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Over 60 minerals, including native elements, intermetallic compounds, haloids, sulfides, sulfates, arsenides, oxides and hydroxides, silicates, borosilicates, wolframates, phosphates and REE phosphates, were established in Triassic siliceous rocks of Sikhote Alin. Allothigenic and authigenic minerals in the carbonaceous silicites were formed over a long period through several stages. Judging from morphology, chemical composition, and structural position, K-feldspar (K-Fsp), illite, kaolinite, metahalloysite, monazite, xenotime, zircon, rutile, or its polymorphs are the disintegration products of sialic rocks of continental crust. Authigenic sulfides are dominated by diagenetic pyrite (fine-crystalline, microglobular, framboidal, as well as those developed after biogenic siliceous and carbonate fragments), which has been formed prior to precipitation of siliceous cement and lithification of siliceous rocks. Most of other sulfides (sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, argentite, pentlandite, antimonite, ulmanite, and bravoite), arsenides and sulfoarsenides (arsenopyrite, nickeline, skutterudite, cobaltite, glaucodot, and gersdorffite), wolframates (scheelite and wolframite), intermetallides (Cu2Zn, Cu3Zn2, Cu3Zn, Cu4Zn, CuSn, Cu4Sn, Cu8Sn, Cu4Zn2Ni, Ni2Cu2Zn, Ni4Cd), and native elements (Au, Pd, Ag, Cu, Fe, W, Ni, Se) were crystallized later (during catagenesis after the lithification and brecciation of siliceous beds) from metals involved in the easily mobile fractions of bitumens. Supergene mineral formation was mainly expressed in the sulfide oxidation and replacement of diagenetic pyrite by jarosite and iron hydroxides.  相似文献   

The paper presents results of the study of assemblages of clastic heavy minerals and geochemical features of some assemblages in several Permian-Mesozoic cherty and siliceous-clayey sequences of Sikhote Alin. They are composed of pelagic and hemipelagic sediments of the Panthalassa (Paleopacific) Ocean. Four typical mineral assemblages and their environments are established. In one of the ocean segments, where sedimentary cover formed during the Late Paleozoic-Early Cretaceous, the Permian pelagic domain was characterized by the amphibole-pyroxene assemblage with heavy minerals derived from ophiolites. The Triassic-Jurassic stage was marked by development of the clinopyroxene assemblage with heavy minerals derived from intraplate alkaline volcanic complexes. Middle-Late Jurassic hemipelagic sediments host the zircon-clinopyroxene assemblage with a greater role of continental environments and the presence of volcanic products of the convergence zone. Another segment of the ocean accumulated red cherts and siliceous-clayey sediments during the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous under the influence of island-arc volcanism.  相似文献   

Investigation of the Triassic–Lower Cretaceous rocks of the Dal'negorsk key section (southern Sikhote Alin) revealed the following successive associations of authigenic clay minerals: (1) sericite–chlorite (Lower Triassic); (2) mica–chlorite (Anisian–Norian); (3) chlorite–mica (Rhaetian–Lower Jurassic); and (4) smectite–chlorite–mica (Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous). These four associations reflect the primary composition of terrigenous admixture in the siliceous sediments and, hence, serve as important indicators of paleosedimentation conditions. The first association represents a product of the erosion of metamorphic rock complexes. The second one reflects the onset of volcanic activity within the sedimentation basin coinciding in time with a vigorous bloom of siliceous plankton (radiolarians) and short-term appearance of specific (anoxic) carbonaceous sediments in the sequence. The third association characterizes the epoch of minimal supply of the basin with volcanic and terrigenous clastic materials and the dominant accumulation of almost pure planktonogenic sediments. The fourth association marks the change of marginal-marine conditions for pelagic ones and is expressed in a significant input of pyroclastic and clastic materials and the formation of distal flysch deposits.  相似文献   

