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Plate tectonic theory predicts that most deformation is associated with subduction and terrane accretion, with some deformation associated with transform/transcurrent movements. Deformation associated with subduction varies between two end members: (1) where the tectonic regime is dominated by subduction of oceanic lithosphere containing small terranes, a narrow surface zone of accretionary deformation along the subduction zone starts diachronously on the subducting plate at the trench as material is transferred from the subducting plate to the over-riding plate; and (2) where continent-continent collision is occurring, a wide surface zone of accretionary deformation starts synchronously or with limited diachronism. Palaeozoic deformational events in the Canadian Appalachians correspond to narrow diachronous events in the Ordovician and Silurian, whereas Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian deformational events are widespread and broadly synchronous. Along the western side of the Canadian Appalachians, the Taconian deformational event starts diachronously throughout the Ordovician and corresponds to the north-north-west accretion of the Notre Dame, Ascot-Weedon, St Victor and various ophiolitic massifs (volcanic arc and peri-arc terranes) over cratonic North America. Within the eastern half of the Central Mobile Belt, the Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician Penobscotian deformational event corresponds to the ?south-easterly accretion of the Exploits subzone (various volcanic are and peri-arc terranes) over the Gander Zone (?continental rise). In the centre of the orogen, the Late Ordovician-Silurian Beothukan deformational event corresponds to the south-easterly accretion of the Notre Dame over the Exploits-Gander subzones. Along the south-eastern side of the Central Mobile Belt, the Silurian Ganderian deformational event corresponds to the north-north-east, sinistral transcurrent accretion of the Avalon Composite Terrane (microcontinent) over the Gander-Exploits zones. Along the south-eastern half of the orogen, the Late Silurian-Middle Devonian Acadian deformation event corresponds to the westerly accretion of the Meguma terrane (intradeep or continental rise) over the Avalon Composite Terrane. Affecting the entire orogen, the Late Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian, Acadian-Alleghanian deformational events correspond to the east-west convergence between Laurentia and Gondwana (continent-continent collision).  相似文献   


We present zircon U-Pb crystallization ages combined with bulk rock major and trace element geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb and zircon in-situ Hf isotopic compositions of the Amand and Moro granitoid intrusions in northwest Iran. The Amand and Moro plutons include granite and syeno-diorite with LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon ages of 367 ± 6.8 Ma and 351 ± 1.3 Ma, respectively, representative of Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous magmatic activity in NW Iran. Geochemical characteristics such as typical enrichments in alkalis, Nb, Zr, Ga and Y, depletion in P and Sr and fractionated REE patterns with high Ga/Al ratios and Eu negative anomalies are consistent with A-type magmatic signatures. The granitoids are classified as A2-type and within-plate granitoids. The bulk rock geochemistry (enrichments in Th, Nb and, high Th/Yb, Zr/Y ratios) along with low variation of 143Nd/144Nd(i) and 87Sr/86Sr(i) ratios and positive zircon εHf(t) support the role of a mantle plume component for the evolution of the Amand and Moro A-type granitoids in an extensional tectonic environment. In fitting with wider regional knowledge, this magmatism occurred during Paleo-Tethys opening in northern Gondwana.  相似文献   

在前人认为的震旦纪末期青海西部乌北地体柯柯沙花岗片麻岩中采集了2件同位素年龄样品,用LA-ICP-MS法测得其中锆石的~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄加权平均值分别为826±6Ma(MSWD=0.84,n=12)和810±7Ma(MSWD=0.93,n=10)。这2个年龄值表明,柯柯沙花岗片麻岩属于晋宁运动早期的岩浆作用产物,与中国众多的晋宁期花岗岩一起响应了全球罗迪尼亚(Rodinia)超大陆在中国西北部的汇聚或离散演化。  相似文献   

