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汶川8.0级地震强震动加速度记录的初步分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文对国家强震动台网中心收集的2008年5月12目14时28分04秒汶川8.0级地震中获取的420组三分量加速度记录进行了处理和初步分析。在分析前对原始加速度记录进行整理、转换数据格式、零线校正、录入原数据,形成标准格式的未校正加速度数据;在这次地震中布设在龙门山断裂带及其周围地区有50多个台站获得了大于100 Gal的加速度记录,有46组三分量加速度记录的断层距小于100km,使中国大陆近断层区域所获得的强震动加速度记录的数量成倍增加。本文依据这批数据对汶川大地震强震动特性进行了初步分析,给出了此次地震断层附近地区的PGA衰减规律,并利用此规律模拟断层附近的加速度峰值,绘制了PGA分布图;给出了汶川地震断层附近的加速度反应谱、上盘效应、速度大脉冲效应等地震动特征,这些特征可作为抗震设计规范修订的依据及灾区重建时参考;最后展望了这批强震动加速度记录的应用前景。  相似文献   

在汶川8.0级地震中,中国数字强震动台网在19个省市自治区的420个台站获得了1257条3分量主震加速度记录.文中对这些记录进行了初步的波形分析和数据统计,发现部分记录不完整,即存在不同程度丢头、丢尾的现象.从强震记录的波形特点、仪器的开始/停止触发阈值、事件0/后存储时间分析了出现以上现象的原因,并给出了数字强震仪预存贮参数设置的合理建议.文中研究的初步结果可为今后的数字强震仪参数设置提供参考.  相似文献   

P-alert台网实时数据对地震预警及烈度速报和工程地震研究都是重要的补充,处理分析这些数据对客观衡量P-alert台网数据质量和数据用途有重要意义。对2016年2月6日台湾美浓ML6.4地震P-alert台网获取的记录进行了处理和初步分析,统计分析显示100gal以上加速度记录有112条,200gal以上加速度记录有33条,400gal以上加速度记录有7条,东西向最大峰值加速度为466.4gal,南北向最大峰值加速度为498.4gal,竖直向最大峰值加速度为258.6gal,最大仪器地震烈度为9.5度。竖直向峰值加速度和峰值速度比水平向峰值加速度和峰值速度衰减快。峰值加速度比峰值速度衰减快,观测峰值加速度和峰值速度与台湾西南地区峰值加速度和峰值速度衰减公式比较一致。计算得到了近场台站的永久位移,显示P-alert台网绝大多数永久位移在1cm到5cm之间,最大永久位移达8cm。  相似文献   

通过对帕克菲尔德历史地震数据的分析,发现该地存在有11年及11年的倍数周期,美国学者发现的22年周期只是其中一个特例。分析认为,无论是使用11年周期还是22年周期,均无法准确预测出2004年帕克菲尔德地震,因此美国学者的预测未能成功。原因在于出现了一个新的黄金分割规律,即11年×0.618=6.8年,使用该规律可以准确预测出2004年地震。依据以上发现的3个规律,尝试预测下一次帕克菲尔德地震可能发生在2032年附近,建议综合使用当地观测数据分析以缩小误差。  相似文献   

非因果滤波器在强震数据处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文叙述了非因果滤波器的特点,以汶川主震记录为例,采用Butterworth非因果滤波器,研究了加零、余弦过渡以及截止频率对于强震动记录有关参数的影响,对比了四种非因果滤波器在不同阶数下的计算结果,探讨了滤波后的加速度保零和去零的问题。研究表明:借助于在记录的首尾加零得以实现的非因果滤波具有零相位特点,余弦过渡处理对于加零部分与原始记录间的过渡很必要;Butterworth非因果滤波器的计算结果比较稳定,PGV和PGD对于高通截止频率的选择比较敏感,当波纹系数为0.2dB时,宜使用Chebyshev I型非因果滤波器;当波纹系数为3dB时,宜使用Cheby-shev II型非因果滤波器;对于滤波后的加速度数据需要保零以适应数据间的协调。  相似文献   

