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Red Giants on the Asymptotic Giant Branch typically are more luminous than M K = -7 mag. Therefore, a new Two Micron Sky Survey which will go as faint as m K = 10 mag will be able to observe most of these stars in the Milky Way. Such a complete census will enable us to develop a much better understanding of Galactic Structure. It will be important to separate the luminous red giants into their different subclasses because these subclasses trace different Galactic Populations. For example, Miras with periods less than 300 days can be used to study the thick disk while Miras with periods greater than 300 days belong to the thin disk.  相似文献   

Interstellar reddening, the ratio [Fe/H], effective temperatures, surface gravities, and masses for twelve clump stars at the blue end of the giant branch and for seven non-clump red giant members in NGC 7789 have been determined from existingUBV andDDO photoelectric data. For the metal abundance and helium content of the clump stars we foundZ0.01 andY0.38, respectively. The masses of the red giants are found to be higher than those of the clump stars. On average, the masses of the clump stars are about half of the turnoff point mass. We conclude that the clump stars could have undergone mass loss before reaching their helium core burning phase of evolution. This conclusion arises from an analysis of the several sources entering our mass determination.  相似文献   

Measurements of lithium in stars of different galactic populations such as young open clusters ( Per, Pleiades, Praesepe, Coma, Hyades), very young stellar associations (Taurus-Auriga, Chamaeleon, Ophiuchus clouds), intermediate and old open clusters (NGC 752, M 67, NGC 188), old disc stars and halo stars give us the observational framework from which the galactic evolution of lithium has to be inferred. This element is produced mainly via three mechanisms: primordial nucleosynthesis, spallation reactions in the interstellar medium and thermonuclear reactions in some particular stellar evolutionary stages (novae, red giants). The complicated nucleosynthesis and the fact that astration of lithium in stars is not well understood, makes a direct interpretation of the lithium evolutionary abundance curve difficult. The constraints set by recent lithium measurements in very old open clusters and metal-deficient stars on galactic lithium production mechanisms are discussed. Current problems in the determination of the primordial lithium abundance are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

The present study of the nature of the stars LkH112, LkH115, LkH118, and LkH119 is based on low-dispersion IDS spectra and photometric measurements in the wavelength range between 0.33 and 3.8 m. These stars are located in the direction of the extremely young open cluster NGC 6530 (Walker, 1957). The purpose of this study is, in general, to know whether they belong to the group of intermediate mass pre-main sequence objects, also known as Herbig Ae/Be stars, and, in particular, what special characteristics they possess. The result is as follows. The stars are very young; probably only LkH112 and LkH115 are members of the above-mentioned class of objects. The membership of LkH118 and LkH119 in this group is doubtful.Based on observations made at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile.  相似文献   

A spectral analysis of the fluctuations of the infrared sky radiance at 10m was made at the ESO-site of La Silla in Northern Chile. The data are compared to literature. The consequences of the results on infrared observing for future large telescopes are discussed: our data suggest that in order to achieve background noise limited performance in the 10m atmospheric window chopping with frequencies of 8 Hz and amplitudes of 10 arcsec is mandatory.based on observations obtained at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile  相似文献   

. , , . , t>1010 ( z<105) .
In this paper we continue the work of Weymann, investigating the causes of distortion of the spectrum of the residual radiation from the Planck curve. We discuss the distortion to the spectrum, resulting from recombination of primeval plasma.We then derive an analytic expression for the distortion to the equilibrium spectrum due to Compton scattering by hot electrons. On the basis of the observational data we conclude that a period of the existence of neutral hydrogen is inescapable in the hot model of the universe. It is concluded that any injection of energy att>1010 sec (red shiftz<105) give the distortions of the equilibrium spectrum.

The general conception of the critical inclinations and eccentricities for theN-planet problem is introduced. The connection of this conception with the existence and stability of particular solutions is established. In the restricted circular problem of three bodies the existence of the critical inclinations is proved for any values of the ratio of semiaxes . The asymptotic behaviour of the critical inclinations as 1 is investigated.
. . . 1.

It is shown that the observed color diagrams(U-B) f (B-V) f for pure flare emission of UV Cet type flare stars may be explained within the framework of a fast electron hypothesis. We point out the essential influence on these color indices of the two following factors: (a) the deviations of the normal radiation capability of the star in the infrared region of spectra (on 3.6 m, 4.4 m, and 5.5 m) from the Planckian distribution; (b) the location of the cloud (source) of fast electrons around the star (flare geometry effect). Under the real conditions of the generation of flares around the star the frequency transformation law at the photon-electron interaction has a view =n20, wheren may take the different values-from 0.15 up to 4; it depends on the cloud-star-observer geometry. By the observed colors of the flare emission may be understood, in principle, the location of flare source around the star. A possible role of reflection effect at the generation of stellar flares is outlined.  相似文献   

