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水超脉泽辐射( 各向同性光度超过 10 个太阳光度) 通常在星系中心最内部的核区( 小于几个秒差距) 被发现,因而活动星系核被认为是其唯一的能量源。同其它没有检测到水脉泽辐射的活动星系核相比,水脉泽寄主活动星系核可能隐含着某种或某些特殊性质。基于此我们调研了已经公开发表的所有水脉泽源的 X 射线观测情况,得到了一个有 X 射线观测研究结果的子样本( 39 个源) 。由它们的 X 射线光度以及估算的黑洞质量,导出了它们的无量纲吸积率( logL2-10keV /LEdd,其中 L2-10keV和 LEdd分别是 2 - 10keV 的固有光度和爱丁顿光度) ; 与距离范围相当的、没有检测到水脉泽的活动星系核样本相比,发现脉泽寄主活动星系核有较高的吸积率。进一步分析比较这两个活动星系核样本的质量吸积率,也发现类似的趋势。此外,为了探索吸积率和水脉泽辐射间可能的内在联系,我们对它们的脉泽光度和吸积率进行了统计分析,然而结果显示二者之间没有明显的相关性。  相似文献   

用中科院射电联合实验室上海天文台25米望远镜,对19个已知水脉泽源和20个HII区候选源进行了水脉泽观测和搜寻,共测到水脉泽辐射21个,包括2个首次测到S/N≥3σ的源.结合已知脉泽资料求出了脉泽时变,发现峰值流量的变化比较普遍,包括同一峰强度变化及不同成分置换引起的变化两种情况,峰值速度变化多数由不同成分置换所造成.证认了对应的IRAS源并探讨了脉泽辐射与红外参量的关系,表明红外辐射的强度对脉泽产生率的影响比颜色分布的影响大.  相似文献   

用中科院射电联合实验室上海天台25米望远镜,对19个已知水脉泽源和20个HII区候选源进行了水脉泽观测和搜寻,共测到水脉泽辐射21个,包括2个首次测到S/N≥3σ的源。结合已知脉泽资料求出了脉泽时变,发现峰值流量的变化比较普遍,包括同一峰强度变化及不同成分置换引起的变化两种情况,峰值速度变化多数由不同成分置换所造成。证认了对应的IRAS源并探讨了脉泽辐射与红外参量的关系,表明红外辐射的强度对脉泽  相似文献   

星际水脉泽源中高速气体的CO巡测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用射电天联合实验紫金山天台青海站13.7米望远镜,于1997年4月对97个水脉泽源做了CO(J=1-0)的巡测及部分成图观测。结果表明81个源的谱线适于作成协星体活动分析。经初步认证认有外向流候选33个,全部为首次给出高速范围,对其轮廓特点及与H2O脉泽辐射的关系作了简要讨论,CO高速气体和H2O脉泽的速度范围和峰值速度在多数情况下的分别相符,这说明两的激发可能相关。  相似文献   

曾琴 《天文学报》1994,35(3):281-287
本文对猎户座IRc2的正、仲水脉泽区的物理条件作初步研究。结果表明在动能温度600K左右,尘埃温度低于350K,密度约10~(8±0.5)cm~(-3)和水对氢分子相对丰度与速度梯度比为4×10~(-9)pcskm~(-1)的条件下,仲水3_(13)—2_(20),5_(15)—4_(22)及正水6_(16)—5_(23),4_(14)—3_(21)脉泽可能同时呈现。这个区域的水丰度约为4×10~(-6)。热尘埃并不使脉泽加强,碰撞抽运是激发星际水脉泽的一个可能机制。高密度下,准共振碰撞效应的计入可以解释6_(16)—5_(23)脉泽的高亮温度。  相似文献   

用射电天文联合实验室紫金山天文台青海站13.7米望远镜,于1997年4月对97个水脉泽源做了CO(J=1-0)的巡测及部分成图观测,结果表明81个源的谱线适于作成协星体活动分析.经初步证认有外向流候选者33个,全部为首次给出高速范围.对其轮廓特点及与H2O脉泽辐射的关系作了简要讨论.CO高速气体和H2O脉泽的速度范围和峰值速度在多数情况下分别相符,这说明两者的激发可能相关.  相似文献   

使用青海站13.7米射电望远镜对该望远镜发现的新的水脉泽源进行CO(J=1-0)的观测。本文给出了其中尚未在文献中报道过CO观测结果的8个源的CO(J=1-0)谱线,并对该观测结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

人们对河外水脉泽的观测与研究已经30年了。目前已经在约70个河外星系中检测到水脉泽辐射(已公开发表64个)。近年来,河外水脉泽的观测及理论研究十分活跃。重点介绍了目前河外水脉泽的检测及研究进展,包括水脉泽源的分类、水脉泽对研究活动星系核的重要科学价值、水脉泽源的X射线观测研究及其各物理量之间的统计分析结果等。  相似文献   

