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A series of experiments designed to study the separation of flow components from two large undisturbed cores under steady-state rainfall (downward) and return (upward) flows under near-saturated conditions is summarized. The experiments were conducted on soil columns collected from Lancaster University and the Slapton Wood catchment, Devon. The use of the relatively conservative tracers, potassium bromide, o-(trifluoromethyl)benzoic acid and 2,6-difluorobenzoic acid and a combination of application rates made it possible to quantify the different sources of water contributing to the discharge hydrographs. There is significant retention of tracer within the cores, despite the application of several pore volumes of water. The use of steady flow conditions allowed the determination of dispersion coefficients, dispersivity and proportion of ‘mobile’ water content parameters of the advection–dispersion equation. It was found that there were significant differences between the dispersivities at different flow-rates under upward and downward flux conditions and that in the undisturbed cores studied here the apparent proportions of mobile pore water ranged between 0.33 and 1.0, with an apparently complex relationship to flux rate. Prediction of transport in undisturbed soil remains problematic and tracer experiments will continue to be needed to provide a fundamental understanding of the complex flow processes involved.  相似文献   

Solute transport through structured, undisturbed soil has been studied in transient, unsaturated experiments using columns from grass and woodland sites on the Lancaster University campus. Three anionic tracers have been used, bromide (Br) and two fluorinated organic acids (pentraflurobenzoic acid and 2,6-diflurobenzoic acid). The process of displacement of stored water from undisturbed columns was investigated using successive inputs of different tracers under similar antecedent conditions. The results indicated that initial breakthrough was rapid, with a relative concentration of 0.8 being reached between 0.4 and 0.5 pore volumes of discharge. It was found that there was an apparent continued discharge of ‘old’ water, stored in the column before any additions of tracer, even after the addition of a total of 4.9 and 5.4 pore volumes of water for the grass and woodland columns, respectively. The implications of the results of these tracer studies for modelling solute transport in structured soils are considered.  相似文献   

Evidence for the functioning of macropores and the presence of preferential flow in forest soils is equivocal. This is partly because many workers use only one diagnostic technique to indicate whether or not macropore flow occurs. In this paper three lines of evidence are used to suggest that preferential flow does not occur in the percolating waters of a coniferous forest soil under the range of hydrological conditions that prevail in the field. To simulate field conditions, realistic rainfall intensities were used in conservative solute transport experiments on four undisturbed soil columns. A method is described in which breakthrough data can be used to calculate the percentage of antecedent water displaced from a soil column during frontal-type breakthrough experiments. Calculations based on this method using the experimental data show that as little as five percent of the antecedent water was immobile. The simple form of the functional advection–dispersion equation, based on a single value for linear velocity and the dispersion coefficient was fitted to two of the breakthrough curves with reasonable accuracy, further suggesting that preferential flow did not occur in the experiments. Finally, soil moisture characteristic curves were determined for replicate soil samples from the forest soil. The operational water contents of the columns during the breakthrough experiments were compared with the soil moisture characteristics and it was found that pores exerting pressure heads greater than −0·5 kPa did not appear to contribute to flow through the columns, again suggesting an absence of preferential flow. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Preferential flow in soils deserves attention due to its potential role in accelerating the movement of contaminants to groundwater. This study investigates the movement of Cd, Cu, and Pb through preferential flow paths under different applied rainfall intensities. Artificial acid rain (pH of 4.1) containing CdCl2, CuCl2, and Pb(NO3)2 was applied to undisturbed soil and repacked sand columns at low and high intensities, and leachate metals and chloride concentrations were measured. Cd was found in the leachate at both low and high rates in all columns, while the increase in Cu concentrations in the leachate was detected only at the high rate of the undisturbed columns. Pb was retained in both columns. For undisturbed columns, the breakthrough curves of Cd and Cu were similar to those of Cl, showing early initial breakthrough by preferential flow and dependency on rainfall intensities. The Cd concentrations were detected in the leachate from repacked columns for high rate rainfall, implying that even homogeneous soil may not be perfectly able to retain metals and the initially wet condition is more harmful for subsurface contaminant transport. In conclusion, the study demonstrated that, despite its highly sorptive nature, the transport of some metals may be as fast as that of a tracer under preferential flow conditions, and the rainfall intensity is a significant factor for the degree of transport.  相似文献   

