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Previous studies of the downslope movement of soil moisture have been largely confined to two-dimensional slope profiles—the influence of contour curvature (three-dimensional) on moisture movement has received little attention. An automatic tensiometer system has been used to monitor soil moisture status continuously in a single hollow and adjacent spurs. Maximum saturated hillslope flow is shown to coincide with the stream discharge ‘throughflow peak’. Relative to the hollow, little saturation is evident at the base of the spurs. This subcatchment model is applied to a major portion of the catchment, showing the general importance of topography in the control of stream discharge.  相似文献   

Variation in solute concentrations of soil and stream water during throughflow events was studied at Bicknoller Combe, Somerset, England. The main hydrological process acting in the catchment involves a delayed throughflow discharge pulse a day or two after the rainfall event. During the period of storm runoff, coincident with the rainfall, the solutes in the stream are diluted, but their concentration in the throughflow remains unchanged. During the delayed throughflow pulse, concentrations of both soil and stream water increase. This is due to additional leaching from the soil in hollows where saturated moisture conditions prevail. The results suggest that two distinct erosional environments may exist: on the spurs, leaching seems to be related solely to infiltration processes, whilst in the hollows, saturated throughflow also contributes to the solute removal. This contrast in erosional processes may perhaps account for the difference in slope form and development between the hollow and spur zones.  相似文献   

Seasonal soil water dynamics were measured at a fine-textured, upslope site within the jarrah forest of southwest Western Australia and compared to the results from a coarse-textured hillslope transect. Gravity drainage dominated during winter and early spring. This reversed in early summer and an upward potential gradient was observed to 7 m depth. A shallow ephemeral saturation zone was observed above a clay pan at 1.5 m depth. This saturation zone persisted through late winter and early spring, contrasting with the short-lived saturation in the duricrust on the hillslope transect. The annual maximum to minimum unsaturated soil water storage was about 530 mm, 50 mm greater than the hillslope transect and higher than most values reported elsewhere in Australia. Significant soil water content changes following winter rain were generally restricted to 6 m but at one site occurred to 9 m. These depths were significantly less than the coarser-textured hillslope transect. Soil water drying rates averaged 5 mm day?1 during extended dry periods compared to 3.5 mm day?1 on the hillslope transect. The drying rate occurred uniformly through the profile until late summer when a significant decrease in the upper 3 m was observed.  相似文献   

Seasonal soil water dynamics were measured on a hillslope transect in the jarrah forest of southwest Western Australia over the period 1984-86 using mercury manometer tensiometers, gypsum blocks, and a neutron moisture meter. The soil water potential gradients indicated downward vertical drainage flux through winter and spring. There was generally a change to an upwards flux in early summer which was sustained through to autumn. A shallow ephemeral saturation zone was identified in and above a duricrust layer, lasting up to three days after heavy, late winter rainfall. The annual maximum to minimum unsaturated soil water storage on the hillslope was approximately 400 mm to 6 m depth and 480 mm to 15 m depth. This did not change significantly in years of substantially different winter rainfall. The magnitude of seasonal soil water storage was similar to other forested areas with deep soil profiles. The depth of observable infiltration was dependent on annual rainfall. This was consistent with the observation that groundwater levels responded to rainfall over the whole hillslope in wet years but only responded on the lower slopes in dry years. The average summer drying rate of the soil profile to 6 m depth of 3.5 mm day?1 was within the range of values reported for forests elsewhere. In late summer, following an extended drought period, the drying rate decreased downslope but increased midslope.  相似文献   

Gypsum (plaster of paris) has been cast into spheres and placed in soils; weight loss has been used to identify relative water flow routes. Theoretical considerations and laboratory experimentation show that solutional weight loss of the material used increases with increasing water flow, but is independent of pH above pH 4. Results for gypsum sphere weight loss are presented for soils where moisture conditions have been measured independently using tensiometers. The data suggest that the weight loss method provides a viable time-integrated demonstration of relative water flow routes.  相似文献   