H2O maser emissions have been found in external galaxies for more than 30 years. Main sciences associated with extragalactic H2O masers can be summarized roughly into three parts: maser emission itself, AGN sciences and cosmology exploration. Our work in this field focusses on two projects: X-ray data analysis of individual maser source using X-ray penetrability to explore maser host obscured AGN; multi-wavelength statistical properties of the whole published H2O maser sample. Here their nuclear radio properties were investigated in detail, based on their 6-cm and 20-cm radio observation data. Comparing the radio properties between maser-detected sources and non-detected sources at similar distance scale, we find that: (1) maser host galaxies tend to have higher nuclear radio luminosity; (2) the spectral index of both samples is comparable (~0.6), within the error ranges. In addition, for AGN-maser sources, the isotropic maser luminosity tends to increase with rising radio luminosity. Thus we propose the nuclear radio luminosity as one good indicator for searching AGN-masers in the future.  相似文献   

All galaxies with extragalactic H_2O maser sources observed so far are collected. With the 2MASS and the IRAS photometric data an infrared study is performed on those galaxies.By a comparison between the H_2O maser detected sources and non-detected sources in the infrared it is indicated that infrared properties in the IRAS 12-25μm and 60-100μm are important for producing H_2O masers in galaxies.It is also found that the H_2O maser galaxies with different nuclear activity types have rather different infrared properties mainly in the IRAS 12-60μm region.  相似文献   

Recent high-resolution observations of low-luminosity extra-galactic H2O masers towards M 82, M 51, and NGC 4051 are presented in this contribution. These observations were conducted using the very large array (VLA). The general observational properties of these masers are discussed.  相似文献   

Molecular emissions are powerful tracers of intense heating and star-formation processes in galactic nuclei. In this paper we consider the characteristics of molecular Megamaser emission among the population of (Ultra-) Luminous Infrared Galaxies that are powered by intense star-formation or accretion onto a massive compact object. In addition, we consider the systematic behavior of the line emission of high-density tracer molecules. An evolutionary scenario is presented for ULIRGs that may explain the molecular line ratios observed in the population of FIR galaxies.  相似文献   

We present a possible formation mechanism of the asymmetry in the maser emission line of H2O sources associated with star-forming regions. Observations with the RT-22 radio telescope at the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory are used. We analyze the line profiles of emission features in the sources G43.8-0.1, NGC 2071, and ON1. If the line is asymmetric, the left (low-velocity) wing is higher than the right wing. The proposed mechanism accounts for the observed asymmetry and makes it possible to estimate some physical parameters of the medium in the vicinity of a maser spot.  相似文献   

我国研制的氢原子频标在陕西天文台运行已二十多年了 ,对我们的时间工作起到了重要的作用。 1 979年至 1 980年间 ,陕西天文台没有铯原子钟 ,氢频标曾作为基准钟 ,为我台原子时尺度的建立立下首功。 1 983年后 ,长期性能得到改进。1 993年 ,在我国氢原子钟同行中 ,率先在国际时间局取到权。随着科学技术的发展 ,对时间工作精度的要求日益提高 ,陕西天文台仍然需要世界一流水平的氢原子频标。  相似文献   

We present a statistical analysis of a sky survey of interstellar H2O and OH masers. These masers can be classified into three categories: isolated H2O masers, isolated OH masers, and simple OH/H2O maser associations. The total number of sources in each category is of the same order of magnitude, and as an evolutionary phase they can maintain -105 yr. An improved radiative pumping mechanism is proposed. This model avoids some of the deficiencies of previous radiative models, such as shortage of exciting photons. The statistical results obtained from the survey can be interpreted by the new mechanism together with the evolutionary model in which the gravitational force of the central stellar objects is responsible for the HII region.  相似文献   

We have conducted multi-epoch EVN observations of the 22.2 GHz water masers towards the high-mass young stellar object in AFGL 5142. With four observing epochs, spanning a time of 1 year, 12 distinct maser features have been detected and accurate values of the proper motions are derived for those persistent over three or four epochs. On the basis of their spatial distribution, the observed maser features can be divided into two groups. A model fit to the positions and velocities of the maser features of Group I, detected in the same region (within 500 mas) where the massive YSO should be located, demonstrates that these might arise on the surface of a nearly edge-on Keplerian disk, rotating around a massive young stellar object. The maser features of Group II, found at large distances from the YSO ( 1), have positions and line-of-sight velocities in agreement with the blue-shifted lobe of a large-scale molecular outflow, and might result from the interaction between the gas flowing away from the young stellar object and the ambient gas of the progenitor molecular core.  相似文献   

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