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Previous studies of the downslope movement of soil moisture have been largely confined to two-dimensional slope profiles—the influence of contour curvature (three-dimensional) on moisture movement has received little attention. An automatic tensiometer system has been used to monitor soil moisture status continuously in a single hollow and adjacent spurs. Maximum saturated hillslope flow is shown to coincide with the stream discharge ‘throughflow peak’. Relative to the hollow, little saturation is evident at the base of the spurs. This subcatchment model is applied to a major portion of the catchment, showing the general importance of topography in the control of stream discharge.  相似文献   

The distributions of specific catchment area and specific dispersal area values over the hillside studied by Anderson and Burt (1978) relate much more closely to the observed distributions of soil water matric potential than do the occurrences of contour concavity on which the authors rely. Highest potential always occurred in the zone of large specific catchment area except immediately after rainfall, when it occurred in the zone of small dispersal area. Isolines of low potential persistently conformed to those of specific dispersal area.  相似文献   

Variation in solute concentrations of soil and stream water during throughflow events was studied at Bicknoller Combe, Somerset, England. The main hydrological process acting in the catchment involves a delayed throughflow discharge pulse a day or two after the rainfall event. During the period of storm runoff, coincident with the rainfall, the solutes in the stream are diluted, but their concentration in the throughflow remains unchanged. During the delayed throughflow pulse, concentrations of both soil and stream water increase. This is due to additional leaching from the soil in hollows where saturated moisture conditions prevail. The results suggest that two distinct erosional environments may exist: on the spurs, leaching seems to be related solely to infiltration processes, whilst in the hollows, saturated throughflow also contributes to the solute removal. This contrast in erosional processes may perhaps account for the difference in slope form and development between the hollow and spur zones.  相似文献   

Dynamic mechanisms controlling the topography of Longmenshan area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Longmenshan fault, which defines the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, is one of the steepest margins of the plateau with a sharp elevation drop of about 4 km over a distance less than 100 km across the Longmenshan fault. The mechanism which is responsible for controlling and maintaining the elevation difference is highly debated. Using multiple observations including seismic velocity model, Moho depth, effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere, we conducted a quantitative study for elucidating the contributions from crust and lithospheric mantle by an integrated analysis of lithospheric isostasy and flexure. It is shown that the topography of the Longmenshan fault is supported by both lithospheric isostasy and flexure statically, and lower crustal channel flow and mantle convection dynamically. Different mechanisms have different weights for contribution to the topography of the Songpan-Ganzi block and the Sichuan Basin. The static and dynamic support contribute roughly the same to the topographic difference of ~4 km between the two sides of the Longmenshan fault. The static topographic difference of ~2 km is mainly resulted from the lithospheric isostasy, while the dynamic one of ~2 km is contributed by the uprising of the accumulated material in the lower crust beneath the Songpan-Ganzi block and the downward drag force caused by the upper mantle convection under the Sichuan Basin. It is thus suggested that the lower crustal flow and upper mantle convection are dynamic forces which should be taken into account in the studies on the dynamics in the Longmenshan and surrounding regions.  相似文献   

In this study the fractal characteristics of fifty-five digital elevation models from seven different United States physiographic provinces are determined using seven methods. The self-similar fractal model tested in this analysis is found to provide a very good fit for some landscapes, but an imperfect fit for others. Thus, outright rejection of this model does not appear to be warranted, but neither does a blind application. The three implementations of the dividers methods considered in this study consistently produce lower dimensions than those produced by the other methods, and those dimensions consistently do not vary much between surfaces. Although the dimensions produced by the cell counting method (applied to the digital elevation model itself) display consistent intersurface variation, the dimensions are generally lower than those produced by the variogram-based methods. Among the variogram-based methods, the dimensions of the quarter-sections of the digital elevation models are generally greater than the dimensions obtained from the other variogram-based methods. The dimensions produced by the variogram method which considered the surfaces on a directional basis are very similar, on average, to the dimensions produced by the entire-surface variogram.  相似文献   

