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The relative variations between 82 km and 205 km in the emission rates of nightglow radiation features at 5300 Å, 5577 Å, 5893 Å and 6300 Å have been photometrically measured from a Skylark rocket flown from Woomera, S. Australia at 2053 hours CST (1123 hours GMT) on 18 October, 1965.

Emission profiles obtained for the first three features show that these layers have their centre of intensity at, respectively, 94.0 ± 1 km, 94.5 ± 0.5, and 98.0 ± 2 km. The results further indicate that not more than 10% of the 6300 Å radiation was emitted below apogee at 205 km.

By virtue of a rather complicated vehicle motion—almost a slow tumble in the vertical plane—evidence is adduced which suggests that differences between these profiles and those of previous flights could be explained by insufficient or incorrect account being then taken of the contamination from extra-atmospheric sources such as starlight and galactic light.

Regarding the continuum, it is found that, depending on the particular region of sky background, up to 80% of the 5300 Å emission observed from the Earth may be extra-atmospheric in origin. Furthermore, of the extra-atmospheric component, again depending on the viewing direction in the sky, the emission intensity at 5577 Å may be from 10% to 50% greater than that at 5300 Å.

While it is to be expected that, before penetrating the layer, the zenithal emission intensity as registered by the photometers should remain constant, this constancy was not generally observed and the 5300 Å and 5577 Å photometers, both of which were independently duplicated, indicate an initial increasing emission intensity. Marked differences in the variation of each pair of photometers suggest that interpretation by means of aerosol absorption of the radiation in the 80 to 100-km region is incorrect and that the effect is probably instrumental in origin and of a temporary nature.  相似文献   

Observations of Orion A, M 17, and W 3 made at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory show Stark broadening in the , , and hydrogen recombination lines at 22 cm. Stark effect has such a large effect on the line profiles that fitted Gaussian profiles cannot be used to measure the area of the line. Theoretical line profiles have been derived from modelHii regions. Voigt profiles fitted to the theoretical line profiles indicate that the areas of the lines derived from the fitted profiles may be systematically too small. Using Voigt profiles fitted by least squares to the observations, we found that the line intensities at 22 cm agree with the intensity ratios predicted by LTE theory.  相似文献   

A. Greve 《Solar physics》1975,44(2):371-382
The Zeeman broadening of high n lines is derived. While in areas of the quiet Sun with field strengths of 1 G the upper boundary of the observable frequency region of recombination lines is defined by electron impact broadening, in active regions with field strengths 25 G the Zeeman broadening will shift this boundary to higher frequencies. The frequency region most favourable for observations is derived and the corresponding Doppler, electron impact and Zeeman broadening are discussed. The strengths of the recombination lines obtained in earlier calculations is reduced when one considers besides the Doppler broadening the electron impact and Zeeman broadening also. The frequency region favourable for observations is compared with the atmospheric transparency of the microwave region; it is found that observations require at least high altitude stations or space-based platforms. Details of using the Zeeman broadening of high n recombination lines for mapping (coronal) magnetic fields are given.  相似文献   

We consider a beam driven unstable plasma and estimate the turbulent electric fields which may be excited by this beam. We then estimate the Stark broadening due to such fields. Also with the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.  相似文献   

The density matrix equations of highly excited carbon are analytically solved as functions of line number and temperature. Allowing for the series of the impact approximation theory and quadrupole interaction potential, the line widths are found with the theoretical error less than 0.06 in the range of temperatures T e = 25 − 100 K. To determine the medium temperature and density by using the experimental values of line widths, the Doppler, radiational and impact broadening are calculated for the lines with the principal quantum numbers n > 300. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The Van der Waals interaction between a radiator and a light neutral perturber explains the broadening and shift of spectral lines only partly satisfactorily. Comparison with solar observations suggests that these theoretical damping constants are systematically too low. Moreover, the theoretically predicted shifts of the lines agree only incidentally with those obtained in laboratory experiments. We used a combination of a Smirnov-Roueff (S-R) interaction potential and a Van der Waals (VdW) potential. The damping constants, thus obtained, are always somewhat higher than those obtained by a VdW potential alone. The agreement between theory and experiment for the shift of the line is - although not completely satisfactory - better than the very poor agreement resulting from a VdW potential. However, the S-R potential may not be used in the case that heavy perturbers are involved. In that case the VdW potential yields the better results. Fairly good agreement is found between theoretically and empirically determined values ofγ for the solar centre.  相似文献   

