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A western North Pacific tropical cyclone (TC) intensity prediction scheme (WIPS) is developed based on TC samples from 1996 to 2002 using the stepwise regression technique, with the western North Pacific divided into three sub-regions: the region near the coast of East China (ECR), the South China Sea region (SCR), and the far oceanic region (FOR). Only the TCs with maximum sustained surface wind speed greater than 17.2 m s-1 are used in the scheme. Potential predictors include the climatology and persistence factors, synoptic environmental conditions, potential intensity of a TC and proximity of a TC to land. Variances explained by the selected predictors suggest that the potential intensity of a TC and the proximity of a TC to land are significant in almost all the forecast equations. Other important predictors include vertical wind shear in ECR, 500-hPa geopotential height anomaly at the TC center, zonal component of TC translation speed in SCR, intensity change of TC 12 or 24 h prior to initial time, and the longitude of TC center in FOR. Independent tests are carried out for TCs in 4 yr (2004-2007), with mean absolute errors of the maximum surface wind being 3.0, 5.0, 6.5, 7.3, 7.6, and 7.9 m s-1 for 12- to 72-h predictions at 12-h intervals, respectively. Positive skills are obtained at all leading time levels as compared to the climatology and persistence prediction scheme, and the large skill scores (near or over 20%) after 36 h imply that WIPS performs especially better at longer leading times. Furthermore, it is found that the amendment in TC track prediction and real-time model analysis can significantly improve the performance of WIPS in the SCR and ECR. Future improvements will focus on applying the scheme for weakening TCs and those near the coastal regions.  相似文献   

胡斯团  黄大文  张儒林 《气象》1995,21(8):23-25
统计21年(1970-1990年)进入预报研究区(15-25°N,125°E以西)的热带气旋移向变化情况,分析移向发生突变的季节变化与地理分布等方面的气候特征。研究了热带气旋移向的突变与副热带高压活动,海岸地形的关系,得到一些有意义的结果,为寻找预报判据提供了气候特征的依据。  相似文献   

The cyclone phase space (CPS) method has been utilized to evaluate the extratropical transition (ET) of tropical cyclones (TCs) in many recent publications. However, these studies mainly focused over the North Atlantic basin. In this paper, the CPS characteristics of all the cyclones over the western North Pacific are investigated and discussed, with three parameters calculated from the best-track data of the Regional Specialized Meteorological Center in Tokyo and the Japanese 25-yr reanalysis data. It is concluded that most TCs over the western North Pacific possess the non-frontal and warm-core structure, while a larger number of cyclones that have undergone ET hold the frontal and cold-core structure. The spatial pattern of the CPS parameters indicates that the areas of tropical and extratropical cyclone activities could be demarcated by 30°N. The composite and individual series of three parameters of the CPS indicate that the transformation of −V TU from positive to negative leads to the start of ET, and could be considered as a potential predictor in operationally forecasting an ET event.  相似文献   

Although it is well known that the tropical easterly jet(TEJ)has a significant impact on summer weather and climate over India and Africa,whether the TEJ exerts an important impact on tropical cyclone(TC)activity over the western North Pacific(WNP)remains unknown.In this study,we examined the impact of the TEJ on the interannual variability of TC genesis frequency over the WNP in the TC season(June-September)during 1980-2020.The results show a significant positive correlation between TC genesis frequency over the WNP and the jet intensity in the entrance region of the TEJ over the tropical western Pacific(in brief WP_TEJ),with a correlation coefficient as high as 0.66.The intensified WP_TEJ results in strong ageostrophic northerly winds in the entrance region and thus upper-level divergence to the north of the jet axis over the main TC genesis region in the WNP.This would lead to an increase in upward motion in the troposphere with enhanced low-level convergence,which are the most important factors to the increases in low-level vorticity,mid-level humidity and low-level eddy kinetic energy,and the decreases in sea level pressure and vertical wind shear in the region.All these changes are favorable for TC genesis over the WNP and vice versa.Further analyses indicate that the interannual variability of the WP_TEJ intensity is likely to be linked to the local diabatic heating over the Indian Ocean-western Pacific and the central Pacific El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation.  相似文献   

