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水务地理信息系统的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地理信息系统具有数据存储、查询、统计、图形显示、分析、模拟、决策和预测等功能,在水务部门中有着广泛的应用前景。以江西省一个县级水务地理信息系统为例,论述水务地理信息系统设计开发的全过程。  相似文献   

In the present study, soil loss in Nagpur district of Maharashtra is predicted employing USLE method and adopting integrated analysis in GIS to prioritise the tahsils for soil conservation and for delineation of suitable conservation units. Remote sensing techniques are applied to delineate the land cover of the district and to arrive at annual cover factors. Results indicate that potential soil loss of very slight to slight (>5–10 tons/ha/year) exist in the valleys in north western, northern and in the plains of central and eastern parts of the district. Moderate to moderately severe erosion rates (10 to 20 tones/ha/year) is noticed in the southeastern and some central parts. Severe, very severe and extremely severe erosion types (20 to 80 tons/ha/year) are noticed in the northern, western, southwestern and southern parts of the district. The average soil loss is estimated to be 23.1 and 15.5 tons/ha/yr under potential and actual conditions respectively. Slight, moderate, moderately severe and extremely severe potential erosion covering about 41 per cent area of the district is reduced to negligible and very slight rates of actual erosion under the influence of present land cover leading to a reduction of 7421.2 tones of potential soil loss. Priority rating of the tahsils is evaluated from the area weighted mean quantum of soil loss. Multi-criteria overlay analysis with the parameters of soil erosion, slope, soil depth, land cover and surface texture with rating for the constituent classes has resulted in delineation of nine conservation units. Appropriate agronomic and mechanical practices are suggested in the identified units for minimizing the erosion hazard.  相似文献   

In the present study efforts have been made to evaluate ground water potential zones for ground water targeting using IRS-IC LISS-II1 geo-coded data on 1:50,000 scale. The drainage, geology, geomorpholgoy and lineament information has been generated and integrated to evaluate hydro-geomorphological characteristics of the Gairnukh watershed, Bhandara district, Maharashtra for delineation of ground water potential zones. The analysis reveals that the deep valley fills with thick alluvium have excellent, shallow valley tills and deeply weathered pediplains with thin alluvium have very good and moderately weathered pediplains in the geological formations of Tirodi Gneiss and Sausar Groups have god ground water potential and these units are highly favourable for ground water exploration and development. Shallow weathered pediments in geological formations of Tirodi Gnesis and Sausar Groups are marked under moderate ground water potential zone. Shallow weathered pediplains in geological formations of Tiridi Gneiss and Sausor Groups are grouped under limited ground water potential category, except along the fractures/lineaments. Structural hills in geological formations of Tirodi Gneiss and Sausar Groups have poor ground water prospects. Inselbergs and Linear ridges in geological formations of Tirodi Gneiss are grouped under very poor ground water prospects zone. The good inter-relationship was found among the geological units, geomorphological units, lineament density, hydro-geomorphological zones and ground water yield data.  相似文献   

Tarun Kumar 《国际地球制图》2017,32(12):1367-1388
This study presents a method to identify potential sites for soil and water conservation techniques for the demarcation of suitable sites for artificial recharge of groundwater aquifers, in the study area. The run-off derived by the Soil Conservation Service Curve Number method is a function of run-off potential which can be expressed in terms of run-off coefficient. The augmentation of water resource is proposed by the construction of rainwater harvesting structures like check dam, percolation pond, farm pond and gully check dam. The site suitability for different water harvesting structures is determined by considering spatially varying parameters like slope, infiltration, run-off potential, landuse/land cover, stream order, soil texture, land capability class, hydrological soil group and micro-watershed area. The determined suitable site has been validated with existing recharge structures of the study area. Accuracy assessment of the suitable sites for recharge structures potential maps of the Bindra watershed is 82.60%.  相似文献   