Monazite crystallization ages have been measured in situ using SIMS and EMP analysis of samples from the Bronson Hill anticlinorium in central New England. In west‐central New Hampshire, each major tectonic unit (nappe) displays a distinctive P–T path and metamorphic history that requires significant post‐metamorphic faulting to place them in their current juxtaposition, and monazite ages were determined to constrain the timing of metamorphism and nappe assembly. Monazite ages from the low‐pressure, high‐temperature Fall Mountain nappe range from c. 455 to 355 Ma, and Y zoning indicates that these ages comprise three to four distinct age domains, similar to that found in the overlying Chesham Pond nappe. The underlying Skitchewaug nappe contains monazite ages that range from c. 417 to 307 Ma. 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate rapid cooling of the Chesham Pond and Fall Mountain nappes after 350 Ma, which is believed to represent the time of emplacement of the high‐level Chesham Pond and Fall Mountain nappes onto rocks of the underlying Skitchewaug nappe. Garnet zone rocks from western New Hampshire contain monazite that display a range of ages (c. 430–340 Ma). Both the metamorphic style and monazite ages suggest that the low‐grade belt in western New Hampshire is continuous with the Vermont sequence to the west. Rocks of the Big Staurolite nappe in western New Hampshire contain monazite that crystallized between c. 370 and 290 Ma and the same unit along strike in northern New Hampshire and central Connecticut records ages of c. 257–300 Ma. Conspicuously absent from this nappe are the older age populations that are found in both the overlying nappes and underlying garnet zone rocks. These monazite ages confirm that the metamorphism observed in the Big Staurolite nappe occurred significantly later than that in the units structurally above and below. These data support the hypothesis that the Big Staurolite nappe represents a major tectonic boundary, along which rocks of the New Hampshire metamorphic series were juxtaposed against rocks of the Vermont series during the Alleghanian.  相似文献   

松潘-甘孜地体内花岗岩锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年及其构造意义   总被引:36,自引:17,他引:36  
松潘-甘孜地体总体上是一个三角状褶皱带,其北侧、东南侧及东侧分别与东昆仑-西秦岭构造带、金沙江构造带及龙门山构造带相邻。地体内几乎全部被三叠系浊积岩所覆盖,其中侵位了很多花岗岩体。显然,这些花岗岩的岩浆特征、来源与侵位时代,对研究松潘-甘孜地体基底性质、构造演化等问题具有重要意义。本文报道利用SHRIMP定年技术对一些花岗岩岩体锆石所进行的精确测年数据。测试结果表明:(1)松潘-甘孜地体内的花岗岩体主要形成于晚三叠世,但岩浆活动可延续到早侏罗世晚期;(2)早期花岗岩浆活动与三叠纪系褶皱变形大致同期,指示这一时期的花岗岩浆的形成可能与三叠系下部大型拆离滑脱构造相关;(3)花岗岩结晶锆石普遍具有浑圆状或不规则状较老的继承锆石核,这些核部继承锆石可能代表花岗岩浆在上升过程中从不同地层内捕获的碎屑锆石,或者是下地壳岩石深熔残留锆石。根据SHRING U-Pb定年,这些继承锆石的年龄分别为二叠纪、加里东期、晚元古代和早元古代。元古代碎屑锆石的存在也可能指示松潘-甘孜地体具前寒武系基底。  相似文献   

