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The objective of this study was to compare the laboratory slaking behavior of common clay-bearing rocks to their slaking behavior under natural climatic conditions observed during a 1-year experimental study. Five-cycle slake durability tests were performed in the laboratory on five claystones, five mudstones, five siltstones, and five shales. Twelve replicate specimens of each of these 20 rocks were also exposed to natural climatic conditions for 12 months. After each month of exposure, one replicate specimen of each rock was removed from natural exposure and its grain size distribution was determined. The results of laboratory tests and field experiment were compared in terms of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th cycle slake durability indices (Id1, Id2, Id3, Id4, Id5), grain size distribution of slaked material, and disintegration ratio (D R), where D R is the ratio of the area under the grain size distribution curve of slaked material for a given specimen to the total area encompassing all grain size distribution curves of the specimens tested. Correlations of Id1, Id2, Id3, Id4, and Id5 with D R values for laboratory specimens exhibit R 2 values of 0.87, 0.88, 0.83, 0.75, and 0.70, respectively. However, the relationship between Id2 and D R, determined after 1, 3, 6, and 12 months of natural exposure, becomes weaker with increasing time of exposure, with R 2 values of 0.65, 0.63, 0.63, and 0.25, respectively. The fifth-cycle slake durability index (Id5) for laboratory tested specimens shows a better correlation with D R values for naturally exposed specimens (R 2 up to 0.80). A comparison of grain size distribution curves of slaked material for laboratory specimens, after the 2nd cycle slake durability test, with those of specimens exposed to natural climatic conditions shows that the laboratory test underestimates the field durability for claystones, and overestimates it for siltstones.  相似文献   

Chemical analysis of biotite in representative granitic rocks in Japan shows that the total Al (TAl) content changes with the metal type of the accompanying hydrothermal ore deposits and increases in the following order: Pb‐Zn and Mo deposits < Cu‐Fe and Sn deposits < W deposits < non‐mineralized granitic rocks. The TAl content of biotite in granitic rocks may be a useful indicator for distinguishing between mineralized and non‐mineralized granitic rocks. A good positive correlation is seen between the TAl content of biotite and the solidification pressure of the granitic rocks estimated by sphalerite and hornblende geobarometers and the mineral assemblages of the surrounding rocks. These facts suggest that the TAl content of biotite can be used to estimate the solidification pressure (P) of the granitic rocks. The following empirical equation was obtained: where TAl designates the total Al content in biotite on the basis O = 22. According to the obtained biotite geobarometer, it is estimated that Pb‐Zn and Mo deposits were formed at pressures below 1 kb, Cu‐Fe and Sn deposits at 1–2 kb, W deposits at 2–3 kb and non‐mineralized granitic rocks were solidified at pressures above 3 kb.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地岩石高温高压下波速的实验研究及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
给出了塔里木盆地多种岩石样品在高温高压下弹性波纵波波速(Vp)的实验室测量结果。在最大压力为2 GPa,常温下样品的Vp范围从6.007-6.803 km·s-1时,最大值为安山质火山碎屑岩;当温度为600℃,Vp范围从 5.871-6.658 km·s-1时,其最大值是安山岩。结合地震转换波速度结构等资料,分析认为塔里木盆地地壳结构在大部分地区可三分:上地壳为花岗质变质岩为主;中地壳以花岗闪长岩为特征;下地壳是以安山玄武质成分为特征的岩层。  相似文献   

