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Robe's restricted three-body problem is reanalyzed with a view to incorporate a new assumption, namely that the configuration of the fluid body is that described by an hydrostatic equilibrium figure (Roche's ellipsoid). In the concomitant gravitational field a full treatment of the buoyancy force is given. The pertinent equations of motion are derived, the linear stability of the equilibrium solution is studied and the connection between the effect of the buoyancy forces and a perturbation of the Coriolis force is pointed out.  相似文献   

In this paper, we prove the existence of special type of motions in the restricted planar parabolic three-body problem, of the type exchange, emission–capture, and emission–escape with close passages to collinear and equilateral triangle configuration, among others. The proof is based on a gradient-like property of the Jacobian function when equations of motion are written in a rotating–pulsating reference frame, and the extended phase space is compactified in the time direction. Thus a phase space diffeomorphic to -coordinates (θ, ζ, ζ′) is obtained with the boundary manifolds θ = ± π/2 corresponding to escapes of the binaries when time tends to ± ∞. It is shown there exists exactly five critical points on each boundary, corresponding to classic homographic solutions. The connections of the invariant manifolds associated to the collinear configurations, and stable/unstable sets associated to binary collision on the boundary manifolds, are obtained for arbitrary masses of the primaries. For equal masses extra connections are obtained, which include equilateral configurations. Based on the gradient-like property, a geometric criterion for capture is proposed and is compared with a criterion introduced by Merman (1953b) in the fifties, and an example studied numerically by Kocina (1954).  相似文献   

The capture dynamics is an important field in Astronomy and Astronautics. In this paper, the near-optimal lunar capture in the Earth–Moon transfer is investigated under the frame of the planar circular restricted three-body problem. We try to work out how to achieve the permanent lunar capture with the minimum maneuver consumption. This problem is decomposed into two parts: the pre-maneuver part and the post-maneuver part. In the pre-maneuver part, considering the criteria of the gravitational capture, we obtain the minimum pre-maneuver velocity via the numerical backward integration. In the post-maneuver part, using the Poincaré section and the KAM theory, we find the maximum post-maneuver velocity to achieve the permanent capture. Synthesized the results of the two parts, a new method is presented to find the near-optimal maneuver position and the minimum maneuver consumption. The method presented is simple and visible, and can provide abundant capture orbits for the design of low energy Earth–Moon transfers.  相似文献   

The critical orbits, corresponding to bifurcations of the generating family and its branches, are considered more closely and the part off is investigated that has branches of very high order only. Three families of periodic solutions of the elliptic problem are also determined in an effort to follow the evolution of the stability region aroundf when the eccentricity of the primaries is increased to non-zero values.  相似文献   

In this article a method is described for the determination of families of periodic orbits, of the restricted problem of three bodies, as branchings of a given family of stable periodic orbits. Poincaré's method of successive crossings of a surface of section is applied for a value of the mass parameter corresponding to the Sun-Jupiter case of the restricted problem. New families are found, of the type of direct asteroids, having long periods and closing in space after many revolutions of the third body about the Sun. Their stability parameters are also given. The generating family, from which they branch, seems to have special significance for stability considerations.  相似文献   

The main goal of this paper is to show that the elliptic restricted three-body problem has ejection-collision orbits when the mass parameter µ is small enough. We make use of the blow up techniques. Moreover, we describe the global flow of the elliptic problem when µ = 0 taking into account the singularities due to collision and to infinity.  相似文献   

This study investigates Lagrangian coherent structures (LCS) in the planar elliptic restricted three-body problem (ER3BP), a generalization of the circular restricted three-body problem (CR3BP) that asks for the motion of a test particle in the presence of two elliptically orbiting point masses. Previous studies demonstrate that an understanding of transport phenomena in the CR3BP, an autonomous dynamical system (when viewed in a rotating frame), can be obtained through analysis of the stable and unstable manifolds of certain periodic solutions to the CR3BP equations of motion. These invariant manifolds form cylindrical tubes within surfaces of constant energy that act as separatrices between orbits with qualitatively different behaviors. The computation of LCS, a technique typically applied to fluid flows to identify transport barriers in the domains of time-dependent velocity fields, provides a convenient means of determining the time-dependent analogues of these invariant manifolds for the ER3BP, whose equations of motion contain an explicit dependency on the independent variable. As a direct application, this study uncovers the contribution of the planet Mercury to the Interplanetary Transport Network, a network of tubes through the solar system that can be exploited for the construction of low-fuel spacecraft mission trajectories. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The circular restricted three-body problem is considered to model the dynamics of an artificial body submitted to the attraction of two planets. Minimization of the fuel consumption of the spacecraft during the transfer, e.g. from the Earth to the Moon, is considered. In the light of the controllability results of Caillau and Daoud (SIAM J Control Optim, 2012), existence for this optimal control problem is discussed under simplifying assumptions. Thanks to Pontryagin maximum principle, the properties of fuel minimizing controls is detailed, revealing a bang-bang structure which is typical of L1-minimization problems. Because of the resulting non-smoothness of the Hamiltonian two-point boundary value problem, it is difficult to use shooting methods to compute numerical solutions (even with multiple shooting, as many switchings on the control occur when low thrusts are considered). To overcome these difficulties, two homotopies are introduced: One connects the investigated problem to the minimization of the L2-norm of the control, while the other introduces an interior penalization in the form of a logarithmic barrier. The combination of shooting with these continuation procedures allows to compute fuel optimal transfers for medium or low thrusts in the Earth–Moon system from a geostationary orbit, either towards the L 1 Lagrange point or towards a circular orbit around the Moon. To ensure local optimality of the computed trajectories, second order conditions are evaluated using conjugate point tests.  相似文献   

