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Sediment trap experiments were carried out 39 times during the years from 1977 to 1981 in Funka Bay, Hokkaido, Japan. The observed total particulate flux varies seasonally, that is, the particulate fluxes in winter and spring are larger than those in summer. The fluxes in all seasons increased with depth. Major components of settling particles are aluminosilicate in winter, biogenic silicate in spring and organic matter and terrestrial material in summer, respectively. The fluxes of each chemical component observed with sediment traps are normalized to that of Al by assuming that the actual flux of Al is equal to the accumulation rate onto the sediment surface. Vertical changes of the normalized flux of each chemical component indicate the following: Fe was not regenerated from the settling particles in the water column. Mn was regenerated from the settling particles in the lower layer exclusively between 80 m depth and the sediment surface. Cd was actively regenerated in the upper layer above 80 m depth. Phosphate was regenerated in the upper layer, while biogenic silicate was in the lower layer. The silicate regeneration, therefore, occurs after phosphate regeneration. The material decomposing in the water column below 40 m has an atomic ratio of P ∶ Si ∶ C = 1 ∶ 52 ∶ 128.  相似文献   

The concentration of methane in seawater was determined approximately once a month for one year from August 1990 to July 1991 at a station close to the center of Funka bay (92 m depth) and some supplementary observations were also carried out. The concentration of methane was usually increased with increasing depth, suggesting that methane was emitted from the bottom of the bay. While highly variable both spatially and temporally, the emission was intense in March and April, a period immediately after the spring bloom of phytoplankton. The maximum of methane found in the intermediate water suggests its source from the slope of the bay. The concentration of methane in the surface water changed seasonally and also interannually. The annually averaged flux of methane transferred to the atmosphere in the bay was estimated to be 6×10–3 gCH4m2/day. The coastal zone in the world may be a significant source of the atmospheric methane, although its source strength has yet to be accurately estimated from more data in different coastal seas.  相似文献   

Observations were made to study the oceanographic structure of the dense water formation and its outflow from Funka Bay, Hokkaido, during early spring. The winter Funka Bay water, which was transformed from the warm water of the Tsugaru Current, due to cooling and deep convection during the winter, flowed from the bay, while forming a frontal structure. The width and inclination of the density front were about 3 n. miles and 1.4×10?2, respectively, during the early spring of 1982. These values roughly coincided with calculated values of 2.6 n. miles and 1.7×10?2 using the sill flow model proposed by Whiteheadet al. (1974). Observed current speeds and directions were also similar to those predicted by the model. The renewal time of bay water with this flow was estimated to be about 51 days, which is consistent with the results of previous studies.  相似文献   

Sediment core samples were taken once a month from July 1980 to September 1981 at a station in Funka Bay (92-m depth) for the determination of phosphate, silicate and alkalinity in interstitial water. A remarkable seasonal variation was found for interstitial phosphate, that is, distinct maxima appeared in spring (March—April), just after a phytoplankton bloom which brought a large amount of settling particles to the bottom, and in summer (July—August) when the water was stratified and the dissolved oxygen content of the bottom water decreased due to the decomposition of organic matter. The high interstitial phosphate concentration was always accompanied by a sharp increase in alkalinity, indicating sulfate reduction. This large seasonal variation in interstitial phosphate cannot be explained by in situ decomposition of organic matter and/or the diffusive loss of interstitial phosphate. A more likely explanation is adsorption and desorption of interstitial phosphate coincident with the depth of the active sulfate reduction layer.  相似文献   

Nutrient regeneration and oxygen consumption after a spring bloom in Funka Bay were studied on monthly survey cruises from February to November 1998 and from March to December 1999. A high concentration of ammonium (more than 4 μmol l−1) was observed near the bottom (80–90 m) after April. Phosphate and silicate gradually accumulated and dissolved oxygen decreased in the same layer. Salinity near the bottom did not change until summer, leading to the presumption that the system in this layer is semi-closed, so regenerated nutrients were preserved until September. Nitrification due to the oxidation of ammonium to nitrate was observed after June. Nitrite, an intermediate product, was detected at 4–7 μmol L−1 in June and July 1999. Assuming that decomposition is a first order reaction, the rate constant for decomposition of organic nitrogen was determined to be 0.014 and 0.008 d−1 in 1998 and 1999, respectively. The ammonium oxidation rate increased rapidly when the ambient ammonium concentration exceeded 5 μmol L−1. We also performed a budget calculation for the regeneration process. The total amount of N regenerated in the whole water column was 287.4 mmol N m−2 in 4 months, which is equal to 22.8 gC m−2, assuming the Redfield C to N ratio. This is 34% of the primary production during the spring bloom and is comparable to the export production of 25 gC m−2 measured by a sediment trap at 60 m (Miyake et al., 1998).  相似文献   