Erosion caused by concentrated flows in agricultural areas is responsible for important soil losses, and rapid sediment transfer through the channel network. The main factors controlling concentrated flow erosion rates include the erodibility of soil materials, soil use and management, climate and watershed topography. In this paper, two topographic indices, closely related to mathematical expressions suggested by different authors, are used to characterize the influence of watershed topography on gully erosion. The AS1 index is defined as the product of the watershed area and the partial area‐weighted average slope. The AS2 index is similar to the AS1 but uses the swale slope as the weighting factor. Formally, AS2 is the product of the watershed area and the length‐weighted average swale slope. From studies made using different ephemeral gully erosion databases, it is shown that a high correlation consistently exists between the topographic indices and the volume of eroded soil. The resulting relationships are therefore useful to assess soil losses from gully erosion, to identify the most susceptible watersheds within large areas, and to compare the susceptibility to gully erosion among different catchments. This information is also important in studying the response of natural drainage network systems to different rainfall inputs. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Over two decades of technical and application-based advances to the speleothem U-Pb chronometer have cemented this terrestrial archive at the forefront of landscape reconstruction, palaeoclimatology, and palaeoanthropology. The ability to access speleothem palaeoclimate records beyond the 650 ka limit of the U-Th system has opened many avenues to such ‘deep-time’ considerations. Yet still this chronometer remains a challenging analytical exercise, more-so as the technique becomes routinely applied to carbonates with less-than-ideal U/Pb ratios. In this contribution, we review the vadose speleothem U-Pb system, as revealed by 68 previously published isochrons produced from 474 solution-mode analyses across three separate geographical regions. We develop a new statistical parameter of ‘average distance’ to quantify the dispersion or ‘spread’ along the previously published isochrons and compare this with available U and Pb elemental concentrations. Our findings highlight the importance of regional geology and karst morphology in controlling the speleothem's overall U/Pb ratio. Furthermore, we show that variability in the amount of inherited Pb across the sampling layer (average variability of 63% relative to sample average) – not uranium (23% variability) or by extension radiogenic Pb – is a main factor controlling the resulting isochron's quality. This is demonstrated using Z-score distributions of the U and Pb concentrations and isochron average distance values. By making this distinction we hope to initiate further research into Pb-specific transportation vectors through the karst, in addition to physical/chemical processes that fractionate inherited Pb at the speleothem precipitation site. We go on to extend the use of Tera-Wasserburg common Pb anchors to the ‘classical’ U-Pb isochrons as an example of the utility gained by considering the role of inherited Pb within speleothems. Finally we argue that an improved theoretical understanding of inherited Pb distributions within speleothems would greatly benefit solution mode sampling strategies, especially for poor-to-moderate U/Pb speleothems.  相似文献   

Giora J. Kidron 《水文研究》2015,29(7):1783-1792
Contrary to humid areas where runoff takes place following the saturation of the soil column, runoff in arid and semiarid zones takes place when rain intensities exceed the infiltration capability of the upper soil crust, whether physical crust or microbiotic crust (MC). This type of overland flow, known as Hortonian overland flow (HOF), is not fully understood, especially in the case of MC. In particular, little is known regarding the effect of crust thickness and its fine (silt and clay) content on runoff generation, with some scholars claiming that runoff generation is positively correlated with crust thickness and fine content. In an attempt to determine the effect of crust thickness and to assess the role played by the silt and clay on runoff generation, a set of field and lab experiments were undertaken on MCs inhabiting sand dunes in the Negev Desert (Israel). These included sprinkling experiments coupled with measurements of the physical (thickness, silt and clay) and biological (chlorophyll, protein, total carbohydrates) properties of 0.5–10‐mm‐thick crusts. The data showed that runoff generation took place on surfaces as thin as ~0.5–0.7 mm only, and was not correlated with the fine (silt and clay) content. The implications for HOF and for arid ecosystems are discussed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The contribution of throughflow to storm runoff is examined using a chemical mixing model. The results predict that throughflow is an important component of storm runoff particularly during the period of stream recession. Supporting hydrological data suggests that a major throughflow input occurs coincident with the stream discharge peak. The two sets of results therefore conflict in the predicted timing of the throughflow response.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - The evolution of the Loop Current (LC) system under the interaction with the complex topography of the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) is examined. Focusing on the eastern GoM, we study the...  相似文献   