Land suitability analysis is prerequisite for sustainable agriculture and it plays a pivotal role in the niche based agricultural planning in mountain regions. In this paper different parameters viz. climatic (precipitation and temperature), topographic (elevation), soil type and land cover/land use have been used in order to perform land suitability evaluation for cereals food-grain crops in Himachal Pradesh using Geographic Information System (GIS). The suitability analysis was performed by digital processing of geo-referenced data (elevation, climate, soil and landcover) and calculating potential production areas by combining different types of geographical data through decision rules framed for each crop in ArcView spatial analyst. Suitable areas have been delineated for cereal crops in the form of land suitability maps. In comparison to the actual area under cereal crops, the possibility of further expansion under each cereal crop was determined. These discriminated areas appear suitable for growing these crops and can be harnessed efficiently for achieving long term sustainability and food security.  相似文献   

通过对H7N9禽流感防控研究的归纳,总结了目前GIS技术在新发H7N9禽流感疫情的时空分布、流行规律、影响因素和风险评估等方面的应用研究,揭示了GIS技术在疫情防控中发挥的重要作用,为其他传染病特别是新发传染病的防控研究提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

GIS"软件危机"在严重蔓延,进行GIS软件项目全面估计,不失为解决GIS"软件危机"的最佳良策。简述了软件估计的基本内容和来源,总结介绍了软件估计的常用方法和估计时机选择问题,以期推动GIS软件估计业的振兴与发展。  相似文献   

地理信息系统是融计算机图形和数据库于一体 ,保存和处理空间信息的高新技术。本文针对市场上出现的几种常用的GIS应用软件进行了比较和分析 ,并阐述了目前GIS软件的瓶颈和发展方向  相似文献   

The present study aimed at quantification of sediment yield for Ahar River basin of Udaipur district in Rajasthan, India by a regional empirical model using RS and GIS techniques. The land use/land cover (LULC) map of the study area was prepared by supervised classification using satellite imagery of IRS-P6 LISS III. Overall accuracy of the prepared LULC map was 90.78%. The major portion of the study area (49%) is covered with rangeland. Slope map for the study area was developed using digital elevation model. The slope in most of the study area (40% of the total area) ranges from 1% to 4%. In addition, drainage density map of the study area was generated on micro-watershed basis. The study area is covered by a dendritic pattern of drainage which shows that rocks in the area are homogeneous and uniformly resistant to water flow. The drainage density in the study area is 1.11 km km−2. Annual sediment yield of the study area was quantified by Garde model. The mean annual runoff and sediment yield for the area was 37.58 million m3 and 8,760 m3/year, respectively. Finally, appropriate sites for construction of soil conservation measures are suggested using Boolean logic analysis method on combined slope and drainage maps.  相似文献   

In the present study, ground water prospect zones in Dala-Renukoot area, in Sonebhadra district. Uttar Pradesh, India have been delineated, through integration of various thematic maps using ARC/INFO GIS. Thematic maps in respect of geology, geomorphology. slope, drainage, land-use/land cover, lineament and lineament intersection frequency were prepared on 1:50,000 scale using remote sensing and conventional methods. These maps were scanned and registered with reference to a basemap and are input as separate layers using ARC/INFO GIS. Each theme was assigned a weightage depending on its influence on the movement and storage of groundwater and each unit in every theme map is assigned a knowledge based ranking from 1 to 5 depending on its significance to groundwater occurrence. All the themes are overlaid, two at a time and the resultant composite coverage is classified into five groundwater prospect categories. This output map is correlated with the groundwater data collected in the field.  相似文献   

张霞 《测绘通报》2002,(3):34-36
介绍数据访问对象(Data Access Object)技术,分析它与其他数据库技术的不同。讨论它的优缺点和它在地理信息系统中应用的可行性。对利用DAO技术实现地理信息系统中属性数据的管理做详尽的阐述。  相似文献   

对MapInfo基本产品进行了介绍,系统阐述了三种利用MapInfo产品进行的二次开发模式:MapInfo作为独立开发平台,利用MapBasic进行二次开发模式;将MapInfo作为OLE对象的开发模式;利用基于ActiveX的MapX控件所进行的开发模式。  相似文献   

地理信息系统在地质灾害信息系统建设中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从制作工作区图形库、地质灾害易发区等值线,到GPS采集灾点投影转换,地质灾害系列图件的生成等,说明了地理信息系统(GIS)在地质灾害信息系统建库的具体应用。  相似文献   

