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In this paper the authors classify saline lake sediments into the cold, warm and eurythermal phases, reveal the consistency between the zoning of hydrochemical types of modern saline lake water and climatic zoning and give climatic parameters under the conditions of typical cold phase (mirabilite and natron), warm phase (thenar-dite) and slightly warm phase (bloedite) saline lake deposition.  相似文献   

In this paper the authors classify saline lake sediments into the cold, warm and eurythermal phases, reveal the consistency between the zoning of hydrochemical types of modern saline lake water and climatic zoning and give climatic parameters under the conditions of typical cold phase (mirabilite and natron), warm phase (thenardite) and slightly warm phase (bloedite) saline lake deposition.  相似文献   

潜江盐湖盆地盐间沉积的石油地质特征   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
方志雄 《沉积学报》2002,20(4):608-613
盐间沉积是潜江凹陷中的一种特殊盐湖盆地沉积物,它并非某种单一的岩性,而是随发育地区的不同而变化的特殊混合岩石。根据其岩石学特征难以命名。本文讨论了这种盐间沉积的岩石组分、沉积特征和油气地质意义。这类盐间沉积在化学成分和碎屑组成方面的韵律性变化具有明显的湖面升降变化含义,因而可将其韵律特性与层序地层单元进行对比分析。更重要的是,这类盐间沉积还是一种独特的集生油岩和储集岩于一体的含油气岩层,各种次生孔隙的发育使它成为一种潜在的有利储集层,近期的油气勘探已在其中获高产油气流。  相似文献   

甘肃第四纪沉积物为陆相沉积,依据沉积物搬运介质、气候条件、沉积环境、搬运动力,将成因划分为风化作用系列、坡地重力作用系列、水流作用系列、湖沼作用系列、冰川作用系列、风力作用系列、生物作用系列、人为作用系列、混合作用系列共9大系列,22种成因类型。  相似文献   

青藏高原第四纪重点湖泊地层序列和湖相沉积若干特点   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本项研究对青藏高原代表性第四纪湖泊沉积区作了大范围调查,北自柴达木昆特依湖和昆仑山口、南抵江布-林芝,西起甜水海、东至迪庆.据青藏高原地质构造、沉积建造和地貌特点,将高原第四纪地层区划分为6个地层分区:藏南湖盆分区(Ⅰ)、羌塘高原湖盆分区(Ⅱ)(羌南湖盆亚区(Ⅱ-1)和羌北湖盆亚区(Ⅱ-2))、三江高山河谷分区(Ⅲ)、昆仑高山分区(Ⅳ)、柴达木、青海湖盆分区(Ⅴ)和阿尔金-祁连山高山区(Ⅵ).并对上述Ⅰ-Ⅴ分区第四纪湖相地层层序作了较详细划分和对比.从而指出青藏高原第四纪湖相沉积具有如下特点:①除了柴达木-青海湖盆分区外,其余各分区的湖滨剖面湖相碎屑沉积相对较粗,而同青藏高原属于全球第四纪最新隆起区相一致;②在湖盆区的湖相沉积常叠加或伴生冲洪积、风积相和冰碛或冰水沉积以及部分泥石流沉积、化学沉积与热水沉积.它们既反映青藏高原在第四纪隆升进入冰冻圈后湖盆沉积环境时有冷期发生,又反映高原隆升背景下,洪水期诱发山崩和泥石流堵塞成湖,或由于洪水泛滥,导致高原边缘内流湖决溃、湖泊消失(如Ⅲ、Ⅳ分区),还反映高原湖泊成盐过程与深部作用、强烈的新构造运动密切相关;③除了柴达木-青海湖分区(Ⅴ)和羌塘高原湖盆分区部分大型湖盆自第四纪以来有连续湖相沉积外,其他分区第四纪湖相沉积多不连续;④由于全新世青藏高原口趋干旱,除了一些现代积水湖盆外,有相当多湖泊干化,而缺失顶部湖相沉积.综上所述,为了获取青藏高原第四纪沉积连续环境记录,需选择高原内部或周边为数较少的新生代连续沉积盆地.本文论证了柴达木盆地是一个较理想的研究高原晚新生代湖相沉积区,建议在柴达木盆地实施晚新生代资源环境科学钻探工程.  相似文献   