The conclusions of the present paper broadly are: (a) The galactic concentration of doubles by comparing the distributions in galactic latitudes 0°<20° and >40° is nearly twice as large as the galactic concentration of stars in general. (b) The astrographic catalogues are not complete in the fainter magnitudes. (c) The large value of the ratioT:O k (observed to optical number of pairs) from Kreiken's formula shows that almost all stars in the group 0<d5 and quite a few in the other two groups, viz., 5<d10 and 10<d15 might be shown true binaries. Consequently, Aitken's working definition of a true binary should be extended if it were to include all true binaries. (d) The doubles are probably stars of Population I. (e) The logarithm to the base 10 of the cumulative counts can be represented by an empirical relationA+B(m–1.5)+C(m–1.5)2.Communication presented at the International Conference on Astrometric Binaries, held on 13–15 June, 1984, at the Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, Germany, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (1784–1846)  相似文献   

The relation between the amplitude of light m and the amplitude of the radial velocity 2K for Canis Majoris stars is investigated. A linear relationship between m and 2K is found. However, the two stars BW Vul and Sco, which have the largest radial velocity variations, do not seem to share this relationship.  相似文献   

Apparent radius, visual brightness, effective temperature and absolute radius for 416 B5 v-F5 v stars of the catalogue of the Geneva Observatory (Rufener, 1976) have been determined.Twenty-eight stars, anomalous in log versus (m v)0 diagrams, have been singled out. A good correlation for seven stars, in common with the list of Hanbury Brownet al. (1974), has been found. Similar parameters determined for 279 B5 v-F5 v stars of two preceding papers (Fracassiniet al., 1973, 1975) have allowed us to determine the averaged diagrams logq v/q, logR/R and logT e versus (B-V)0 for 695 B5 v-F5 v stars.Moreover, in the present paper a good correlation logq v/q versus logR/R and careful relation M v=–7.40logR/R +3.31 for B5 v-F5 v stars have been determined. Plain correlations between logR/R and blanketing parameterm 2 for some spectral types seem to point out that there arereal differences in the absolute radii of stars of thesame spectral type, in agreement with recent researches on the HR diagram (Houck and Fesen, 1978).Systematic differences between double (spectroscopic and visual) and single stars are found. In particular, the averaged relation m 2 versus logR/R shows that A2 v-F5 v double stars may have a higher metallicity indexm 2 and smaller absolute radii than single stars. Finally, the diagram logv sini versus logR/R confirms some properties of binary systems found by other researchers (Huang, 1966; Plavec, 1970; Levato, 1974; Kitamura and Kondo, 1978).Thesis for the degree in Applied Physics.  相似文献   

We present an attempt for an extension of the modified Boltzmann model, which was introduced by Callebautet al. (1982) as an improvement of the polytropic models, to the case of chemically-heterogeneous stars in equilibrium, containing H and He, by proposing a density profile of the formp=C 1 T N exp (–H m(–*)/kT) +C 2 T N exp (–He m(–*)/kT. Analytical properties are derived and numerical as well as analytical arguments are presented for the conclusion that this hypothesis for a density profile imposes an almost constant chemical profile to the model as a whole, thereby making it in this form unsuited for the study of heterogeneous stars. A comparison is made with the former Boltzmann model in the homogeneous limit.  相似文献   

The Main-Sequence positions as well as the evolutionary behavior of Population III stars up to an evolution age of 2×1010 yr, taking this time as the age of the Universe, have been investigated in the mass range 0.2 and 0.8M . While Population III stars with masses greater than 0.3M develop a radiative core during the approach to the Main Sequence, stars with masses smaller than 0.3M reach the Main Sequence as a wholly convective stars. Population III stars with masses greater than 0.5M show a brightening of at most 2.2 in bolometric magnitude when the evolution is terminated as compared to the value which corresponds to zero-age Main Sequence. The positions of stars with masses smaller than 0.5M remain almost the same in the H-R diagram.If Population III stars have formed over a range of redshifts, 6相似文献   

The continuum energy distribution data of ten Be stars — namely, HR 1761, HR 1786, HR 1820, Ori, Ori, OT Gem, Lyr, HR 7983, Cyg, and 59 Cyg — have been presented in the wavelength range 3200–8000 Å. The observed energy distribution curve shows near infrared excess for majority of Be stars and a double Balmer jump for HR 8047 and HR 8146. Empirical effective temperatures of these stars have been estimated by comparing the observed continuum energy distributions with that of computed theoretical models given by Kurucz (1979).On the basis of an HR diagram with evolutionary tracks for different solar masses the masses of these Be stars have been estimated. Position of these studied stars on the HR diagram suggests that these Be stars may be in the stage of core contraction after exhausting hydrogen at the centre and have undergone hydrogen exhaustion in the thick shell.  相似文献   