哈达阳地区出露的镁铁-超镁铁质岩石,分布于嫩江—黑河构造带哈达阳构造混杂岩中,岩石类型主要为角闪辉长岩和角闪石岩,呈异地岩块产出。笔者对其进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学及全岩地球化学研究,获得角闪石岩和角闪辉长岩中锆石的加权平均206Pb/238U年龄分别为(362.09±0.55)Ma(n=26)和(363.4±1.2)Ma(n=33),属晚泥盆世,为该构造带内迄今报道的最古老的镁铁-超镁铁质岩年龄。岩石地球化学特征研究表明,角闪石岩低Ti(Ti O2=0.65%~0.97%)、低K(K2O=0.04%~0.12%)和高Mg(Mg O=20.42%~24.07%)、高Fe(TFe O=10.25%~11.46%);LREE和HREE分馏较为明显((La/Yb)N=2.35~3.97),Th、Hf、Ce、Nb富集和Ba、Sr、K、Zr亏损,Zr/Nb=10.04~17.12。角闪辉长岩高Ti(Ti O2=1.30%~5.04%)、高Na(Na2O=2.92%~3.14%)、相对高K(K2O=0.31%~0.45%),Mg相对偏低(Mg O=5.94%~8.25%),LREE和HREE分馏也较为明显((La/Yb)N=1.90~3.23),Zr、Nb亏损,明显富集Th、Sr。分析认为,哈达阳镁铁-超镁铁质岩具有火山弧型玄武岩特征,形成于板块消减带之上的岛弧及前弧盆地,大约363 Ma时嫩江—黑河构造带已经进入了板块俯冲阶段,这为贺根山—扎兰屯构造带东延及大兴安岭北段晚古生代的古亚洲洋构造域演化提供了新的年代学证据。  相似文献   

李强  温珍河  侯方辉  朱晓青  孙军 《地质通报》2016,35(11):1784-1796
通过矿物化学、全岩主微量元素和铂族元素研究,结合锆石年代学判断苏鲁造山带仰口蛇纹岩的原岩成因和演化历史。蛇纹岩中尖晶石经历了多阶段变质;全岩主量元素具有超基性堆晶岩的性质,代表玄武质组分含量的Ca O+Al_2O_3变化于2.0%~5.83%之间;部分不相容微量元素富集;铂族元素中Ir的含量低(0.64×10~(-9)~1.43×10~(-9)),Pd/Ir值高(1.05~3.42)。蛇纹岩中的锆石一部分为新形成的变质成因锆石(年龄平均为230±3Ma),与高压-超高压变质的年代吻合;另一部分可能是在三叠纪变质阶段古老锆石重结晶形成的。由此认为,仰口蛇纹岩的原岩可能为超基性堆晶岩,三叠纪时随着俯冲的扬子板块发生变质,在发生蛇纹石化作用之前经历了熔体/流体的改造。  相似文献   

康涛  刘晓燕  王娟  聂峰  石永红 《岩石学报》2013,29(9):3142-3158
肥东地块是郯庐断裂带中段的一个极为重要的变质地块,其变质属性和构造归属的精确标定对探究郯庐断裂的形成与演化极为关键。然而,直至目前对于该地块的区域性的变质岩石学研究极为匮乏,制约了人们对于该断裂的深入理解。为此,本研究对肥东地块进行了较为系统的野外地质调查、区域变质岩石学、岩相学、热力学和年代学的分析。研究显示,肥东地块自西向东主要由单元-I、II和III构成,主要岩石类型为花岗片麻岩、黑云斜长片麻岩、角闪斜长片麻岩,其间含少量的石榴黑云斜长片麻岩和斜长角闪岩。P-T条件评价显示,肥东地块的变质高峰期温压条件为610~690℃、0.61~0.81GPa,平均P-T条件分别656±25℃、0.71±0.06GPa,变质峰期属于角闪岩相。锆石U-Pb定年则显示肥东地块的原岩形成年龄为809.2±6.7Ma,表明该地块属于扬子板块。结合前人构造地质学的研究及相关年龄数据,推测肥东地块与宿松变质杂岩应为相当层,它们目前的P-T差异可能是由于郯庐断裂的同俯冲平移错断所致。  相似文献   

