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The chemical speciation of dissolved copper was investigated in waters from the limno-corrals of the MELIMEX project and compared with speciation data from other Swiss lakes. Copper is complexed primarily by organic ligands having molecular sizes between 104 and 103 daltons. The mean concentration of the ligands is approximately 5×10−7 mole/mg DOC. The conditional stability constants (pH=8.8) are about 1011. An increased metal load did not induce an increase of binding ligands. A comparison of calculated Cu2+ concentration with corresponding copper contents in the biomass leads to the conclusion that organic ligands and pH are the most important factors in deciding the biological availability of copper. However the sorption capacity of the biomass depends as well on the variety of plankton species.  相似文献   

The level of Lake Tana, Ethiopia, fluctuates annually and seasonally following the patterns of changes in precipitation. In this study, a mass balance approach is used to estimate the hydrological balance of the lake. Water influx from four major rivers, subsurface inflow from the floodplains, precipitation, outflow from the lake constituting river discharge and evapotranspiration from the lake are analysed on monthly and annual bases. Spatial interpolation of precipitation using rain gauge data was conducted using kriging. Outflow from the lake was identified as the evaporation from the lake's surface as well as discharge at the outlet where the Blue Nile commences. Groundwater inflow is estimated using MODular three‐dimensional finite‐difference ground‐water FLOW model software that showed an aligned flow pattern to the river channels. The groundwater outflow is considered negligible based on the secondary sources that confirmed the absence of lake water geochemical mixing outside of the basin. Evaporation is estimated using Penman's, Meyer's and Thornwaite's methods to compare the mass balance and energy balance approaches. Meteorological data, satellite images and temperature perturbation simulations from Global Historical Climate Network of National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration are employed for estimation of evaporation input parameters. The difference of the inflow and outflow was taken as storage in depth and compared with the measured water level fluctuations. The study has shown that the monthly and annually calculated lake level replicates the observed values with root mean square error value of 0·17 and 0·15 m, respectively. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The water balance of a small lake using stable isotopes and tritium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A small maar lake, known as the Blue Lake, set in a karstic region of southeastern Australia, provides the municipal water supply for a population of 20,000. The lake has a volume of 3.6·107m3, of which 10–15% is pumped from it each year. The lake is recharged almost entirely from groundwater and the main objective of this study was to estimate the total groundwater inflow and outflow rates. Estimation of groundwater throughflow in a lake is difficult to assess using classical hydrological techniques and an alternative method involving measurement of the concentrations of the environmental isotopes 3H, 18O, 2H and 14C in the lake water and in the recharging groundwater was used to establish the lake-water balance. The water-balance calculations indicated a total groundwater inflow to Blue Lake of between 5.0·106 and 6.5·106m3yr.−1, corresponding to a residence time of water in the lake of 6 yr. It was not possible to derive the relative proportions of inflow to the lake from the two possible source aquifers, using these isotopes, because their concentrations did not show a sufficiently large contrast to distinguish the two water sources.  相似文献   

The crustacea plankton of three artificial model lakes in Lake Baldegg was observed during 15 months. Two were loaded continuously with low concentrations of five heavy metals (Hg, Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb). It was attempted to explain the significant lower abundances of the loaded limno-corrals. The results suggest that the decrease was not, or only partially, caused by the lower food supply in the loaded limnocorrals, but directly by the heavy metals. Accompaning laboratory tests show significantly increased egg-development-times for two species of those animals from the loaded limno-corrals. Two other species show a decrease of the egg production/♀. It cannot be determined if increased mortality of particular animal stages was caused by heavy metals.
Résumé On a observé pendant 15 mois les crustacés planctoniques des trois modèles de lac installés dans le lac de Baldegg. Dans deux de ceux-ci, une charge constante de cinq métaux lourds (Hg, Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb) de faible concentration a été maintenue. On a essayé d'expliquer la faible concentration significative de plancton dans les bassins limnologiques chargés. Les résultats montrent que la diminution n'était que partiellement ou pas du tout causée par le faible approvisionnement en nourriture dans les bassins chargés, mais directement par les métaux lourds. Les tests de laboratoire montrent significativement l'augmentation du temps de développement des œufs pour deux espèces animales des bassins chargés. Deux autres espèces montrent une diminution de la production d'œufs/♀. On ne peut pas déterminer l'augmentation de la mortalité des animaux causée par les métaux lourds à des stades particuliers de développement.