A limiting case of the problem of three bodies (m 0,m 1,m 2) is considered. The distance between the bodiesm 0 andm 1 is assumed to be much less than that between their barycenter and the bodym 2 so that one may use Hill's approximation for the potential of interaction between the bodiesm 1 andm 2. In the absence of resonant relations the potential, double-averaged by the mean longitudes ofm 1 andm 2, describes the secular evolution of the orbits in the first approximation of the perturbation theory.As Harrington has shown, this problem is integrable. In the present paper a qualitative investigation of the evolution of the orbits and comparison with the analogous case in the restricted problem are carried out.The set of initial data is found, for which a collision between the bodiesm 0 andm 1 takes place.The region of the parameters of the problem is determined, for which plane retrograde motion is unstable.In a special example the results of approximate analysis are compared with those of numerical integration of the exact equations of the three body problem.
m 0,m 1,m 2. , m 0 m 1. m 2, m 1 m 2 m 1 m 2 . , . . , m 0 m 1. , . .

The contribution to the galactic abundance of He and heavy elements by stellar nucleosynthesis is calculated as a function of time, keeping account of present knowledge about stellar and galactic evolution. A model is used which distinguishes the phase of the contracting halo from the subsequent history of the disc. Various uncertainties involved both in stellar and in galactic evolutionary theory are discussed. The amount of4He produced by stars of different masses and ejected in interstellar medium is fairly well known from stellar theory, while we have assumed its primordial abundance as a free parameter, ranging from 0 up to 0.4. We find that stellar activity provides a significant contribution to the cosmic4He, though not sufficient to explain the observed abundance. The best agreement with observational data (Y 0.26 andY now0.28) is obtained starting with a primordial abundanceY =(0.20–0.23), which is consisten with the Big-Bang theory predictions and with recent observational estimates. The contribution to the abundance of heavy elements depends on the last stellar stages and on the final explosion mechanism, which are only now beginning to be understood. Nevertheless, in the framework of present theories, we individuate a stellar evolutionary scheme reproducing the observedZ abundances for Populationi and Populationii stars, with the correctly estimated Y/Z value. In this scheme, only stars belonging to two narrow mass ranges (10m/m 15 andm/m 80) are allowed to eject metal-enriched matter, possibly with the solar (C+O)/(Si+Fe) ratio.  相似文献   

The analysis of solar wind He++ and H+ ion distribution functions, collected over five months by the satellite Prognoz 1, shows that these are in general maxwellian but that often tails appear at higher speeds. The existing relation V-T, the observation of ratios of T/Tp 3.83 and V/Vp 1.035 give evidence of preferential He++ ion heating and acceleration. The criteria for heating by dissipation of hydromagnetic waves proposed by Barnes and Hung (1973) are tested experimentally. Finally, multifluid models are likely to predict certain observations such as dependence of the velocity ratio V/Vp on the solar wind flux.  相似文献   

We investigate the near-ultraviolet high-resolution LWR spectra of the stars Cas, And, Tau, Gem, Cru, Boo, and Peg, obtained with the aid of the International Ultraviolet Explorer Satellite. We have given here a list of the strongest and most prevalent emission lines in the near-ultraviolet spectra of Boo, KlIIIp, and Peg, M2.5II-III which have the same luminosity class and different spectral type. The near-ultraviolet continuum flux measurements and integrated emission line fluxes of these stars for the 2500–3200 Å region are presented in order to compare the variations in the appearance of the near-ultraviolet flux distribution with the temperature structure of their chromospheres for K and M giant stars. We also discuss differences between observed and calculated fluxes found from the Planck function.  相似文献   

We present CCD photometry for stars in three fields centered on the old open cluster NGC 188 and in four fields on the intermediate-age cluster NGC 7789, which has been performed with the aim of investigating the HR diagram distribution of the cluster's Main-Sequence (MS) stars. A sufficiently well-defined sequence of subgiant, turn-off (TO), and MS stars have been detected, extending the observed lower MS down to aboutV=20 mag.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

Since the average relation between the angular momentaP and the massesM of galaxies can be represented by a power lawPM , we can define a relative angular momentum =P/M (or a constant timeP/M ). For a random motion picture within protogalaxies, should follow a Maxwellian distribution and consequently the dispersion of log should be 0.210.For the reasonable range of ( to 2), the limited sample of galaxies with known dynamical parameters gives between and 1 times the Maxwellian value. For the plausible special case =2 the reciprocal of the maximum rotational velocityv m is already a measure of and the larger sample ofv m-values not only yields the Maxwellian but, moreover, shows the shape of the distribution.
PM , =constP/M . , (lg )=0.210. 7/42, . =2 v m- .

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