笔者在松潘-甘孜地体下仓界地区发现了晚三叠世基性岩,对其开展了岩相学、地球化学、斜锆石U-Pb年代学等研究。该基性岩由玄武岩和辉绿岩组成,均为钙碱性系列,蚀变较强,形成时代为208.0±7.0 Ma。岩石La/Nb值为1.13~1.95,La/Ta值为7.96~25.79,TiO2含量为1.51%~2.22%,Zr/Nb值为11.35~16.33,指示岩浆源自岩石圈地幔与软流圈地幔的混合源区。根据(Yb/Sm)P-(Tb/Yb)P模型计算结果,推测下仓界基性岩可能源于软流圈物质诱发岩石圈地幔尖晶石-石榴子石过渡相(石榴子石约占0~25%)发生约5%的部分熔融。岩石中发现捕获的古老斜锆石,轻稀土元素富集,重稀土元素亏损,Nb、Ta和Ti元素弱亏损。结合区域地质资料,认为松潘-甘孜地体应该具有陆壳基底,其晚三叠世(<211 Ma)的构造环境为碰撞后的板内伸展环境。  相似文献   

拉萨地块北部阿索地区新发现的晚白垩世晚期基性岩墙对于讨论班公湖-怒江洋盆闭合后的碰撞过程具有重要研究意义。本文报道了阿索地区目思基性岩墙的全岩地球化学组成和LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄。研究表明,目思基性岩墙中一组最年轻锆石的U-Pb加权平均年龄为74Ma。岩墙内的辉绿玢岩SiO2含量介于51.90%~53.55%之间,MgO含量介于3.98%~4.97%之间,Mg^#为50.0~57.5,低Cr(51.30×10^-6~79.48×10^-6)和Ni(55.94×10^-6~74.17×10^-6)含量。岩墙具有轻稀土元素富集的特征,明显的负Eu异常。在微量元素方面,富集Ba、Th、U、K等大离子亲石元素富集,亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素,并具有Pb的正异常。La/Sm-Sm/Yb投图结果显示基性岩墙来自于尖晶石+石榴石二辉橄榄岩地幔源区1%~5%的部分熔融,并在演化过程中发生了橄榄石、单斜辉石及斜长石的结晶分异,同时在岩浆上升过程中受到地壳混染。结合区域地质背景,拉萨地块与羌塘地块碰撞后下地壳增厚并发生榴辉岩化,导致拆沉作用。目思基性岩墙的锆石U-Pb年龄表明拆沉作用持续到晚白垩世晚期。  相似文献   

M. C. Tate  D. B. Clarke 《Lithos》1997,39(3-4):179-194
Late Devonian (385−370 Ma) granitoid intrusions in the Meguma Zone of southwestern Nova Scotia represent two geographically separate magmatic suites that show subtly different lithological, geochemical and isotopic characteristics. “Central intrusions” crop out with satellite mafic-intermediate intrusions, range in composition from granodiorite to leucogranite, contain two micas, have exclusively peraluminous compositions (molar A/CNK 1.1-1.3), variably high values for FeOT (0.4–6.0 wt.%), Ba (5–980 ppm), Y (6–50 ppm), Pb (2–50 ppm), Ga (11–53 ppm), 87Sr/86Sri (0.7081-0.7130), δ18O (9.8–13.0) and δ34S (4.5–11.9), in conjunction with low values for εNd (−1 to −6.5). In contrast, “peripheral plutons” crop out with synplutonic mafic-intermediate intrusions, range in composition from tonalite to leucogranite, may contain minor hornblende, have dominantly peraluminous compositions (molar A/CNK 0.9-1.3), variably high concentrations of TiO2 (0.1-1.1 wt.%), Al2O3 (12.0–19.7 wt.%), CaO (0.2–4.9 wt.%), Sr (7–720 ppm), Cr (3–111 ppm) and V (1–136 ppm), higher εNd values (−2.0 to 3.2), and lower values for 87Sr/86Sri (0.7040-0.7079), δ188O (7.6–10.5) and δ34S (0–4.6). Such regional diversity is explained by inferring that upper crustal contamination dominated the central granitoid compositions and mixing with mantle-derived mafic-intermediate magmas dominated peripheral granitoid compositions. However, additional contributions from heterogeneous lower crust cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