Long-term impacts of increased metal loading (Hg, Cu, Cd, Zn and Pb) on phytoplankton communities of large limno-corrals (diameter 12 m, depth 10 m) were studied. Increased metal concentrations initially lowered phytoplankton biomass, as well as species number and photosynthetic activity of phytoplankton. They caused changes in metal speciation and shifts in phytoplankton community structure, favoring less susceptible species. Although adaptation was not sufficient to completely prevent the metal-induced depression of photosynthesis, due to depressed zooplankton grazing, at the end of the experiment even higher phytoplankton densities were observed in the metal-loaded corrals than in the control.  相似文献   

甘磊  钟萍  苏玲  刘正文 《湖泊科学》2019,31(5):1219-1228
分析湖泊沉积物磷形态的变化是揭示控制沉积物磷释放机理的关键.本研究分析了暨南大学南湖加镧改性膨润土前后水体磷浓度和沉积物磷形态变化,以探讨镧改性膨润土对削减水体磷浓度的效果.结果显示,镧改性膨润土添加后,上覆水磷浓度波动较大,总体呈下降趋势;至60 d时,水体总磷、颗粒态磷、总溶解磷和溶解性反应磷分别比添加前下降了45.1%、44.1%、48.2%和85.3%;沉积物中的弱结合态磷和氧化还原敏感性磷含量减少,更稳定的磷灰石结合态磷和残渣磷含量增加,而金属氧化物磷和有机磷含量变化较小.本研究表明镧改性膨润土能改变沉积物磷形态,使活性磷转化为稳定的磷形态,从而提高沉积物对磷的滞留能力、降低湖水磷含量,改善水质.  相似文献   

The use of stable isotopes is a practical tool in the study of the lake water budget. This is an one way to study the hydrological cycle in the large numbers of inland lakes on the Tibetan Plateau, in which the isotope record of the sediment is believed to reflect the climatic and environmental changes. The monitoring of stable isotopes of the precipitation, river and lake waters during 2004 in the inland Yamdruk‐tso basin, southern Tibetan Plateau, reveals the lake water δ18O is over 10‰ higher than the local precipitation. This high difference indicates strong isotope enrichment due to lake water evaporation. The simulation results based on the isotope technique show that the present lake water δ18O level corresponds to an average relative humidity of around 54–58% during evaporation, which is very close to the instrumental observation. The simulation results also show that the inland lakes on the Tibetan Plateau have a strong adjustability to the isotope shift of input water δ18O. On average, the isotope component in the inland lake water is to a large extent controlled by the local relative humidity, and can also be impacted by a shift of the local precipitation isotope component. This is probably responsible for the large consistence in the isotope component in the extensive inland lakes on the Tibetan Plateau. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The validation of soil water balance models and the evaluation of the quality of the model predictions at field‐scale require time‐series of in situ measured model outputs. In our study, we have validated such a model using a 6‐year period with time‐series of automatically recorded, daily volumetric soil water contents measured with the time‐domain reflectometry with intelligent microelements (TRIME) method and daily pressure heads measured with tensiometers. The comparisons of simulated with measured soil water contents and pressure heads were analysed using the modelling efficiency index (IA) and the square root of the mean square error (RMSE) in order to evaluate the prediction quality of the model. In our study, IA and RMSE, obtained either from the comparison of simulated with measured soil water contents or the comparison of calculated with observed pressure heads, in some cases lead to different results regarding the evaluation of the simulation quality of the soil water balance model. For example, a good fit between simulated and observed soil water contents does not necessarily result in a comparably good fit between the corresponding calculated and measured pressure heads. Therefore, a combined use of both measurement techniques, which takes into account their respective advantages and disadvantages, gives a more complete overview on the simulation quality of the soil water balance model than the single use of one of those techniques. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In most lakes eutrophication is linked to an excessive input of phosphorus. Lake restoration by reduction of P-input (external measure) has led to a considerable drop of the P-concentration in all major Swiss lakes as well as in many other lakes. Internal restoration measures such as artificial mixing, drainage of hypolimnetic water, flushing, aeration, biomanipulation and others serve to improve and accelerate the response of a lake to external measures. For the case of Lago di Lugano, a simple two-box model is employed to demonstrate that a reduction of the P-input to about 25% of the present values is necessary to reach the P-criterion (P-concentration below 30 µg/l). Internal measures could possibly accelerate the extremely slow response of the northern basin.  相似文献   