An integrated programme of hydrological monitoring at the 10 km2 Allt a' Mharcaidh catchment in north-east Scotland has been based on observations at plot, hillslope and catchment scale. The resonse of the principal soil types has been characterized from a combination of throughflow and three-dimensional tensiometer data at plot scale, and plot sequences have been used to investigate hillslope scale effects. Seep emergence is associated with downslope drainage and local topographic convergence; in parallel preferential pathways generate a highly dynamic throughflow response. Catchment and subcatchment hydrographs mirror the twin dynamic observed at hillslope scale, and a unified hypothesis of response is presented which is consistent with all scales of observations.  相似文献   

The contribution of throughflow to storm runoff is examined using a chemical mixing model. The results predict that throughflow is an important component of storm runoff particularly during the period of stream recession. Supporting hydrological data suggests that a major throughflow input occurs coincident with the stream discharge peak. The two sets of results therefore conflict in the predicted timing of the throughflow response.  相似文献   

M. Newson  A. Baker  S. Mounsey 《水文研究》2001,15(6):989-1002
The forested Coalburn catchment (1·5 km2) in northern England experiences episodic stream acidification. To plan for sustainable management of the plantation forest cycle, an understanding is required of the flow pathways and hydrochemical routing signatures of the organic and mineral soils that make up the source areas for runoff. A tentative mixing model, based on simple water chemistry exists for the major (terrestrial) sources and buffers of acidification; it is being expanded and consolidated by a detailed approach to the organic components of runoff, via sampling and analysis of the luminescence of surface waters at the catchment outlet and in two distinctive feeder streams. Luminescence measurements are presented that permit a simple apportionment of source areas. However, the technique also appears to have potential for identifying differential flow sourcing between the acrotelm and catotelm of intact peat deposits and for clarifying the influence of forest root systems in altering the organic chemistry of infiltrating waters. Applications may include the monitoring and prediction of coloured water events for the water supply industry. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Subsurface water flow routes have been inferred from gypsum sphere weight loss with minimal disturbance to soil structure or flow nets (Crabtree and Trudgill, 1984). This technique is limited by the relatively slow, fixed dissolution of gypsum. A solution is to use tablets consisting of Durham's ‘Rock Hard Water Putty’ and sodium sulphate. Laboratory tests indicate that tablet dissolution is controlled by the ratio of Rock Hard to sodium sulphate and is proportional to net throughflow yet independent of throughflow pH (between 3·0 and 9·0) and throughflow rate (at rates < 0·04 1 hr?1). The tablets are also mechanically stable, economical, and environmentally safe. Field study results using the Rock Hard-sodium sulphate tablets are consistent with both the laboratory findings and the results of previous investigators.  相似文献   


Experimental work in hydrology is in decline. Based on a community survey, Blume et al. showed that the hydrological community associates experimental work with greater risks. One of the main issues with experimental work is the higher chance of negative results (defined here as when the expected or wanted result was not observed despite careful experimental design, planning and execution), resulting in a longer and more difficult publishing process. Reporting on negative results would avoid putting time and resources into repeating experiments that lead to negative results, and give experimental hydrologists the scientific recognition they deserve. With this commentary, we propose four potential solutions to encourage reporting on negative results, which might contribute to a stimulation of experimental hydrology.  相似文献   

The parameter n in the well-known expression for hydraulic conductivity K=K0Sen (where K0 is its value at satiation and Se the effective saturation) is determined as a function of the exponent in the power form of the soil–water retention relationship. The result is validated with an extensive experimental database comprising some 43 soils, collected by Mualem.  相似文献   