冀西北怀安地体高级变质表壳岩的锆石年代学研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
蔡佳  刘平华  冀磊  施建荣 《岩石学报》2017,33(9):2811-2826
位于华北克拉通中部造山带中北段的怀安地体与内蒙孔兹岩带相接,出露高压麻粒岩和退变榴辉岩等多种高级变质岩,是洞悉华北克拉通古元古代构造演化历史的重要窗口。研究区变质表壳岩包括夕线石榴长英质片麻岩、石榴长英质粒状岩石以及紫苏黑云二长片麻岩。阴极发光图像特征显示研究区样品的锆石主要包括碎屑锆石和变质锆石,其中碎屑锆石具有岩浆结晶环带,而变质锆石为单颗粒或围绕着继承性碎屑锆石边部生长,内部结构均匀,Th/U比值较低。锆石LAICP-MS U-Pb定年结果与前人研究结果综合表明该区变质表壳岩石的碎屑锆石的207Pb/206Pb年龄主要集中在~2040Ma,其原岩形成时代与孔兹岩带变泥质岩石相近,均为~2.0Ga。变质锆石记录其变质时代为1957~1804Ma,结合前人对怀安地区变泥质岩和变基性岩变质作用和年代学研究结果,推测得出1.95~1.92Ga代表了峰期(高压)麻粒岩相变质时代,1.90~1.85Ga代表峰后减压阶段变质时代,而1.85~1.80Ga代表退变质晚期的时代。怀安地区变质岩石可能卷入了阴山陆块、鄂尔多斯陆块以及东部陆块间的先后碰撞造山过程,并持续较长时间(1.95~1.80Ga),最终拼贴为统一的整体。  相似文献   

青藏高原拉萨地块后碰撞钾质和超钾质岩浆活动广泛分布且已有不少研究成果,但是它们的年龄主要是17~8Ma,而对于拉萨地块西部雄巴地区时代为24~23Ma的岩浆作用则研究较少。本文对雄巴盆地新识别出的三种类型火山岩的锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年和岩石地球化学研究表明,它们分别是超钾质安粗岩(23.9±0.6Ma)、粗面英安岩(23.3±0.4Ma)和钾质流纹岩(24.1±0.3Ma),这三种岩石近于同时产出。三类岩石的源区明显不同,其中钾质流纹岩是中、上地壳部分熔融产物;具有埃达克质特征的钾质粗面英安岩可能为加厚下地壳部分熔融;而超钾质安粗岩可能富集地幔部分熔融的产物。雄巴三种火山岩均含数量不等的继承锆石,钾质流纹岩具有~150Ma、~90Ma和~50Ma的继承锆石年龄群;钾质粗面英安岩突出显示了~90Ma左右岩浆活动记录和两个新元古代继承锆石年龄;幔源超钾质安粗岩的继承锆石则绝大多数继承锆石为晚白垩纪以来的岩浆活动记录,突出显示110~80Ma和62~30Ma两个峰值。  相似文献   

采用SHRIMP测年技术对玲珑金矿区成矿后花岗斑岩脉的锆石进行了U Pb年龄测定,获得岩脉岩浆锆石的206Pb/238U平均年龄为119.4 Ma,同时获得大量的继承锆石年龄,范围从3 114~127 Ma。继承锆石年龄显示,胶北地体前寒武纪经历了中太古代的陆核生成阶段;新太古代花岗岩绿岩地体增生阶段;古元古代孔兹岩系的沉积阶段;新元古代蓬莱群盖层形成阶段。整个古生代,地体处于稳定的隆升受剥蚀状态,没有明显的岩浆活动。三叠纪,华南与华北克拉通碰撞,郯庐断裂带形成。晚三叠世—中侏罗世,后碰撞的巨大挤压作用导致华北克拉通南缘地壳增厚,玲珑和蚌埠荆山等花岗岩生成。中晚侏罗世,郯庐断裂带发生了巨大的左行平移,胶北地体从蚌埠—五河的东部推移到现在的位置。早白垩世,郯庐断裂由左旋压扭向右行拉张转化,导致胶北地体上郭家岭岩体生成。中晚白垩世,郯庐断裂发生了大规模的拉张,导致沂沭裂谷、胶莱盆地、青山组火山岩、金矿床形成和隆起区大量脉岩侵入。  相似文献   