In two limno-corrals loaded with heavy metals the density of tubificid worms and chironomid larvae was higher than in the control. The better oxygen conditions observed in the heavy metal loaded corrals might explain this discrepancy. The higher oxygen concentration at the sediment-water interface was due to lower organic sedimentation, consequence of the primary production reduced by heavy metals. In all limno-corrals, the tubificid populations consisted ofTubifex tubifex. The size structure of tubificid populations in the heavy metal loaded corrals indicated a delayed reproduction compared to the control.  相似文献   


A water balance model of Lake Victoria that can be used to assess rainfall from lake level, is derived. The model utilizes satellite estimates of rainfall directly over the lake. The model, initially derived and calibrated for the period 1956–1978, is reformulated here in such a way that all water balance terms except evaporation can be calculated from a combination of catchment rainfall and level of the lake. The reformulated model is validated and used to predict lake level fluctuations during the period 1931–1994. An error analysis is also performed. The model is then “inverted” to solve for mean rainfall conditions during various intervals of changing lake levels. For modern periods with known rainfall conditions, the error in model estimates is of the order of 1%.  相似文献   

城市浅水型湖泊底泥释磷的通量估算--以南京玄武湖为例   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
以南京玄武湖为研究对象,通过静态条件下5℃、10℃、15℃、25℃、35℃玄武湖底泥释磷室内实验计算玄武湖释磷速率,得出底泥释磷速率与上覆水温度的关系,进而算出玄武湖北湖每年磷释放量为0.815 t,东南湖每年磷释放量为 1.013t,西南湖每年磷释放量为0.266t.玄武湖每年底泥释磷总量为2.094 t.根据费克定理,建立了间隙水扩散模型,利用模型计算玄武湖北湖每年磷释放量为0.799 t,东南湖每年磷释放量为0.983 t,西南湖每年磷释放量为0.232 t.玄武湖每年底泥释磷总量为2.014t.在不考虑外源污染的情况下,由底泥磷释放造成的内源污染使玄武湖磷浓度年均维持在 0.101 mg/L,超过湖泊富营养化磷标准,因此,在切断外源污染的情况下应采取措施治理磷的内源污染.  相似文献   