Abstract: The solubility of gold was studied in water and aqueous NaCl (1– 5 m) solutions under oxygen and sulfur buffered conditions between 300–500C at a constant pressure 1 kb. Two buffer assemblages HMP and PPM were used. Analysis of the scatter in measured values in log mAu–mNaCl–T frame fixed linear dependence between log mAu and T at any studied iso‐pleth (mNaCl) in the form of log mAu = a. T(C) + b. Coefficients of the equation were calculated for water and NaCl (1, 3, 5 m) solutions. The maximum solubility characterizes the NaCl‐free system in the presence of HMP. In the case, Au solubility increases from (log mAu) –6. 72 to –5. 04 at 300 and 500C, respectively. In the presence of PPM, maximum of Au solubility was obtained for the 5 mNaCl solution. In a similar manner solubility rises from –6. 54 to –5. 77 at 300 and 500C, accordingly. In studied fO2/fS2 area the behavior of Au solubility testified that: (i) – a composite interaction between chloride and hydrosulfide speciation of gold affects its total solubility; (ii) – in addition of NaCl up to about 1. 5 m the solubility decreases, more pronounced in the presence of HMP; (iii) – the contribution of chloride in total Au solubility is more for PPM despite of lower fO2value, than for HMP. The solubility of platinum was studied in the Pt–Cl–S–H2O system between 300 and 500C, 1 kb. PPM solid buffer controlled oxidation state, pH and sulfur activity of solutions (H2O, 1 mNaCl and 0. 1 mHCl). Under the conditions, PtS precipitated from the solutions with increasing temperature and acidity. The PtS solubility in the 0. 1 mHCl solutions lowers slightly in the range of 300–500C from –5. 30 to –5. 60 (in log mPt) that is typical to the hydrosulfide species. It was deduced that reducing media, regulated by the PPM assemblage, suppress activity of chloride species of Pt. More oxidizing conditions were modeled in runs using mixtures of Mn(II), Mn(III) and Mn(IV) oxides to buffer the aqueous‐chloride solutions between 300 and 500C, 1 kb. It was found that MnO tends to oxidize at T below 400C forming intermediate Mn‐hydroxides (β–MnOOH, Mn (OH)2 and Mn2(OH)3Cl). These phases are metastable and transfer to Mn3O4 with increasing duration. Generation of the Mn‐hydroxides leads to a change of physical‐chemical parameters of the solutions, such as water activity, pH and Eh. The last results in abrupt increase in the noble metals dissolution. At stable existence of only Mn3O4, the solubility of both Pt and Au lowers to equilibrium values. Essential catalysis effect of Pt on intensity and rate of Mn(II) oxidation was found. The dominant role of chloride of Pt and Au was defined under most oxidized conditions, specified by Mn2O3–MnO2 buffer. So at 400C, dissolved Au (log mAu) increases from –4. 40 in water to –1. 00 in 0. 1 mHCl, and ones of Pt (log mPt) from –4. 80 to –2. 90 accordingly. Thus, mixing of hydrosulfide and chloride solutions, as well as transformation of the systems to the stable state act upon total solubility of the noble metals.  相似文献   

为了解陆相烃源岩在深埋过程中凝析油形成与演化特征,利用高温高压生烃模拟仪对辽河盆地西部凹陷曙13 井、马南603 井和东部凹陷桃10 井烃源岩样品进行了半封闭体系生烃模拟实验。实验结果显示,I 型有机质(曙13 井烃源岩样品) 总凝析油产率峰值为2.32 mg/g TOC,出现在镜质体反射率(VR) 1.76 %Ro,并以低分子量烃类物质为主要成分,可能表明I 型有机质凝析油主要通过液态烃二次裂解形成。II 型有机质(马南603 井烃源岩样品) 总凝析油产率峰值为2.28 mg/g TOC,该峰值出现在VR 为2.42 %Ro,明显晚于I 型有机质凝析油产率峰值,其成分以相对高分子量的烃类物质为主,其次为低分子量烃类物质。III 型有机质(桃10 井烃源岩样品) 凝析油总产率最低,产率峰值仅为0.92 mg/g TOC,可能表明III型有机质生成凝析油潜力较差。  相似文献   

