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重庆中坝遗址地层Na-Ca元素含量揭示的制盐业兴衰史   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对中坝和玉溪遗址考古断代和AMS14C 测年基础上, 根据对中坝遗址201 个地层样品ICP 等离子发射光谱的Na、Ca、Mg 元素测定及玉溪遗址47 个地层样品的Na、Ca 元素测 定, 发现中坝制盐遗址地层中存在明显的Na、Ca 元素含量反向相关期有35 处之多, 即: 当Ca 元素为峰值时, Na 元素为谷值, 反之亦然。其中, Ca 元素为峰值、Na 元素为谷值的反向相关期有21 次, 揭示出中坝遗址近5 ka 来制盐业有过近21 个兴盛期。另有14 个Na 元素为 峰值、Ca 元素为谷值的反向相关期, 揭示中坝遗址近5 ka 来制盐业也有过近14 个衰落期。考古发掘得出的“中坝制盐业萌发于新石器时代、夏商发展、西周至汉代为鼎盛期、唐宋时代维持稳定发展、宋以后由于海盐进入川江地区导致中坝制盐业逐渐衰落、但20 世纪70-80 年代仍有生产”的结论证明本文Na、Ca 元素含量反向相关性得出的研究结果是正确的。以上研究结果表明, 中坝制盐遗址中Na、Ca 元素含量有明显的反向相关规律, 这一规律可以用于揭示盐业遗址的制盐业兴衰过程历史。  相似文献   

史威  朱诚  马春梅  朱青 《地理科学》2008,28(5):703-708
重庆中坝遗址地层Rb、Sr、Hg及TOC研究表明:Rb、Sr和Rb/Sr值较好地反映了约4250a B.P.以来气候变化过程,主要干冷期可与敦德冰川δ18O曲线谷值、湖光岩沉积物磁化率和Ti曲线峰值、以及大气14C浓度峰值和太阳活动水平较长期变化的低谷对比,反映出地层中Rb、Sr不易受人类活动干扰的特性。结合考古遗存对比还发现,Hg、P、Ca、Mg和TOC记录了该遗址约4250a B.P.以来人类活动的三个不同演变阶段。进一步研究认为,盐业遗址的衰落可能与洪水事件、盐泉资源的过度消耗以及由此造成的利用难度加大有关  相似文献   

Based on dynastic period division and AMS ^14 C dating performed on the sedimentary layers at Zhongba and Yuxi sites,and also the analysis of Na,Ca and Mg of 201 sedimentary samples from Zhongba site and that of Ca and Na in 47 sedimentary samples from Yuxi by using an inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry(ICP),we found that there were 35 time periods when the contents of Ca and Na were reversely correlated,i.e.whenever the content of Ca was the highest,the content of Na was the lowest,and vice versa. Among them,there were 21 time periods when the content of Ca was the highest,and Na was the lowest,indicating that there were about 21 prosperous periods of ancient salt production at Zhongba site since 3000BC.Other 14 time periods with the peak values of Na while the low values of Ca indicate 14 declined periods of salt production at Zhongba site since 3000BC.The conclusion obtained from the reverse relationship between Ca and Na contents in this paper is consistent with that"the salt production at Zhongba site started in the new stone age,developed in the Xia and Shang dynasties,reached at the heyday in periods from the Western Zhou to the Han Dynasties,maintained stable to develop in the Tang and the Song dynasties,and gradually declined after the Song Dynasty because the sea salt were conveyed into Sichuan region,however,still had production in the 1970s-1980s",educed from archeological exploration.All the above mentioned results indicate that there is a reverse relationship obviously between the contents of Na and Ca in sediments at Zhongba site for ancient salt production,which can be used to reveal the process of rise and decline of ancient salt industry at Zhongba site.  相似文献   

通过对滇池剖面沉积物质量磁化率、δ18O、δ13C同位素、粒度、矿物成分、CaCO3、有机质、铁、粘土矿物元素的测定,利用210Pb测年,恢复了滇池地区近700年来的气候变化。通过对湖泊沉积记录的分析,发现滇池经历了两个高湖水期和一个低湖水期,具有明显的200年气候周期性;本区气候变化具有冷湿-暖干的气候变化特征。滇池沉积记录包含了人类活动的信息,揭示了人类疏挖海口河,改变了湖泊沉积速率;最近十几年,工农业活动污染物进入湖泊,改变了湖泊的营养度,是滇池迅速富营养化的阶段。  相似文献   