地理信息系统(GIS)在油气勘探开发中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
地理信息系统(GIS)的空间数据管理、空间分析及图形可视化表达方面的功能使其在油气勘探开发中具有广阔的发展前景。本文论述了GIS在石油行业专题制图、盆地模拟、油气资源勘探开发管理及油气资源评价等方面的应用,阐述了GIS在油气勘探开发中的地位和作用,展望了GIS在油气勘探中的应用前景。  相似文献   

针对自来水管线管理的现状,提出了基于物联网和GIS技术的自来水管线管理信息系统的概念,介绍了系统的总体架构、主要功能模块及关键技术,并重点介绍了GIS技术和物联网技术在管道压力和流量监控上的重要应用。  相似文献   

Land use and land cover (LULC) changes in northern Nayarit, Mexico were estimated using post-classification change detection methods and a Markov chain model. Three thematic maps were generated by classifying Landsat images from 1973, 1900, and 2000, which were then overlaid to generate three change-detection matrices to assess the intensity and direction of changes. Between 25% and 30% of the region displayed LULC changes, attributable to a stochastic behavior that can be modeled with a first-order Markov chain. The steady-state distribution estimates indicate that the LULC patterns in the region have not yet reached equilibrium and predict the expansion of the agricultural boundaries.  相似文献   

In the present study, Remote Sensing Technique and GIS tools were used to prepare landslide susceptibility map of Shiv-khola watershed, one of the landslide prone part of Darjiling Himalaya, based on 9 landslide inducing parameters like lithology, slope gradient, slope aspect, slope curvature, drainage density, upslope contributing area, land use and land cover, road contributing area and settlement density applying Analytical Hierarchy Approach (AHA). In this approach, quantification of the factors was executed on priority basis by pair-wise comparison of the factors. Couple comparing matrix of the factors were being made with reasonable consistency for understanding relative dominance of the factors as well as for assigning weighted mean/prioritized factor rating value for each landslide triggering factors through arithmetic mean method using MATLAB Software. The factor maps/thematic data layers were generated with the help of SOI Topo-sheet, LIIS-III Satellite Image (IRS P6/Sensor-LISS-III, Path-107, Row-052, date-18/03/2010) by using Erdas Imagine 8.5, PCI Geomatica, Arc View and ARC GIS Software. Landslide frequency (%) for each class of all the thematic data layers was calculated to assign the class weight value/rank value. Then, weighted linear combination (WLC) model was implied to determine the landslide susceptibility coefficient value (LSCV or ??M??) integrating factors weight and assigned class weight on GIS platform. Greater the value of M, higher is the propensity of landslide susceptibility over the space. Then Shivkhola watershed was classified into seven landslide susceptibility zones and the result was verified by ground truth assessment of existing landslide location where the classification accuracy was 92.86 and overall Kappa statistics was 0.8919.  相似文献   

The present work accentuated the expediency of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) applications in groundwater studies, especially in the identification of groundwater potential zones in Ithikkara River Basin (IRB), Kerala, India. The information on geology, geomorphology, lineaments, slope and land use/land cover was gathered from Landsat ETM + data and Survey of India (SOI) toposheets of scale 1:50,000 in addition, GIS platform was used for the integration of various themes. The composite map generated was further classified according to the spatial variation of the groundwater potential. Four categories of groundwater potential zones namely poor, moderate, good and very good were identified and delineated. The hydrogeomorphological units like valley fills and alluvial plain and are potential zones for groundwater exploration and development and valley fills associated with lineaments is highly promising area for groundwater extraction. The spatial variation of the potential indicates that groundwater occurrence is controlled by geology, structures, slope and landforms.  相似文献   

我国地理信息系统建设及进展(2)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄杏元 《现代测绘》2004,27(3):3-4,7
着重叙述了目前城市GIS的建设与应用和国家空间数据基础设施的建设与应用,指出建设数字城市和UGIS的框架体系结构,在GIS建设中的重要的作用。同时指出国家空间数据基础设施(NSDI)为各领域GIS建设提供统一、规范的地理空间基础平台和基础地理数据,对于最大限度地实现各领域的信息共享和加速推进我国GIS建设等,都具有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

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