2017年西北太平洋和南海热带气旋预报精度评定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈国民  张喜平  白莉娜  万日金 《气象》2019,45(4):577-586
以中国气象局上海台风研究所整编的最佳路径数据集为依据,对2017年西北太平洋和南海海域热带气旋定位精度及路径、强度和登陆点预报精度进行了评定。评定结果表明:2017年定位总平均误差为26.7 km,比2016年略偏大。无论是主观预报还是客观预报方法,近两年在72 h以内的路径预报整体水平并没有超越2015年。2017年,中央气象台除了对台风纳沙在台湾宜兰的24 h登陆点预报较差外,其余台风的24 h登陆点预报误差基本在65 km以下。采用不同机构的最佳路径或实时定位定强数据作为参考会对精度评定的结果产生较大影响。  相似文献   

山东热带气旋预报业务系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
孙兴池  吴炜  赵宇  邹树峰 《气象》2003,29(11):52-54
普查1949年以来影响我国北方的所有热带气旋(以下简称台风)个例,建立了影响我国北方的台风详细历史资料库,对台风位置、形成季节、移向、天气形势等进行相似分析,并在MICAPS平台上,建立了中期和短期相似预报系统。  相似文献   

1949—2009年西北太平洋热带气旋气候特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘喆  白洁  张文军  杨文凯 《气象科技》2012,40(2):249-255
利用1949—2009年中国气象局热带气旋(TC:Tropical Cyclone)最佳路径数据集,对西北太平洋TC生成源地的时空分布、生成和登陆我国TC的年、月频数分布、强度分布和地理分布等气候特征进行统计分析。研究结果表明:在这61年中生成的TC呈减少趋势,登陆我国的TC数量比较稳定,不过近10年来登陆的较强TC数量却呈现出上升趋势;每年6—10月是TC高发期,强度等级越高的TC生成季节越偏晚,而8月是生成和登陆数量最多的月份;TC平均生命期随强度等级的增加而增大,且逐渐表现出单峰值分布特征;TC频数的地理分布以我国南海和菲律宾以东洋面为中心,向四周呈辐射状减少,近10年来其活动范围有所西伸加强。  相似文献   

Tropical cyclone genesis potential index(GPI) is a useful metric for gauging the performance of global climate models in the simulation of tropical cyclone(TC) genesis.The performance of LASG/IAP AGCM GAMIL2.0 in the simulation of GPI over the western North Pacific(WNP) is assessed in this paper.Since GPI depends on large scale environmental factors including low-level vorticity at 850 hPa,relative humidity at 700 hPa,vertical wind shear between 850 and 200 hPa,maximum potential intensity(MPI),and vertical velocity,the bias of GPI simulation is discussed from the perspective of thermal and dynamical factors.The results are compared with the ECMWF reanalysis data(ERA40).The analyses show that both the climatological spatial pattern and seasonal cycle of GPI over the WNP are reasonably simulated by GAMIL2.0,but due to the overestimation of relative humidity,the simulated GPI extends to 170°E,about 10°east to that in the reanalysis data.It is demonstrated that the bias in the simulation of monsoon trough,which is about 5°north to the reanalysis,leads to an overestimation of GPI during May-June and September-October,but an underestimation during July-August.Over the WNP,the response of GPI to ENSO is well captured by GAMIL2.0,including the eastward(westward) shift of TC genesis location during El Nin o(La Nin a) years.However,the anomalous convective center associated with El Nin o shifts westward about 20°in comparison to ERA40,which leads to the biases in both vertical velocity and relative humidity.These eventually result in the westward deflection of the boundary between the positive and negative GPI centers along 20°-30°N.The results from this study provide useful clues for the future improvement of GAMIL2.0.  相似文献   

张小丽 《气象》1995,21(8):34-38
通过对参加1994年夏季热带气旋预报方法业务预试验的8个方法进行实例分析,初步指出各方法的成功之处与不足,以期得到改进和提高。  相似文献   

This paper describes the access to, and the content, characteristics, and potential applications of the tropical cyclone(TC) database that is maintained and actively developed by the China Meteorological Administration, with the aim of facilitating its use in scientific research and operational services. This database records data relating to all TCs that have passed through the western North Pacific(WNP) and South China Sea(SCS) since 1949. TC data collection has expanded over recent decades via continuous TC monitoring using remote sensing and specialized field detection techniques,allowing collation of a multi-source TC database for the WNP and SCS that covers a long period, with wide coverage and many observational elements. This database now comprises a wide variety of information related to TCs, such as historical or real-time locations(i.e., best track and landfall), intensity, dynamic and thermal structures, wind strengths, precipitation amounts, and frequency. This database will support ongoing research into the processes and patterns associated with TC climatic activity and TC forecasting.  相似文献   

