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The relation between the daytime in the nighttime values of the critical frequencies (foF2) of the ionospheric F 2 layer is considered. The correlation coefficient of foF2 measured at 1400 and 0200 LT of the same day is considered in various seasons of years with different solar activity (during the complete cycle of solar activity in 1979–1989). Special accent is made on the dependencies of the above mentioned correlation on a choice of magnetically quiet days with various limitations on maximal values of geomagnetic index Ap. It has been obtained that a statistically significant negative correlation between the foF2(1400) and foF2(0200) is more pronounced in the periods of high solar activity. The effect increases with increasing limitation of the considered days on value of Ap: the largest values of the correlation coefficient are observed if only very quiet days are considered (Ap < 6). There are preliminary indications that the considered relation between daytime and nighttime foF2 values depends on latitude.  相似文献   

Relative variations in the critical frequency of the ionospheric F, region are considered as one of the main sources of information about the characteristics of plasma inhomogeneities in the region of the main ionization maximum and as a substantial factor responsible for the statistics of the decameter signal parameters on radio paths with different lengths. The functions defined on finite intervals are also used in statistical modeling in addition to the available methods. Such a consideration made it possible to remove a restriction, peculiar to previous models, in the form of the requirement that the fourth statistical invariant—excess— should be positive. This makes the generalized statistical model more universal, which is of special importance for high4atitude radio paths. The specified mo del more adequately corresponds to the experimental data, which are characterized by finite intervals where the quantities are measured.  相似文献   

利用曲靖非相干散射雷达2017—2018年春夏季观测数据首次分析了电离层日间150~450km电子温度的地方时与高度变化特征及其与电子密度的相关性.发现hmF2及以上的电子温度在日出日落时具有两个峰值,在11∶00—16∶00LT之间变化较小,高度越高午后上升的时间越早;从150km开始迅速增加,在约220km达到最大值,然后开始降低,在约300~350km达到最小值,最后单调上升;200km以下电子温度与电子密度成正相关(主要由热传导控制),200~450km之间存在明显的反相关(光电离过程占主导),电子-离子温度差与电子密度对数之间存在近似线性关系,电子温度逐日变化与光电离因子的变化趋势相似,这种相关性在中午与午后更明显;以上结果与其他非相干散射雷达观测和电离层模型计算结果基本一致,但也存在一些差别,需要结合更多数据深入分析.  相似文献   

Normalization of the F2 layer critical frequency is put forward with a model related to the solar zenith angle at the time of observation and its local noon value. The method implies a physically based replacement of variable representing one of the key controlling parameters of the modern empirical ionospheric models. The inversion of critical frequency is analyzed with the hourly values of foF2 of seven ionospheric stations for 2000–2006 (half the solar activity cycle). The normalized critical frequency fnF2 reveals an improved correlation between the data of different stations and improved inter-seasonal correlation of the data of a particular station as compared with the initial foF2 values. A correlation radius in summer is two times greater for normalized critical frequency than for observations. The analytical model of expansion of the diurnal variation of critical frequency with four hourly values at 00, 06, 12 and 18 h of local time exhibits improved statistical features of normalized critical frequency as compared with observed critical frequency.  相似文献   

基于子午工程的北京、合肥和海南三个Na荧光激光雷达对中国不同纬度上空夜间背景Na层的长期观测,分析了我国沿东经120°N上空Na层的夜间变化和季节变化特征.对照2010年12月17日夜间三个雷达站的观测结果,发现三个地方Na层的夜间变化并不具有相关性.Na层长期变化的年加半年变化拟合结果显示,北京和合肥上空Na层柱密度具有明显的年变化特点,而海南上空Na层柱密度的半年变化特征更明显; Na层的质心高度和RMS宽度具有明显的半年变化特点,但海南地区Na层的RMS宽度的长期变化不具有半年变化特征.Na层参数的统计和对照显示,Na层柱密度的季节变化与大气温度季节变化相关,在冬季最大,在夏季最小.Na层柱密度随纬度升高而增大,同时年变化性逐渐增强;质心高度随纬度变化趋势不明显,但三个地方Na层质心高度的长期变化都具有较明显的半年变化特征;在各个月份中,北京地区Na层RMS宽度最大,合肥地区Na层RMS宽度最小,海南地区居中.  相似文献   