During the recent earthquakes in Japan and the U.S.A. a number of records from liquefied‐soil sites have been obtained. The ground motion parameters from these sites were studied and several methods for detection of liquefaction from seismic records were developed. The methods, however, focus mainly on the horizontal ground motion and may interpret as liquefaction‐induced some records from soft‐soil deposits or records with dominant surface waves, at which sites the phenomenon was not observed. Besides, not all of the available records from liquefied sites were processed. In this paper, after examination of the ability of different types of ground motion parameters to indicate alone soil liquefaction we propose a new liquefaction detection method that simultaneously analyses instantaneous frequency content of the horizontal and the vertical ground acceleration. We also compare performance of the proposed method with that of the other liquefaction detection methods. The computations are carried out using a common data set including records from liquefied and non‐liquefied sites. Results show that the frequency‐related parameters and the proposed method detect more efficiently the occurrence of liquefaction from the seismic records. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The published version 1.0 of the new Italian strong-motion database ITACA (Italian ACcelerometric Archive, ) includes to date (December 2010) about 4,000 three-component waveforms up to M 6.9, from more than 1,800 earthquakes up to 6.9, recorded by about 400 stations in the period 1972–2009. The uncorrected and corrected strong motion data are archived and can be retrieved with their metadata, concerning events, stations and waveforms. The aim of this paper is to present the procedures for processing the records included in ITACA, accounting for the heterogeneity of this data set, both in terms of quality and amplitude of records as well as illustrating the main features of the ITACA strong-motion dataset. Later, we focus on the “exceptional” ground-motion records, that we, conventionally, denote as those having peak acceleration and peak velocity larger than 300 cm/s2 and 15 cm/s, respectively. These records are less than 2% of the whole ITACA dataset but they are the most relevant for the seismic hazard and engineering implications. Such large peak values, recorded at distances up to 30 km, are related not only to the strongest Italian earthquakes, but also to events with magnitude down to 4. Furthermore, we investigate the dependence of the largest peak values on horizontal and vertical directions and on source-to-site distance.  相似文献   

Shallow strike slip earthquakes on vertical faults are modelled as two-dimensional antiplane strain ruptures in a uniformly prestressed homogeneous halfspace. Behind the rupture front, which is specified, the stress drops to a lower value. The elastodynamic boundary value problem is solved with a finite difference method. Several cases are studied, which include symmetric and one-directional rupture propagation, surface faulting, multiple events, variable rupture velocity, sticking and rebreaking of the fault plane. The time function of displacement, velocity and acceleration are interpreted as signals generated by events in the focus, namely starting, stopping and breaking through the surface of the rupture. The model explains peak velocity and peak acceleration in the near field of M5.5–6 earthquakes; which are typically about 0.2 m/s and 5 m/s2 at 10 km epicentral distance, if the rupture velocity is close to the shear wave velocity. Sticking of the fault does not alter the accelerograms significantly, but it increases the seismic moment in simple events and decreases it in multiple events.Contribution No. 226, Geophysical Institute, University of Karlsruhe.  相似文献   

辽宁灯塔5.1级强震记录分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年1月23日辽宁灯塔5.1级地震发生后,辽宁省强震动台网获取22组强震记录,对其进行零漂校正及滤波校正,形成校正的加速度记录,并进行初步分析,得到加速度反应谱等地震动特征。  相似文献   

