion. A numerically stable realization is presented together with a backward error analysis: this analysis shows that the effect of the arising rounding errors can be regarded as a small perturbation inferior to the physical perturbation. For test purposes, a well-known example describing the motion of an artificial Earth satellite in an equator plane subject to the oblateness perturbation is used to demonstrate the efficiency of the new extrapolation method.Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Mathematical Methods in Celestial Mechanics held at Oberwolfach (West Germany) from 14 to 19 August, 1978.  相似文献   

New Runge-Kutta algorithms are applied for determining the solution of a system of ordinary differential equations at any point within a given integrating step. In this paper we propose the application of these new algorithms in order to determine, with the smallest possible cost, the exact point of intersection of a symmetric orbit, with the axis or plane of symmetry, which appear in various problems of celestial mechanics.  相似文献   

In the present paper the celestial mechanics consequences (light deflection, radar ranging of the planet, geodetic precession and secular effects in the orbital elements in the two-body problem) for the class of the theories based on the vacuum Jordan's Lagrangian has been considered. In these theories the gravitational constantG is proportional to , being a scalar field and , some dimensionless parameter and the local law of conservation of the energy-momentum tensor holds. Of all these theories with different the most interesting one is that corresponding to =0. In the postnewtonian approximation this gravitational theory is completely equivalent to the general theory of relativity.  相似文献   

The development of digital computers induced major new developments in Celestial Mechanics. At present, one can hardly mention a project in Celestial Mechanics that does not use computers as the principal tool. One can distinguish many different manners of using computers in Celestial Mechanics. Among them, the following are presented and typical examples are given: algebraic manipulations for literal and semi-numerical theories, numerical integration of the equations of motion, determination of physical parameters, numerical checks of analytical results, studies of families of solutions, search for new conjectures, scanning the phase space. In all these approaches, and in others omitted here, major scientific achievements were obtained in the last 20 years and new problems can now be envisaged that were unaccessible even a few years ago.  相似文献   

Generalized perturbation equations of celestial mechanics in terms of orbital elements are derived. The most general case is considered: Keplerian motion of two bodies caused by gravitational forces between them is disturbed by disturbing acceleration acting on each of the bodies separately and by changes of masses of these bodies. It is also pointed out why derivation presented in Klaka (1992a) is completely physically correct only for constant masses.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to emphasize the usefulness of STF-tensors in celestial mechanics. Using STF-mass multipole moments and Cartesian coordinates the derivations of equations of motion, the interaction- and tidal-potentials for an isolated system ofN arbitrarily shaped and composed, purely gravitationally interacting bodies are particularly simple. Using simple relations between STF-tensors and spherical harmonics it is shown how all Cartesian formulas can be converted easily into the usual spherical representations. Some computational aspects of STF-tensors and spherical harmonics are discussed. A list of useful formulas for STF-tensors is provided.  相似文献   

Determination of dynamical effects from the equations of motion and calculation of ephemerides in terms of measurable quantities on the basis of the equations of light should be performed in one and the same coordinate system. The choice of coordinate system is arbitrary. For illustration we consider coplanar circular motions of the Earth and one of the inner planets in the solar gravitational field described by the generalized three-parametric Schwarzschild metric. Specific values of the metric parameters characterize the adopted gravitational theory, as well as a definite coordinate system (for example, isotropic or standard coordinates). Coordinates of the planets and radii of the orbits are coordinate-dependent quantities and cannot be directly reconciled with measurable quantities such as the round-trip transit times of radar signals or the angular distance between the planet and the distant fixed source (quasar). These ephemeris data may be calculated in terms of the initial measured values independently of the employed coordinate system. Relativistic ephemeris corrections should be taken into account both in radar reflection measurements and astrometric observations.  相似文献   

The KS-transformation introduced by P. Kustaanheimo and E. Stiefel into celestial mechanics is derived straight from the Kepler Formulas. There follow the treatment of the inverse Newton problem comprising the derivation of the differential equations of mechanics by J. Hermann and L. Euler and also remarks concerning the fundamental papers by Euler about the planet problem and then-body problem. The conclusion is a simple example given by A. Voss and H. Liebmann, for the differential equations of mechanics with non-holonomic condition, which is of pseudoplanetary quality.This paper originated from several stays at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich; Seminar of Professor E. Stiefel in 1973/74.  相似文献   

We complete Mc Gehee's picture of introducing a boundary (total collision) manifold to each energy surface. This is done by constructing the missing components of its boundary as other submanifolds. representing now the asymptotic behavior at infinity.It is necessary to treat each caseh=0,h>0 orh<0 separately. In the first case, we repeat the known result that the behavior at total escape is the same as in total collision. In particular, we explain why the situation is radically different in theh>0 case compared with the zero energy case. In the caseh<0 we have many infinity manifold components. and the general situation is not quite well understood.Finally, our results forh0 are shown to be valid for general homogeneous potentials.Paper presented at the 1981 Oberwolfach Conference on Mathematical Methods in Celestial Mechanics.The research conducted in this paper has been partially supported by CONACYT (México), under grant PCCBNAL 790178.Partially supported by an Ajut a l'Investigacio of the University of Barcelona.  相似文献   

The analogy between the differential equations describing dynamical systems of two degrees of freedom on one hand and two and three dimensional flow on the other hand is investigated in some detail.Presented at the Conference on Celestial Mechanics, Oberwolfach, Germany, August 17–23, 1969.  相似文献   

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