The consideration of the relation between the daytime and nighttime values of the critical frequency F2, foF2 of the ionospheric F2 layer, started in the previous publication of the authors, is continued. The main regularities in variations in the correlation coefficient R(foF2) characterizing this relation are confirmed using larger statistical material (more ionospheric stations and longer observational series). Long-term trends in the R(foF2) value are found: at all stations the negative value of R(foF2) increases with time after 1980.  相似文献   

This letter presents some night-time observations of neutral wind variations at F2 layer levels near the dip equator, measured by the Fabry-Perot interferometer set up in 1994 at Korhogo (Ivory Coast, geographic latitude 9.25°N, longitude 355°E, dip latitude -2.5°). Our instrument uses the 630 nm (O1D) line to determine radial Doppler velocities of the oxygen atoms between 200 and 400 km altitude. First results for November 1994 to March 1995 reveal persistent eastward flows, and frequent intervals of southward winds of larger than 50 ms–1 velocity. Compared with the simultaneous ionospheric patterns deduced from the three West African equatorial ionosondes at Korhogo, Ouagadougou (Burkina-Faso, dip latitude +1.5°) and Dakar (Sénégal, dip latitude + 5°), they illustrate various impacts of the thermospheric winds on F2 layer density: (1) on the mesoscale evolution (a few 103 km and a few 100 minutes scales) and (2) on local fluctuations (hundreds of km and tens of minutes characteristic times). We report on these fluctuations and discuss the opportunity to improve the time-resolution of the Fabry-Perot interferometer at Korhogo.  相似文献   

The Earth's magnetic field presents long-term variations with changes in strength and orientation. Particularly, changes in the dip angle (I) and, consequently, in the sin(I)cos(I) factor, affect the thermospheric neutral winds that move the conducting plasma of the ionosphere. In this way, a lowering or lifting of the F2-peak (hmF2) is induced together with changes in foF2, depending on season, time and location. A simple theoretical approximation, developed in a previous work, is extended to a worldwide latitude–longitude grid to assess hmF2 and foF2 trends due to Earth's magnetic field secular variations. Compared to the greenhouse gases effects over the ionosphere, the Earth's magnetic field may be able to produce stronger trends which vary with season, time and location. However, to elucidate the origin of F2-region trends, long-term variations in the three possible known mechanisms should be considered altogether—greenhouse gases, geomagnetic activity and Earth's magnetic field.  相似文献   

南极中山站电离层F2层临界频率变化特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
对南极中山站数字式电离层测高仪1995~2002年观测数据的月中值进行了统计分析,揭示了中山站电离层F2层临界频率(foF2)的主要特征:foF2存在明显的日变化和年变化;日变化存在“磁中午异常”现象;年变化中中午foF2在太阳活动低年不出现“冬季异常”,在太阳活动高年出现“半年异常”,即两分点高于两至点.本文结合中山站所处的地理位置,考虑太阳辐射电离、磁层的驱动和中性大气成分变化等因素,分析了这些现象的产生机理.  相似文献   

The relationship between the critical frequency of the F 2 layer and the atmospheric characteristics has been obtained in a general form. It has been shown that this relation makes it possible to sufficiently accurately describe the daytime values of foF2 while comparing them with the observed monthly median values. Such comparisons were performed, first, for the data of measurements in Irkutsk using the DPS-4 digital ionosonde in 2003–2006 and, second, based on the annual variations in the noon foF2 values at 24 stations of the Northern Hemisphere in 1984. The calculations were performed using the MSIS-86 thermospheric model [Hedin, 1987].  相似文献   

