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Marine clastic sediments and volcanics of Arenig (Ordovician) age crop out in South Wales. These were deposited after presumed late Tremadoc erosion and subsequent arc volcanicity. Arenig sedimentation was transgressive, and followed significant erosion of the arc volcanics. Arenig conglomerates, sandstones, and mudstones were deposited in deltaic and turbiditic systems. Storm and tidal processes influenced the shallow marine deposits. The minor rhyolitic volcanics extruded during the Arenig reflect the development of Ordovician marginal basin-type volcanics across Wales. Five sandstone petrofacies are defined and reflect differing proportions of these volcanics and of Cambrian and Precambrian basement material. Sedimentation patterns were controlled by intra-Arenig tectonism during an overall rise in sea level. Facies and petrofacies were ponded in small, interconnected, marine sub-basins. Earliest Arenig tectonism and sedimentation, also recognized in North Wales, reflects the initiation of a marginal basin in Wales.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Wagwater Trough is a fault-bounded basin which cuts across east-central Jamaica. The basin formed during the late Palaeocene or early Eocene and the earliest sediments deposited in the trough were the Wagwater and Richmond formations of the Wagwater Group. These formations are composed of up to 7000 m of conglomerates, sandstones, and shales. Six facies have been recognized in the Wagwater Group: Facies I-unfossiliferous massive conglomerates; Facies II—channelized, non-marine conglomerates, sandstones, and shales; Facies III-interbedded, fossiliferous conglomerates and sandstones; Facies IV—fossiliferous muddy conglomerates; Facies V—channelized, marine conglomerates, sandstones, and shales; and Facies VI—thin-bedded sheet sandstones and shales. The Wagwater and Richmond formations are interpreted as fan delta-submarine fan deposits. Facies associations suggest that humid-region fan deltas prograded into the basin from the adjacent highlands and discharged very coarse sediments on to a steep submarine slope. At the coast waves reworked the braided-fluvial deposits of the subaerial fan delta into coarse sand and gravel beaches. Sediments deposited on the delta-front slope were frequently remobilized and moved downslope as slumps, debris flows, and turbidity currents. At the slope-basin break submarine fans were deposited. The submarine fans are characterized by coarse inner and mid-fan deposits which grade laterally into thin bedded turbidites of the outer fan and basin floor.  相似文献   

In the Southern Black Forest area of SW-Germany, pre-Permian paleozoic sequences seem to be confined to a narrow strip around Badenweiler-Schönau-Lenzkirch. It consists of uncertain (possibly M.- to U.-Devonian) shales and “Kulm”, i.e. L.-Carboniferous greywackes, conglomerates, sandstones and shales with volcanic intercalations. The rocks can be subdivided in a) Tournai-greywackes of marine origin. Volcanism reaches into the b) Visé characterized by marine limestones and dolomites. There seems to be a disconformity above followed by c) conglomerates and pyroclastic rocks. A late-hercynian (variscean) tectonic out-line of the occurrence was initiated by early-variscean basin-formation.  相似文献   

The stratotypc of the Arenig Series (Ordovician System) and its boundaries are critically re-examined. The lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Tremadoc, Arenig, and Llanvirn age rocks at Arenig Fawr, North Wales that were constructed by Feamsides in 1905 are amended. The Arenig Series at Arenig is represented by the Camedd Iago Formation which was established by Lynas (1973) in the Migneint area. Examination of the sparse graptolite faunas indicates that the type Arenig Series is incomplete, only the extensus Zone having been recognized with certainty. There is a possible unconformity at the base and a probable unconformity at the top, and on present knowledge the succession cannot be correlated precisely with what are considered to be Arenig sequences elsewhere. It therefore may prove necessary to redefine the Arenig Series at a more useful type section. It is suggested that the Carmarthen district may provide a suitable stratotype.  相似文献   

