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We construct a first-order secular general planetary theory, using the Jacobi-Radau set of origins, referring to common fixed plane and in terms of Poincaré canonical variables. We neglect powers higher than the fourth with respect to the eccentricities and sines of inclinations.  相似文献   

A mechanism is treated for the origin of the eccentricities of the asteroids and of Mars: secular resonances associated with the dissipation of a primitive solar nebula. The nebula is modeled as a two-dimensional disk; a closed-form, convergent integral is derived to represent its disturbing function. Dissipation of this nebula gives rise to “excitation waves”, produced by the variable location of the secular resonances, which can excite the eccentricity of Mars, and scatter asteroidal eccentricities through the observed ranges. By requiring that these ranges match the observed values as a functions of semimajor axis, one infers: (a) the primordial eccentricities of Jupiter and Saturn initially had amplitudes different from present-day values, but these amplitudes approached the present values toward the end of nebular dissipation; (b) the nebular dissipation time scale may have been of the order of (few) × 104 years as the dissipation neared completion (but this depends on the validity of linear equations which model the inherently nonlinear asteroidal eccentricity pumping); (c) it is reasonable to propose a common origin for the eccentricies of Mars and the asteroids. A simple extension of the model also accounts for the quasi-Gaussian distribution of the number density of asteroidal eccentricities.  相似文献   

The masses of 21 main-belt asteroids were determined by the dynamical method. The masses of 13 asteroids have relative errors of less than 50 percent. When earlier positional observations are excluded and recent, highly accurate ones are used, the error of asteroid mass determination is reduced.  相似文献   

In this study, the hierarchical stability of the seven known large size ratio triple asteroids is investigated. The effect of the solar gravity and primary’s J 2 are considered. The force function is expanded in terms of mass ratios based on the Hill’s approximation and the large size ratio property. The empirical stability parameters are used to examine the hierarchical stability of the triple asteroids. It is found that the all the known large size ratio triple asteroid systems are hierarchically stable. This study provides useful information for future evolutions of the triple asteroids.  相似文献   

All the Trojan asteroids orbit about the Sun at roughly the same heliocentric distance as Jupiter. Differences in the observed visible reflection spectra range from neutral to red, with no ultra-red objects found so far. Given that the Trojan asteroids are collisionally evolved, a certain degree of variability is expected. Additionally, cosmic radiation and sublimation are important factors in modifying icy surfaces even at those large heliocentric distances. We search for correlations between physical and dynamical properties, we explore relationships between the following four quantities; the normalised visible reflectivity indexes (S), the absolute magnitudes, the observed albedos and the orbital stability of the Trojans. We present here visible spectroscopic spectra of 25 Trojans. This new data increase by a factor of about 5 the size of the sample of visible spectra of Jupiter Trojans on unstable orbits. The observations were carried out at the ESO-NTT telescope (3.5 m) at La Silla, Chile, the ING-WHT (4.2 m) and NOT (2.5 m) at Roque de los Muchachos observatory, La Palma, Spain. We have found a correlation between the size distribution and the orbital stability. The absolute-magnitude distribution of the Trojans in stable orbits is found to be bimodal, while the one of the unstable orbits is unimodal, with a slope similar to that of the small stable Trojans. This supports the hypothesis that the unstable objects are mainly byproducts of physical collisions. The values of S of both the stable and the unstable Trojans are uniformly distributed over a wide range, from 0%/1000 Å to about 15%/1000 Å. The values for the stable Trojans tend to be slightly redder than the unstable ones, but no significant statistical difference is found.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop and implement an explicit numerical technique for studying equilibrium solutions concerning the secular variations in the restricted problem of three bodies, and their stability. In this implementation, we employ a sixth-order theory for the secular terms.  相似文献   