Results of studies of the wave structure of the critical frequencies of the ionospheric F2 layer with periods of planetary waves for two Asian stations—Irkutsk and Wuhan (China)—are presented. Estimates of the appearance frequency, amplitudes, and the lifetime of oscillations with periods typical of planetary waves (2–25 days) are obtained. It is shown that these characteristics depend on the season and place of observation. The appearance of joint periodicities in the critical frequencies at both stations, as well as in the planetary index of geomagnetic activity Ap, is noted.  相似文献   

The annual and semi-annual variations of the ionosphere are investigated in the present paper by using the daytime F2 layer peak electron concentration (NmF2) observed at a global ionosonde network with 104 stations. The main features are outlined as follows. (1) The annual variations are most pronounced at magnetic latitudes of 40–60° in both hemispheres, and usually manifest as winter anomalies; Below magnetic latitude of 40° as well as in the tropical region they are much weaker and winter anomalies that are not obvious. (2) The semi-annual variations, which are usually peak in March or April in most regions, are generally weak in the near-pole regions and strong in the far-pole regions of both hemispheres. (3) Compared with their annual components, the semi-annual variations in the tropical region are more significant.In order to explain the above results, we particularly analyze the global atomic/molecular ratio of [O/N2] at the F2 layer peak height by the MSIS90 model. The results show that the annual variation of [O/N2] is closely related with that of NmF2 prevailing in mid-latitudes and [O/N2] annual variation usually may lead to the winter anomalies of NmF2 occurring in the near-pole region. Moreover, NmF2 semi-annual variations appearing in the tropical region also have a close relationship with the variation of [O/N2]. On the other hand, the semi-annual variations of NmF2 in the far-pole region cannot be simply explained by that of [O/N2], but the variation of the solar zenith angle may also have a significant contribution.  相似文献   

By comparing the data of ionospheric radio sounding at Petropavlovsk and Magadan stations, we eliminated the identical disturbances induced by geomagnetic storms and identified the ionospheric responses to seismic activity. It was found that strong earthquakes in the area of Petropavlovsk station are preceded by positive ionospheric variations which are more pronounced the higher the magnitude of the earth-quake.  相似文献   

The available massifs of experimental data on the critical frequency of the ionospheric F2 layer, foF2, covering the first decade of the new century, are considered. On the basis of studying these massifs, a conclusion is drawn that the scatter of foF2 values (measured by the standard deviation (SD)) relative to the dependence on solar activity has grown substantially over recent decades as compared to the period 1958–1979. The possible causes of the SD increase are considered. It is shown that the foF2 values for the period 1998–2010 decreased as compared to the period 1958–1979 by an average of 0.6 MHz which gives an estimate of the foF2 trend of ~-0.03 MHz per year. Linear trends in foF2 for some ionospheric stations are analyzed. It is obtained that, in spite of the scatter in the data, it is possible to obtain statistically significant trends for each considered situation (day and postsunset period in summer and winter). At the same time, the winter negative trends (~-0.052 MHz per year) are approximately a factor of 2 higher than the summer ones (~-0.024 MHz per year). Comparisons with the trends obtained for earlier periods show that the negative trend in foF2 increased substantially towards the first decade of our century.  相似文献   