The Bengal Basin, in the north-eastern part of the Indian subcontinent, contains a thick (± 22 km) early Cretaceous-Holocene sedimentary succession. The Neogene succession in the Sylhet Trough of the basin reaches a thickness of more than 6 km of which the Surma Group contains important sandstone reservoirs. Lithologically, the group consists of a succession of alternating shales, siltstones, sandy shales and sandstones, with minor conglomerates. This research work is a sedimentological analysis of the subsurface Neogene succession encountered in the petroleum exploration wells in the Sylhet Trough of the Bengal Basin. Detailed lithologic logs of the cores, based on considering texture and sedimentary structure, permit a subdivision into eight lithofacies, e.g., a shale-dominated facies, interbedded fine sandstones and mudstones, ripple-laminated sandstones, parallel-laminated sandstones, massive sandstones, cross-bedded sandstones, cross-bedded sandstones with pebble/granule lag and conglomerates. Characteristic sedimentary structures of the Surma Group, such as flaser-, wavy- and lenticular-bedding, bipolarity of ripple cross-stratification, evenly laminated sand/silt-streaked shales, reactivation surfaces within cross-bedded sandstone sets, mud-drapes on foreset laminae and herringbone cross-stratification as well as small-scale vertical sequences (several fining-upward cycles) are diagnostic for tidal influence. On the basis of the lithofacies associations and prograding character of the deposits revealed from the electrofacies associations, the Surma Group sediments have been interpreted as representing deposits of tide-dominated deltaic depositional setting.  相似文献   

The nature and field relationships of the Maumtrasna Formation of the Partry Mountains, Co. Mayo, show that the formation underlies the regionally mappable Glenummera Formation, which is of Llanvirn age, and it is laterally equivalent to the Rosroe and Derrylea Formations, also of Llanvirn age. The formation rests unconformably on two different volcanic domains, the basic volcanics of the Bohaun Volcanic Formation to the northwest (of unknown age) and the largely acidic volcanics and sediments of the Tourmakeady Volcanic succession to the southeast (Arenig). It is not the youngest formation in the Ordovician succession of the South Mayo Trough, as was previously thought. This largely conglomeratic unit forms a coarsening upward sequence deposited on alluvial fans which were inundated by a marine transgression at the base of the Glenummera Formation. Clasts in the conglomerates are mainly of granite and porphyry with a minor metamorphic component. The source is interpreted as an arc rooted on a metamorphic basement which lay to the south and east. The suggestion that this area was present day Connemara finds little support. This area may expose some of the ‘hidden’ geology of the Midland Valley of Scotland.  相似文献   

The Upper Selemdzha minerogenic zone, which has the potential for noble metal mineralization in the Upper Amur, has been studied. It is confined to the thick strata of Paleozoic terrigeneous-sedimentary rocks (sandstones, siltstones, clay schists, packages of their thin rhythmical interlayering, sedimentary breccias, and conglomerates) in the Tokura subzone of the Selemdzha-Kerbinsk zone in the Amur-Okhotsk area of the Mongol-Okhotsk system, overlain by Early Cretaceous volcanogenic sedimentary rocks and intruded by Early Cretaceous quartz diorites, granodiorites, and dacites. In the Malomyr and Sagur-Semertak ore clusters, there are a few known potential deposits of noble metals and ore occurrences; when studied and prospected, they can exhibit vein-veinlet noble metal mineralization with rich contents of gold and platinoids in ore columns and metasomatic deposits.  相似文献   

The comprehensive study of sections of the Shatak Complex has revealed that conglomerates at the base of Middle Riphean rocks are not basal but intraformational rocks. Previously described angular unconformities between shales of the Sukhin Subformation (Yusha Formation, R1) and conglomerates of the Kuz”elga Subformation (Mashak Formation, R2) are related to late tectonic movements. Magmatic rocks developed at the base of the Middle Riphean section are represented by sheet intrusions formed in the course of emplacement of a fluid-saturated magmatic melt into partially or completely lithified terrigenous rocks at the graben formation stage during the origination of synkinematic faults that served as magma conduits. It is inferred that distribution of provenances of clastic materials and sedimentation basins in the Burzyanian and Yurmatian should be scrutinized in the study region, because the normal regressive sequence of rocks from the uppermost Yusha Formation to the lowermost Mashak Formation, which was established in the Shatak Ridge, eliminates a clear boundary distinguished between them at present. The idea about an older age of the Mashak conglomerates is substantiated.  相似文献   