Discontinuous measurements of the isotopic composition of surface water samples of the Garda lake carried out between 1998 and 2006 showed almost constant δ18O, δD and d-excess values through time. During 2006 and 2007 monthly vertical profiles of water samples were collected in the northernmost section of the lake, not far from the main inflow (Sarca river) to check whether there was any detectable influence from this inflowing river and whether there was a vertical isotopic stratification of the lake water. The isotopic measurement of water samples from the vertical profiles yielded isotopic values which were almost equal to those obtained from surface waters showing no detectable effect of the inflowing river water and no isotopic vertical stratification. The attempt to evaluate the evaporation rate of lake water by means of current models was totally unsuccessful. Despite the marked summer warming of the surface layer no isotopic fractionation related to evaporation processes could be detected. This anomalous behaviour may be related to the large amount of spring and summer precipitation characteristic of this area. The water balance of the lake calculated according to the amount of the inflowing water (Sarca river water plus rain water on the lake plus 20% of the precipitations on the whole catchment basin) and to the amount of outflowing water (Mincio river) showed a large imbalance, the river outflow alone resulting on average, during the last decade, at least double the inflow. To explain this imbalance of the lake, a large recharge by concealed groundwater is suggested: its isotopic composition should be quite close to the mean isotopic composition of precipitations over that area. This would be in agreement with the almost constant isotopic composition of both surface and deep waters and with the lack of vertical isotopic stratification. A few measurements of the tritium concentration carried out on lake water show values that are considerably higher than modern tritium values either in precipitation or in the Sarca river water: these results are in good agreement with the hypothesis of a recharge of the lake by deep aquifers.  相似文献   

The hydrology and water balance of megadunes and lakes have been investigated in the Badain Jaran Desert of China. Field observations and analyses of sand layer water content, field capacity, secondary salt content, and grain size reveal 3 types of important natural phenomenon: (a) vegetation bands on the leeward slope of the megadunes reflect the hydrological regime within the sandy vadose zone; (b) seepage, wet sand deposits, and secondary salt deposits indicate the pattern of water movement within the sandy vadose zone; (c) zones of groundwater seeps and descending springs around the lakes reflect the influence of the local topography on the hydrological regime of the megadunes. The seepage exposed on the sloping surface of the megadunes and gravity water contained within the sand layer confirm the occurrence of preferential flow within the vadose zone of the megadunes. Alternating layers of coarse and fine sand create the conditions for the formation of preferential flows. The preferential flows promote movement of water within the sand layer water that leads to deep penetration of water within the megadunes and ultimately to the recharging of groundwater and lake water. Our results indicate that a positive water balance promotes recharge of the megadunes, which depends on the high permeability of the megadune material, the shallow depth of the surface sand layer affected by evaporation, the occurrence of rainfall events exceeding 15 mm, and the sparse vegetation cover. Water balance estimates indicate that the annual water storage of the megadunes is about 7.5 mm, accounting for only 8% of annual precipitation; however, the shallow groundwater per unit area under the megadunes receives only 3.6% of annual precipitation, but it is still able to maintain a dynamic balance of the lake water. From a water budget perspective, the annual water storage in the megadunes is sufficient to serve as a recharge source for lake water, thereby enabling the long‐term persistence of the lakes. Overall, our findings demonstrate that precipitation is a significant component of the hydrological cycle in arid deserts.  相似文献   

In three limno-corrals of the MELIMEX project the transport paths of the trace metals Cu, Zn, Cd, Hg and Pb and the reaction of the systems on increased metal loads were investigated. The metal balances lead to the conclusion that the biomass is the main factor responsible for the regulation of trace metal concentration. The observed sequence of relative residence times of the trace metals can be described with a steady-state model. Additional metal load decreases the ability of the limnic system to lower the metal concentration. The production of phytoplankton and its assimilation capacity for metals are reduced leading to relatively higher metal concentrations in the lake.  相似文献   

Glucose uptake in lake water samples has been determined with short-time14C-experiments at different additions of the single heavy metals Cu++, Zn++, Cd++, Pb++, Hg++ and at different additions of a combination of all metals. The degree of a metal induced inhibition of glucose uptake varied from lake to lake and from season to season, whereby the addition of legally tolerated concentrations of 10 μg Cu/l and 200 μg Zn/l inhibited glucose uptake in most samples significantly, as well as the simultaneous addition of all metals. The legally tolerated limit of 1 μg Hg/l inhibited glucose uptake in Lake Lucerne samples almost completely, showed however no effect in samples of Lake Baldegg. The equimolar toxicity sequence of heavy metals for heterotrophic microorganisms has been determined as: Hg>Cu>Cd>(Zn. Pb). Glucose uptake of plankton sampled from metal polluted limno-corrals was less inhibited than that of the control plankton, when heavy metals were added to the samples singly or in combination. It is assumed that this effect is due to the natural selection of more resistant plankton species.  相似文献   