Semiannual and annual variations in the height of the ionospheric F2-peak   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ionosonde data from sixteen stations are used to study the semiannual and annual variations in the height of the ionospheric F2-peak, hmF2. The semiannual variation, which peaks shortly after equinox, has an amplitude of about 8 km at an average level of solar activity (10.7 cm flux = 140 units), both at noon and midnight. The annual variation has an amplitude of about 11 km at northern midlatitudes, peaking in early summer; and is larger at southern stations, where it peaks in late summer. Both annual and semiannual amplitudes increase with increasing solar activity by day, but not at night. The semiannual variation in hmF2 is unrelated to the semiannual variation of the peak electron density NmF2, and is not reproduced by the CTIP and TIME-GCM computational models of the quiet-day thermosphere and ionosphere. The semiannual variation in hmF2 is approximately isobaric, in that its amplitude corresponds quite well to the semiannual variation in the height of fixed pressure-levels in the thermosphere, as represented by the MSIS empirical model. The annual variation is not isobaric. The annual mean of hmF2 increases with solar 10.7 cm flux, both by night and by day, on average by about 0.45 km/flux unit, rather smaller than the corresponding increase of height of constant pressure-levels in the MSIS model. The discrepancy may be due to solar-cycle variations of thermospheric winds. Although geomagnetic activity, which affects thermospheric density and temperature and therefore hmF2 also, is greatest at the equinoxes, this seems to account for less than half the semiannual variation of hmF2. The rest may be due to a semiannual variation of tidal and wave energy transmitted to the thermosphere from lower levels in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The singularities of the wave disturbance spectra of the nonequilibrium atmosphere in the range of acoustic gravity waves (AGWs) have been analyzed. Using the dispersion ratio for AGWs in the nonequilibrium atmosphere, it has been established that the spectra in the daytime and nighttime hours are different and this difference, caused by a nonequilibrium spectrum sensitivity to atmospheric temperature, can reach several percent in certain atmospheric regions. For the spectrum of the equilibrium model of the atmosphere, the difference between the daytime and nighttime spectra makes up several fractions of percent. As a result of the spectral treatment of variations in pressure and intensity of cosmic rays (CRs), it has been found out that the daytime AGW spectrum is higher-frequency than the nighttime spectrum. A comparison of the theoretical calculations of the AGW spectrum with observations has made it possible to distinguish the effect of nonequilibrium in the AGW spectral composition.  相似文献   

The relation of the long-period variations in the midnight and noon values of the critical frequency of the ionospheric F 2 layer at three midlatitude stations (Irkutsk, Moscow, and Boulder) to the daily mean index of geomagnetic activity in years of different solar activity has been studied. It has been found that the correlation coefficients between the above parameters depend on time of day, season, and solar activity level. The correlation coefficients are higher at night than in the daytime, especially at low solar activity. The highest absolute values of the correlation coefficient most often appear during equinoxes: April–May and September–October. It has been shown that the variability of the critical frequencies of the midlatitude ionospheric F 2 layer depends not only on geomagnetic activity but also (to a considerable degree) on the effect of the lower atmosphere.  相似文献   

Using the data of vertical sounding of the ionosphere in Alma-Ata (76°55′ E, 43°15′ N) conducted in 2002–2012, the reaction of parameters of the ionospheric F2 layer to various types of nighttime enhancements in the electron concentration in the maximum of the layer (NmF2) was studied, including the height of the maximum and bottom of the layer, its semithickness, and electron concentration at some fixed heights. Examples of recordings of a combination of the enhancements caused by different mechanisms are presented. The similarity of the reaction of the F2-layer parameters to the nighttime enhancements caused by the rise of the layer and plasma flux from the protonosphere and passage of large-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances was found. Difficulties in identifying these two events in the case of their equal duration are noted. The difference in the reaction of the F2-layer parameters to the enhancements caused by the rise of the layer and plasma fluxes from the protonosphere and occurrence of the summer midlatitude ionospheric anomaly is shown.  相似文献   

The daily samples of the hourly measurements of the foF2 critical frequency, obtained on January 5–21, 1995, at the midlatitude and high-latitude automated ionospheric stations (geographic latitude higher than 60°), are considered. The {fo} sets are transformed into the {δfoF2} sets of relative variations, for which asymmetry (A) and excess (E) are calculated. The selected stations are grouped into 20 pairs of automated ionospheric stations (AISs) located at distances of 200–10 000 km from one another. Sign estimates of the cross-correlation coefficients between the sets of 16 A and E values for different pairs of stations are used. Two types of structures of the statistical invariant spatial distribution are established: the structures with a scale of about 300 km, invariant with respect to latitude, and with a scale of about 6000 km (for only high latitudes).  相似文献   

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