2013年6月2日台湾南投地震强地面运动模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2013年6月2日台湾省南投县发生一次里氏6.5级地震,这次地震是最近几年内发生的最大的一次地震,台湾大部分地区以及中国大陆东南沿海城市均有明显震感.为了更深入的理解此次地震的地震波能量传播过程以及强地面运动过程,本文采用三维有限差分方法对此次地震的强地面运动过程进行了模拟.结果显示,台湾中央山脉起伏的地形对此次地震的强地面运动分布特征具有较大的影响,出现了比较明显的地形放大效应;此外,台湾的平原和盆地中的沉积层也对地震波有较强的放大效应.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the synthesis of acceleration time histories primarily for use in structural response estimation. A proposed model for the acceleration time history is based on the summation of dispersive wave modes over the range of frequencies of typical interest to structural response. The values of the modal amplitudes and the travel times (or group velocities) are, for cases examined here, extracted from a target earthquake (or an ensemble of them). The synthetic accelerograms are constructed from these parameters with the inclusion of a probabilistic definition of those or other characteristics of the strong ground shaking and, in particular, the modal phase angle. The probability distributions of the peak acceleration and the integral of the square acceleration of the synthetic records are examined along with comparisons of the pseudo spectral velocity (PSV) response.  相似文献   

基于强震动记录确定的场地卓越周期   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了3种根据场地强震动记录获取场地卓越周期的方法: ① 地表记录的傅里叶谱分析法; ② 地表水平/垂直傅里叶谱比法; ③ 地表/地下傅里叶谱比法. 基于日本强震动观测台网KiK-net中两个基岩台站和两个Ⅲ类场地台站获取的数百条强震动记录, 分别使用上述3种方法确定场地的卓越周期, 并对比分析各种方法的优缺点及其适用情况. 结果表明: 对于基岩场地, 由于记录信息复杂, 局部场地条件对地震动影响较小, 地震动自身特性突出, 导致3种方法所得到的结果均比较分散; 对于土层场地, 场地条件影响比较显著, 3种方法基本都可以得到一个较为准确的数值; 但对于某些场地, 地表水平/垂直傅里叶谱比法所得结果存在不确定性, 相比之下, 地表/地下傅里叶谱比法则能给出一个更为准确的场地卓越周期值.   相似文献   

介绍了美国中加州帕克菲尔德(Parkfield)地震预报实验场的建设、运行和试验场工作期间发生的2004年6级地震的情况.着重阐述了在实验场20多年的地震预测研究中遇到的一系列科学同题以及一些新的认识.这些科学认识包括:对活动构造破裂分段的研究是地震长期预测的基础;无震滑动是地震预测中的一大难点和障碍;地震复发模型具有的相当大的不确定性且在预测应用上有很大的局限性;地震前兆的复杂性、差异性及其对地震预测中常用原则--前兆异常重现性和相似性的挑战等.这些认识对地震预测研究与实验场建设有一定的启示意义.  相似文献   

利用强震数据获取汶川地震近断层地面永久位移   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用汶川地震中得到的靠近映秀-北川主断裂的64个强震台站的三分量记录数据,对加速度记录进行基线校正的基础上获取近断层地面运动的永久形变位移,并将由强震记录获取到的地面位移结果与GPS观测到的同震位移进行对比分析,研究汶川Ms8.0地震的近断层地面运动的位移特征.结果表明:①在靠近映秀-北川主断层的上盘和下盘,东西相向的地面运动非常剧烈.下盘的51SFB,51MZQ和51JYH台东西向位移均为负(即地面运动向西),其中51SFB台位移量最大,达到1.49m;上盘的51WCW台位移向东,位移量为1.26 m.②地面运动的位移分布主要表现为以龙门山断裂带的映秀-北川断裂为核心的相向运动,东西方向上的永久位移要大于南北方向.从断层机制上来讲,断层的错动以逆冲运动为主(即逆冲位移要大于走滑分量的位移),这与震源机制反演及地质考察的结果一致.③大的地面永久位移集中分布在以龙门山断裂带为中心的狭长范围内,离开发震断裂地面位移的衰减很快.相比而言,在发震断层的下盘一侧(即四川盆地)的地面位移的衰减比上盘一侧明显要快.  相似文献   