The water retention curve (θ(ψ)), which defines the relationship between soil volumetric water content (θ) and matric potential (ψ), is of paramount importance in characterizing the hydraulic behaviour of soils. However, few methods are so far available for estimating θ(ψ) in undisturbed soil samples. We present a new design of TDR‐pressure cell (TDR‐Cell) for estimating θ(ψ) in undisturbed soil samples. The TDR‐Cell consists of a 50‐mm‐long and 50‐mm internal diameter stainless steel cylinder (which constitutes the outer frame of a coaxial line) attached to a porous ceramic disc and closed at the ends with two aluminium lids. A 49‐mm‐long and 3‐mm‐diameter stainless steel rod, which runs longitudinally through the centre of the cylinder, constitutes the inner rod of a coaxial TDR probe. The TDR‐Cell was used to determine the θ(ψ) curves of a packed sand and seven undisturbed soil samples from three profiles of agricultural soils. These θ(ψ) curves were subsequently compared to those obtained from the corresponding 2‐mm sieved soils using the pressure plate method. Measurements of bulk electrical conductivity, σa, as a function of the water content, σa(θ), of the undisturbed soil samples were also performed. An excellent correlation (R2 = 0·988) was found between the θ values measured by TDR on the different undisturbed soils and the corresponding θ obtained from the soil gravimetric water content. A typical bimodal θ(ψ) function was found for most of the undisturbed soil samples. Comparison between the θ(ψ) curves measured with the TDR‐Cell and those obtained from the 2‐mm sieved soils showed that the pressure plate method overestimates θ at low ψ values. The σa(θ) relationship was well described by a simple power expression (R2 > 0·95), in which the power factor, defined as tortuosity, ranged between 1·18 and 3·75. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research relating to soil leaching properties under turfgrass conditions has often been conducted on disturbed soils where macropore structure has been destroyed. The objective of this study was to compare the solute movement characteristics of undisturbed and disturbed soil columns covered with turfgrass. Dispersivities and chloride (Cl) breakthrough curves of undisturbed and disturbed soils were investigated. Soil columns were excavated into three sections after testing, for which the mean bulk density was 1.33 Mg M−3 for the undisturbed columns and 1.16 Mg m−3 for the disturbed columns. The dispersivity for the undisturbed columns was over three times greater than for the disturbed columns. Chloride concentration found in Layer 1 (0–6.7 cm), Layer 2 (6.7–13.4 cm), and Layer 3 (13.4–20.0 cm) were 2.8, 5.3, and 4.8 times higher, respectively, for the disturbed soils than for the undisturbed. Applying conclusions from solute movement studies using repacked columns covered with turfgrass to actual undisturbed field conditions could lead to errors in interpretation because of the effect of macropores.  相似文献   

Soil detachment in concentrated flow is due to the dislodging of soil particles from the soil matrix by surface runoff. Both aggregate stability and shear strength of the topsoil reflect the erosion resistance of soil to concentrated runoff, and are important input parameters in predicting soil detachment models. This study was conducted to develop a formula to predict soil detachment rate in concentrated flow by using the aggregate stability index (As), root density (Rd) and saturated soil strength (σs) in the subtropical Ultisols region of China. The detachment rates of undisturbed topsoil samples collected from eight cultivated soil plots were measured in a 3.8 m long, 0.2 m wide hydraulic flume under five different flow shear stresses (τ = 4.54, 9.38, 15.01, 17.49 and 22.54 Pa). The results indicated that the stability index (As) was well related with soil detachment rate, particularly for results obtained with high flow shear stress (22.54 Pa), and the stability index (As) has a good linear relationship with concentrated flow erodibility factors (Kc). There was a positive linear relationship between saturated soil strength (σs) and critical flow shear stress (τc) for different soils. A significant negative exponential relationship between erodibility factors (Kc) and root density (Rd) was detected. This study yielded two prediction equations that allowed comparison of their efficiency in assessing soil detachment rate in concentrated flow. The equation including the root density (Rd) may have a better correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.95). It was concluded that the formula based on the stability index (As), saturated soil strength (σs) and root density (Rd) has the potential to improve methodology for assessing soil detachment rate in concentrated flow for the subtropical Chinese Ultisols. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study uses evidence for the long-term (35 years) pattern of soil redistribution within two agricultural fields in the UK to identify the relative importance of tillage and overland flow erosion. Spatially distributed long-term total soil redistribution data for the fields (Dalicott Farm and Rufford Forest Farm) were obtained using the caesium-137 (137Cs) technique. These data were compared with predicted patterns of soil redistribution. Recent studies have demonstrated that the redistribution of soil by tillage may be described as a diffusive process. A two-component model was, therefore, developed which accounts for soil redistribution by both overland flow and diffusive processes. Comparison of the predicted patterns of overland flow erosion alone with the observed (137Cs-derived) data indicated a poor agreement (r2 = 0.17 and 0.11). In contrast, a good agreement exists between the predicted pattern of diffusive redistribution and the observed data (r2 = 0.43 and 0.41). These results give a clear indication that diffusive processes are dominant in soil redistribution within these fields. Possible diffusive processes include splash erosion, soil creep and tillage. However, the magnitude of the diffusion coefficients for the optimum predicted pattern (c. 350–400 kg m−1 a−1) demonstrates that tillage is the only process capable of explaining the very significant soil redistribution which is indicated by the 137Cs data. Consideration is given to the implications of these results for both soil erosion prediction and landscape interpretation.  相似文献   

We studied the temporal patterns of tracer throughput in the outflow of large (30 cm diameter by 38 cm long) undisturbed cores from the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia. Tracer breakthrough was affected by soil structure and rainfall intensity. Two rainfall intensities (20 and 40 mm hr−1) for separate Cl and Br amended solutions were applied to two cores (one extracted from a hillslope soil and one extracted from a residual clay soil on the ridge). For both low and high rainfall intensity experiments, preferential flow occurred in the clay core, but not in the hillslope core. The preferential flow is attributed to well‐developed interpedal macrochannels that are commonly found in structured clay soils, characteristic of the ridge site. However, each rainfall intensity exceeded the matrix infiltration capacity at the top of the hillslope core, but did not exceed the matrix infiltration capacity at the middle and bottom of the hillslope core and at all levels in the clay core. Localized zones of saturation created when rainfall intensity exceeds the matrix infiltration capacity may cause water and tracer to overflow from the matrix into macrochannels, where preferential flow occurs to depth in otherwise unsaturated soil. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Organized spatial distribution of plants (plant zonation) in salt marshes has been linked to the soil aeration condition in the rhizosphere through simplistic tidal inundation parameters. Here, a soil saturation index (ratio of saturation period to tidal period at a soil depth) is introduced to describe the soil aeration condition. This new index captures the effects of not only the tidal inundation period and frequency but also the flow dynamics of groundwater in the marsh soil. One‐dimensional numerical models based on saturated flow with the Boussinesq approximations and a two‐dimensional variably saturated flow model were developed to explore the behaviour of this new soil aeration variable under the influence of spring‐neap tides. Simulations revealed two characteristic zones of soil aeration across the salt marsh: a relatively well aerated near‐creek zone and a poorly aerated interior zone. In the near‐creek zone, soils undergo periodic wetting and drying as the groundwater table fluctuates throughout the spring‐neap cycle. In the interior, the soil remains largely water saturated except for neap tide periods when limited drainage occurs. Although such a change of soil aeration condition has been observed in previous numerical simulations, the soil saturation index provides a clear delineation of the zones that are separated by an ‘inflexion point’ on the averaged index curve. The results show how the saturation index represents the effects of soil properties, tidal parameters and marsh platform elevation on marsh soil aeration. Simulations of these combined effects have not been possible with traditional tidal inundation parameters. The saturation index can be easily derived using relatively simple models based on five non‐dimensional variables. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了研究近代海相沉积软土的变形特征,本文对珠江三角洲河口地区的全新世海相沉积的软土进行了室内单轴压缩与不同围压下作用下的三轴固结不排水(CU)、不固结不排水(UU)的剪切试验。试验结果表明:原状土和重塑土样的孔隙比随压力的增大而下降,且与加压方式有密切关系,加压幅度越小,土的扰动破坏越小;原状土样固结系数随着压力增加而递减,整体近似符合指数函数分布,重塑土样固结系数随着压力增加逐渐增大,整体近似符合线性函数分布。在相同的固结压力下,原状土样的强度低于重塑土样的强度。土样的应力应变曲线为应变硬化型,且围压对重塑土的影响小于原状土。  相似文献   