To study biological effects on the particulate removal of chemical elements from seawater, sediment trap experiments were carried out successively ten times throughout the spring phytoplankton bloom in Funka Bay. Sediment traps were deployed every one to two weeks at 1, 40 and 80 m depths. The settling particles obtained were analyzed for trace metals, phosphate and silicate. The propagation of diatoms in spring results in larger particulate fluxes than that of dinoflagellates. The biogenic silicate concentration is higher in the earlier period, when diatoms are predominant, than in the subsequent period, when dinoflagellates are predominant. The concentrations of aluminum, iron, manganese and cobalt in the settling particles comprising largely biogenic particles are lower during phytoplankton bloom. The concentration of copper is not reduced by the addition of biogenic particles, and its vertical flux is approximately proportional to the total flux, indicating that its concentration in the biogenic particles is nearly equal to that in the non-biogenic particles. The results for nickel and lead show the same tendency as for copper. Cadmium is more concentrated in biogenic particles than in non-biogenic particles, and the concentration of cadmium in the settling particles decreases with depth, similarly to phosphate and organic matter. Thus, metals in seawater are segregated by biological affinities, and the degree of incorporation into biogenic particles is in the order Cd > Pb, Ni, Cu > Co > Mn, Fe, Al. Biogenic particles are the most important agent controlling the vertical distribution of metals in the ocean. They remove the metals from the surface water, transport them through the water column, and regenerate them in the deep.  相似文献   

The downward flux of Mn through the water column was directly measured using sediment traps. The Mn flux from the bottom sediment to the water column, and the removal rate of Mn in the bottom water were estimated from Mn gradients in the bottom water. The sediment traps were deployed more than ten times at the same station in Funka Bay, Japan. The trapped settling matter and filtered suspended matter samples were analyzed for Mn, Fe, Al and ignition loss. The observed downward flux of Mn through the water column in winter (1.3–2.8 μg/cm2 /day) was generally an order of magnitude larger than that in summer (0.13–0.45 μg/cm2 /day), and the Mn fluxes for both seasons were also greater than the accumulation rate of Mn in the bottom sediments (0.10 μg/cm 2/day). More Al was contained in the trapped settling matter than in the suspended matter, while Mn showed the opposite behavior. The Fe/Mn ratio of the residual fraction (obtained by subtracting the sediment component of the settling matter) was rather well correlated with the corresponding ratio in suspended matter. Settling particles are expected to scavenge suspended matter during their passage through the water column. The flux of Mn across the sediment—water interface was estimated from its vertical profiles in the water column to be 0.1–0.3 μg/cm2 day. The residence time of Mn in bottom water was about one to several months. These results suggest that Mn is actively recycled between the water column and the sediments of the coastal sea.  相似文献   

Size-fractionated primary productivity and chlorophylla concentration were studied at two stations in the temperate neritic water of Funka Bay, Japan, from April 1984 to May 1985. Size distributions of phytoplankton were discussed in relation to nutrient availability. In the central part of the bay, 66% of the annual primary production occurred during the spring phytoplankton bloom with 95% of the spring production being accounted for by the greater than 10µm size fraction, which was dominated by diatoms. The increase in this large fraction was enhanced at both stations when nutrient concentrations increased in the bay's upper layer. Under low nutrient concentrations during summer, small phytoplankters (<2µm) accounted for 40 to 75% (average 60%) of the total14C uptake at the central station, and from 25 to 59% (average, 45%) at the coastal station. However, a sudden nutrient enrichment at the coastal station during the summer triggered the growth of the large size fraction. These seasonal and regional changes in total14C uptake were attributed to the large size fraction, composed mainly of diatoms. From the decreases in various nutrients during diatom blooms, it was further suggested that the predominance of diatoms was determined, not only by nutrient concentrations, but also by their relative availability.Contribution No. 205 from the Research Institute of North Pacific Fisheries, Faculty of Fisheries, Hokkaido University.  相似文献   