近期勘探在川东北元坝-通南巴地区须家河组四段获得工业气流,揭示须四段具有良好的勘探前景,但其天然气富集程度差异较大,储层特征及主控因素尚待揭示。本文通过对大量钻井和分析测试资料的深入分析,明确了研究区须四段物源来自龙门山、米仓山和大巴山等多个构造带,研究区须四段可分为富钙屑砂砾岩、富石英砂砾岩和富长石砂岩3种类型储层。认为储层发育明显受到物源、成岩作用和裂缝等因素共同控制:物源体系控制储层岩石类型和空间展布,溶蚀作用改善了储层物性,而裂缝对致密砂岩渗透率的提高具有明显贡献,是该层段天然气高产的的关键因素。元坝东部富长石砂岩和元坝西部富钙屑砂砾岩叠合裂缝发育区是须四段勘探的最有利地区。  相似文献   

Jatulian (middle Proterozoic) deposits in Karelia form isolated synclinoria, trending northwest and surrounded by blocks of granitic rocks and schists. Individual zones are 70-250 km long by 5-130 km wide. They have been traced 600 km from south to north. Jatulian deposits consist of metamorphosed sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Sedimentary rocks in central Karelia consist of polymictic conglomerates, sericitic sandstones and carbonate-bearing sandstones. Facies change gradually away from the central parts of Jatulian troughs from lacustrine to shallow-water shore facies and then to those of streams and mountain slopes. The intervals thin in the same basins. The lateral facies sequence is repeated vertically. Variations in thickness and facies were determined by contemporaneous Jatulian tectonic activity. There resulted a system of relatively narrow zones with different rates of subsidence, sedimentation and uplift.—C. G. Tillman.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1175-1205
Great variety of lithic facies and abundance of varied faunas makes the Ordivician of this area ideal for study. Numerous detailed sections show that although many kinds of rock are exemplified the great majority are detrital in nature, with limestones constituting a lesser part. In order to conform to local stratigraphic circumstances, the Caradoc stage is redefined to include only the zones of Climacograptus wilsoni and Dicranograptus clingani. Similarly the Ashgill stage is redefined to include the zone of Pleurograptus linearis in addition to the zone of Dicellograptus complanatus. Throughout the section there are conflicts among the brachiopod, trilobite, cephalopod, and graptolite elements of the faunas concerning correct dating. In each case these have been resolved locally. Almost all the Ordovician series or formations overlap Precambrian rocks uncofformably at one place or another. This is particularly true of rocks below the Caradoc. The basal Akshal suite of limestones of questionable Tremadoc age is locally overlain by massive pink limestones which are of possible Arenig age. The Kopaly horizon believed to be of Llanvirn age is richly fossiliferous and composed of approximately 170 meters of detrital rocks with some impure limestones. This unit is considered Middle Ordovician because abundant trilobites and brachiopods resemble closely those of the overlying Karakan horizon believed to be of Llandeilo age. Despite the similarity of shelly faunas the graptolites of these two horizons differ markedly. The Beke series known as the “Green Flysch” overlies the Karakan to a thickness of 650 meters gradationally, and is believed to top the Llandeilo. The Caradoc Anderkenyn beds and the Caradoc and Ashgill Dulan-kara beds constitute sedimentary cycles from basal conglomerates to higher shales and limestones, as does a sequence including Upper Ashgill, Kyzyl-sai “Dark Flysch, ” the Chokpar horizon, and Lower Silurian Ul'kuntas limestone.—R. J. Ross, Jr.  相似文献   

In the Cretaceous flysch of the Northern Pyrenees, polymict conglomerates interbedded in the flysch are described from the vicinity of Orio (near San Sebastián). These contain components derived from rocks of all periods from Paleozoic to Lower Cretaceous. During Late Maastrichtian times a diapir, originated in Keupez evaporites, penetrated the deep-sea Cretaceous flysch which was still undergoing deposition. This resulted in the expulsion of large quantities of diapiric mass. After the solution of the evaporites the pebbles, which had been dragged along with the diapiric masses, slumped into a neighbouring marginal depression where they were redeposited. The reddish strata of Late Maastrichtian and Danian age in this region are interpreted as being out-thrust and transported Keuper shales. It will be shown that the other breccias and conglomerates described by Feuillé and Mathey (1972) from the Late Cretaceous of the Basque Pyrenees probably have the same origin.The comprehensive name “Vascongadian Diapir Zone” is suggested for the diapir field on the northern edge of the Basque sedimentary trough.  相似文献   