2010年西北太平洋与南海热带气旋活动异常的成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用中国气象局热带气旋(TC)资料、NCEP/NCAR 再分析资料和美国 NOAA 向外长波辐射(OLR)等资料,分析了2010年西北太平洋(WNP)及南海(SCS)热带气旋活动异常的可能成因,讨论了同期大气环流配置和海温外强迫对TC生成和登陆的动力和热力条件的影响。结果表明,2010年生成TC频数明显偏少,生成源地显著偏西,而登陆TC频数与常年持平。导致7~10月TC频数明显偏少的大尺度环境场特征为:副热带高压较常年异常偏强、西伸脊点偏西,季风槽位置异常偏西,弱垂直风切变带位置也较常年偏西且范围偏小,南亚高压异常偏强,贝加尔湖附近对流层低高层均为反气旋距平环流,这些关键环流因子的特征和配置都不利于 TC 在WNP的东部生成。影响TC活动的外强迫场特征为:2010年热带太平洋经历了El Ni?o事件于春末夏初消亡、La Ni?a事件于7月形成的转换;7~10月,WNP海表温度维持正距平,140°E以东为负距平且对流活动受到抑制;暖池次表层海温异常偏暖,对应上空850 hPa为东风距平,有利于季风槽偏西和TC在WNP的西北侧海域生成。WNP海表温度和暖池次表层海温的特征是2010年TC生成频数偏少、生成源地异常偏西的重要外强迫信号。有利于7~10月热带气旋西行和登陆的500 hPa风场特征为:北太平洋为反气旋环流距平,其南侧为东风异常,该东风异常南缘可到25°N,并向西扩展至中国大陆地区;南海和西北太平洋地区15°N以南的低纬也为东风异常;在这样的风场分布型下,TC容易受偏东气流引导西行并登陆我国沿海地区。这是2010年生成TC偏少但登陆TC并不少的重要环流条件。  相似文献   

陈淑琴  黄辉  李晓丽 《气象》2002,28(2):42-45
主要用统计方法热带气旋本身的要素(位置、近中心最低气压、移速等)与热带气多速的相关性,用前期的中心气压、位置、移速等作为因子并热带气旋数值预报产品建立移速预报的逐步回归方程。  相似文献   

西北太平洋大气准双周振荡对热带气旋活动的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王磊  陈光华  黄荣辉 《大气科学》2009,33(3):416-424
利用JRA逐日风场资料、 NOAA/NCEP的逐日OLR场资料以及美国联合台风预报中心的热带气旋 (TC) 数据, 通过对西北太平洋 (WNP) 上空10~20天大气准双周振荡 (QBWO) 不同位相的划分, 深入分析了QBWO对WNP区域生成TC的调制作用。研究结果表明: 在西北太平洋准双周尺度上, 对流与纬向风表现出沿热带地区向西偏北传播的特性。不同位相合成的季风槽位置和强度也发生相应的改变, 由此可见, QBWO是WNP上空季风槽季内变化的重要影响因子。当处于位相1、 4时, WNP生成TC的概率较低, 且登陆我国TC的数量也较少; 当处于位相2、 3时, WNP发生TC的概率较高, 特别是处于位相3时, 不仅TC发生概率最高, 而且登陆我国的TC数量也最多。沿热带地区西传的天气尺度波动 (周期10天以下) 在WNP通过季风槽的纬向风辐合作用, 易于转变为波数较大、 波长较短的热带低压 (TD) 型扰动, 这种扰动在季风槽区通过能量的转换有利于发展成为TC。  相似文献   

The present study applies a space-time filter to identify three dominant types of tropical waves: Madden-Julian oscillations (MJOs), equatorial Rossby (ER) waves, and tropical depression (TD)-type disturbances. The impacts of these waves on tropical cyclones (TCs) were investigated based on 131 observations during the period 2000-07. The results suggest that 72% of TC geneses were related to the joint impacts of more than one type of wave. The composites for cases in different categories reveal that TCs related to the concurrence of the three types of waves have strong and large initial vortices at the time of TC genesis. In the absence of the MJO, ER- and TD-related TC genesis, embedded in easterly flow, exhibits a relatively fast initiation process and gives rise to a relatively small scale vortex. In contrast, without the ER wave contribution, TCs associated with ER and TD waves did not require strong convection at the time of genesis because an initial vortex can rapidly develop in the MJO active phase through persistent energy transfer. The MJO-related TC geneses were scattered in geographic distribution, as opposed to the clustered and eastward shift observed for genesis cases without contributions from MJOs.  相似文献   