We present Very Large Array observations at wavelengths of 2, 3.5, 6, and 20 cm, of angular broadening of radio sources due to the solar wind in the region 2–16 solar radii. Angular broadening is anisotropic with axial ratios in the range 2–16. Larger axial ratios are observed preferentially at smaller solar distances. Assuming that anisotropy is due to scattering blobs elongated along magnetic field lines, the distribution of position angles of the elliptically broadened images indicates that the field lines are non-radial even at the largest heliocentric distances observed here. At 5R , the major axis scattering angle is 0.7 at =6 cm and it varies with heliocentric distance asR –1.6. The level of turbulence, characterized by the wave structure function at a scale of 10 km along the major axis, normalized to =20 cm, has a value 20±7 at 5R and varies with heliocentric distance asR –3. Comprison with earlier results suggest that the level of turbulence is higher during solar maximum. Assuming a power-law spectrum of electron density fluctuations, the fitted spectral exponents have values in the range 2.8–3.4 for scales sizes between 2–35 km. The data suggests temporal fluctuations (of up to 10%) in the spectral exponent on a time scale of a few tens of minutes. The observed structure functions at different solar distances do not show any evidence for an inner scale; the upper limits are 1 km at 2R and 4 km at 13R . These upper limits are in conflict with earlier determinations and may suggest a reduced inner scale during solar maximum.  相似文献   

During the few days centered about new Moon, the lunar surface is optically hidden from Earth-based observers. However, the Moon still offers an observable: an extended sodium tail. The lunar sodium tail is the escaping “hot” component of a coma-like exosphere of sodium generated by photon-stimulated desorption, solar wind sputtering and meteoroid impact. Neutral sodium atoms escaping lunar gravity experience solar radiation pressure that drives them into the anti-solar direction forming a comet-like tail. During new Moon time, the geometry of the Sun, Moon and Earth is such that the anti-sunward sodium flux is perturbed by the terrestrial gravitational field resulting in its focusing into a dense core that extends beyond the Earth. An all-sky camera situated at the El Leoncito Observatory (CASLEO) in Argentina has been successfully imaging this tail through a sodium filter at each lunation since April 2006. This paper reports on the results of the brightness of the lunar sodium tail spanning 31 lunations between April 2006 and September 2008. Brightness variability trends are compared with both sporadic and shower meteor activity, solar wind proton energy flux and solar near ultra violet (NUV) patterns for possible correlations. Results suggest minimal variability in the brightness of the observed lunar sodium tail, generally uncorrelated with any single source, yet consistent with a multi-year period of minimal solar activity and non-intense meteoric fluxes.  相似文献   

We use the 6-8-12 interatomic potential, with a suitable scaling for the relevant atomic radii, to reproduce the measured broadening and shift of the alkali resonance lines perturbed by noble gases, at temperatures of 500 K.Then, using the fit to the data with helium and neon as perturbers, we compute new values for the broadening and shift of the alkali resonance lines due to atomic hydrogen, at the temperature of 5000 K, which are of interest in the analysis of solar and stellar spectra, and discuss the reliability of these results.  相似文献   

We measured the frequency dependence of the pulsar pulse broadening by scattering over a wide frequency range, from 40 to 2228 MHz, based on direct measurements of this parameter using giant pulses from the pulsar PSR B0531+21 in the Crab Nebula. Our measurements were carried out at the following seven frequencies: 40, 60, and 111 MHz at the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory (Astrospace Center, Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences), 406 MHz at the Medicina Observatory (Instituto di Radioastronomia, Italy), and 594, 1430, and 2228 MHz at the Kalyazin Radio Astronomy Observatory (Astrospace Center, Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences). The measured frequency dependence of the pulse broadening by scattering τSC (υ) ? υγ, where γ=?3.8±0.2, agrees with a model Gaussian distribution of interstellar inhomogeneities (γ=?4) but falls outside the error limits of correspondence to a Kolmogorov model spectrum of inhomogeneities (γ=?4.4).  相似文献   

The neutral, singly, doubly and triply ionized mercury (Hg I–IV, respectively) spectral line shapes and line center positions have been investigated in the laboratory helium plasma at electron densities ranging between 9.3 × 1022 m?3 and 1.93 × 1023 m?3 and electron temperatures around 19,500 K, both interesting for astrophysics. The mercury (natural isotope composition) atoms were sputtered from the cylindrical amalgamated gold plates located in the homogenous part of the pulsed helium discharge operating at a pressure of 665 Pa in a flowing regime. The mercury spectral line profiles were recorded using the McPherson model 209 spectrograph and the Andor ICCD camera as the detection system. This research presents Stark broadening parameters, the width (W) and the shift (d), of one Hg I, 19 Hg II, 6 Hg III and 4 Hg IV lines, not investigated so far. Our experimental W values were compared with the data calculated applying various approaches. The shape and intensity of astrophysically important 398.4 nm Hg II spectral line was discussed taking into account the isotope shift, hyperfine structure and Penning effects. At the mentioned plasma parameters the Stark broadening is found to be a main line broadening mechanism of the lines (λ > 200 nm) in the Hg I–IV spectra.  相似文献   