Three integrals of motion have been found in the three-dimensional elliptic restricted three-body problem for small eccentricitye of the relative orbit of the primaries and small distancer and eccentricitye of the orbit of the third body around a primary. The integrals are given in the form of formal series in the mass-ratio , the eccentricitiese, e and the coordinates and velocities. These integrals depend periodically on the time.  相似文献   

We consider a restricted three-body problem consisting of two positive equal masses m 1 = m 2 moving, under the mutual gravitational attraction, in a collision orbit and a third infinitesimal mass m 3 moving in the plane P perpendicular to the line joining m 1 and m 2. The plane P is assumed to pass through the center of mass of m 1 and m 2. Since the motion of m 1 and m 2 is not affected by m 3, from the symmetry of the configuration it is clear that m 3 remains in the plane P and the three masses are at the vertices of an isosceles triangle for all time. The restricted planar isosceles three-body problem describes the motion of m 3 when its angular momentum is different from zero and the motion of m 1 and m 2 is not periodic. Our main result is the characterization of the global flow of this problem.  相似文献   

We used the power series solution to discuss the computation of the Lyapunov Characteristic Numbers of the regularised equations of the planar restricted three-body problem, and found it to be more effective than the usual numerical methods (RK78, linear multi-step). Our results show that the Sundman type of power series solution can be used in practice. We also found that in the limiting case where the infinitisimal body is indefinitely close to either of the finite bodies, all the LCNs should be zero.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of gravity assisted flybys in the planar, circular, restricted three-body problem (pcr3bp) that is inspired by the Keplerian map and by the Tisserand- Poincaré graph. The new Flyby map is defined and used to give insight on the flyby dynamics and on the accuracy of the linked-conics model. The first main result of this work is using the Flyby map to extend the functionality of the Tisserand graph to low energies beyond the validity of linked conics. Two families of flybys are identified: Type I (direct) flybys and Type II (retrograde) flybys. The second main result of this work shows that Type I flybys exist at all energies and are more efficient than Type II flybys, when both exist. The third main result of this work is the introduction of a new model, called ??Conics, When I Can??, which mixes numerical integration and patched conics formulas, and has applications beyond the scope of this work. The last main result is an example trajectory with multiple flybys at Ganymede, all outside the linked-conics domain of applicability. The trajectory is computed with the pcr3bp, and connects an initial orbit around Jupiter intersecting the Callisto orbit, to an approach transfer to Europa. Although the trajectory presented has similar time of flight and radiation dose of other solutions found in literature, the orbit insertion ??v is 150 m/s lower. For this reason, the transfer is included in the lander option of the Europa Habitability Mission Study.  相似文献   

Starting with a simple Taylor-based expansion of the inverse of the distance between two bodies, we are able to obtain a series expansion of the disturbing function of the three-body problem (planar elliptic case) which is valid for all points of the phase space outside the immediate vicinity of the collision points. In particular, the expansion is valid for very high values of the eccentricity of the perturbed body. Furthermore, in the case of an interior mean-motion resonant configuration, the above-mentioned expression is easily averaged with respect to the synodic period, yielding once again a global expansion of (R) valid for very high eccentricities.Comparisons between these results and the numerically computed exact function are presented for various resonances and values of the eccentricity. Maximum errors are determined in each case and their origin is established. Lastly, we discuss the applicability of the present expansion to practical problems.  相似文献   

The equations of motion of the planar three-body problem split into two parts, called an external part and an internal part. When the third mass approaches zero, the first part tends to the equations of the Kepler motion of the primaries and the second part to the equations of motion of the restricted problem.We discuss the Hill stability from these equations of motion and the energy integral. In particular, the Jacobi integral for the circular restricted problem is seen as an infinitesimal-mass-order term of the Sundman function in this context.  相似文献   

By introducing general functions which depend on distance, a general scheme which determines the equilibrium solutions for the generalized restricted three-body problem is given. Applications to problems such as primaries considered as rigid bodies, influence of the radiation pressure of the primaries, and a combination of radiation pressure and rigid body are presented.  相似文献   

Stabiliity is applied to characterize type of motion in which the moving body is confined to certain limited regions and in this sense we may say that the motion of the body in question is stable. This method has been used in the past chiefly in connection with the classical restricted problem of three bodies.In this paper we consider a dynamical system defined by the Lagrangian

Unstable resonant orbits in the circular restricted three-body problem have increasingly been used for trajectory design using optimization and invariant manifold techniques. In this study, several methods for computing these unstable resonant orbits are explored including grid searches, flyby maps, and continuation. Families of orbits are computed focusing on orbits with multiple loops near the secondary in the Jupiter–Europa system, and their characteristics are explored. Different parameters such as period and stability are examined for each set of resonant orbits, and the continuation of several specific orbits is explored in more detail.  相似文献   

We apply the numerical technique of Poincare surface of section to investigate the dichotomy present in the Earth-Moon system, considering the framework of planar, circular, restricted three-body problem. A study on the transition of quasi-periodic orbits (oscillatory type dichotomy) present at the Jacobi constant C=2.85 shows that the dichotomy discussed here exist not at a particular value of the mass ratio and the Jacobi constant. It is observed that as C increases, the range of mass ratio at which the dichotomy pertains increases, even though the mass ratio at which the transition of orbits takes place decreases.  相似文献   

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