In order to re-examine some trends related to tropical cyclones(TCs) over the western North Pacific since 1949,the unreliable maximum sustained wind(Vmax) recorded in the 1949-1978 TC best-track data from the Shanghai Typhoon Institute was modified based on the wind-pressure relationships(WPRs) in this study. Compared to the WPR scheme based on the cyclostrophic balance,the WPR scheme based on the gradient balance could give a better fit to TCs under higher wind speeds and could introduce smaller estimated errors for TCs locating at higher latitudes as well as TCs landing on the continent.After the Vmax modification based on minimum sea-level pressure and TC center latitude,the revised annual number of category 4-5 typhoons shows no long-term trend,while the potential destructiveness measured by power-dissipation index decreases slightly,and this trend is not significant in the period 1949-2008.  相似文献   

台风暴雨天气预报的现状和展望   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
刘还珠 《气象》1998,24(7):5-9
将我国天气预报业务中台风暴雨的预报方法归纳为4种类型,它们是天气概念模型、数值预报产品动力释用、相似法和应用卫星、雷达探测资料等方法。以典型实例说明了每种方法的基本思路和大概情况。由此分析了我国在预报业务中所具有的优势和存在着的薄弱环节。依照近期的计划和动向对我国天气预报业务发展作了展望  相似文献   

The Tropical Cyclone Genesis Potential Index (GPI) was employed to investigate possible impacts of global warming on tropical cyclone genesis over the western North Pacific (WNP). The outputs of 20th century climate simulation by eighteen GCMs were used to evaluate the models’ ability to reproduce tropical cyclone genesis via the GPI. The GCMs were found in general to reasonably reproduce the observed spatial distribution of genesis. Some of the models also showed ability in capturing observed temporal vari...  相似文献   

The interannual variability of occurrence of multiple tropical cyclone(MTC) events during June-October in the western North Pacific(WNP) was examined for the period 1979-2006.The number of the MTC events ranged from 2 to 9 per year,exhibiting a remarkable year-to-year variation.Seven active and seven inactive MTC years were identified.Compared to the inactive years,tropical cyclone genesis locations extended farther to the east and in the meridional direction during the active MTC years.A composite analysis shows that inactive MTC years were often associated with the El Nin o decaying phase,as warm SST anomalies in the equatorial eastern-central Pacific in the preceding winter transitioned into cold sea surface temperature(SST) anomalies in the concurrent summer.Associated with the SST evolution were suppressed low-level cyclonic vorticity and weakened convection in the WNP monsoon region.In addition to the mean flow difference,significant differences between active and inactive MTC years were also found in the strength of the atmospheric intraseasonal oscillation(ISO).Compared with inactive MTC years,ISO activity was much stronger along the equator and in the WNP region during active MTC years.Both westward-and northward-propagating ISO spectrums strengthened during active MTC years compared to inactive years.The combined mean state and ISO activity changes may set up a favorable environment for the generation of MTC events.  相似文献   

In this study, the nonlinear local Lyapunov exponent (NLLE) approach was used to quantitatively determine the predictability limit of tropical cyclone (TC) tracks based on observed TC track data obtained from the Joint Typhoon Warning Center. The results show that the predictability limit of all TC tracks over the whole western North Pacific (WNP) basin is about 102 h, and the average lifetime of all TC tracks is about 174 h. The predictability limits of the TC tracks for short-, medium-, and long-lived TCs are approximately 72 h, 120 h, and 132 h, respectively. The predictability limit of the TC tracks depends on the TC genesis location, lifetime, and intensity, and further analysis indicated that these three metrics are closely related. The more intense and longer-lived TCs tend to be generated on the eastern side of the WNP (EWNP), whereas the weaker and shorter-lived TCs tend to form in the west of the WNP (WWNP) and the South China Sea (SCS). The relatively stronger and longer-lived TCs, which are generated mainly in the EWNP, have a longer travel time before they curve northeastwards and hence tend to be more predictable than the relatively weaker and shorter-lived TCs that form in the WWNP region and SCS. Furthermore, the results show that the predictability limit of the TC tracks obtained from the best-track data may be underestimated due to the relatively short observational records currently available. Further work is needed, employing a numerical model to assess the predictability of TC tracks.  相似文献   

大气环流及南极海冰变异与热带风暴生成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李曾中 《气象》1995,21(1):19-22

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