根据区域地震资料研究塔里木盆地塔东凸起西部中上奥陶统层序地层格架及沉积演化, 在中上奥陶统识别出了2个地震层序, 发现了叠置的丘状前积反射地震单元, 综合岩心观察、岩屑录井和薄片资料, 确认为海底扇沉积体.海底扇沉积主要由块状砂、砾岩, 递变层理砂岩, 平行层理砂岩, 砂纹层理粉砂岩, 变形或包卷层理粉砂岩, 水平层理泥质粉砂岩或粉砂质泥岩, 块状或递变的粉砂质泥岩和泥岩等岩相组成, 形成于中扇和外扇环境, 物源来自研究区南部的岛弧带.海底扇的发现对于塔东凸起乃至整个塔里木盆地中上奥陶统油气勘探具有重要意义.   相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1771-1783
Precambrian conglomerates, generally metamorphosed with concomitant loss of form, orientation, structure, and texture, are often regarded as fault breccias, mylonites, and even porphyroblastic formations. Study of the Precambrian of the Kola Peninsula has revealed that Proterozoic conglomerates are common, and although many original rock features have been obliterated by metamorphism, detailed study has led to the conclusion that valuable stratigraphic and petrologic data are discernible. The distribution of various metamorphosed conglomerates, their stratigraphic position and relationship to the enclosing rocks, their structure, the nature and location of source rocks, and the probable modes of transportation and environments of deposition were determined for many metamorphosed Proterozoic conglomerates of the eastern Kola Peninsula. This study shows that valuable information on the pre-metamorphic history of Precambrian areas can be obtained by careful analysis of metasedimentary rocks.—R. D. DeRudder  相似文献   

The Paleozoic sequence recovered during the prospecting for oil and gas in different areas of the Scythian Plate is composed of terrigenous rocks (sandstones, siltstones, silty pelites, mudstones, shales, and phyllites) of different stages of alteration varying from late catagenesis to initial metamorphism. Their investigation allowed us to refine the sedimentation environment during different Carboniferous and Permian epochs at the southern margin of the East European Craton.  相似文献   

扬子板块北部古被动大陆边缘的地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文初次提出扬子板块北部古被动大陆边缘的地球化学特征是:a、裂陷早期阶段,发育碱性双峰式火山岩,但在裂陷的晚期和移离的早期阶段,发育碱性而不具双峰特征的火山岩、岩脉群;b、发育具两类不同地球化学特征的砂页岩,裂陷阶段形成的砂页岩与活动大陆边缘形成的砂页岩具相似的地球化学特征,移离阶段所形成的砂页岩才真正具被动大陆边缘砂页岩的地球化学特征。  相似文献   

兰坪中-新生代盆地位于青藏高原东南缘的三江造山带中段,受印度-欧亚大陆斜向碰撞相关构造的强烈影响,导致地层序列及时代归属难辨,区域地质与成矿作用认识存在诸多分歧。先期完成的区域地质调查发现,在金顶铅锌矿集区内常见的含石膏岩地层并非前人认为的古新统云龙组的一部分,而是角度不整合于前古新统之上的一套新地层,暂定名为中新统金顶砂泥岩。系统的剖面测量和详细的沉积学研究表明,金顶砂泥岩从下到上由洪积相砾岩、辫状河三角洲相粉-细砂岩夹泥岩和砾岩以及湖泊相粉砂岩夹泥岩组成,石膏层位于砾岩之上。辫状河三角洲相中频繁出现灰绿色、灰黑色粉砂质泥岩及黄铁矿结核层,可能是频繁的区域性挤压作用造成的逆冲-走滑断层使上三叠统基底岩系中古油气藏破裂、泄露所致;该套地层内广泛发育的同沉积逆断层(视正断层)、滑脱褶皱和液化砂脉等软沉积物变形构造,指示沉积盆地发育期间地壳发生了NEE-SWW向缩短。金顶砂泥岩是印度-欧亚大陆碰撞背景下近东西向挤压构造诱发并控制的周缘前陆盆地沉积,时代为中新世。这一认识为深入理解大陆斜向碰撞带构造演化及大规模金属成矿作用提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