Water and cation budgets were calculated for two sub-basins within a small low relief watershed in South-Central Ontario during a period of ephemeral runoff which was initiated by spring snow melt. The hydrology of one (upland) sub-basin was strongly influenced by seasonal fluctuations in the level of regional ground water. Saturated contributing areas formed in low lying regions adjacent to the stream channel where the water table rose to the surface, and stream discharge was a mixture of ground water and saturation overland flow. In the second sub-basin a wetland provided a large and spatially less variable saturated contributing area. Clay soils underlying the wetland resulted in a shallow perched water table, poorly drained and highly organic soils, and greatly reduced inputs of regional ground water. Stream discharge was largely the result of surface runoff from the wetland and adjacent areas of saturated soil.Inter-basin variations in water export were by far greater than variations in stream chemistry. As a result, inter-basin variations in cation export strongly reflected variations in water export over the time interval in which the majority of a given ion was lost from the watershed. Spatial differences in water export were least at the onset of runoff when basin saturation was greatest and overland flow made large contributions to the discharge from both sub-basins. Potassium and hydrogen had high concentrations at this time which caused these ions to show only small spatial differences in export. With decreases in the areal extent of soil saturation, and increases in the storage capacity of the wetland, the hydrologic contrast between sub-basins increased. Greater water loss from the upland area resulted from a greater discharge of regional ground water, and a more rapid expansion of the saturated contributing areas during storm events. Calcium, magnesium, and sodium concentrations increased steadily during the first 3 weeks of runoff, so that the peak export of these cations occurred later in the runoff period at times of higher concentration, but lower and spatially more variable discharges. Consequently, spatial differences in the loss of these ions was great and favoured the upland sub-basin, since the majority of export occurred when the hydrologic contrast between sub-basins was largest.  相似文献   

In this study, summer rainfall contributions to streamflow were quantified in the sub‐arctic, 30% glacierized Tarfala (21.7 km2) catchment in northern Sweden for two non‐consecutive summer sampling seasons (2004 and 2011). We used two‐component hydrograph separation along with isotope ratios (δ18O and δD) of rainwater and daily streamwater samplings to estimate relative fraction and uncertainties (because of laboratory instrumentation, temporal variability and spatial gradients) of source water contributions. We hypothesized that the glacier influence on how rainfall becomes runoff is temporally variable and largely dependent on a combination of the timing of decreasing snow cover on glaciers and the relative moisture storage condition within the catchment. The results indicate that the majority of storm runoff was dominated by pre‐event water. However, the average event water contribution during storm events differed slightly between both years with 11% reached in 2004 and 22% in 2011. Event water contributions to runoff generally increased over 2011 the sampling season in both the main stream of Tarfala catchment and in the two pro‐glacial streams that drain Storglaciären (the largest glacier in Tarfala catchment covering 2.9 km2). We credit both the inter‐annual and intra‐annual differences in event water contributions to large rainfall events late in the summer melt season, low glacier snow cover and elevated soil moisture due to large antecedent precipitation. Together amplification of these two mechanisms under a warming climate might influence the timing and magnitude of floods, the sediment budget and nutrient cycling in glacierized catchments. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Transient storage of floodwaters in aquifers is known to attenuate peak flows in rivers and drive subsurface dissolution. Transient aquifer storage could be enhanced in watersheds overlying karst aquifers where caves facilitate surface and groundwater exchange. Few studies, however, have examined controls on, or magnitudes of, transient aquifer storage or flood peak attenuation in karstic watersheds. Here we evaluate flood peak attenuation with multiple linear regression analyses of 10 years of river and groundwater data from the Suwannee River, which flows over the karstic upper Floridan aquifer in north-central Florida and experiences frequent flooding. Regressions show antecedent river stage exerts the dominant control on magnitudes of transient aquifer storage, with recharge and time to peak having secondary controls. Specifically, low antecedent stages result in larger magnitudes of transient aquifer storage and thus greater flood attenuation than conditions of elevated antecedent stage. These findings suggest subsurface weathering, including cave formation and enlargement, caused by transient aquifer storage could occur on a more frequent basis in aquifers where groundwater table elevation is lowered due to anthropogenic or climatic influences. Our work also shows that measures of groundwater table elevation prior to an event could be used to improve predictive flood models. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