中新世的岩浆活动对于判别青藏高原新生代的构造演化具有重要意义,本文在拉萨地体西部左左乡地区新厘定出一套中新世石英二长岩。通过LA-ICP-MS测年,获得锆石206Pb/238U年龄为22.38±0.46 Ma(n=13,MSWD=0.71),此年龄可代表石英二长岩的形成时代。全岩化学成分显示,其具有高的SiO2(65.87%~66.90%)、K2O(6.19%~6.41%)含量、K2O/Na2O值(1.7~1.8)及低的MgO(1.71%~1.76%)含量,岩石类型属于拉萨地体中新世钾质中酸性岩系列。依据岩石高的Mg#(56.5~57.8)值、Nb/Ta(16.0~16.4)值、Cr(46.0×10-6~48.9×10-6)、Ni(32.6×10-6~34.8×10-6)含量及大量的暗色包体,推测左左乡中新世石英二长岩形成于壳源岩浆与幔源岩浆的混合。依据区域内的隆升研究结果,推测印度板片分段俯冲及撕裂模型相比于岩石圈地幔对流减薄模型、增厚岩石圈拆沉模型、俯冲印度板片断裂模型能够更合理地解释拉萨地体中新世钾质-超钾质火山岩的成因。  相似文献   

冷水坑斑岩型银铅锌矿床是中国目前唯一的典型斑岩型银铅锌矿床,对于该矿床的成矿斑岩的形成时代至今仍没有精确的年龄数据。本文通过对冷水坑斑岩型银铅锌矿床成矿斑岩(花岗斑岩)样品中的锆石11个测试点的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年代学研究,得出206Pb/238U加权平均年龄为(162.0±2)Ma(MSWD=1.4),因此,认为冷水坑花岗斑岩的形成年代为(162.0±2)Ma。冷水坑含矿斑岩成岩年龄与成矿年龄高度一致,成岩年龄与成矿作用开始时间差异不明显。此外,由冷水坑矿床成岩和成矿年龄数据推断出矿化持续时间约27Ma。  相似文献   

Six new high precision U-Pb zircon ID-TIMS ages plus thirteen in situ high spatial resolution U-Pb zircon LA-MC-ICPMS ages are reported from Jurassic plutonic(metaluminous to weakly peraluminous biotite granites)and Jurassic to Cretaceous hypabyssal(dacites)rocks from Macao.Despite its relatively small area(~30 km^2),the new ages tightly constrain the Macao granitic magmatism to two periods ranging from 164.5±0.6 Ma to 162.9±0.7 Ma and 156.6±0.2 Ma to 155.5±0.8 Ma,separated by ca.6 Ma.Inherited zircons point to the existence of a basement with ages up to Paleo-Proterozoic and late Archean in the region.In addition,younger dacitic rocks were dated at 150.6±0.6 Ma and<120 Ma.U-Pb zircon ages and whole-rock REE data of Macao granites indicate that the first pulse is also represented in Hong Kong and Southeast(SE)China,while magmatism with the chemical characteristics of the second pulse seems to not be represented outside Macao.The two granitic magmatic pulses have distinct mineralogical and geochemical features that support their discrete nature rather than a continuum of comagmatic activity and suggest that the Macao granitic suite was incrementally assembled during a period of ca.9 Ma,a hypothesis also extendable to the neighboring Hong Kong region for a time lapse of ca.24 Ma.In Macao,the transition from granitic magmatism(Middle to Upper Jurassic)to the younger dacite dykes(Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous)most likely corresponds to a change in the regional tectonic setting,from an extensional regime related with foundering of the subducting paleoPacific plate during the Early Yanshanian period to the reestablishment of a normal subduction system in SE China during the Late Yanshanian period.  相似文献   