In the quasilinear theory of magnetospheric radial diffusion caused by fluctuating electrostatic (E) or magnetic (B) fields, the diffusion coefficientD LLis proportional to the spectral density of E or B at the particle drift frequency 3/2. Since 3 varies withL at fixedM andJ (adiabatic invariants), the drift resonance =3 can be maintained only transiently, and therefore is not perfectly sharp. Its bandwidth * is approximately (16D LL /L 23)1/33. In magnetospheric radial diffusion caused mainly by electrostatic fluctuations, the value of *3 typically exceeds 0.4 for particle energiesE40 keV. However, the numerical value ofD LLis correctly given (within 1% in all cases) by quasilinear theory because the spectrum of E is rather flat at resonance frequencies for which the bandwidth is an appreciable fraction of 3. (Numerical conclusions are based on a quasilinear model forD LLused successfully by Cornwall in 1972.)  相似文献   

Abstract— Mercury is difficult to observe because it is so close to the Sun. However, when the angle of the ecliptic is near maximum in the northern hemisphere, and Mercury is near its greatest eastern elongation, it can be seen against the western sky for about a half hour after sunset. During these times, we were able to map sodium D2 emission streaming from the planet, forming a long comet‐like tail. On 2001 May 26 (U.T.) we mapped the tail downstream to a distance of ?40 000 km. Sodium velocities in the tail increased to ?11 km s?1 at 40 000 km as the result of radiation pressure acceleration. On 2000 June 5 (U.T.) we mapped the cross‐sectional extent of the tail at a distance of ?17 500 km downstream. At this distance, the half‐power full‐width of the emission was ?20 000 km. We estimated the transverse velocity of sodium in the tail to range from 2 to 4 km s?1. The velocities we observed imply source velocities from the planet surface of the order of 5 km s?1, or 4 eV. Particle sputtering is a likely candidate for production of sodium atoms at these velocities. The total flux of sodium in the tail was ?1 times 1023 atoms s?1, which corresponds to 1 to 10% of the estimated total production rate of sodium on the planet.  相似文献   

We now have four examples of planetary objects with detectable sodium (and potassium) in their atmospheres—Earth, Io, Mercury and the Moon. After a summary of the observational data, this survey discusses proposed sources and sinks. It appears that Io's surface material is rich in frozen SO2, but with around 1% of some sodium compound. The Io plasma torus contains ions of S, O and Na, also with at least one molecular ion containing Na. In turn, impact by these ions probably sustains the torus, as well as an extended neutral corona. A primary source for the Earth, Mercury and the Moon is meteoroidal bombardment; at Mercury and perhaps the Moon it may be supplemented by degassing of atoms from the regolith. Photoionization is important everywhere, although hot electrons are dominant at Io.  相似文献   

We present Very Large Array observations at wavelengths of 2, 3.5, 6, and 20 cm, of angular broadening of radio sources due to the solar wind in the region 2–16 solar radii. Angular broadening is anisotropic with axial ratios in the range 2–16. Larger axial ratios are observed preferentially at smaller solar distances. Assuming that anisotropy is due to scattering blobs elongated along magnetic field lines, the distribution of position angles of the elliptically broadened images indicates that the field lines are non-radial even at the largest heliocentric distances observed here. At 5R⊙, the major axis scattering angle is ∼ 0.7" atλ= 6 cm and it varies with heliocentric distance asR -1.6. The level of turbulence, characterized by the wave structure function at a scale of 10 km along the major axis, normalized toλ = 20 cm, has a value 20 ± 7 at 5R⊙and varies with heliocentric distance asR -3. Comparison with earlier resu lts suggest that the level of turbulence is higher during solar maximum. Assuming a power-law spectrum of electron density fluctuations, the fitted spectral exponents have values in the range 2.8–3.4 for scale sizes between 2–35 km. The data suggests temporal fluctuations (of up to 10%) in the spectral exponent on a time scale of a few tens of minutes. The observed structure functions at different solar distances do not show any evidence for an inner scale; the upper limits are l k m at 2R⊙ and 4 km at 13R⊙. These upper limits are in conflict with earlier determinations and may suggest a reduced inner scale during solar maximum.  相似文献   

This paper presents an extension of the method of the characteristic points by Kjurkchieva (1987, 1989). This method for the analysis of light curves of spotted stars is further developed by including spectral information. Expressions describing the variation of the rotation broadening of spectral features arising from a star spot are derived for a known spot configuration. The results are used in the solution of the inverse problem by the method of the characteristic points. It is shown that the rotation broadening of spectral features from star spots can be used to easily determine the angular size and the polar distance of a circular spot. It turns out that the equatorial velocity and radius of the spotted star can be obtained in some cases by the combined analysis of the photometric and spectral data.  相似文献   

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