Recent work suggests that the quasi-periodic (QP) modulation \sim10-50 s of naturally occurring ELF-VLF radio emissions (\sim0.5-5 kHz) is produced by the compressional action of Pc3 magnetic pulsations on the source of the emissions. Whilst it is generally accepted that these magnetic pulsations have an exogenic source, it is not clear what the mechanism of their generation is. A study of QP emissions observed during 1988 at Halley, Antarctica, in conjunction with IMP-8 satellite solar wind data, shows that the occurrence and modulation frequency of the emissions are strongly dependent upon the direction and strength of the IMF, respectively. The observed relationships are very similar to those previously reported for Pc3 pulsations associated with upstream ion-cyclotron resonance, involving proton beams reflected at the bowshock. In comparing the observed QP modulation frequencies with upstream wave theory, agreement was found by considering wave excitation exclusively associated with a proton beam reflected from a position on the bowshock at which the shock normal is parallel to the ambient IMF direction. Other geometries were found to be either impropitious or uncertain. The work indicates the useful diagnostic role QP emissions could play in the study of compressional ULF waves in the upstream solar wind and in monitoring the IMF conditions responsible for their generation.  相似文献   

The traditional definition of lithospheric strength is derived from the differential stresses required to form brittle and ductile structures at a constant strain rate. This definition is based on dissipative brittle and ductile deformation and does not take into account the ability of the lithosphere to store elastic strain. Here we show the important role of elasticity in controlling the long-term behaviour of the lithosphere. This is particularly evident when describing deformation in a thermodynamic framework, which differentiates between stored (Helmholtz free energy) and dissipative (entropy) energy potentials. In our model calculations we stretch a continental lithosphere with a wide range of crustal thickness (30–60 km) and heat flow (50–80 mW/m2) at a constant velocity. We show that the Helmholtz free energy, which in our simple calculation describes the energy stored elastically, converges for all models within a 25% range, while the dissipated energy varies over an order of magnitude. This variation stems from complex patterns in the local strain distributions of the different models, which together operate to minimize the Helmholtz free energy. This energy minimization is a fundamental material behaviour of the lithosphere, which in our simple case is defined by its elastic properties. We conclude from this result that elasticity (more generally Helmholtz free energy) is an important regulator of the long-term geological strength of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

Three models for the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling feedback instability are considered. The first model is based on demagnetization of hot ions in the plasma sheet. The instability takes place in the global magnetosphere-ionosphere system when magnetospheric electrons drift through a spatial gradient of hot magnetospheric ion population. Such a situation exists on the inner and outer edges of the plasma sheet where relatively cold magnetospheric electrons move earthward through a radial gradient of hot ions. This leads to the formation of field-aligned currents. The effect of upward field-aligned current on particle precipitation and the magnitude of ionospheric conductivity leads to the instability of this earthward convection and to its division into convection streams oriented at some angle with respect to the initial convection direction. The growth rate of the instability is maximum for structures with sizes less than the ion Larmor radius in the equatorial plane. This may lead to formation of auroral arcs with widths about 10 km. This instability explains many features of such arcs, including their conjugacy in opposite hemispheres. However, it cannot explain the very high growth rates of some auroral arcs and very narrow arcs. For such arcs another type of instability must be considered. In the other two models the instability arises because of the generation of Alfven waves from growing arc-like structures in the ionospheric conductivity. One model is based on the modulation of precipitating electrons by field-aligned currents of the upward moving Alfven wave. The other model takes into consideration the reflection of Alfven waves from a maximum in the Alfven velocity at an altitude of about 3000 km. The growth of structures in both models takes place when the ionization function associated with upward field-aligned current is shifted from the edges of enhanced conductivity structures toward their centers. Such a shift arises because the structures move at a velocity different from the E × B drift. Although both models may work, the growth rate for the model, based on the modulation of the precipitating accelerated electrons, is significantly larger than that of the model based on the Alfven wave reflection. This mechanism is suitable for generation of auroral arcs with widths of about 1 km and less. The growth rate of the instability can be as large as 1 s-1, and this mechanism enables us to justify the development of auroral arcs only in one ionosphere. It is hardly suitable for excitation of wide and conjugate auroral arcs, but it may be responsible for the formation of small-scale structures inside a wide arc.Polar Geophysical Institute, Apatity, Russia  相似文献   