长江中下游第四纪沉积物发育土壤磁性增强的环境磁学机制   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
对长江中下游第四纪沉积物 (Q3 黄土,Q2 红土和Q3 红土 )发育土壤的磁性增强现象及其物理机制进行了讨论。结果表明 :(1)铁磁性矿物是土壤磁性的主要载体,它们是成土过程中形成的稳定单畴 (SSD)和超顺磁性 (SP)态的次生磁性矿物,没有显示重要的反铁磁性矿物的贡献;(2 )土壤磁化率 (χ)的高低与成土过程产生的稳定单畴和超顺磁性颗粒呈极显著正相关,指示了风化成土作用的强度,磁化率可作为反映成土环境变化的代用指标;(3)频率磁化率 (χfd) 5 %可作为土壤中的超顺磁性颗粒存在与否的临界值,土壤 χfd值的高低同样反映了风化成土作用的强度,可用作研究第四纪环境变化的有用工具之一。  相似文献   

不同类型沉积物磁化率的比较研究和初步解释   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
吉云平  夏正楷 《地球学报》2007,28(6):541-549
沉积物的磁化率分析以被广泛应用在第四纪古气候研究中,不同类型沉积物磁化率的解释可能存在明显的差异.本文选择了黄土、冲积物、湖积物、风沙堆积和南方红土等五种不同类型的沉积物,进行了磁化率的测试,粒度和孢粉分析,试图通过对沉积物磁化率和相关古环境指标的研究,对不同类型沉积物的磁化率予以对比并进行初步解释.研究结果表明,黄土和湖泊沉积中磁化率的变化主要受气候变化的影响,是指示古气候的重要指标;河流沉积物和风沙沉积物的磁化率主要受粒度的影响;影响南方红土磁化率的因素十分复杂,其磁化率的解释比较困难有待进一步的研究.这一研究表明,鉴于不同沉积物磁化率的影响因素存在明显的不同,因此在运用磁化率进行古环境解释时须持慎重态度.  相似文献   

江汉平原江陵湖泊沉积物粒度特征及气候环境意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以江汉平原江陵湖泊沉积物为研究对象,结合沉积物岩性、粒度组成、孢粉和有机碳同位素等,分析了江陵湖泊沉积物粒度组成特征及该区域近9 000 a来的气候环境变化。研究发现,江陵湖泊沉积物记录了该区湖泊水体逐渐减小直至消亡的过程,气候环境变化大致可分为以下5个阶段:(1)8 900~6 300 a B.P.为水体较深、面积较大的开阔湖阶段,气候暖湿;(2)6 300~4 700 a B.P.为面积较小、水体较浅的潴水湖阶段,气候干旱;(3)4 700~3 400 a B.P.为面积更小、水体更浅的洼地湖阶段,气候偏暖偏湿;(4)3 400~2 500 a B.P.为湖沼泥炭发育阶段,气候暖湿;(5)2 500 a B.P.以来,由湖泊及湖沼堆积转化为洪水漫滩堆积,古云梦泽开始萎缩,气候变干。江陵湖泊沉积物粒度所记录的区域气候干湿变化与国内邻近区域(特别是鄱阳-洞庭湖区)显示出较好的一致性,沉积物粒度研究是恢复区域古降水等气候环境变化的有效途径。  相似文献   

赣北鄱阳湖地区土塘剖面发育第四纪红土,自下而上可分为强网纹红土层、弱网纹红土层、微网纹红土层、均质红土层和下蜀黄土层。基于常量元素、粒度分析数据以及前人年代框架,初探土塘剖面化学风化特征及其古气候意义。(1)土塘剖面粒度组分均一,常量元素含量相近,风化淋溶强烈。(2)土塘剖面各地层间化学风化强度存在差异:下蜀黄土层为初期的去Na、Ca阶段;均质红土层为中期的去K阶段;微网纹红土层由去K阶段向去Si阶段过渡;网纹红土层已完全进入晚期去Si阶段。剖面常量元素的相对迁移能力为:Na2O>MnO2>CaO>P2O5>MgO>K2O>SiO2>Al2O3>TiO2>Fe2O3。(3)中更新世以来赣北鄱阳湖地区气候总体上由暖湿趋于干冷,期间伴随多个明显的干湿旋回佐证强烈的淋溶与干湿交替作用是网纹红土发育的重要驱动因子。  相似文献   

班戈错是因湖面阶段性下降而于晚更新世末期从母湖色林错东部分离出来的小离湖.2003年5-7月,我们对班戈湖沿岸进行了详细的地貌与第四纪地质调查,湖面高程及6条剖面湖岸阶地的水准测量,并采集了沿岸及邻区的湖相沉积物样品进行U系年龄测定.研究结果表明,班戈错湖岸阶地共6级,其中T1为与色林错分离后所形成,T2至T6的拔湖高...  相似文献   