Schubart's model of a planar, elliptic restricted three-body problem is used to study the orbital motion of the Hilda asteroids from thePalomar-Leiden Survey. The 3:2 resonant coupling to Jupiter of some of these small asteroids are found to be stable. However, some of the small asteroids with absolute magnitudeg>15 have large amplitude of variation in their orbital elements in one libration period. Since the lifetime scales against catastrophic collision of the Hilda asteroids are estimated to be several times larger than those of the main belt objects, a significant portion of these resonant asteroids could be the original members of the Hilda group. From this point of view, it is suggested that such size-dependence of resonant orbital motions might be the result of the cosmogonic effects ofjet stream accretion.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that mirror seeing is caused by turbulent fluctuations in the index of air refraction in the vicinity of a telescope mirror. Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) is a useful tool to evaluate the effects of mirror seeing. In this paper, we present a numerical method to estimate the mirror seeing for a large optical telescope(~ 4 m) in cases of natural convection with the ANSYS ICEPAK software. We get the FWHM of the image for different inclination angles(i) of the mirror and different temperature differences(?T) between the mirror and ambient air. Our results show that the mirror seeing depends very weakly on i, which agrees with observational data from the Canada-FranceHawaii Telescope. The numerical model can be used to estimate mirror seeing in the case of natural convection although with some limitations. We can determine ?T for thermal control of the primary mirror according to the simulation, empirical data and site seeing.  相似文献   

M. Di Martino 《Icarus》1984,60(3):541-546
V band photoelectric lightcurves and rotational periods are presented for six asteroids: 150 Nuwa, 203 Pompeja, 336 Lacaderia, 545 Messalina, 984 Gretia, and 1240 Fantasia. Except for 984 Gretia, none of these asteroids has been previously observed. The observations were obtained during September 1983 at the Astrophysical Observatory of Catania and are part of a program devoted to increase the present data set of asteroids' rotational properties. For 336 Lacaderia and 984 Gretia the magnitude-phase relations, in terms ofQv and βv, were also obtained.  相似文献   

Photometry and thermal lightcurves of six large asteroids (1-Ceres, 2-Pallas, 3-Juno, 12-Victoria, 85-Io and 511-Davida) have been observed at 870 μm (345 GHz) using the MPIfR 19-Channel Bolometer of the Heinrich-Hertz Submillimeter Telescope. Only Ceres displayed a lightcurve with an amplitude (∼50%, peak to peak) that was significantly greater than the uncertainty in the observations. When thermal fluxes and brightness temperatures are corrected for heliocentric distance and albedo, there is a significant relation with the sub-solar latitude of the asteroid, or the local season of the asteroid. No such trend can be found between observations with solar phase angle. These results are evidence that most of the submillimeter thermal radiation is emitted from below the diurnal thermal wave. Comparing the observed trend with model output suggests that the submillimeter radiation from all the asteroids we observed is best modeled by surface material with low thermal inertia (<15 J m−2 s−0.5 K−1, consistent with mid-infrared observations of large main-belt asteroids) and a refractive index closer to unity relative to densities inferred from radar experiments, implying a veneer of material over the asteroid surface with a density less than 1000 kg m−3. More data with better signal-to-noise and aspect coverage could improve these models and constrain physical properties of asteroid surface materials. This would also allow asteroids to be used as calibration sources with accurately known and stable, broadband fluxes at long wavelengths.  相似文献   

Some Trojans have a remarkably large inclination. This fact raises the question whether or not these asteroids are dynamically different from Trojans with an inclination, say smaller than 10°. In this paper the author investigates the dynamics of selected Trojans. Common properties and differences between highly inclined orbits and practically planar ones are discussed.Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademia Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy.  相似文献   

The boundaries of the domains of holomorphy of the coordinates of unperturbed elliptic motion with respect to the eccentricities of planetary orbits are determined for the cases when any of the five anomalies of one of the planets-eccentric, true, tangential, or one of two mutual anomalies suggested by M.F. Subbotin—is used as an independent variable. The resulting equations are a generalization of the known equations for the boundaries of the domains of the holomorphy of coordinates for the cases when the time is the independent variable and determine the bisymmetric ovals, whose size and shape depend on the eccentricities and on the ratio of the planetary mean motions. The largest domains of holomorphy are obtained when the tangential anomaly or one of the Subbotin mutual anomalies is used. A function was found that conformally maps the domain of holomorphy to the unit disk. It was demonstrated that the application of any anomaly of the outer planet as the independent variable can result in a significant shrinking of the domain of the holomorphy of the coordinates of the inner planet, so that the analytic continuation of the initial power series with the center at the origin of the coordinates of a complex plane becomes impossible.  相似文献   