Rare strontium mineral tausonite and a peculiar Al- and F-rich titanite variety were found in the metamorphosed metalliferous sediments of the Triassic chert formation of the Sikhote Alin, which are distinguished by the abundance of native elements, intermetallic compounds, and metal solid solutions, as well as the presence of diverse Au, Ag, and PGE minerals. Tausonite was documented in the manganese (metamorphosed siliceous-rhodochrosite) rocks of the Ol’ga mining district and in the “brown cherts” (siliceous rocks with manganese garnet and spessartine) of the Dal’nerechensk district, Primorye. It forms rather numerous grains 2–10 μm across usually occurring as inclusions in quartz or rhodonite. According to the electron microprobe analysis, in addition to Sr, Ti, and O, the mineral contains only Fe3+ (up to 0.20 a.f.u.). Aluminum-fluorine titanite was found in the “brown cherts” of the Dal’nerechensk district of Primorye (upper reaches of the Gornaya River). Its crystals are up to 200 × 200 μm in size. The recalculation of the microprobe analyses to crystal chemical formulas indicated that up to half of the Ti sites in the structure of this mineral may be occupied by Al. The decrease of the total positive charge owing to the Al3+ substitution for tetravalent Ti4+ is compensated for by a decrease in the total negative charge owing to F? substitution for O2? via the scheme Al3+F? → Ti4+O2?. The occurrence of considerable amounts of F substituting for oxygen in the titanite structure and, as a consequence (owing to the crystal chemical features of the mineral), the high Al content were related to the reduced character of the metamorphism of the metalliferous deposits.  相似文献   

The composition of sandstones constituting different structural stages of the Jurassic accretionary wedge in the Samarka (upper and middle? structural levels in the Lyamfana Creek and Katen River basins, respectively) and Nadan’khada-Bikin (lower level in the Ulitka River basin) terranes of the Sikhote Alin region reflects changes in provenances and tectonic settings of the near-continental sedimentation basin in different periods of the wedge formation. In the terminal Middle Jurassic (Lyamfana Creek), the region was dominated by the subduction regime with sedimentary material transported from the eroded part of the continental-margin magmatic arc. During the Kimmeridgian-Tithonian (Katen River), erosion of granitoid batholiths of the arc exposed blocks of the crystalline basement along strike-slip faults. In the Tithonian-Berriasian period (Ulitka River), the role of these blocks increased, suggesting intensification of oblique subduction or development of transform faults during the accretion.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - New dates of detrital zircons from sandstones expand the possibilities to interpret their source areas. These interpretations are often constrained by a formal comparison...  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1742-1746
Carboniferous and Permian terrigenous sediments in the basin of the Iman, Vaka and Ulakhe rivers show features known as tectonites — lens structures in conglomerate-type rocks, elongated pebbles and so on. These features and other considerations indicate that the central and eastern parts of the main Sikhote-Alin anticlinorium was experiencing contemporaneous differential movements. Competent beds of sandstones and flints form lenses, ovals and sometimes shapeless blocks embedded in incompetent siltstones and clay shales. Competent beds range greatly in thickness; fragments indicate most ranged from 1–5 cm with some beds 1–5 m. Most of the enclosing sequences are 100–300 m thick. Disposition of fragments indicates clearly the lines of the original beds. Direction of displacement is parallel to the plane of the layer. Elongation of fragments is in the direction of transport. Latest papers show a tendency to assign these tectonites a consedimentation origin; they are believed to be products of endogenous forces acting on consolidated sediments. The term hydrotectonite is used when morphologically similar products are formed under water through the joint action of forces both tectonic and otherwise. Two such structures are illustrated and their origin considered. Effects of dewatering are also discussed. Epochs favorable to hydrotectonites are rapid sinking a geosyncline when inclination of the floor increases and when earth tremors are common, in combination with rapid sedimentation. High tectonic activity in the Sikhote Alin syncline, based on hydrotectonites, may correlate with numerous magmatic effects in the adjacent Khanda central massif.—W.D. Lowry  相似文献   

Practically all of the examined spherules extracted in 1948?C1949 from soil at the crater field of the 1947 Sikhote Alin meteorite shower are ablation spherules produced during this meteorite fall. The spherules can classified into two textural types: (i) fine-grained, which consist of Ni-bearing magnetite (3?C6 wt % NiO) dendrites, sometimes with minor amounts of interstitial P- and Fe-rich material, and (ii) coarse-grained, which also consist of Ni-bearing magnetite dendrites or grains, sometimes with wuestite, an interstitial material, which resembles that in type (i) or has a silicate composition. The texture, mineralogy, and chemistry (presence of P and Si) of these spherules differ from those of iron cosmic spherules (type I) that occur in the background flux of micrometeorites. The spherules are thought to were produced by the ablation of meteoritic material at elevations of about 12 km (in the region where disintegration starts) and below, at maximum temperatures of 1600?C2180°C and oxygen fugacity of 10?14 to 10?1 atm. Conceivably, the ablated material was enriched in silicates compared to the fallen material.  相似文献   