Formation conditions of ammoniojarosite in system Fe2(SO4)3-(NH4)2SO4-H2O are investigated in this paper. The results show that ammoniojarosite can be formed rapidly under normal temperature and pressure by controlling suitable pH value and Fe2(SO4)3 and (NH4)2SO4 concentrations. The pH value, temperature and concentration of Fe2(SO4)3 medium are key factors influencing the formation of ammoniojarosite. Under normal temperature, precipitation of ammoniojarosite can be seen within 24 hours at pH values between 2.6-3.1, and a great quantity of ammoniojarosite is formed within 48 hours. At about 90℃, the pH value range forming ammoniojarosite extends to 1.2-3.1, and within this range the rise of pH value is advantageous to the formation of ammoniojarosite and high Fe2(SO4)3 concentration is also advantageous. Relative pure ammoniojarosite is synthesized under high Fe2(SO4)3 concentration (≥0.05 M) and ammoniojarosite containing melanterite and colloid amorphous hydroxide vitriol iron is formed at low Fe2(SO4)3 concentration. The deposition process of ammoniojarosite can be used to harness wastewater from mines and other industries and remove S, Fe and other toxic and harmful elements, such as As, Cr, Hg, Pb in water. Rapid formation of ammoniojarosite and other jarosite analogs under normal temperature and pressure has a good potential prospect for harnessing acid wastewater by means of precipitation of jarosite and its analogs.  相似文献   

为了解陆相烃源岩在深埋过程中凝析油形成与演化特征,利用高温高压生烃模拟仪对辽河盆地西部凹陷曙13 井、马南603 井和东部凹陷桃10 井烃源岩样品进行了半封闭体系生烃模拟实验。实验结果显示,I 型有机质(曙13 井烃源岩样品) 总凝析油产率峰值为2.32 mg/g TOC,出现在镜质体反射率(VR) 1.76 %Ro,并以低分子量烃类物质为主要成分,可能表明I 型有机质凝析油主要通过液态烃二次裂解形成。II 型有机质(马南603 井烃源岩样品) 总凝析油产率峰值为2.28 mg/g TOC,该峰值出现在VR 为2.42 %Ro,明显晚于I 型有机质凝析油产率峰值,其成分以相对高分子量的烃类物质为主,其次为低分子量烃类物质。III 型有机质(桃10 井烃源岩样品) 凝析油总产率最低,产率峰值仅为0.92 mg/g TOC,可能表明III型有机质生成凝析油潜力较差。  相似文献   

A. Ennaoui proposed that FeS2 owns an appropriate band gap (0.95 eV) and large absorption coefficient, it can be used for solar materials. People had studied the light absorption characteristics of the FeS2 prepared by different methods, and believed that crystal grain size, defect density and crystalline quality are important factors that affect the light absorption properties. In order to take a depth study of the absorption properties, the research group has taken a study on light absorption characteristics of natural pyrite, the existence of Co, Ni impurities results in lower band gap and conversion efficiency.  相似文献   

The composition of Aptian–Albian rocks in the western Ciscaucasus is considered. Their lithofacies features and formation conditions are established. The data obtained can be used to determine the mineralogical potential of terrigenous complexes of the western Ciscaucasus.  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Rock-support interaction is one of the most core issues in underground engineering, which is of major interest to supporting structure design, construction...  相似文献   