阿拉伊盆地位于特提斯构造带北缘,是在古生界基底之上发展起来的山间盆地,紧邻我国西部塔里木盆地。自中生代至新生代经历了陆表海沉积期、类前陆盆地期、山间盆地发育期、拗陷期、定形期等5个演化阶段,具有海陆交互、沉积多变、多期叠加、断-拗转换的性质。生储盖匹配良好;烃源岩为古近系、白垩系和中—下侏罗统的海相与潟湖相泥岩、石灰岩和泥灰岩;主要油气储集层为碳酸盐岩裂缝性储层和砂砾岩储层;多套泥岩、膏岩和泥灰岩为区域性和局部盖层;褶皱构造发育,以背斜、断块、断鼻等构造为主。盆地具有一定的油气勘探前景。  相似文献   

Bayana Basin, sited along the eastern margin of the north Delhi fold belt of the Aravalli Craton, contains an ~3000?m-thick sequence comprising one volcanic and seven sedimentary formations of the Delhi Supergroup. The sedimentary units are the Nithar, Jogipura, Badalgarh, Bayana, Damdama, Kushalgarh, and Weir formations in order of decreasing age. Petrographic study of the sandstones as well as major and trace elements (including rare earth elements) and bulk-rock analyses of the shales and sandstones allow the determination of their provenance, source-rock weathering, and basinal tectonic setting. The sandstones are quartz rich and were derived mainly from exhumed granitoids typical of a craton interior. Geochemical patterns of the sandstones and shales are similar. However, trace element abundances are low in sandstones, probably due to quartz dilution. The coarser clastic Damdama and Weir sandstones, which occur at higher stratigraphic levels, have strikingly low trace element concentrations compared with the underlying Bayana and Badalgarh sandstones. All samples show uniform LREE-enriched patterns with negative Eu-anomalies (Eu/Eu*?=?0.16–0.23) and are similar to those of post-Archaean Australian shales (PAAS). However, the (La/Yb) n ratios (averages 11–18) of all the sedimentary units are higher than those of PAAS, except for the Bayana Sandstone, which has low values (average 6.77). The chemical index of alteration (70–78) and the plagioclase index of alteration (87–97) values and the A–CN–K diagram suggest moderate to intense weathering of the source area.

The provenance analyses indicate that basin sedimentation was discontinuous. It received input from a terrain comprising granitoids, mafic rocks, sedimentary sequences, and tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) suites. The Nithar and Badalgarh sandstones received input from a source consisting predominantly of granitoids. The succeeding Damdama and Weir sandstones received debris from granitoids and TTG in different proportions. The Kushalgarh shale was possibly derived from a source consisting granites and mafic rocks with a TTG component. The pre-existing sedimentary formations also contributed intermittently during the different phases of sedimentation.

Bulk-rock geochemical data suggest Mesoarchaean gneisses and late Archaean granites of BGC/BGGC (Banded Gneissic Complex/Bundelkhand Granitic Gneiss Complex) basement as possible source terrains. These data indicate deposition in a continental rift setting. The coeval formation of many rift-related Proterozoic sedimentary basins in the BGC/BGGC terrain suggests that the North Indian Craton underwent major intracratonic extension during Proterozoic time, probably triggering the break up of Earth's first supercontinent.  相似文献   

本文在对束鹿凹陷古近系沙河街组第三段下部地层、岩性、沉积相、成岩作用、成像测井等方面进行深入研究的基础上,查明了研究区储层物性特征及其影响因素。指出研究区储层原生孔隙不发育,以孔隙-裂缝型储层为主,储集空间以次生溶孔和裂缝为主,渗滤通道主要是裂缝,属特低孔特低渗储层。研究区的储集层主要是重力流成因的各种砂砾岩体和混积成因的泥灰岩类,由于其特殊性,导致它既不同于一般的碎屑岩,也不同于正常沉积的碳酸盐岩,因此,影响其储集性能的因素较复杂,概括起来主要有岩性、厚度、沉积相、成岩作用、构造应力等对裂缝、孔隙度的影响。其中性脆、泥质砂的中薄层砂砾岩,即贫基质的碎屑流易形成裂缝,同时构造应力是导致裂缝形成的重要原因:而具塑性、泥质含量高、层厚的重力流沉积及泥灰岩沉积不易形成裂缝。而成岩压实和胶结是导致地层孔隙度减小的主要原因,溶解作用则形成次生孔隙。  相似文献   

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