任杰  刘沛然  戴志军 《台湾海峡》2001,20(1):96-100
在分析粤西海陵湾表层沉积物分布特征的基础上,应用泥沙搬运矢量模型计算了泥沙净输运趋势。结果表明,海区南北两端均存在着一个泥沙聚集区,北侧是径流与涨潮上潮流交绥的响应,南侧是波浪与落潮下泄流交绥的响应。分选性好的中部广大区域受单一动力作用,泥沙净输移方向由北指向南。  相似文献   

Water circulation, water column nutrients and plankton productivity were studied in a tropical bay with high rates of water exchange (60% to 90% per tide) and short residence times (3 to 4 h). The water circulation is predominantly affected by the semi-diurnal tides, which cause strong and reversing currents in the mangrove creeks (0.60 m·s−1) and currents of low magnitude in the neighbouring seagrass and coral reef zones (< 0.30 m·s−1). Tidal asymmetry, with relatively stronger ebb than flood flows in the mangrove creeks, promotes the net export of nutrients from the river mouth and of organic matter from the mangroves to the seagrass beds. The main sources of the dissolved inorganic nutrients are two rivers (the Kidogoweni and Mkurumuji) which discharge (up to 17.0 m3·s−1) in the upper and lower regions of the bay. The increased input of nutrients did not cause eutrophic conditions since nutrients were rapidly flushed out of the bay. The mangrove biotope generated small amounts of dissolved nutrients which are likely to be used for primary production within the mangrove zone. The production of nutrients in the mangrove zone was masked by high rates of flushing, such that no appreciable nutrient signal was detected in the dry season when the influence of the rivers diminished. The rates of primary production were low in the mangrove, seagrass, and coral reef biotopes in the dry season. Primary production increased slightly during the rainy season. The level of chlorophyll a in the mangrove biotope increased during ebb tides and decreased during flood tides. The highest zooplankton densities, which could not be related directly to primary production in the water-column, occurred at the seagrass station during the wet season.  相似文献   

The bottom sediments of Jinhae Bay area contain, on average, 45 % illite, 23 % kaolinite, 17 % intergrade clay, 10 % chlorite, and 5 % smectite. The geographical distribution of the clay minerals shows, in general, an it crease in illite, a decrease in kaolinite, and a slight decrease in chlorite seawards. The distributional trends of smectite and intergrade clay are irregular. The clay fractions of the sediments of Jinhae Bay are supplied from stream-borne sediments and are mixed with sediments transported landwards from the East China Sea. Local erosion and redeposition of the clay fractions of the bottom sediments is caused by rapid tidal currents.  相似文献   