In the Triassic siliceous formation of Sikhote Alin, carbonaceous silicites occur in the late Olenekian-middle Anisian member (4–20 m) of alternating cherts and clayey cherts (“phtanite member”) near the section base. The silicites are represented by radiolarian and spicule-radiolarian cherts alternating with clayey cherts. They contain up to 8.5% Corg. In the majority of sections, the rocks underwent structural and mineral transformation at the mesocatagenetic stage. The slightly oxidized organic (primarily, marine sapropelic) matter contains quinones, methyl, methylene, and ether groups. The content of neutral bitumens in rocks shows a wide variation range. The carbon isotopic composition in phtanites and clayey phtanites (δ13C from ?27.3 to ?30.2‰) is identical to that in many Paleozoic-Mesozoic bitumens and oils. As compared with other Mesozoic sedimentary rocks of Sikhote Alin, the carbonaceous silicites are enriched in V, B, Mo, Ni, Cu, and Ag. Anomalously high concentrations of Ba are recorded in phtanite rock sections at the Gornaya and Khor rivers and in the vicinity of Khabarovsk. Modal value of the Au content in phtanites and clayey phtanites is three or four times higher than the clarke value in carbonaceous silicites and reaches anomalous values in some sections (e.g., Ogorodnaya River section). Carbonaceous silicites of this section are also enriched in Pt. Positive Au-Corg correlation is recorded in clayey phtanites of the Ogorodnaya River section containing more than 0.5% Corg. In organic fractions, Au and Ag are concentrated in alcohol and alcohol-benzene bitumens, asphalt acids, and asphaltenes. Migration of bitumens from high-carbonaceous clayey phtanites to the pore-fissure space of cherts and phtanites also fostered the concentration of these metals in some low-carbonaceous layers of the member.  相似文献   

The Paleocene ultraferrous Mn-rich phlogopite-olivine rocks of the Taukha terrane belong to the alkaline ultrabasic rocks of the potassic series. The olivine is represented by hortonolite, while the phlogopite is enriched in Cl. Other minerals are represented by Ti-magnetite, Mn-rich ilmenite, Zn-rich pleonaste, apatite, and zircon. There are also epigenetic serpentine, talc, carbonates, magnetite, breithauptite, nickeline, hedleyite, cobaltite, tsumoite, auricupride, cuproauride, and other minerals. The phlogopite-olivine rocks possibly represent a part of a magmatic complex previously unknown in Sikhote Alin, the rocks of which are associated with fluidolites of a large diatreme. There are grounds to suggest that they were formed by the injection of fluid-rich (mainly, H2O, Cl, F, and S) deep magmas into the upper lithosphere. Based on these specific features, as well as the sharp K predominance over Na and the enrichment in some incompatible elements (Sn, Ta, Nb, and Zr), the phlogopite-olivine rocks are the most close to lamproites but differ in the high contents of Fe, Mn, Au, Pt, and Pd and in the olivine’s composition. The manifestation of such magmatism in the Taukha terrane records the transition from subduction to transform continental margin settings.  相似文献   

Based on structure, mineralogy, petrography, and geodynamic setting of sedimentation, Barremian(?)-Albian terrigenous rocks in the Kema terrane (Eastern Sikhote Alin) are interpreted as back-arc rocks of the Moneron-Samarga island-arc system. The composition of terrigenous rocks indicates that an ensialic volcanic island arc, the basement of which was composed of the oceanward-advancing continental crust fragment, served as the main source of clastic material. Genetic features of rocks suggest their formation in the lower zone and near the foothill of submarine slope, as well as in adjacent areas of the basin plain. Accumulation of the thick gravitational sequence in the rear zone of the island arc was accompanied by active volcanic processes.  相似文献   

New age and structural data are reported for the siliceous-volcanogenic complexes developed in the lower reaches of the Ussuri River. These complexes, which were previously treated as one stratigraphic unit, are subdivided into the Snarsky tectonostratigraphic complex (end of the Middle Jurassic-Middle Aptian) and the basaltic sequence (supposedly, Campanian-Maastrichtian). The Snarsky Complex is made up of basic volcanics, cherts, siliceous-clayey rocks, as well as subordinate limestones, sandstones, and conglomerates. Its distinctive features are the large amounts of genetically diverse basalts, the abundance of volcanomictic and pyroclastic material in siliceous-clayey rocks, the absence of fragmental rocks typical of the continental convergent zone, and the facies heterogeneity of the deposits. The complex is considered to be the southwestern continuation of the Kiselevka-Manoma terrane. Its origin is presumably related to the tectonic piling of genetically heterogeneous assemblages. The basaltic sequence includes basalts, basaltic andesites, their tuffs, and tuff conglomerates. The tuff conglomerates contain numerous fragments of granites and garnet-bearing felsic volcanics. The sequence was formed on the crystalline paleocontinental basement in the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