Lake Frøylandsvatn is a shallow eutrophic lake which has frequent blooms of various species of blue-green algae, often producing toxins. The lake receives heavy nutrient loads, mainly from agriculture, as well as a large internal load from its own sediments. It also shows several signs of being an unbalanced ecosystem. It has been calculated that phosphorus and chlorophyll levels need to be reduced by approximately 50% to improve the water quality enough for swimming. The analysis presented here makes it possible to compare the cost-effectiveness of different measures, including both catchment area and lake-internal methods. In addition to conventional means of reducing phosphorus pollution caused by agricultural activities and sewage, other measures, including biomanipulation and self-purification processes through artificial ponds and wetlands, will be necessary to achieve the ambitious goal that has been set.  相似文献   

The current study focuses on the vertical profile of different geochemical fractions of phosphorus-loosely bound(Lo–P),aluminium bound(Al–P),iron bound(Fe–P),calcium bound(Ca–P),and organic bound phosphorus(O–P)along with ecological risk assessment of sediment cores from Chilika Lake,eastcoast of India.The percentage contribution of the different fractions to the sedimentary phosphorus in the sediment column of the whole lake are on the order:O–P(33.2%)>Ca–P(20.3%)>Fe–P(18%)>Al–P(6.7%)>Lo–P(0.35%).The Phosphorus Pollution Index(PPI)revealed the contamination of lake sediment with phosphorus.The principal component and cluster analyses highlighted the anthropogenic contribution of phosphorus.The negative loading of Ca–P with Ca points towards its origin from marine shells.The discriminate analysis showed that the variables like Ca–P,bio-available phosphorus(BAP),and pH were able to effectively discriminate the sectors in a significant manner.  相似文献   

The numerous lakes on the Tibetan Plateau play an important role in the regional hydrological cycle and water resources, but systematic observations of the lake water balance are scarce on the Tibetan Plateau. Here, we present a detailed study on the water cycle of Cona Lake, at the headwaters of the Nujiang‐Salween River, based on 3 years (2011–2013) of observations of δ18O and δ2H, including samples from precipitation, lake water, and outlet surface water. Short‐term atmospheric water vapor was also sampled for isotope analyses. The δ2H–δ18O relationship in lake water (δ2H = 6.67δ18O ? 20.37) differed from that of local precipitation (δ2H = 8.29δ18O + 12.50), and the deuterium excess (d‐excess) in the lake water (?7.5‰) was significantly lower than in local precipitation (10.7‰), indicating an evaporative isotope enrichment in lake water. The ratio of evaporation to inflow (E /I ) of the lake water was calculated using both d‐excess and δ18O. The E /I ratios of Cona lake ranged from 0.24 to 0.27 during the 3 years. Observations of atmospheric water vapor isotopic composition (δ A ) improved the accuracy in E /I ratio estimate over a simple precipitation equilibrium model, though a correction factor method provided nearly identical estimates of E /I ratio. The work demonstrates the feasibility of d‐excess in the study of the water cycle for lakes in other regions of the world and provides recommendations on sampling strategies for accurate calculations of E /I ratio.  相似文献   


The annual water balance of Lake Kyoga is estimated by a comparison of upstream and downstream flows in the Nile channel during a period of reliable measurements (1940–1977), supported by rainfall records over the basin. The relative contributions of net lake rainfall and tributary inflows are estimated. Changes in annual rainfall and seasonal distribution are examined.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Brown, E. and Sutcliffe, J.V., 2013. The water balance of Lake Kyoga, Uganda. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (2), 342–353.  相似文献   

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