罗布泊第四纪含盐系成岩作用特征研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
依据大量钻孔岩心与薄片的详细观察描述,对罗布泊罗北凹地第四纪含盐系盐层及储卤盐层的成岩作用变化进行深入研究。发现含盐系盐层内广泛出现各种成岩变化,主要是压榨作用、溶蚀作用、重结晶作用、交代作用、胶结作用及断裂构造作用等。它们对地层储集卤水能力产生巨大影响。这些成岩作用与晶间流体的活动有密切关系。同时引入“成岩作用相”的概念,探讨其在富钾卤水资源评价上的作用和意义。  相似文献   

Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy and chemical analyses were combined to determine the Fe bearing minerals in recent lake sediments from Baldeggersee (Switzerland). The upper section of a laminated sediment core, deposited under eutrophic conditions, was compared to the lower part from an oligotrophic period. Qualitative analysis of FeK EXAFS agreed well with chemical data: In the oligotrophic section Fe(II)–O and Fe(III)–O specieswere present, whereas a significant fraction of Fe(II)–S sulfides was strongly indicated in the eutrophic part. A statistical analysis was performed by least square fitting of normalized reference spectra. The set of reference minerals included Fe(III) oxides and Fe(II) sulfides, carbonates and phosphates. In the oligotrophic regime no satisfying fit was obtained using the set of reference spectra, indicating that siderite (FeCO3) was not present in a significant amount in these carbonate-rich sediments. Simulated EXAFS spectra for a(Cax, Fe1-x)CO3solid solution allowed reconstructing the specificfeatures of the experimental spectra, suggesting that this phase was the dominant Fe carrier in the oligotrophic section of the core. In the eutrophic part, mackinawite was positively identified and represented the dominant Fe(II) sulfide phase. This finding agreed with chemical extraction, which indicated that18–40 mol% of Fe was contained in the acid volatile iron sulfide fraction. EXAFS spectra of the eutrophic section were best fitted by considering the admixture of mackinawite and the Fe–Ca carbonate phase inferred to be predominant in the oligotrophic regime.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to delineate the pollution vulnerability of the Quaternary aquifer in two areas, Imbaba and Shobra El-Khima, near Cairo, Egypt. Environmental isotopes combined with hydrochemistry were used for this purpose. The groundwater in the Imbaba area (average total dissolved solids about 900 mg/L; sodium/chloride, sulfate, and bicarbonate water types) is more mineralized than groundwater in the Shobra El-Khima area (average total dissolved solids 500 mg/L; calcium and sodium/bicarbonate water type). A high nitrate content and significant mineralization in the groundwater are probably due to contamination of recharge to the aquifer by irrigation drainage, deteriorated sewage networks, and septic tanks. The deuterium and oxygen-18 compositions of the groundwater are depleted compared to Nile River water, which is the main source of aquifer recharge. This less isotopically enriched water probably represents older Nile water recharge that flooded the region before construction of the Aswan High Dam in 1963, or it is a mixture of a young water and originally deposited paleowater that was in deeper horizons at a time of cooler and more humid climate. Intensive pumping has moved the paleowater higher in the aquifer. Groundwater in the Shobra El-Khima area has higher residence time, based on the tritium concentration, than groundwater in the Imbaba area. The percentage of the isotopically depleted water equals 75% in the Shobra El-Khima and 35% in Imbaba, and the thickness of the clay cap above the aquifer is 38 m in Shobra El-Khima and 20 m in Imbaba. These factors are indicative of the rate of recharge to the aquifer and were used to evaluate the pollution vulnerability in the two areas. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Shorelines are widespread and lake deposits and lake geomorphology are well developed on the northern Tibetan Plateau. Through field observations of lacustrine deposits of Nam Co-the highest and largest Quaternary lake in Tibet, the authors found four-step shore terraces composed of sands and clays with well-developed horizontal bedding and 3-12 m, 15-22 m, 25-30 m and 35-45 m higher than the lake surface respectively, lacustrine deposits resting on the bedrocks and 60-150 m higher than the lake surface, and up to -50 levees composed of oblate lakeshore gravels. Moreover they found lacustrine and lakeshore deposits making up the terraces and levees on the bottoms of wide dividing valleys connecting Nam Co with the Rencoyuema, Rencogongma and Jiuru Co northwest of Nam Co (the valley bottoms are 20 m, 90 m and 60 m higher than the above-mentioned three lakes) and on slopes north of it, i.e. terraces II and III of Nam Co. Thus they confirm that Nam Co and Ring Co-Jiuru Co had connected with each other seve  相似文献   