The concentration of nutrients was measured during the spring phytoplankton bloom in Funka Bay over a 5-year period (1988–92). During the winter mixing period, nutrient concentrations were similar in every year except in 1990 when a high concentration of silicate was observed. There was interannual variation in the onset of the bloom, presumably depending on the stability of the water column. The bloom developed in early March when the Oyashio water (OW), which has a lower density than the existing winter water, flowed into the bay and the pycnocline formed near the bottom of the euphotic zone. In this case, high chl a was found only in the euphotic zone and nutrient utilization was limited to this zone. In the year when the inflow of OW was not observed by April, the bloom took place at the end of March without strong stratification and high chl a was found in the whole water column, accompanied by a decrease in nutrients. Interannual differences were found not only at the beginning of the decrease, but also in the thickness of the layer which showed a decrease in nutrients. Primary production from the beginning to the end of the spring bloom was estimated from the nutrient budget before and after the spring bloom. The integrated production over the spring bloom period ranged from 25 to 73 g C m-2, which accounts for 19–56% of the annual production in this bay. We found that the timing of the bloom was strongly dependent on the inflow of OW, but the amount of production was not clearly related to this timing.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight sea surface microlayer samples, along with subsurface bulk water samples were collected in Funka Bay, Japan during October 2000–March 2001 and analyzed for dimethylsulfoniopropionate, dissolved (DMSPd) and particulate (DMSPp), and chlorophyll a. The aim of the study was to examine the extent of enrichment of DMSP in the microlayer and its relationship to chlorophyll a, as well as the production rate of dimethylsulfide (DMS) from DMSP and the factors that influence this. The enrichment factor (EF) of DMSPd in the surface microlayer ranged from 0.81 to 4.6 with a mean of 1.85. In contrast, EF of DMSPp in the microlayer varied widely from 0.85–10.5 with an average of 3.21. Chlorophyll a also appeared to be enriched in the microlayer relative to the subsurface water. This may be seen as an important cause of the observed enrichment of DMSP in the microlayer. The concentrations of DMSPp in the surface microlayer showed a strong temporal variation, basically following the change in chlorophyll a levels. Moreover, the microlayer concentrations of DMSPp were, on average, 3-fold higher than the microlayer concentrations of DMSPd and there was a significant correlation between them. Additionally, there was a great variability in the ratios of DMSPp to chlorophyll a over the study period, reflecting seasonal variation in the proportion of DMSP producers in the total phytoplankton assemblage. It is interesting that the production rate of DMS was enhanced in the microlayer and this rate was closely correlated with the microlayer DMSPd concentration. Microlayer enrichment of chlorophyll a and higher DMS production rate in the microlayer provide favorable evidence supporting the view that the sea surface microlayer has a greater biological activity than the underlying water.  相似文献   

The bottom layer in Osaka Bay was occupied in August from 1980 to 1995 by a water mass of relatively low temperature and rich in nutrients in comparison to previous and following decades. The relationship between Osaka Bay bottom temperature and Kuroshio axis location south of Kii Peninsula has been investigated using the dataset archived by Osaka Research Institute of Environment of Agriculture and Fisheries and axis-location data provided by Marine Information Research Center. The correlation between bottom temperature in the bay and Kuroshio-axis distance from Cape Shionomisaki indicates that the bottom temperature in the bay decreases when the Kuroshio axis is a long distance from the cape, and vice versa. To investigate why the temperature distribution depends on the axis location, composite temperature maps are depicted using summer temperature data from 1970 to 2005 archived in the Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC) after dividing all data into two groups with different axis locations. These temperature maps and temperature-salinity plots using the same JODC data suggest a scenario: cold water in the Kuroshio intermediate layer is first upwelled on the eastern side of the Kii Peninsula and thereafter moves westward as a coastal boundary current in the Kelvin wave sense of the Northern Hemisphere when the Kuroshio axis is located around 74-km distance from Cape Shionomisaki. This scenario is validated using internal Froude number maps depicted using the JODC-archived hydrographic data and geostrophic current fields. In addition, the reanalysis daily data provided by Japan Coastal Ocean Predictability Experiment are used for the validation.  相似文献   

Sediment trap experiments were carried out ten times in one year (1977) at three depths in Funka Bay. The material obtained in the traps was analyzed for metals, organic elements and radionuclides, together with the suspended matter in the overlying water column. Two groups with extremely different downward fluxes were found, a group with a small flux increasing with depth, and another with a large flux that is rather constant with depth and is observed only in winter. The flux in winter, and sometimes in the bottom layer below the summer thermocline was larger than the net sedimentation rate for total dry matter or for each chemical constituent. The flux was also larger than the net removal flux for 234Th. A most striking fact is that the specific activity of short-lived 234Th did not decrease in winter, indicating that the large flux in winter was not caused by the re-suspension of old bottom sediments. The concentration of suspended matter in winter was not much greater than that in other seasons. These results suggest that the downward flux observed in sediment trap experiments is not a net removal rate and that there must be an upward particulate flux in the bay.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentration has an important economic effect in coastal and marine environments on fisheries resources and marine aquaculture development. Monthly climatologies the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) derived chl-a from February 1998 to August 2004 around Funka Bay were used to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of chl-a concentrations. SeaWiFS-derived suspended sediment, MODIS derived sea surface temperature (SST), solar radiation and wind data were also analyzed. Results showed two distinct chlorophyll blooms in spring and autumn. Chl-a concentrations were relatively low (<0.3 mg m3) in the bay during summer, with high concentrations occurring along the coast, particularly near Yakumo and Shiraoi. In spring, chl-a concentrations increased, and a large (>2 mg m3) phytoplankton bloom occurred. The spatial and temporal patterns were further confirmed by empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis. About 83.94% of the variability could be explained by the first three modes. The first chl-a mode (77.93% of the total variance) explained the general seasonal cycle and quantified interannual variability in the bay. The spring condition was explained by the second mode (3.89% of the total variance), while the third mode (2.12% of the total variance) was associated with autumn condition. Local forcing such as the timing of intrusion of Oyashio water, wind condition and surface heating are the mechanisms that controlled the spatial and temporal variations of chlorophyll concentrations. Moreover, the variation of chlorophyll concentration along the coast seemed to be influenced by suspended sediment caused by resuspension or river discharge.  相似文献   