Two felsic plutons of Late Devonian (385–370 Ma) age in the Meguma Zone of southwestern Nova Scotia contain three circa 376 Ma synplutonic mafic-intermediate intrusions that collectively record progressive stages of in situ hybridisation. A 5 m wide spessartite dyke in the Port Mouton Pluton probably underwent rapid cooling and crystallisation immediately after intrusion, which heated and coarsened the adjacent tonalite. An 85 m long sheet of pillowed kersantite (also in tonalite of the Port Mouton Pluton) presumably contained residual magma after quenching and obtained K, P, Ba, Rb, more radiogenic Sr, Zr, Nb, and light REE from the tonalite during magma mingling. The third synplutonic body, a >100 m wide diorite sheet, intrudes granodiorite of the adjacent Shelburne Pluton and has a circa 45 m wide gradational contact of metaluminous hornblende-tonalite. This tonalite dominantly records magma mixing by the transfer of Ti, Mg, Fe, Ca, and V in hornblende, biotite, plagioclase, and (at least in part) apatite xenocrysts derived from dioritic pillows that were originally disaggregated in the granodiorite, probably in response to convection. Scattered data points, unusual “concave-down” variation trends for Al2O3, P2O5, and Sr, and non-hyperbolic Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics in the tonalite, apparently reflect syn- or post-mixing fractionation and accumulation of xenocrysts from residual magma. Phosphorus may have assisted diffusion of Sr, Zr, Nb, and light REE, and caused premature quenching of the hybrids at Mcleods Cove and Birchtown, during magma mingling and mixing. Received: 1 January 1996 / Accepted: 3 August 1996  相似文献   

廖梵汐  龚松林  董彦君  王勤燕  张璐  陈能松   《地质通报》2012,31(08):1279-1286
全吉地块东端古元古代二长花岗片麻岩中普遍发育变质的基性岩体,它们的形成时代、变质作用时代和对地块基底构造演化的指示意义尚不清楚。应用LA-ICP-MS技术测定其中的一个变基性岩体的锆石U-Pb年龄,获得的10个测点数据显示,锆石受到热事件的强烈改造而发生严重铅丢失,但拟合的不一致线仍给出相关性较好的上交点年龄1712Ma±47Ma和下交点年龄472Ma±29Ma,MSWD=1.4。这表明,变质基性岩的原岩形成于中元古代早期,是全吉地块在古元古代末期汇入Columbia超大陆之后于中元古代早期初始裂解而侵位的基性岩体。这些基性岩体在早古生代卷入了柴北缘碰撞带而发生角闪岩相变质作用,并受到构造肢解。  相似文献   

全吉地块东端古元古代二长花岗片麻岩中普遍发育变质的基性岩体,它们的形成时代、变质作用时代和对地块基底构造演化的指示意义尚不清楚。应用LA-ICP-MS技术测定其中的一个变基性岩体的锆石U-Pb年龄,获得的10个测点数据显示,锆石受到热事件的强烈改造而发生严重铅丢失,但拟合的不一致线仍给出相关性较好的上交点年龄1712Ma±47Ma和下交点年龄472Ma±29Ma,MSWD=1.4。这表明,变质基性岩的原岩形成于中元古代早期,是全吉地块在古元古代末期汇入Columbia超大陆之后于中元古代早期初始裂解而侵位的基性岩体。这些基性岩体在早古生代卷入了柴北缘碰撞带而发生角闪岩相变质作用,并受到构造肢解。  相似文献   

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