Christian Beck 《Earth》2009,96(4):327-49
The late Quaternary sedimentary fills of several lakes of the north-western Alps are revealed to be possible paleo-seismological “archives” in a moderately active seismo-tectonic region. The strongest historically reported events can be correlated with specific layers, whose textures result from different processes: i) mass failures of sub-aqueous slope deposits (especially delta foresets) evolving into hyperpycnal currents influenced by seiche effects and/or multiple reflections on lake basin slopes; ii) in situ liquefaction and flowage; and iii) micro-fracturing. Based on identification of the sedimentary signature of a well-documented historical earthquake, the paleoseismic interpretation can be extrapolated back to 16,000 yrs BP with a reconstruction of a time series and textural identification of slope failure-related turbidites (the most frequent earthquake signature). The obtained time series are compatible with historical seismicity in terms of recurrence interval.  相似文献   

晚第四纪柴达木盆地东部古湖泊高湖面光释光年代学   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高湖面是湖泊演化的鼎盛期,指示区域的温暖湿润气候。关于青藏高原湖泊高湖面的年代有不同的观点。一种观点(主要是基于14C测年)认为在氧同位素三阶段晚期青藏高原普遍存在大湖期或泛湖期,并且其温度和降水可能比全新世还高。另一种观点(主要基于释光、铀系测年等)认为青藏高原湖泊的最高古湖面出现在氧同位素五阶段,之后湖面逐渐下降。柴达木盆地位于青藏高原的东北部,其高湖面年代的研究可为认识青藏高原环境演化提供基础资料。本文选择柴达木盆地东部的托素湖和尕海湖高出现代湖面的湖相沉积和湖岸砂堤为研究对象,利用石英光释光测年方法建立其年代序列。根据沉积物沉积特征和光释光年代结果认为,尕海湖和托素湖古高湖面出现在82~73ka、63~55ka、34.4ka和全新世早期。通过与青藏高原及周边湖泊高湖面年代记录对比,认为尕海湖和托素湖的最高湖面主体出现在氧同位素五阶段,之后湖面逐渐下降。  相似文献   

This study addresses paleoclimate influences in a southern Amazonia ecotone based on multiproxy records from lakes of the Carajás region during the last 45k cal a bp. Wet and cool environmental conditions marked the initial deposition in shallow depressions with detrital sediments and high weathering rates until 40k cal a bp. Concomitantly, forest and C3 canga plants, along with cool-adapted taxa, developed; however, short drier episodes enabled expansion of C4 plants and diagenetic formation of siderite. A massive event of siderite formation occurred approximately 30k cal a bp under strong drier conditions. Afterwards, wet and cool environmental conditions returned and persisted until the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The LGM was marked by lake-level lowstands and subaerial exposure. The transition from the LGM to the Holocene is marked by the onset of oscillations in temperature and humidity, with an expansion of forest and canga plants. Cool taxa were present for the last time in the Carajás region ~ 9.5–9k cal a bp. After 10k cal a bp , shallow lakes became upland swamps due to natural infilling processes, but the current vegetation types and structures of the plateaus were acquired only after 3k cal a bp under wetter climatic conditions.  相似文献   

The Kathmandu and Banepa Basins, Central Nepal, are located in a large syncline of the Lesser Himalayas. The Older Kathmandu Lake evolved during the Pliocene and early Pleistocene; the Younger Kathmandu Lake, which is the focus of this study, is infilled with late Quaternary sediments. Three formations, arranged in stratigraphical order, the Kalimati, Gokarna and Thoka Formations formed during the infilling stage of this lacustrine basin. Structural and textural sedimentological analyses, a chemical survey across the basin and mineralogical investigations of fine‐grained sediments form the basis of this palaeogeographical study. The basin under investigation was covered by a perennial freshwater lake before 30 000 yr BP. The lake was infilled with alluvial and fluvial sediments delivered mainly from the mountains north of the basin. A fairly low gradient was favourable for the formation of diatomaceous earths, carbonaceous mudstones and siltstones, which were laid down in the centre of the lake and in small ponds. Towards the basin edge, lacustrine sediments gave way to deltaic deposits spread across the delta plain. Crevasse splays and anastomosing rivers mainly delivered suspended load for the widespread siltstones and mudstones. The proximal parts of the alluvial–fluvial sedimentary wedge contain debris flows that interfinger with fine‐grained floodplain deposits. Three highstands of the water‐level (>30 000 yr BP, 28 000–19 000 yr BP, 11 000–4000 yr BP (?)) have been recognised in the sedimentary record of the younger Kathmandu Lake in the Late Quaternary. Second‐order water‐level fluctuations are assumed to be triggered by local processes (damming by tectonically induced landslides). First‐order water‐level fluctuations are the result of climatic changes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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