Several studies illustrate the wind and water erosion‐reducing potential of semi‐permanent microbiotic soil crusts in arid and semi‐arid desert environments. In contrast, little is hitherto known on these biological crusts on cropland soils in temperate environments where they are annually destroyed by tillage and quickly regenerate thereafter. This study attempts to fill the research gap through (a) a field survey assessing the occurrence of biological soil crusts on loess‐derived soils in central Belgium in space and time and (b) laboratory flume (2 m long) experiments simulating concentrated runoff on undisturbed topsoil samples (0.4 × 0.1 m2) quantifying the microbiotic crust effect on soil erosion rates. Three stages of microbiotic crust development on cropland soils are distinguished: (1) development of a non‐biological surface seal by raindrop impact, (2) colonization of the soil by algae and gradual development of a continuous algal mat and (3) establishment of a well‐developed microbiotic crust with moss plants as the dominant life‐form. As the silt loam soils in the study area seal quickly after tillage, microbiotic soil crusts are more or less present during a large part of the year under maize, sugar beet and wheat, representing the main cropland area. On average, the early‐successional algae‐dominated crusts of stage 2 reduce soil detachment rates by 37%, whereas the well‐developed moss mat of stage 3 causes an average reduction of 79%. Relative soil detachment rates of soil surfaces with microbiotic crusts compared with bare sealed soil surfaces are shown to decrease exponentially with increasing microbiotic cover (b = 0·024 for moss‐dominated and b = 0·006 for algae‐dominated crusts). In addition to ground surface cover by vegetation and crop residues, microbiotic crust occurrence can therefore not be neglected when modelling small‐scale spatial and temporal variations in soil loss by concentrated flow erosion on cropland soils in temperate environments. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wildfires in mountainous regions have been documented to enhance water repellent soils which can increase runoff, erosion, and sedimentation during subsequent rain events. However, the extent of soil hydrophobicity and water repellency varies significantly with burn severity and between ecosystems, and the southern Appalachians remain an understudied region. Here we examine the impact of the low severity Chestnut Knob Fire, which occurred in the fall 2016, on soil properties and runoff in South Mountains State Park. To examine these impacts, we installed crest-stage gauges in burned (n = 10) and unburned (n = 8) colluvial hollows to compare peak runoff. Results from the 2017 field season indicated that burned locations produced significantly higher peak discharges than unburned sites. From July 2019 to January 2020, we repeated the experiment and found that burned areas produced runoff comparable to unburned areas. Examination of soil profiles during the summer of 2017 found high variability in hydrophobicity in both the burned (n = 10) and unburned (n = 2) soils. Further, we found that burned soils had significantly deflated organic surface horizons compared with unburned soils. We interpret the differences in runoff in 2017 to be the result of a combination of increased hydrophobicity and decreased soil moisture storage capacity in organic rich surface soils. While the recovery we observed here was relatively fast, it is important to understand that increased runoff immediately after a fire likely increases the chances of sediment mobilization and debris flow occurrence.  相似文献   

Understanding runoff generation processes is important for flood prediction, water management, erosion control, water quality, contaminant transport and the evaluation of impacts of land use change. However, little process research has been carried out in southern Chile. In particular the young volcanic ash soils, which are typical for this area, are not well understood in their hydrologic behaviour. To establish a ‘reference study’ which can then be used for comparison with other (disturbed) sites, this study focuses on the investigation of runoff generation processes in an undisturbed, forested catchment in the Chilean Andes. The paper reports on an investigation of these processes with different tracer methods at different spatial scales. Hydrograph separation with environmental isotopes and geochemical constituents was used on the catchment scale. Thermal energy was used as a tracer to investigate groundwater–surface water interactions at the local stream reach scale and dye tracers were used to study infiltration and percolation characteristics at the plot scale. It was found that pre‐event water dominates the storm hydrograph. In the lower reaches, however, water usually exfiltrates from the stream into the adjacent aquifer. The dye tracer experiments showed that while preferential vertical flow dominates under forest, water infiltrates as a straight horizontal front in the bare volcanic ashes (no vegetation) on the catchment rim. Subsurface flow patterns in the forest differ significantly from summer to winter. All three approaches used in this study suggest an important shift in dominant processes from dry to wet season. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil piping is a widespread land degradation process that may lead to gully formation. However, the processes involved in sediment detachment from soil pipe walls have not been well studied, although their recognition is a crucial step to protect soils from piping erosion. This study aims to recognize the factors affecting cohesion and to identify the mechanisms which are likely to be responsible for the disintegration of soil. The study has been conducted in mid-altitude mountains under a temperate climate (the Bieszczady Mountains, the Carpathians, SE Poland). The research was based on the detailed field and laboratory analyses of morphology, and the physical and chemical properties of soil profiles with and without soil pipes. Moreover, experiments with flooding the undisturbed soil samples using different solutions (deionized water, ammonium oxalate, dithionate citrate, 35% hydrochloric acid and 30% hydrogen peroxide) were conducted in order to check the role of air slaking, the removal of soil organic carbon (SOC), and Fe and Al oxides on sediment detachment. The obtained results have confirmed that soil pipes develop in quite cohesive soils (silt loams), which allow the formation and maintenance of pipes with a diameter up to 30 cm. Soil cohesion, and thus susceptibility to piping, are impacted by the content of major oxides, soil particle size distribution, biological activity and porosity. The tested soils affected by piping erosion have a lower content of Al2O3 and Fe2O3, and free Fe (Fe(DCB)), lower clay content, higher biological activity (more roots and animal burrows), higher porosity, and more and larger pores than the profile without soil pipes. The experiments have indicated that especially SOC along with Fe and Al oxides are an important cohesion source in the study area. This suggests that the removal of SOC, and Fe and Al oxides may weaken and disintegrate aggregates in soil pipes. Further study of soil leaching and tensile strength will broaden understanding of which chemical processes control where pipes will develop in other cohesive piping-prone soils. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spatio‐temporal heterogeneity in soil water content is recognized as a common phenomenon, but heterogeneity in the hydrogen and oxygen isotope composition of soil water, which can reveal processes of water cycling within soils, has not been well studied. New advances are being driven by measurement approaches allowing sampling with high density in both space and time. Using in situ soil water vapour probe techniques, combined with conventional soil and plant water vacuum distillation extraction, we monitored the hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopic composition of soil and plant waters at paired sites dominated by grasses and Gambel's oak (Quercus gambelii) within a semiarid montane ecosystem over the course of a growing season. We found that sites spaced only 20 m apart had profoundly different soil water isotopic and volumetric conditions. We document patterns of depth‐ and time‐explicit variation in soil water isotopic conditions at these sites and consider mechanisms for the observed heterogeneity. We found that soil water content and isotopic variability were damped under Q. gambelii, perhaps due in part to hydraulic redistribution of deep soil water or groundwater by Q. gambelii in these soils relative to the grass‐dominated site. We also found some support for H isotope discrimination effects during water uptake by Q. gambelii. In this ecosystem, the soil water content was higher than that at the neighbouring Grass site, and thus, 25% more water was available for transpiration by Q. gambelii compared with the Grass site. This work highlights the role of plants in governing soil water variation and demonstrates that they can also strongly influence the isotope ratios of soil water. The resulting fine‐scale heterogeneity has implications for the use of isotope tracers to study soil hydrology and evaporation and transpiration fluxes to improve understanding of water cycling through the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum.  相似文献   