通过对豫西地区三叠系石佛组碎屑岩岩性、结构特征、岩性组合、碎屑岩裂隙水富水特征的分析,结合工作实例,对该地区碎屑岩裂隙地下水找水方法进行初步探讨.根据该区三叠系碎屑岩水文地质特征,首先井位要尽量选择在地形坡度相对较缓且覆盖层较厚的地带,然后在初步选定地段进行必要的地面电法勘探,以进一步确定覆盖层类型、岩性及厚度,并圈定裂隙相对发育地段.按照上述方法,在该区找到了较为理想的布井位置,其单井出水量一般可达20m3/h,成井率较高.  相似文献   

Based on geological and isotope geochemical data obtained during the past decade, the eastern Sikhote Alin volcanic belt can be considered as a polygenic structure with spatially superimposed magmatic complexes of different geodynamic stages. Only Late Cretaceous intermediate and silicic volcanics enriched in LILE and depleted in HFSE can be interpreted as typical subduction complexes. Cenozoic lavas of mainly basic composition were formed after the termination of active subduction under complex dynamic conditions of the rearrangement of eastern Eurasia owing to the collision with the Indian plate. The eruption of Eocene-Oligocene-early Miocene basalts corresponded to the transform continental margin environment, rupture of an ancient subducted slab, and upwelling of hot depleted oceanic asthenosphere of the Pacific MORB-type into the Asian subcontinental lithosphere with EMII-like isotopic characteristics. The late Miocene-Pliocene magmatic activity of the eastern Sikhote Alin showed an intraplate character, but the composition of erupted magmas was strongly affected by previous tectonomagmatic events: subduction of different ages and opening of the Sea of Japan Basin. The distinct EMI isotopic signature of low-potassium plateau basalts, which is not observed in the lavas of earlier stages of volcanic belt evolution, suggests that the continental asthenosphere contributed to magma formation, and the direction of mantle flows changed owing to the formation of a new subduction zone.  相似文献   

Abstract: Seven zircon fission-track ages and 30 magnetic susceptibilities were measured on welded pyroclastic rocks from the Bogopol and Sijanov Groups of the Cretaceous to Paleogene volcanic rocks in the southeastern part of the eastern Sikhote Alin volcano-plutonic belt, Far East Russia. The fission-track ages range from 42. 7 Ma to 64. O Ma which indicate that both the groups are of Early Paleogene time. Two thirds of the samples from the Bogopol Group have high magnetic susceptibility values, more than 3 A- 10-3 SI unit, which imply that they are of the magnetite–series, whereas the samples from the Sijanov Group show 3 A- 10-3 to 8 A- 10-5 SI unit which suggest this group of probably the ilmenite-series.
The Paleogene age and high magnetic susceptibility of the Bogopol Group are quite similar to the Paleogene igneous rocks of the San'in belt, Southwest Japan. This suggests, taking accounts of the opening of the Japan Sea, that the eastern Sikhote Alin volcano-plutonic belt continued to the San'in Belt, and that the Paleogene igneous rocks along the Japan Sea coast of Northeast Japan were situated along the volcanic front of the eastern Sikhote Alin volcano-plutonic belt.  相似文献   

Basalts developed on the right bank of the Matai River belong to the Samarka terrane (Central Sikhote Alin), which is a fragment of the Jurassic accretionary prism. They associate with Carboniferous-Permian reef limestones, Permian pelagic cherts, Jurassic hemipelagic cherty-clayey deposits, and terrigenous rocks of the near-continental sedimentation area. The petrogeochemical features of the basalts provide insight into the character of the volcanism in different settings of the ancient Pantalassa ocean. In terms of chemistry, the Carboniferous-Permian basalts are similar to the within-plate ocean-island basalts related to plume mantle sources. They were presumably formed in an oceanic area with numerous islands and seamounts. The Permian basalts associated with cherts are tholeiitic in composition and were formed from depleted mantle in a spreading center located in the pelagic area. The Jurassic basalts are of plume origin and, in terms of geochemistry, occupy an intermediate position between OIB and E-MORB. They were presumably formed in a convergent zone in a geodynamic setting of rapid oblique subduction.  相似文献   

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