Uranium in coastal sediments of Tokyo Bay and Funka Bay   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The sediment cores from Tokyo Bay and Funka Bay were analyzed for U and its isotopic ratio,234U/238U, after dissolving them in 0.1 M HCl, and 30% H2O2 in 0.05 M HCl. A small fraction of U in the anoxic sediments was dissolved in 0.1M HCl and even the added yield tracer,232U, was lost. The isotopic ratio of H2O2 soluble U in the sediments was equal to that of seawater, suggesting that the H2O2 soluble U in the sediments is authigenic. The 6M HCl solution dissolved part of the lithogenic U besides the authigenic U. The depth profiles of U from the two bays resembled each other. The authigenic U comprised more than half of the total U even at the surface and increased with depth down to 70 cm, showing small maxima at about 20 cm. The concentration of refractory U was nearly constant with depth and similar to that of the pelagic sediments. The highest U concentration, 6 µg g–1 which was about 5 times that of the pelagic sediments, was observed in the layer between 70 and 160 cm depth in Tokyo Bay. The annual sedimentation rates of U in the Tokyo Bay sediments were 2.6 tons at the surface and 7.0 tons at the 70–160 cm depth. The increase in U with depth should be due to the deposition of interstitial U either diffusing downward from the surface indicating the trapping of seawater U, or otherwise diffusing upward from the deeper layer indicating the internal cycling of U within the sediments.  相似文献   

大亚湾大鹏澳周边河流中营养盐的分布及入海通量的估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别于2001年8月(夏季)和2002年1月(冬季),测定了大亚湾大鹏澳3条主要入海河流南涌河、王母河和龙歧河水体中NO2-N、NO3-N、NH3-N、PO4-P、SiO3-Si的浓度水平,分析其分布特征和主要来源,并估算其入海通量.结果表明,N、P营养盐浓度夏季高于冬季,Si的则相反.无论夏、冬季,这3条河流水体中的NO3-N均是无机氮的主要存在形态.水体中N营养盐主要来源于农田氮肥的流失,其次是生活、工业区的排污;水体中P营养盐主要来源于生活区的排污,其次是农田磷肥的流失;人类活动对水体中Si营养盐浓度的影响最小.夏季N、P、Si营养盐入海通量分别约为67.363、3.645、11.718g/s,冬季分别约为0.934、0.515、23.285g/s。N、P入海通量夏季比冬季高得多,Si的别相反.营养盐入海输送量中N:P:Si的原子比夏季约为13:1:4,冬季约为4:1:50。  相似文献   

Recently, bivalves have been massively killed by anoxia or hypoxia in summer at the northern part of Isahaya Bay, Japan, which constituted a major problem for fisheries. However, the mechanism behind the occurrence of hypoxic water masses is unclear. It is known that the bottom water dissolved oxygen (DO) in this area is affected by the inflow of seawater into the northern mouth of Isahaya Bay. To understand the mechanism of hypoxia, it is necessary to determine the physical processes that cause changes in the bottom DO concentrations in this area. This study shows that there is a neap-spring tidal variation in bottom DO due to a change in vertical tidal mixing, and it also suggests that the decrease in bottom DO was generated by a baroclinic flow, which is due to the internal tide, and a shear flow, which is induced by the external tide in the bottom boundary layer. In addition, our study suggests that the source of cold and hypoxic water that appears in the bottom layer at low tide is the inner area of the Ariake Sea.  相似文献   

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