Subsurface water flows play a key role in the distribution of water and solutes and thereby in the water availability for plants. However, the characterization of different flow processes (i.e. matrix and preferential flow), the frequency and factors that cause them, is relatively rare. This characterization enables a better understanding of spatio‐temporal variability of water resources and allows for the design of models to be improved. Using a method based on the time derivative of soil moisture variation known as maximum wetting slope, types of soil wetting processes were classified and quantified. For this, capacitance sensors, which registered the volumetric water content at high temporal resolution (30 min) for more than two hydrological years, were installed at different depths and placed in soil moisture stations with different vegetation covers, lithology and topographic position. Results indicated that there is a general behaviour or pattern of soil moisture dynamics in the catchment with a dominant occurrence of slower soil wetting processes (>50%), caused by matrix flows, and a low occurrence of those faster processes (<30%), originated by preferential flows. Nevertheless, when the total volume of water is considered, preferential flow becomes the dominant process, so that the ecological role of both flow types becomes prominent in water‐limited environments. Statistical multivariate analyses based on data‐mining techniques proved that although both flow types depend on variables associated with precipitation and antecedent soil moisture conditions, faster soil wetting processes are mainly related to variables such as rainfall intensity and topography, while slower soil wetting processes are related to flow velocity, soils or vegetation. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts (BSCs) have impacts on soil detachment process through surface covering, and binding and bonding (B&B) mechanisms, which might vary with successional stages of BSCs. This study was conducted to quantify the effects of surface covering, binding and bonding of BSCs on soil detachment capacity by overland flow in a 4 m long hydraulic flume with fixed bed. Two dominant BSC types, developed well in the Loess Plateau (the early successional cyanobacteria and the later successional moss), were tested using natural undisturbed soil samples collected from the abandoned farmlands. Two treatments of undisturbed crusts and one treatment of removing the above‐ground tissue of BSCs were designed for each BSC type. For comparison, bare loess soil was used as the baseline. The collected soil samples were subjected to flow scouring under six different shear stresses, ranging from 6.7 to 21.2 Pa. The results showed that soil detachment capacity (Dc) and rill erodibility (Kr) decrease with BSC succession, and the presence of BSCs obviously increased the critical shear stress, especially for the later successional moss crust. For the early successional cyanobacteria crust, Dc was reduced by 69.2% compared to the bare loess soil, where 37.7% and 31.5% are attributed to the surface covering and B&B, respectively. For the later successional moss crust, Dc decreased by 89.8% compared to the bare loess soil, where 68.9% and 20.9% contributed to the surface covering and B&B, respectively. These results are helpful in understanding the influencing mechanism of BSCs on soil erosion and in developing the process‐based erosion models for grassland and forestland. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many remaining areas of tropical rainforest in south‐east Asia are located on landscapes dominated by deep valleys and very steep slopes. Now that logging activities are extending into these steeplands, it is essential to understand how the natural rainforest system behaves if any kind of realistic assessment of the effects of such disturbance is to be made. This paper examines the hydrological behaviour of an undisturbed rainforest system on steep topography in the Temburong District of Brunei, north‐west Borneo. The physical and hydrological properties of the regolith material are generally typical of tropical residual soils. The regolith has a clay texture and a low dry bulk density beneath a superficial litter/organic horizon. The infiltration capacity of the surface soil was several hundred mm h−1. That of the exposed mineral subsoil was an order of magnitude less, similar to the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) of around 180 mm h−1 at a depth of 150 cm. There was no indication that Ksat reduced with depth except very near the bedrock interface. Soil tensions were measured using a two‐dimensional array of tensiometers on a 30° slope. During dry season conditions, infiltrating rain‐water contributes to soil moisture, and drying of the soil is dominated by transpiration losses. During wet season conditions, perched water tables quickly develop during heavy rainfall, giving rise to the rapid production of return flow in ephemeral channels. No infiltration excess or saturation overland flow was observed on hillslopes away from channel margins. Subsurface storm flow combined with return flow produce stream flow hydrographs with high peak discharges and very short lag times. Storm event runoff coefficients are estimated to be as high as 40%. It is concluded that the most distinctive feature of the hydrology of this ‘steepland rainforest’ is the extremely ‘flashy’ nature of the catchment runoff regime produced by the combination of thin but very permeable regolith on steep slopes. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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