Water and cation budgets were calculated for two sub-basins within a small low relief watershed in South-Central Ontario during a period of ephemeral runoff which was initiated by spring snow melt. The hydrology of one (upland) sub-basin was strongly influenced by seasonal fluctuations in the level of regional ground water. Saturated contributing areas formed in low lying regions adjacent to the stream channel where the water table rose to the surface, and stream discharge was a mixture of ground water and saturation overland flow. In the second sub-basin a wetland provided a large and spatially less variable saturated contributing area. Clay soils underlying the wetland resulted in a shallow perched water table, poorly drained and highly organic soils, and greatly reduced inputs of regional ground water. Stream discharge was largely the result of surface runoff from the wetland and adjacent areas of saturated soil.Inter-basin variations in water export were by far greater than variations in stream chemistry. As a result, inter-basin variations in cation export strongly reflected variations in water export over the time interval in which the majority of a given ion was lost from the watershed. Spatial differences in water export were least at the onset of runoff when basin saturation was greatest and overland flow made large contributions to the discharge from both sub-basins. Potassium and hydrogen had high concentrations at this time which caused these ions to show only small spatial differences in export. With decreases in the areal extent of soil saturation, and increases in the storage capacity of the wetland, the hydrologic contrast between sub-basins increased. Greater water loss from the upland area resulted from a greater discharge of regional ground water, and a more rapid expansion of the saturated contributing areas during storm events. Calcium, magnesium, and sodium concentrations increased steadily during the first 3 weeks of runoff, so that the peak export of these cations occurred later in the runoff period at times of higher concentration, but lower and spatially more variable discharges. Consequently, spatial differences in the loss of these ions was great and favoured the upland sub-basin, since the majority of export occurred when the hydrologic contrast between sub-basins was largest.  相似文献   

Regional gravity data from an eroded Miocene to Pliocene volcanic arc exposed in the Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand, delineate a circular − 26-mGal, 15-km-diameter gravity anomaly. This anomaly, which has steep gradients on its northern and western margins but shallow gradients elsewhere, correlates with relatively young volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks within a broad topographic depression. Gravity modelling, using an exponentially decreasing density contrast with depth profile, requires very low-density rocks (ca. 2280 kg m 3) in the near-surface to account for the observed anomaly, giving a total depth of ca. 2.8 km for these rocks. The northern and western margins of this body dip steeply inward at 70°, whereas the southern and eastern margins have shallow inward dips (20–30°). The western margin coincides with the regional-scale Mangakino Fault, but the northern margin, recognizable only in the geophysical data (and named here the Ohinemuri Fault), is partially buried under younger volcanic rocks. We interpret these deep and steeply bounded, low-density volcanics in terms of a trapdoor caldera, faulted on its northern and western margins, with its hinge on the southern and eastern margins. Epithermal deposits are spatially associated with the Mangakino and Ohinemuri Faults, suggesting that both structures may have influenced hydrothermal fluid flow. These deposits pre-date caldera fill, indicating that caldera development followed pre-existing regional faults. These results delineate the subsurface geometry of a trapdoor caldera and highlight the role of pre-existing, regional-scale faults in controlling such caldera location and collapse.  相似文献   

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