重庆中坝遗址地层Rb、Sr、Hg及TOC研究表明:Rb、Sr和Rb/Sr值较好地反映了约4250aB.P.以来气候变化过程,主要干冷期可与敦德冰川δ^18O曲线谷值、湖光岩沉积物磁化率和Ti曲线峰值、以及大气^14C浓度峰值和太阳活动水平较长期变化的低谷对比,反映出地层中Rb、Sr不易受人类活动干扰的特性。结合考古遗存对比还发现,Hg、P、Ca、Mg和TOC记录了该遗址约4250aB.P.以来人类活动的三个不同演变阶段。进一步研究认为,盐业遗址的衰落可能与洪水事件、盐泉资源的过度消耗以及由此造成的利用难度加大有关  相似文献   

人类活动与地理环境   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从如下几个方面论述了人类活动与(自然)地理环境之间的关系问题:1、人类活动与地理环境关系主要学说的考察;2、人类活动与地理环境相互作用的历史分析;3、地理环境对人类活动的影响;4,人类活动对地理环境的反作用;5、人类与地理环境的共生。  相似文献   

重庆北碚中梁山土壤发育过程中粒度与磁化率关系探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以中梁山黄壤、石灰土与紫色土剖面为研究对象,分别对其进行粒度相关参数与质量磁化率和频率磁化率的测定,对二者之间的关系进行分析,得出以下结论:3种土壤的总体磁化率较低,频率磁化率所反映的过渡性稳定单畴与超顺磁颗粒对每个剖面上的磁性贡献不一,且对风化成壤程度具有指示作用,说明了3个剖面中黄壤发育较成熟,最差是紫色土;相关性分析表明:石灰土中各参数之间的相关性不显著,因此频率磁化率、质量磁化率不能作为反映气候变化的指标,而在黄壤中由于频率磁化率与标准差的相关性显著,质量磁化率与偏度相关性显著,紫色土中质量磁化率与砂粒级含量相关性显著,可以建立线性回归方程,南方地区黄壤的频率磁化率、质量磁化率以及紫色土的质量磁化率可以在一定程度上作为衡量气候变化的指标。  相似文献   

当代新疆洪旱灾害扩大化:人类活动的影响分析   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
1980′s以来新疆洪旱灾害损失存在扩大化的趋势,这与我国及世界其它地区洪旱灾害增多的趋势相一致。造成当代新疆洪旱灾害增多、灾损扩大的原因除了全球变暖影响外,人类活动的加剧导致新疆生态环境严重退化、绿洲无度扩张致使临灾区域扩大是新疆近期洪旱灾害增多的主要原因。此外,对未来新疆的洪旱趋势进行初步展望,认为在全球和局域人类活动继续加剧的情况下,未来新疆气候会更加不稳定,降水变率增加,洪旱极端事件会增多,若能采取适当的应对措施,洪旱灾害损失会有一定程度的下降。  相似文献   

江汉平原湖泊沉积物的化学特征及其与人类活动的关系   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
杨汉东  蔡述明 《地理科学》1997,7(4):323-328
通过对江汉平原洪湖、长湖、东湖和沙湖4个代表性湖泊沉积物化学特征的分析,探讨江汉平原湖泊的演化特点及工类活动的影响的程度,指出江汉平原湖泊受人类活动的影响程度已超过自然过程。  相似文献   

人类活动与天山现代冰川退缩   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在系统分析了中亚天山山两个长期进行物质平衡监测的乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川和图尤克苏冰川的资料,并引用其他研究成果后,发现中亚天山现代冰川1970年-1990年比1930年-1970年明显的退化。近20年多来,中亚天山冰川加速退缩,解体,与被工业排放污染了大气有关。  相似文献   

Based on dynastic period division and AMS14C dating performed on the sedimen-tary layers at Zhongba and Yuxi sites, and also the analysis of Na, Ca and Mg of 201 sedi-mentary samples from Zhongba site and that of Ca and Na in 47 sedimentary samples from Yuxi by using an inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP), we found that there were 35 time periods when the contents of Ca and Na were reversely correlated, i.e. when-ever the content of Ca was the highest, the content of Na was the lowest, and vice versa. Among them, there were 21 time periods when the content of Ca was the highest, and Na was the lowest, indicating that there were about 21 prosperous periods of ancient salt pro-duction at Zhongba site since 3000BC. Other 14 time periods with the peak values of Na while the low values of Ca indicate 14 declined periods of salt production at Zhongba site since 3000BC. The conclusion obtained from the reverse relationship between Ca and Na contents in this paper is consistent with that “the salt production at Zhongba site started in the new stone age, developed in the Xia and Shang dynasties, reached at the heyday in periods from the Western Zhou to the Han Dynasties, maintained stable to develop in the Tang and the Song dynasties, and gradually declined after the Song Dynasty because the sea salt were conveyed into Sichuan region, however, still had production in the 1970s–1980s”, educed from archeological exploration. All the above mentioned results indicate that there is a re-verse relationship obviously between the contents of Na and Ca in sediments at Zhongba site for ancient salt production, which can  相似文献   

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