Some classic expansions of the elliptic motion — cosmE and sinmE — in powers of the eccentricity are extended to highly eccentric orbits, 0.6627...<e<1. The new expansions are developed in powers of (ee*), wheree* is a fixed value of the eccentricity. The coefficients are given in terms of the derivatives of Bessel functions with respect to the eccentricity. The expansions have the same radius of convergence (e*) of the extended solution of Kepler's equation, previously derived by the author. Some other simple expansions — (a/r), (r/a), (r/a) sinv, ..., — derived straightforward from the expansions ofE, cosE and sinE are also presented.  相似文献   

As the asteroid rotational period is important to the study of the properties of asteroids(e.g.,super-fast rotators have structures owing an internal cohesion(rather than being rubble piles bounded by gravity only) so as not to fly apart), constructing an effective and fast method used to search the period attracts much researchers' attention. Recently, the Bayesian generalized Lomb–Scargle(BGLS)periodogram was developed to improve the convergence efficiency of the Lomb–Scargle method. However,the result of BGLS varies with the frequency range and cannot meet the two minimum/maximum requirements for a complete rotation of the asteroid. We propose a robust BGLS-based method that efficiently determines rotational periods. The proposed method employs a polynomial series to fit folded light curves with potential periods, initially calculated using the BGLS periodogram, and adopts a merit function to estimate and refine best-fit periods. We estimate the rotational periods of 30 asteroids applying the new method to light curves from the Palomar Transient Factory. Results confirm the effectiveness of the BGLS-based method in deriving rotational periods from ground-based observations of asteroids. Further application of the BGLS-based method to sparse light curves, such as Gaia data, is discussed.  相似文献   

The classic Lagrange's expansion of the solutionE(e, M) of Kepler's equation in powers of eccentricity is extended to highly eccentric orbits, 0.6627 ... <e<1. The solutionE(e, M) is developed in powers of (e–e*), wheree* is a fixed value of the eccentricity. The coefficients of the expansion are given in terms of the derivatives of the Bessel functionsJ n (ne). The expansion is convergent for values of the eccentricity such that |e–e*|<(e*), where the radius of convergence (e*) is a positive real number, which is calculated numerically.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the implications of stability as applied to the numerical calculation of orbits. The study was motivated by the recent appearance of several proposed transformations of the classical Newtonian equations of motion which analytically stabilize Cowell's method. This report analyzes the basic properties of such stabilizing transformations and shows the removal of the period as a parameter is the key to these transformations and, that although such transformations do not yield global numerical error bounds, the error propagation properties are more favorable-linear vs quadratic growth.This paper was presented at the AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Conference Vail, Colorado/July 16–18, 1973.  相似文献   

Some asteroids contain water ice, and a space mission landing on an asteroid may take liquid to the surface of the asteroid. Gas pressure is very weak on the surface of asteroids. Here we consider the capillary action in a crack on the surface of irregular asteroids. The crack is modeled as a capillary which has a fixed radius. An asteroid's irregular gravitational potential influences the height of the liquid in the capillary. The height of the liquid in the capillary on the surface of such asteroids is derived from the asteroid's irregular gravitational potential. Capillary mechanisms are expected to produce an inhomogeneaous distribution of emergent liquid on the surface. This result is applied to asteroid 433 Eros, which has an irregular, elongated, and concave shape. Two cases are considered: (1) we calculate the height of the liquid in the capillary when the direction of the capillary is perpendicular to the local surface of the asteroid; (2) we calculate the height of the liquid in the capillary when the direction of the capillary is parallel to the vector from the center of mass to the surface position. The projected height in the capillary on the local surface of the asteroid seems to depend on the assumed direction of the capillary.  相似文献   

A theoretical model, based on simple and fundamental concepts of classical mechanics, is presented. It describes the possible historical evolution of the inclination angles of the planetary axes of rotation, with respect to the normal to orbital planes. Owing to the model structure, reasonable agreement with observational facts is expected, especially for the outer and giant planets.  相似文献   

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