利用汶川地震中得到的靠近映秀—北川主断裂的64个强震台站的三分量记录数据, 对加速度记录进行基线校正的基础上获取近断层地面运动的永久形变位移, 并将由强震记录获取到的地面位移结果与GPS观测到的同震位移进行对比分析, 研究汶川MS8.0地震的近断层地面运动的位移特征. 结果表明: ① 在靠近映秀—北川主断层的上盘和下盘, 东西相向的地面运动非常剧烈. 下盘的51SFB, 51MZQ和51JYH台东西向位移均为负(即地面运动向西), 其中51SFB台位移量最大, 达到1.49 m; 上盘的51WCW台位移向东, 位移量为1.26 m. ② 地面运动的位移分布主要表现为以龙门山断裂带的映秀—北川断裂为核心的相向运动, 东西方向上的永久位移要大于南北方向. 从断层机制上来讲, 断层的错动以逆冲运动为主(即逆冲位移要大于走滑分量的位移), 这与震源机制反演及地质考察的结果一致. ③ 大的地面永久位移集中分布在以龙门山断裂带为中心的狭长范围内, 离开发震断裂地面位移的衰减很快. 相比而言, 在发震断层的下盘一侧(即四川盆地)的地面位移的衰减比上盘一侧明显要快.  相似文献   

Site amplification defined as the peak value of spectrum ratio was investigated using surface and base accelerations recorded in a number of KiK-net down-hole arrays in Japan during three major earthquakes. An important task was to determine the spectral amplifications relative to outcropping motions with the aid of the down-hole array records. Based on soil data available for individual arrays, theoretical amplifications were calculated and adjusted to coincide with the peak amplifications of the array records. A good and unique correlation was found between the peak amplifications thus obtained and S-wave velocity ratios, defined by S-wave velocity in base layer divided by average S-wave velocity , for different sites and different earthquakes. The value of was evaluated from fundamental mode frequency and the thickness of an equivalent surface layer in which peak amplification is exerted. The conventional parameter Vs30; averaged shear wave velocity in the top 30 m used in current design codes, did not correlate well with the obtained amplifications. It is suggested that may be determined not only from Vs-logging data but also from microtremor measurements.  相似文献   

随着海洋结构物的建设快速发展,为了解海底地震动相关特性,目前在建与已建成的海底强震台网逐年增加,得到的强震数据为海底地震动特性研究提供了重要资料。本文首先,统计了世界范围内现有海底强震台网的分布,并对强震台站信息及记录特点简要总结;其次,综述了基于海底强震记录以及数值计算等方法分析海底地震动特性的研究成果;并且,阐述了海底地震动在海洋工程中应用的研究现状;最后,基于现有研究成果,对海底地震动特性研究的前景进行讨论和展望。  相似文献   

Contours of spatial variations of the duration of strong earthquake ground motion during the 1994 Northridge, California earthquake are smooth over distances as large as tens of kilometers. Visual comparison of those contours with the depth of sediments and with vertical offsets of the basement rocks along the faults in the Los Angeles basin are in excellent qualitative agreement with the trends predicted by the previously published empirical scaling equations of strong-motion duration. It is argued that if the source-to-station distances were measured along the three-dimensional wave paths through the sedimentary wave-guides, rather than along straight lines as is common at present, the accuracy of empirical scaling equations could be improved significantly.  相似文献   

基于HHT的结构强震记录分析研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文利用HHT(Hilbert-HUang Transform)研究了结构强震记录的时频特性及结构动力特性。介绍了一座7层钢混框架结构及其强震观测台阵概况以及经历的地震情况,选择了在3次有代表性地震中的强震记录,利用一种新的非平稳信号处理方法HHT对记录进行了处理和分析,得到了该结构强震记录的时频幅值三维分布以及边际谱,并将边际谱与傅里叶谱进行了对比,识别了结构的自振频率。研究表明,对结构强震记录这种强非平稳信号,可以利用HHT分析得到能量集中分布的频段与时间范围。HHT边际谱与傅里叶谱相比,在低频部分幅值要大于傅里叶谱,而在高频部分,幅值要小于傅里叶谱。利用结构强震记录识别的自振频率比环境振动测试结果要小。  相似文献   

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