CO2 concentrations at depths of 15,30, and 50 cm were determined over a one-year period in six karst soils in the Malay peninsula. Evidence suggests that the highest single CO2 value (MAXCO2, per cent) recorded at each site/depth provides the best estimate of conditions during groundwater recharge events. Soil depth (cm) and bulk density (BDEN) are the best predictors of MAXCO2, with the equation loglo(MAXCO2) = 1·146 (BDEN) + 0·00698 (DEPTH) - 1·227 accounting for 86 per cent of the variation. This equation is used to model MAXCO2 at seven, more remote sites. Soil throughflow patterns and groundwater recharge points are estimated from slope pantometer and soil depth surveys in order to assess the CO2 concentration with which soil waters ultimately equilibrate before entering the limestone. Limestone weathering seems to be predominantly of the open system type, the overall mean MAXCO2 of 1·65 per cent corresponding with a weathering potential of 167 ppm CaCO3. Weathering potentials vary markedly, ranging from 62–82 ppm on rocky hilltops to more than 280 ppm on certain tower karst footslopes in Selangor and the Kinta Valley and on moderate hillslopes developed in impure limestones in the Boundary Range.  相似文献   


The sharing of data and collection of new data are both essential, but they are not inherently complementary. When data are openly available, researchers may be motivated to use those data rather than collect more because field work has costs and risks. The competitive advantage to those who do not put resources towards fieldwork may discourage field hydrology. Allocating efforts towards generating field data, which benefits hydrological sciences, is not necessarily best for individual hydrologists, especially in an era of open data. The objective of this work is to open a conversation on whether individuals’ best interests may contrast with the community’s desire for new observations. If the community wants new field observations, there is a need to consider the shifting balance of incentives and disincentives for pursuing field studies in hydrology.  相似文献   

This study examined the variation in soil erodibility along hillslopes in a Prairie landscape. The soil loss produced by simulated rainfall on undisturbed soils was used as an index of relative soil erodibility. Relative erodibility, and several soil properties, were measured at the summit, shoulder, midslope footslope and toeslope of 11 slope transects in an area of cultivated grassland soils on hummocky glacial till. The variation of erodibility with slope position was statistically significant, and slope position explained about 40 per cent of the variation in the erodibility measurements. Erodibility was 14 per cent higher on the shoulder and midslope, and 21 per cent lower on the toeslope, than on the summit and footslope. Local variation in erodibility along slopes was considered to be an important control on patterns of soil erosion in the landscape. The variation of erodibility along the slopes reflected soil property trends. The greatest erodibility was associated with upper slope positions where soils tended to be shallow, coarse, poorly leached and low in organic matter, while lower erodibility was found at lower slope positions with deep, organic-rich and leached soils. Of the individual soil properties considered, silt and sand content were the most highly correlated with erodibility. The results, together with results from other studies, also suggest that net erosion and erodibility are positively related.  相似文献   

Hydrometric and isotopic (oxygen-18) observations were used to delineate the runoff processes operating in several headwater catchments on the Precambrian Shield of Canada. The catchments comprise patches of conifer forest situated on thin soils among areas of lichen-covered granitic bedrock. Horton overland flow occurred from the lichen-bedrock areas in all precipitation events that exceeded 4–6 mm. Runoff from the forest stands occurred mainly as subsurface stormflow, but in some instances saturation overland flow was observed. The occurrence of saturation overland flow was controlled by the topography of the bedrock beneath the forest soils. The area contributing runoff and the pathway by which water was conveyed to the catchment outflow switched from the open lichen-bedrock areas producing overland flow on the rising limb of the storm hydrograph to the forest stands contributing subsurface stormflow on the recession limb of the hydrograph. The areal extent and position of the landscape units in the basin were important to the rate and magnitude of stormflow production. Runoff was generated from the catchments only during and immediately after snowmelt and/or rainfall events. The catchments were dry and/or frozen for about 70% of the year.  相似文献   

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