The lithofacies features and formation conditions of Meotian rocks in the Azov–Kuban region are defined. It is shown that the bryozoan organogenic buildups were formed in the Enikale (Kerch) Strait, as well as in the littoral–shallow-water areas of the sedimentary basin. Currents flowing from the Azov–Kuban Sea favored an intense bioherm formation in the paleostrait. They provided the optimal hydrodynamic regime for this process and supplied bryozoans with the needed nutrient medium. The obtained data can be used for estimating the metallogenic potential of Meotian reefal deposits in the Azov–Kuban region.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of transmitting underground water in rock fractures is strongly influenced by the widths of the fractures and their interconnections. However, the geometries needed for water flow in fractured rock are also heavily controlled by the confining pressure conditions. This paper is intended to study the seepage properties of fractured rocks under different confining pressures. In order to do this, we designed and manufactured a water flow apparatus that can be connected to the electro-hydraulic servo-controlled test system MTS815.02, which provides loading and exhibits external pressures in the test. Using this apparatus, we tested fractured mudstone, limestone and sandstone specimens and obtained the relationship between seepage properties and variations in confining pressure. The calculation of the seepage properties based on the collection of water flow and confining pressure differences is specifically influenced by non-Darcy flow. The results show that: (1) The seepage properties of fractured rocks are related to confining pressure, i.e. with the increase of confining pressure, the permeability $ k $ decreases and the absolute value of non-Darcy flow coefficient $ \beta $ increases. (2) The sandstone coefficients $ k $ and $ \beta $ range from $ 1.03 \times 10^{ - 18} $ to $ 1.53 \times 10^{ - 17} $  m2 and $ - 1.13 \times 10^{17} $ to $ - 2.35 \times 10^{18} $  m?1, respectively, and exhibit a greater change compared to coefficients of mudstone and limestone. (3) From the regression analysis of experimental data, it is concluded that the polynomial function is a better fit than the power and logarithmic functions. The results obtained can provide an important reference for understanding the stability of rock surrounding roadways toward prevention of underground water gushing-out, and for developing underground resources (e.g. coal).  相似文献   

Lithology and Mineral Resources - The use of key beds in the cap rocks of the oil reservoirs is crucial. Lack of awareness of these key beds will have serious risks and damages. The Gachsaran oil...  相似文献   

膜分离技术处理皂素酸性废水的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄姜皂素酸性废水的Cl-、COD高、酸性强,治理难度大,采用纳滤NF(nanofiltration)、反渗透RO(reverse osmosis)过滤组合处理黄姜皂素酸性废水的试验表明:黄姜皂素酸性废水通过石灰中和、MF保安过滤预处理,再进行NF、RO组合处理,其COD可从25 000~50 000 mg/L降至200 mg/L以下,达到国家废水综合排放二级标准,并从废水中回收部分淀粉糖用作工业碳源.同时分析了NF、RO试验过程中膜通量变化的影响因素,为NF、RO组合处理皂素废水的膜运行参数确定提供了依据.  相似文献   

泌阳凹陷核桃园组湖相碳酸盐岩系孢粉相及烃源岩评价   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
闫存凤  邵宏舜 《沉积学报》1998,16(3):115-118
孢粉相是反映一定沉积物以及成岩作用环境的显微沉积有机质组合。对我国河南泌阳凹陷下第三系核桃园组核三上段至核二段湖相碳酸盐岩系孢粉相进行了详细研究。基于有机质组分的鉴定和统计将碳酸盐岩系划分为五个孢粉相带;并利用孢粉相结合有机质成熟度地化指标,对其生油潜能进行了评价。  相似文献   

烃源岩的有机酸生成及其影响因素的模拟实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
不同温度下地层水—烃源岩相互作用模拟实验结果表明:(1)在整个实验温度范围内(60~300℃),均有有机酸的生成,有机酸的总浓度在35.4 mg/l至153.9 mg/l之间,其中在100℃和140℃的温度下浓度最大,其它温度下浓度相对较低;(2)在低温(60℃)条件下,成熟度相对较高、有机碳含量较大的烃源岩,有利于生成有机酸,但是在中温(140℃)和高温(180℃、220℃和300℃)条件下,有机酸的生成受有机碳含量、成熟度和碳酸盐含量的多重影响;(3)中低温(60℃和140℃)时,随着碳酸盐含量的增加,有机酸浓度表现为逐渐降低的趋势,表明在60~140℃,有机酸对碳酸盐的溶解和沉淀起主要的控制作用,而高温(180℃、220℃和300℃)条件下,碳酸盐的溶解和沉淀作用受有机酸和CO2的共同控制,从而导致有机酸浓度与碳酸盐的关系变化复杂。  相似文献   

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